Internet Explorer gives error: ')' is expected, while firefox isn't? - javascript

Internet Explorer gives an error ')' is expected while Firefox is running this code fine. According to the Internet Explorer console the error is situated in the first line:
function HTMLtableRows (titles=[] , values=[]) {
How can I fix this problem?
function HTMLtableRows (titles=[] , values=[]) {
var i, j;
var str, strT, strM;
str = '<table class="table">';
str = str + '<tr>';
for (j = 0; j < titles.length; j++) {
str = str + '<th colspan="2"><center>' + titles[j] + '</center></th>';
str = str + '</tr>' + '<tr>';
for (j = 0; j < titles.length; j++) {
str = str + '<th>Tijdstip</th>' + '<th>Looptijd</th>';
str = str + '</tr>' + '<tr>';
for (j = 0; j < titles.length; j++) {
var a = values[j].split('\r');
strT = ''
strM = ''
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var b = a[i].split('=');
if (b[1] != undefined) {
strT = strT + b[0];
strM = strM + b[1] + 'min';
if (i < a.length - 1) {
strT = strT + '<br>';
strM = strM + '<br>';
str = str + '<td>' + strT + '</td>';
str = str + '<td>' + strM + '</td>';
str = str + '</tr>';
str = str + '</table>';
return str;

IE does not support default parameters.
Just do it like this if you want
function HTMLtableRows (titles , values) {
if (!titles) titles = [];
if (!values) values = [];
a1 = [1,2,3];
HTMLtableRows(a1, null);
HTMLtableRows({foo: "bar"}, undefined);
HTMLtableRows(2, NaN);
HTMLtableRows("not empty string", "");
HTMLtableRows(1, 0);
HTMLtableRows(true, false);
All of the following values
will become an empty array. If you don't want some of those values to be overwritten with an empty array adjust if conditions as you see fit.
Example where you allow values to remain unchanged as "", 0 and NaN:
function HTMLtableRows (titles , values) {
if (!titles) titles = [];
if(values != "" &&
values != 0 &&
values = [];
HTMLtableRows("string", "");
HTMLtableRows(1, 0);
HTMLtableRows(7, NaN);

Thanks to alex i've solved this with the adjustments below:
function HTMLtableRows (tmpTitles , tmpValues) {
titles = tmpTitles;
values = tmpValues;


getting the variable's value from another funtion

Is there a way to get the 'username' and 'questionid' variable's value in my send() function like how I did with inputText?
var username;
var questionid;
function renderHTML(data) {
var htmlString = "";
var username = data[0].username;
//var examid = data[1].examid;
var questionid = data[2].questionid;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
htmlString += "<p>" + data[i].questionid + "." + "\n" + "Question: " + data[i].question + "\n" + "<input type='text'>";
htmlString += '</p>';
response.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', htmlString);
function send() {
var inputText = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='text']");
var data = [];
for (var index = 0; index < inputText.length; index++) {
input = inputText[index].value;
'text': input
You do not need var before username and questionid in your renderHTML function, as they have already been defined:
var username;
var questionid;
function renderHTML(data) {
var htmlString = "";
username = data[0].username;
//var examid = data[1].examid;
questionid = data[2].questionid;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
htmlString += "<p>" + data[i].questionid + "." + "\n" + "Question: " + data[i].question + "\n" + "<input type='text'>";
htmlString += '</p>';
response.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', htmlString);
function send() {
var inputText = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='text']");
var data = [];
for (var index = 0; index < inputText.length; index++) {
input = inputText[index].value;
'text': input

change the text of a label and in js and use it from code behind?

