Passing function on express js Route not working - javascript

I'm just really new on Node and Express. Trying to pass a function instead of text on my route but it seems not working. I just looked up at documentation there, They mentioned only text with req.send() method. I'm trying to pass here function's but it's not working. and also the alert() not working like this req.send(alert('Hello world')) it say's alert isn't defined or something similar.
**Update: ** I'm trying to execute this library with express and node
I'm trying to do here pass functions like this
function blaBla() {
var youtubedl = require('youtube-dl');
var url = '';
// Optional arguments passed to youtube-dl.
var options = ['--username=user', '--password=hunter2'];
youtubedl.getInfo(url, options, function(err, info) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('title:', info.title);
console.log('url:', info.url);
console.log('thumbnail:', info.thumbnail);
console.log('description:', info.description);
console.log('filename:', info._filename);
console.log('format id:', info.format_id);
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
**Instead of **
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World!')
I hope you guy's understood my question.

res.send() expects a string argument. So, you have to pass a string.
If you want the browser to execute some Javascript, then what you send depends upon what kind of request is coming in from the browser.
If it's a browser page load request, then the browser expects an HTML response and you need to send an HTML page string back. If you want to execute Javascript as part of that HTML page, then you can embed a <script> tag inside the page and then include Javascript text inside that <script> tag and the browser will execute that Javascript when the page is parsed and scripts are run.
If the route is in response to a script tag request, then you can return Javascript text as a string and you need to make sure the MIME type appropriately indicates that it is a script.
If the route is in response to an Ajax call, then it all depends upon what the caller of the Ajax call expects. If they expect a script and are going to execute the text as Javascript, then you can also just send Javascript text as a string. If they expect HTML and are going to process it as HTML, then you probably need to embed the <script> tag inside that HTML in order to get the Javascript executed.
In your example of:
That will work just fine if blaBla() synchronously returns a string that is formatted properly per the above comments about what the caller is expecting. If you want further help with that, then you need to show or describe for us how the request is initiated in the browser and show us the code for the blaBla() function because the issue is probably in the blaBla() function.
There are lots of issues with things you have in your question:
You show req.send(alert('Hello world')) in the text of your question. The .send() method belongs to the res object, not the req object (the second argument, not the first). So, that would be res.send(), not req.send().
In that same piece of code, there is no alert() function in node.js, but you are trying to execute it immediately and send the result with .send(). That won't work for a bunch of reasons.
Your first code block using blaBla() will work just fine as long as blaBla() returns a string of the right format that matches what the caller expects. If that doesn't work, then there's a problem with what blaBla() is doing so we need to see that code.
Your second code block works because you are send a string which is something the caller is equipped to handle.
Update now that you've shown the code for blaBla().
Your code for blaBla() does not return anything and it's asynchronous so it can't return the result. Thus, you cannot use the structure response.send(blaBla());. There is no way to make that work.
Instead, you will need to do something different like:
And, then modify blaBla() to call response.send(someTextValue) when the response string is known.
function blaBla(res) {
var youtubedl = require('youtube-dl');
var url = '';
// Optional arguments passed to youtube-dl.
var options = ['--username=user', '--password=hunter2'];
youtubedl.getInfo(url, options, function(err, info) {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send("Internal Error");
} else {
console.log('title:', info.title);
console.log('url:', info.url);
console.log('thumbnail:', info.thumbnail);
console.log('description:', info.description);
console.log('filename:', info._filename);
console.log('format id:', info.format_id);
// construct your response here as a string
Note also that the error handling does not use throw because that is really not useful inside an async callback.

