html geolocation: Unknown error acquiring position - javascript

I am trying to use HTML geolocation to get my position. Funny thing is, it was working brilliantly until some seemingly random point in the day when it just stopped working. Now all I get is the error callback with a message:
Unknown error acquiring position
This happened on the day I first started to develop the app. It is a web app built in Node/Express. The browser I am using is Firefox v53 64-bit.
Location is allowed, and I have also tried a fix that I found online which involves going to about:config and changing geo.wifi.uri from:
This did not work for me.
This does however work on my phones Firefox app, but not the Google Chrome app.
Heres an example code snippet:
const geo = navigator.geolocation;
geo.getCurrentPosition(success, failure);
function success(position) {
lat = position.coords.latitude;
lng = position.coords.longitude;
$('#coords').val(lat + ',' + lng);
mapView.setCenter(ol.proj.fromLonLat([lng, lat]));
function failure(error) {
The full page:
Can anyone shed some light on this issue?

What worked for me was changing geo.wifi.uri to:
As per this page: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition do not work in Firefox 30.0


Android geolocation not responding right after turning location on

I have the following simple code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#btn').click(function () {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
$.post('serverhandler.php', { 'lat' : position.coords.latitude, 'lng' : position.coords.longitude }).done(function (data) {
With this I get the location of the user, and it works ok if the location is already on in the mobile settings.
The thing is that if the user enters the site with the location off and turn it on when asked, the android mobile doesn't send anything. It can be fixed by opening google maps and retrieving its location, and then going back to the website, but I'd like a way to do so within the site.
The same code works fine on the same conditions with IOS, and windows phone retrieves the wrong location, with the same fix of android(but with here maps instead of google maps). Any ideas on why it works like that and some way to work around it? Thanks!

Geolocation doesn't work with cordova

I'm currently working on a mobile application with Intel XDK (In background it's Cordova finally, that's why I put Cordova in title.)
With an Ajax request, I get some adresses and with these adresses I want to calculate the distance between them and the current position of user.
So, I get adresses, I convert them and I make the difference.
But actually, nothing is working !
function codeAddress(id, addresse) {
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': addresse}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) {
setTimeout(function(){}, 100);
if (navigator.geolocation)
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
addressEvent = results[0].geometry.location;
var pos = {
lat: position.coords.latitude,
lng: position.coords.longitude
var position = new google.maps.LatLng(, pos.lng)
var resultat = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(addressEvent, position);
var convert = Math.floor(resultat);
var finalConvert = convert + " m";
var distance = document.createElement('span');
distance.innerHTML = finalConvert;
distance.className = "geo";
}, function() {
handleLocationError(true, infoWindow);
In the console.log(id), console.log(addresse), I HAVE results !
Actually i'm getting 4 IDs and 4 adresses.
I checked on all the topics I could find on StackOverFlow, and I had normally to add the line in // with the addEventListener but it changes nothing.
Is there someone who knows how to change that ?
ps : Of course, cordova geoloc is in the build and permissions are granted !
EDIT : I'm targeting Android 4.0 min and iOS 5.1.1. I'm using SDK.
EDIT 2 :
Geolocation frequently does not work the way people expect it to work, for a variety of reasons that have been expressed here and here.
You can experiment with geo by using the "Hello, Cordova" sample app that is in the XDK and also available on GitHub. Try using it on a variety of devices to see how things work. Push the "fine" button to initiate a single geo call for a "fine" location and push the "coarse" button to initiate a single geo call for a "coarse" location. Push the "watch" button to initiate a request for a series of geo data points (set to coarse or fine by pushing one of the single buttons first).
The behavior you get in the Emulate tab will be dramatically different than what you get on a real device. The type of device (Android, iOS, etc.) and the version of that device will influence your results; the manufacturer of the device and your location (inside or outside) will influence your results. Do not assume that making a call to the geo APIs will always give you immediate and reliable data, geolocation hardware does not work that way... In fact, you cannot assume that you can even get a valid result! See the two links I pointed to earlier in the post for some reasons why.