I created a list of buttons from code behind, and append them on some div, how ever each button has an onclick java script function
here is how I did it:
string[] messages = CM.GetMessages(Session["USER_EMAIL"].ToString()).Split(new string[] { "$STARTCHAT$" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] usersalone = CM.GetChaters(Session["USER_EMAIL"].ToString()).Split(new string[] { "$NEWUSER$" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] username = CM.GetUserNames(Session["USER_EMAIL"].ToString()).Split(new string[] { "$NEWUSER$" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
for (int i = messages.Length-2; i>=0; i--)
Button b = new Button();
b.ID = Session["USER_EMAIL"].ToString()+username[i];
b.Text = "Chat With: " + usersalone[i] ;
b.Width = 250;
b.Height = 100;
b.OnClientClick = "return DisplayMessage('" + messages[i+1] + "','" + username[i] + "','" + Session["USER_EMAIL"].ToString() + "')";
b.Style.Add("background-color", "rgb(246, 246, 246)");
// lblChatwith.Text = username[i];
and here is my java script function:
function DisplayMessage(messages, from, username) {
document.getElementById("AllMessages").innerText ="";
document.getElementById("DivDisplayMessage").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("lblChatwith").innerText = from;
var MessageForEachUser = messages.split("$SAMECHATNEWTEXT$");
for (var i = 0; i < MessageForEachUser.length; i++)
var ck = MessageForEachUser[i].indexOf("$" + from.toUpperCase() + "$") > -1;
if (ck == true) {
document.getElementById("AllMessages").innerText += from.toUpperCase() + ":\n";
var temp = MessageForEachUser[i].split("$" + from.toUpperCase() + "$");
MessageForEachUser[i] = temp[0];
if (ck == false) {
document.getElementById("AllMessages").innerText += username.toUpperCase() + ":\n";
var temp = MessageForEachUser[i].split("$" + username.toUpperCase() + "$");
MessageForEachUser[i] = temp[0];
document.getElementById("AllMessages").innerText += MessageForEachUser[i] + "\n______________________________________________________" + "\n";
return false;
every thing is working well but, when i want to use one of the labels like "lblchatwith" from code behind it return an empty string.

Shuffle select menu options

Basically I have 5 words picked out of an array (English Words) And I pick 1 French word out of another array which the user then has to guess what that french word means in english.
At the moment I am adding the Correct English Answer to the end of the select menu because I don't know how to add it inbetween the others randomly, or more so to shuffle the select menus options
I Have added my JSfiddle below, It is an exact replica. You will realise that the bottom option is always correct! (The user will begin to know the pattern). I've also had to add my javascript below to be able to post the JSfiddle
RanNumbers = new Array(6),
foreignWords = ['un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quatre', 'cinq', 'six', 'sept', 'huit', 'neuf', 'dix', 'onze', 'douze', 'treize', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'seize', 'dix-sept', 'dix-huit', 'dix-neuf', 'vingt', 'vingt et un', 'vingt-deux', 'vingt-trois', 'vingt-quatre', 'vingt-cinq', 'vingt-six', 'vingt-sept', 'vingt-huit', 'vingt-neuf', 'trente'],
translate = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty', 'twenty-one', 'twenty-two', 'twenty-three', 'twenty-four', 'twenty-five', 'twenty-six', 'twenty-seven', 'twenty-eight', 'twenty-nine', 'thirty'],
number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30)),
output = '',
correctAns = translate[number];
//Generate random numbers to pick the available answers
function wordGen() {
for (var h = 0; h < RanNumbers.length; h++) {
var temp = 0;
do {
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
} while (RanNumbers.indexOf(temp) > -1);
RanNumbers[h] = temp;
//Call the previous function
//Create dynamic select menu
document.getElementById('generatedWord').textContent = foreignWords[number];
var guess = "<select name='guesses' id='guesses'>";
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
guess += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + translate[RanNumbers[i]] + "</option>";
guess += '<option value="6">' + correctAns + '</option>';
guess += "</select>";
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = guess;
numGuessed = document.getElementById('guesses').value;
function arrayValueIndex(arr, val) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === val) {
return i;
return false;
var numGames = 5;
var numGuesses = 1;
var correct = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var prevNumber;
//On click, gather correct and wrong answers, create new numbers, create new options, create new word.
document.getElementById('submitAns').onclick = function () {
prevNumber = number;
number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30)),
output = '',
correctAns = translate[number];
document.getElementById('numGuess').innerHTML = "Question #" + numGuesses;
genWord = document.getElementById('generatedWord').textContent,
select = document.getElementById('guesses'),
selectedText = select.options[select.selectedIndex].text;
prevNumber === arrayValueIndex(translate, selectedText) ? correct++ : wrong++;
//Re doing the function, getting new values...
function wordGen() {
for (var j = 0; j < RanNumbers.length; j++) {
var temp = 0;
do {
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
} while (RanNumbers.indexOf(temp) > -1);
RanNumbers[j] = temp;
//Call the previous function
//Create dynamic select menu
document.getElementById('generatedWord').textContent = foreignWords[number];
var guess = "<select name='guesses' id='guesses'>";
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
guess += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + translate[RanNumbers[i]] + "</option>";
guess += '<option value="6">' + correctAns + '</option>';
guess += "</select>";
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = guess;
numGuessed = document.getElementById('guesses').value;
function arrayValueIndex(arr, val) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === val) {
return i;
return false;
//Checking of the answers below, Accumilating correct and wrong answer.
if (numGuesses == 6) {
document.getElementById('generatedWord').innerHTML = "<span style='font-size:12px;color:red';>Please click for a new game when ready!</span><br /><p>You got " + wrong + " questions wrong " + "<br />You got " + correct + " questions correct";
You should use Math.random method, it would be something like this:
var correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7); //gives random number between 0-6
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
if(i == correctAnswerIndex)
guess += '<option value="'+i+'">' + correctAns + '</option>';
guess += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + translate[RanNumbers[i]] + "</option>";
you will need just to adjust else statement, as RanNumbers may not have 6 items. So maybe to introduce additional counter that would be used insead of i. (something like translate[RanNumbers[counter++]])

