Create tiles effect on web page? - javascript

How to create tiles effect like here?
Also, when any tile is clicked, two sections appear. One from right, another from left side and overlays landing page. How to do similar effect?

The page you linked to uses Isotope.js.
You could also use Masonry.js, which is similar.


jQuery: Scrolling like a contained ios scrolling box you would see in the app store

Here is what I am talking about:
When you visit , when you look at the homepage you see the whole "Connect on Soundcloud" thing.
The texts and buttons on the screen in that confined space scrolls by itself in a given amount of time. It also has those two small white circle buttons that tell you which item it is on(the first white circle gets filled in while the other one is hollowed out with a border when the user is looking at "Connect on SoundCloud" and the other way around when it is on "Discover more with SoundCloud GO+").
How is this made?
Thank you!
You should take a look at Carousels on w3schools, they cover this pretty well.
Bootstrap brings functions and html attributes for building components that slide though elements. Elements not currently visible are pushed off the view with CSS and visible ones can slide into view.
That is called carousel, and it is part of many frameworks/libraries like Bootstap. Some frameworks/libraries call it gallery.

What do i need to create single page website like this?

I found this website and impressed on it
what technology do I need if I want to create a website like that
Is it Ajax? (I tried to remove some article but it can reload itself when I changed article back)
HTML5 history (I found that it can reach by direct link)
Ok, I think this can guide you to the right direction.
1- the homepage is a simple landing page that usese some animations to change colors and display text.
2 - when clicking on discover, it slides on the right and initialize a second slider that uses the projects's name as navigation dots (can easily be done using css pseudo elements using data attribute as content)
3 - you click on the project itself and it load a parallax page for that specific project.
Menu | contacts | about are pretty simple, they are pages on their own.
Some libraries you could possibly use:
fullscreenjs (to create the fullscreen pages and sliders. the home page can be the first slider and then on the second page you initialize a slider inside a slider (so that the animation to the right looks like the one on the website you provided)
animatecss to animate stuff
parallax for all the parallax effects
I think this is personal preference, but if I had to do a website like that, I will tackle it this way. Hope it helps

Create one-page website, scrollable vertical and horizontal

I'd like to create a one-page website where you can click a button and navigate to a different part of the website by automatically moving to it. This movement could be to the left, right, up or down.
This is an example of how the full, zoomed out page would look like:
The idea is that only one of these pages should be visible at a time in the browser. So when you're on the "main page", you only see that one, and not what's to the left, right, up or bottom from it. You should be able to move to these around it by clicking links on the page.
Now I have no idea how to start this. Do I make one giant html page, like the image, and do the zoom and movement to an other page with some JavaScript library?
Or will I have to make this completely in the canvas object? If so, any useful libraries I could use?
Thanks in advance,

JS whole page rotation

I'm trying give users the option of selecting a different homepage by clicking left or right, and having an entirely new page appear. I'm aware of a few jQuery carousels that accomplish this in a purely x axis, or y axis manner, but not a rotation. Ideally the background images will sync up, and the overall effect would be like a globe spinning, with a different set of elements at a different portion of the globe. The elements at each section of the globe still need to be interactive and
Does anyone have any ideas on that?
using jQuery, you should be able to do this using the .slideDown and slideUp methods.
Essentially, when they perform the action that you want to trigger a switch, you add a slideUp() to the 'current' container and do a slideDown() on the next one. The animations will run concurrently.
Not many people here will write you a full solution, but they'll be happy to work through specific issues.
Are these homepages on different domains and/or are they under your control?
How globe-like do you mean? A kind of sphere distortion, or just seamlessly connected at the edges?
How important is the smoothness of the concept?
Off the top of my head, here's how I would (attempt to) do it:
Load the homepages in separate iframes
Stretch the iframe to the window's dimensions
Adapt a carousel script to animate iframes instead of images
Some sort of "prev/next" controls overlaying the iframe. Maybe with z-index.
Check out landing.js file on (or just let the page timer run to see the carousel)
What you want is basically that but with animations instead of fading the page in/out.
Just add CSS3 transforms to scale and slide instead of the fadein/out when a new page loads.
A polyfill will add the transform capability in JS (see jquery.transform.js, jquery.transition.js by and Modernizr)

Looking for simple slideshow with previous and next navigation

I just need to display the images in the very center of the page. The images will be different widths but should still be centered. I have custom arrow pointers and I want the other images to be hidden while the other fades out and a new one in.
I've found jquery cycle and stuff but I couldn't center the slideshow to the center of the page for some strange reason.
Any advice?
What plugins can I alter (just replace images) to get what I want?
not sure if you are still looking for this, as its been awhile since your post - but this is a very simple slideshow using javascript and a table. the image is displayed with "previous" and "next" links below, which can of course be changed to whatever you want. the only possible issue is that it uses html tables which are frowned upon (unless completely necessary). it is however, very easily center-able using css. good luck!
Checkout Anything Slider. That seems to be what you are looking for.