No one just could help me with that and after finding things are alone I got to know how to do this. In express there is something called middleware we have to use that thing to get this kind of matter done. Those who are really expert or have working experience with express they know this thing.
to using functions with express you need to use middleware.
like below I'm showing
const express = require('express')
const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl');
const url = '';
const app = express()
const port = 3000
function blaBla(req, res, next) {
youtubedl.getInfo(url, function(err, info) {
console.log('title:', info.title);
console.log('url:', info.url);
// console.log('thumbnail:', info.thumbnail);
// console.log('description:', info.description);
console.log('filename:', info._filename);
console.log('format id:', info.format_id);
app.get('/', (request, response) => {
response.send('Hey Bebs, what is going on here?');
app.listen(port, (err) => {
if (err) {
return console.log('something bad happened', err)
console.log(`server is listening on ${port}`)
And remember that you must need to use app.use(blaBla); on top of getting your route. Otherwise this might not work.


Problem with React making Get request to Node(express)

As the title says, i have a part of my react app that tries to get some data from my database, making a select based on the value I passed to it. So im gonna go ahead and first show the code where i think the problem lies:
So first, this is the function from one of my forms that sends the request to the server, i know code is probably ugly, but i can tell from the console.logs that the parameters im sending are what i intend to send(a string called "licenciaInput"
async handleClickLicencia (event) {
console.log("licenciaInput: "+this.state.licenciaInput);
const datoBuscar = this.state.licenciaInput;
.then(response =>{
.catch(error =>{
And then, i have this function which is called in that localhost route which attempts to get "licencia", and launch a select in my postgresql db where licencia="whatever", you can see the sentence in the code:
const getAtletasByLicencia = (request, response) => {
const licencia = request.body.licenciaInput;
console.log("Request: "+request);
console.log("what the server gets: "+licencia);
// const licencia = request.licenciaInput;
const sentencia ="SELECT * FROM atleta WHERE licencia ='"+licencia+"'";
pool.query(sentencia, (error, results) =>{
throw error
As you can see, i have console.logs everywhere, and i still cannot access whatever element i send, because i always get on the server console "undefined" value.
TLDR:How can i access the "licenciaInput" i passed from my client form to my server, i have tried request.body.licenciaInput, request.params.licenciaInput, and request.licenciaInput, but none of those seem to work
I also know i have to treat after that the data i receive from the server, but i need to solve this before looking two steps ahead. Im also really new to React and node/express, so feel free to burn me with good practices im not meeting.Thanks in advance
EDIT: Im also adding this code that i have which shows the route for my method in the server:
app.get('/atletas/:licencia', db.getAtletasByLicencia)
As #Gillespie59 suggested that i should send a POST request, but i dont think i should if im both trying to send a parameter to the server to make a select, and then send the results back to the client
Change your request to:
and your route (if you are using express) should look like this:
app.get('/atletas/:licencia', function (req, res) {
var licencia = req.params.licencia
As you are using request.body you should send a POST request with axios and add a body.

Send data with Javascript function in Express response

I want to send an application/javascript response from my Express server, passing the data which I have got from MongoDB.
This is a response to a call for loading some in a third party website.
I have created all the different parts of the process, now just need to pass on the data into the Javascript response.
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
productInfo(param1, param2, res)
productInfo.js - MongoDB call
function productInfo(param1, param2, res){
Product.find({key1: param1}, (err, docs) => {
let idList = docs.idList;
res.set('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/script.js', (err) => {
if (err) { console.log(err) }
else { console.log('file sent') }
module.exports = productInfo;
script.js - sending a self executing anonymous function
// function - load jQuery & Bootstrap in 3rd party website
$masterDiv = $(`
... *data required*
// function - jquery event handlers where *data is required*
When some event happens on the third party website page, the event handlers update the right data (id).
How do I pass along data (idList) to script.js?
If I set dummy global variables data before the (function(){})(); line in script.js then I can access it within the function.
I tried res.render but it says "Cannot find module 'js'".
res.render(__dirname + '/scriptproduct.js', (err) => {});
Can I somehow set params to script.js function and call the function with res.send(functionName(idList))?
I have seen answers with templates being sent in html views with res.render but how do I use such a solution in my case where the data is required both in JS and HTML?
I have lots of other routes which are not using a template engine. Can I use it for just one route if that is the solution?
I am very new to all this and basically hacking forward to a solution. So some of my questions above might be elementary.
Using ejs you can pass a string to a EJS template or a .js file. However, you can only pass strings. What you could do is pass the object as a string using JSON.stringify(obj) and then use JSON.parse(obj) to convert it back.
Here's another answer that has some code and may help: How to include external .js file to ejs Node template page