HTML 5 Issues with showing google map

I have been looking at the google maps html5/javascript code and am attempting to make a app which finds someone current location through longitude and latitude then geo reverses it to give then their address. However when i run the code it just gives a blank screen. I am really new to html5 and if anyone could point to me what i am doing wrong i would be really grateful.
the error is geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(): must be geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
By default, navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() has a timeout value of infinite. In the getCurrentPosition's options parameter, specify a timeout value and I think you will find that is where your error lies.
... }, function() {
}, { timeout: 4000 });

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition doesn't work on android google chrome

This code:
function(position) {
alert(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
}, {
enableHighAccuracy: true
,timeout : 5000
); works in Google Chrome at my laptop, but on mobile HTC one S (android 4.1, GPS off, location via mobile networks and wifi enabled), connected to internet via WiFi.
Default browser works fine.
Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.browser for android fails with "Timeout expired".
other android apps locates me correct.
You can try this. It seems to work on my device (Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Chrome 27.0.1453.90 on Wi-Fi (no data connection, no GPS on))
function(position) {
alert("Lat: " + position.coords.latitude + "\nLon: " + position.coords.longitude);
}, {
enableHighAccuracy: true
,timeout : 5000
The problem is that alert only takes strings (in it's original form) however you are passing 2 doubles. Modify the alert box for example to alert('Hey', 'Hello'); and the output will be only Hey. Change the , to + and you'll get the concatenated strings HeyHello. You can't use a + sign inside the alert as the equation will be first executed and then displayed.
Hope this makes it clear.
THERE IS A WORKAROUND: to watchPosition call, and wrapping this in a 5 second wait before clearing the watchID. Code below;
var options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 100, timeout: 60000 };
if( navigator.geolocation) {
var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition( gotPos, gotErr, options );
var timeout = setTimeout( function() { navigator.geolocation.clearWatch( watchID ); }, 5000 );
} else {
I haven't played around with the "options" values or the timeout delay at the moment, but the above code brings back accurate positioning info on every platform I've tried.
Just finished testing a bunch of mobile devices and the Javascript Geolocation. I used the example code from Google in order to make sure that the problem is not in my own code.
Chrome for Android 4.4 does not seem to work with GPS-only location services and neither does the 2.3 stock browser. They both need "High accuracy" - the use of wireless and 3G/4G networks.
The funny thing is that Firefox for Android works without any problems GPS-only. Only the stock Android browsers (Chrome + Mobile Safari) fail with GPS-only location settings.
And the rest of the gang - Lumia WP8 with GPS, Windows and Linux (both with ADSL) worked perfectly with any location settings.
Well, I ran into this problem yesterday and the issue was that the Geolocation API can only be used over HTTPS. It will work on http://localhost but for other devices, you need to be on a secure connection.
Hope it helps!
After many hours of seeking solution for error3, i only can reboot my phone, and geolocation starts work as usually. So bad...
It was working for me for every simulator but not for android devices
what worked for me was
(position) => {
(error) => console.log(new Date(), error),
{ enableHighAccuracy: false, timeout: 5000},
means instead of three argument I used only two means
{ enableHighAccuracy: false, timeout: 5000}
just add
under permissions. Worked for me. :-)

Google Earth Plugin not loading sideDatabase from Mapsengine/Earthbuilder

I have not been able to successfully display my side database (map from Mapsengine/Earthbuilder). I have installed Google Plugin and tried to access it from Firefox, Chrome, and IE browsers and nothing seems to work. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong as I have confirmed my code with the code used in Google's Code Playground, and I have attempted a workaround that was suggested in a similar issue from the past (Issue 21: GMaps Engine Layer Disappeared over GEarth plugin). When specifing the URL of my map to be displayed in GE plugin, I even changed the URL to include &export=download, which is one of the fixes I saw in another similar issue (it was about kml files from google docs).
Strangely, when my webpage is accessed, it does not give an error that the side database failed to download.
I have included part of the code below.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
<script type="text/javascript">
var CHO;
google.load("earth", "1");
function init() {'map3d', initCB, failureCB);
function initCB(instance) {
CHO = instance;
CHO.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(CHO.LAYER_BORDERS, true);
CHO.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(CHO.LAYER_ROADS, true);
// Add controls for the window
// Update the view in Google Earth
var lookAt = CHO.createLookAt('');
lookAt.setRange(9500000); //default is 0.0
function failureCB(errorCode) {
function sideDatabaseSuccess(db) {
sideDatabase = db;
function sideDatabaseFail() {
alert('Sorry! Side database failed to load!');
/** Add the URL for the globe served by Earth Enterprise or Earth Builder.
* This function operates similarly to the File => Add Database feature
* in Google Earth EC.
function addSideDatabase() {
CHO, "",
userName: '',
password: ''
Is that URL for a Google Maps Engine Lite map? If so, that might be the issue. I just tried swapping in the URL ( used in the Google Code Playground example here That one worked, but my Google Maps Engine Lite URL didn't. Furthermore, it didn't even seem to call its success or failure callback functions!
The thing you are trying to load is a map, not a globe. The two are not equivalent. You can't load a map in Google Earth.
On the bright side, your side-loading code is spot on. Replace your URL with (Louisiana's Custom Google Earth Server) and it will work.