Conversion function in asp to Javascript

I'm trying to write asp-classic function in Javascript... but i can't seem to get it right... can someone help?
Dim i
Dim sAscii
sAscii = ""
For i = 1 To Len(str)
sAscii = sAscii + "&#" + CStr(Asc(Mid(str, i, 1))) + ";"
ascconv= sAscii
var i;
str1 = document.getElementById('firstname').value;
var sAscii1;
i = 0;
sAscii1 = "";
for(i; i = str1.length; i++) {
sAscii1 = sAscii1 + "&#" + str1.charCodeAt(i) + ";";
document.getElementById('firstname').innerHTML = sAscii1;
To convert this function in javascript you have to do something like this:
var i,str1 = document.getElementById('firstname').value;
var sAscii1 = "";
for(var i=0; i < str1.length; i++) {
sAscii1 = sAscii1 + "&#" + str1.charCodeAt(i) + ";";
document.getElementById('firstname').value = sAscii1;//I think you made a mistake you have a input variable you will get/set the value and not innerHTML
where charCodeAt is similar to Asc (converts to ascii code)
var i, sAscii = "", str = "This is a string";
for(i = 0; i < str.length; a++){
sAscii += "&#" + str[a].charCodeAt(0) + ";";

Need some improvement in xml display

i have implemented this code to display xml in html using javascript
current output
Need something like
Here is my code
function parseXML(R, s) {
var C = R.childNodes;
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
var n = C[i];
var f = false;
if (n.nodeType !== 3) {
str += '<br><<span class="nn">' + n.nodeName + '</span>>';
if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
f = true;
str += parseXML(n, s++);
str += '</<span class="nn">' + n.nodeName + '</span>>';
} else {
str += '<span class="nv">' + n.nodeValue + '</span>';
if (f) {
str += '<br>';
var str = str.replace(/(<br>)+/g, '<br>');
return str;
how i call this
R : xml object
s : initial 0 (i am passing this so that i can display xml as hirarchical view)
Output in second
- is not required
i have post second out as it can be seen while opening xml document in firefox
please ask if any doubt
I solved it myself.
Updated code with the solution
var pre = 0;
function parseXML(R, s) {
var C = R.childNodes;
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
var n = C[i];
if (n.nodeType !== 3) {
str += '<br>' + gs(s) + '<b><</b><span class="nn">' + n.nodeName + '</span><b>></b>';
if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
str += parseXML(n, s + 1);
if (pre !== 3) {
str += '<br>' + gs(s);
str += '<b><</b>/<span class="nn">' + n.nodeName + '</span><b>></b>';
} else {
str += '<span class="nv">' + n.nodeValue + '</span>';
pre = n.nodeType;
return str;