Pausing Node.js Readable Stream

I'm building a bar code scanning app using the node-serialport. Where I'm stuck is making a AJAX call to trigger a scan and then have Express server respond with the data from the readable stream.
Initialize Device:
// Open device port
var SerialPort = require('serialport');
var port = '/dev/cu.usbmodem1411';
var portObj = new SerialPort(port, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log('Connection error ' + err);
//Construct device object
var Scanner = {
// Trigger Scan
scan : () => {
portObj.write(<scan cmd>), (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log('Error on scan' + err);
I've tried two approaches and neither produce the 'scan-read-respond' behavior I'm looking for.
First, I tried putting a event listener immediately following a scan, then using a callback in the listener to respond to the AJAX request. With this approach I get a 'Can't set headers after they are sent' error'. From what I understand Node is throwing this error because res.send is being called multiple times.
First Approach -- Response as callback in listener:
app.get('/dashboard', (req, res) => {
Scanner.scan(); //fire scanner
portObj.on('data', (data) => {
res.send(data); //'Can't set headers after they are sent' error'
In the second approach, I store the scan data into a local variable ('scanned_data') and move the response outside the listener block. The problem with this approach is that res.send executes before the scanned data is captured in the local variable and so comes up as 'undefined'. Also intriguing is the scanned_data that is captured in the listener block seems to multiple with each scan.
Second Approach -- Response outside listener:
app.get('/dashboard', (req, res) => {
var scanned_data; //declare variable outside listener block
Scanner.scan(); //trigger scan
portObj.on('data', (data) => {
scanned_data = data;
console.log(scanned_data); //displays scanned data but data multiplies with each scan. (e.g. 3 triggers logs 'barcode_data barcode_data barcode_data')
console.log(scanned_data); //undefined
I'm a front end developer but have gotten to learn a lot about Node trying to figure this out. Alas, I think I've come to a dead end at this point. I tinkered with the .pipe() command, and have a hunch that's where the solution lies, but wasn't able to zero in on a solution that works.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
You should not make assumptions about what chunk of data you get in a 'data' event. Expect one byte or many bytes. You need to know the underlying protocol being used to know when you have received a full "message" so you can stop listening for data. At that point you should then send a response to the HTTP request.

ExpressJS apparent race condition between Promise and EventEmitter

I have a NodeJS/Express web application that allows the user to upload a file, which I then parse using connect-busboy save to my database using Sequelize. Once that's done, I want to redirect the user to a given page. But Express is returning a status of 404 before my Promise resolves, even though I'm never calling next(), which I thought was mandatory in order to call the next handler in the middleware chain and thus result in a 404.
This is my code so far:
function uploadFormFile(req, res, next) {
var documentInstanceID = req.params.documentInstanceID;
// set up an object to hold my data
var data = {
file: null,
documentDate: null,
mimeType: null
// call the busboy middleware explicitly
// EDIT: this turned out to be the problem... of course this calls next()
// removing this line and moving it to an app.use() made everything work as expected
busboy(req, res, next);
req.busboy.on('file', function (fieldName, file, fileName, encoding, mimeType) {
var fileData = [];
data.mimeType = mimeType;
file.on('data', function (chunk) {
file.on('end', function () {
data.file = Buffer.concat(fileData);
req.busboy.on('finish', function () {
// api methods return promises from Sequelize
api.querySingle('DocumentInstance', ['Definition'], null, { DocumentInstanceID: documentInstanceID })
.then(function (documentInstance) {
documentInstance.RawFileData = data.file;
documentInstance.FileMimeType = data.mimeType;
// chaining promise
}).then(function () {
I can confirm that my data is being persisted correctly. But due to the race condition, the web page says 'can't POST' due to the 404 status being returned by Express, and the res.redirect is failing with an error setting the headers because it's trying to redirect after the 404 has been sent.
Can anyone help me figure out why Express is returning the 404?
The problem is coming from your internal call to busboy inside your handler. Rather than it executing and simply returning control to your handler, it would be calling the next which is passed to it before it returns control. So you code after the busboy call does execute, but the request has already advanced past that point.
In cases in which you want some middleware to only be executed for certain requests, you can chain middleware into those requests, such as:'/upload',busboy,uploadFromFile)
You can also separate them with .use() such as:
router.use('/upload', busboy);'/upload', uploadFromFile);
Either of the above will chain the middleware in the way you intended. In the case of .use() the middleware would also be applied to any applicable .METHOD() as Express refers to it in their documentation.
Also, note that you can pass in an arbitrary number of middleware this way, either as separate parameters or as arrays of middleware functions, such as:'/example', preflightCheck, logSomeStuff, theMainHandler);
// or'example', [ preflightCheck,logSomeStuff ], theMainHandler);
The execution behavior of either of the above examples will be equivalent. Speaking only for myself and not suggesting it is a best practice, I normally only use the array-based addition of middleware if i am building the middleware list at runtime.
Good luck with it. I hope you enjoy using Express as much as I have.

writestream and express for json object?

I might be out of depth but I really need something to work. I think a write/read stream will solve both my issues but I dont quite understand the syntax or whats required for it to work.
I read the stream handbook and thought i understood some of the basics but when I try to apply it to my situation, it seems to break down.
Currently I have this as the crux of my information.
function readDataTop (x) {
console.log("Read "+x[6]+" and Sent Cached Top Half");
jf.readFile( "loadedreports/top"+x[6], 'utf8', function (err, data) {
resT = data
Im using Jsonfile plugin for node which basically shortens the fs.write and makes it easier to write instead of constantly writing catch and try blocks for the fs.write and read.
Anyways, I want to implement a stream here but I am unsure of what would happen to my express end and how the object will be received.
I assume since its a stream express wont do anything to the object until it receives it? Or would I have to write a callback to also make sure when my function is called, the stream is complete before express sends the object off to fullfill the ajax request?
app.get('/:report/top', function(req, res) {
res.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
res.header("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600");
resT = 0;
I am hoping if I change the read part to a stream it will allievate two problems. The issue of sometimes receiving impartial json files when the browser makes the ajax call due to the read speed of larger json objects. (This might be the callback issue i need to solve but a stream should make it more consistent).
Then secondly when I load this node app, it needs to run 30+ write files while it gets the data from my DB. The goal was to disconnect the browser from the db side so node acts as the db by reading and writing. This due to an old SQL server that is being bombarded by a lot of requests already (stale data isnt an issue).
Any help on the syntax here?
Is there a tutorial I can see in code of someone piping an response into a write stream? (the mssql node I use puts the SQL response into an object and I need in JSON format).
function getDataTop (x) {
var connection = new sql.Connection(config, function(err) {
var request = new sql.Request(connection);
request.query(x[0], function(err, topres) {
jf.writeFile( "loadedreports/top"+x[6], topres, function(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
console.log(x[6]+" top half was saved!");
Your problem is that you're not waiting for the file to load before sending the response. Use a callback:
function readDataTop(x, cb) {
console.log('Read ' + x[6] + ' and Sent Cached Top Half');
jf.readFile('loadedreports/top' + x[6], 'utf8', cb);
// ...
app.get('/:report/top', function(req, res) {
// you should really avoid using globals like this ...
readDataTop(global[], function(err, obj) {
// setting the content-type is automatically done by `res.json()`
// cache the data here in-memory if you need to and check for its existence
// before `readDataTop`
res.header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=3600');
