I'm currently studying javascript by following the "you dont know js" series.
In section "this & object prototype", the author came up with an way to soft bind this.
However, I am extremely confused by the code. So I was wondering if someone could kindly explain it to me, steps by steps, what the code really does?
//step 1: if "softBind" property does not exist on `Function.prototye`
if (!Function.prototype.softBind) {
//step 2: create a property named "softBind" on "Function.prototype" and assign to "softBind" the following function
Function.prototype.softBind = function(obj) {
//step 3: what is the point of assigning "this" to the variable "fn"?
//what does "this" represent at this point in time?
var fn = this,
//step 4: I understand that "arguments" is an array-like object, i.e. "arguments" is not a true array.
//But you can convert "arguments" to an true array by using "[].slice.call(arguments)".
//The thing I dont understand here is, why the 1?
//I understand it tells "slice" method to start slicing at index 1, but why 1?
//And what is the purpose of "curried" variable?
curried = [].slice.call( arguments, 1 ),
bound = function bound() {
//step 5: I understand what "apply" function does
return fn.apply(
//step 6: I dont really understand how "!this" works.
(!this ||
//step 7: utterly confused...
(typeof window !== "undefined" &&
this === window) ||
(typeof global !== "undefined" &&
this === global)
//step 8: if the above statements evaluates to "true", then use "obj",
//otherwise, use "this"
) ? obj : this,
//step 9: can't I write "curried.concat(arguments)" instead?
//why the convoluted syntax?
curried.concat.apply( curried, arguments )
//step 10: Why assign the "fn.prototype" as the prototype to "bound.prototype"?
bound.prototype = Object.create( fn.prototype );
return bound;
I'm very sorry for the long question, but I thought instead of dividing the question into several posts, it is more convenient if they are put into one place.
step 3: what is the point of assigning "this" to the variable "fn"?
The value of this holds a pointer to the currently executing function object. Only function objects can be held, so only things actually created through new() or equivalent notation. This can be useful for passing a reference to an outer object to an inner object created within said outer object.
Here's a minimal example:
function fn1() {
var x = this; // x = fn1.
this.u = 5;
function fn2() {
this.u = 10;
console.log(this.u); // Prints the member of fn2.
console.log(x.u); // Prints the member of fn1.
var W = new fn2();
var V = new fn1();
The output should be:
First, an object of type fn1 is created called V. It has a member variable u holding the value 5. Then, we create an object of type fn2 called W within fn1. It also has a member variable u, but here it holds the value 10. If we wanted to print the value of V.u within W, then we need a pointer to V. Calling this.u within W would output its u value (10), which is not what we want. So we define a variable x within the scope of the class fn1, holding the this pointer for us. Now it's possible to access the members of fn1 within fn2.
Step 4
The first argument is the object being bound to. You don't want to pass that to the function being bound, that would break its functionality, for it does not expect an extra argument prepended to its normal list of arguments. So, the first argument has to be removed.
step 6: I dont really understand how "!this" works.
!this is simply a way of checking whether this is defined. If it is not, then the value will be true. Otherwise, since this
would be an object (which evaluate to true when cast to a boolean), then it is false.
step 7: utterly confused...
Here, the original author checks if this is equal to either window, or global. Note; In modern browsers, checking for just window is enough, but IE exists (as do non-browser javascript environments). So, the full statement evaluates to this thing:
If I am not called from within an object, or if I'm called from the object window or global, then return the object softbind was created with. Otherwise, return the object I was called from
Note that this is exactly what the author of the original article wants. When a library function is called with this special binding, then we can be sure that whatever the library does; it can't access the global context through the use of the this variable. But, it can access any other object, allowing you to interface with the library.
step 9: can't I write "curried.concat(arguments)" instead?
Curried holds all arguments the original softbind function was called with, except for the first argument. arguments , at this point, is not equal to arguments in the earlier call. Here, it refers to the arguments the bound function is called with, not those it was bound with. This line integrates the two sets of arguments, allowing you to provide default arguments. The trick used here is to concatenate the arguments, e.g. Suppose your function has default arguments [1,2,3,4] and you supply [5,6]:
[1,2,3,4].concat([5,6]) produces [1,2,3,4,5,6].
Why not simply concatenate, and use the prototype? Arrays are passed by reference in javascript, so this will keep curried the same, while concatenating arguments to the call. Equivalently, you could write this:
curried2 = curried.concat(arguments);
return fn.apply(
Admittedly, the terseness does not help the understandability of this example. Simply re-naming arguments to calledArguments and curried (an advanced math term not relevant to the explanation) to be defaultArguments and using a simple for loop over each argument would be far easier to understand, if a little more verbose. I guess the author wanted to be fancy.
step 10: Why assign the "fn.prototype" as the prototype to "bound.prototype"?
Go up a bit on the article to the part where the author talks about the default bind function and how it works: basically, the end result of replacing the prototype back with the default prototype during the function call means that when your softbind enabled function is called with the new operator this will be set to itself, rather than the default bound object. prototype will not work when simply calling the bound function.
It also enables inheritance, meaning that creating things for a softbind enabled function using its prototype will not have that prototype be overruled by that of softbind when it is bound. (That would make softbind incompatible with prototypes). Instead, both prototypes are used.
Also see this reddit post.
A word of warning
We're extending the language with new features here. Features that aren't exactly necessary, and are largely concerned with semantics. If you're just interested in learning the language, this really goes way too far, you don't exactly need special binding semantics. Worse, it can be confusing if this does not behave in a way you expect it to.
A simpler alternative
Enable strict mode. Now this will default to undefined whenever it points to the global object. Prevents the problem this convoluted code is trying to solve (by usually resulting in errors from functions trying to access member variables or functions of undefined), while at the same time being far easier to use, and at the same time it will complain about a lot of syntax that is valid regular javascript, but a bug in any normal use-case. Also see the MDN article about it. It will catch a lot of potential errors for you instead of silently doing nonsensical things.
Another alternative
bind tries to resolve 'losing' the object when you pass a member function of it to another function, such as setTimeout. Another way of doing it is by using an anonymous function. Instead of using (soft) binding, assuming obj is an object holding a function fn being passed a parameter param;
setTimeout(obj.fn(param), 500);
You can use:
setTimeout(function(param){obj.fn(param);}, 500);
Which avoids the problem through a layer of indirection by passing an anonymous function. Also see this question.
Before asking, I have tried to do my homework and to avoid a duplicate. Thus, I have read about 20 questions and answers (mainly on SO) which all deal with toString(). But unfortunately, none of them did answer my actual question. So here we go ...
Many examples contain code like that:
I just would like to know why toString can be used like a property here. I have read the reference for Object.prototype at MDN and other places. All of them list a function toString() among the members of Object.prototype, but no property toString.
Furthermore, I am using a line like that shown above at several places in my code. For testing purposes, I have added parentheses to make it "clean":
Obviously, that did not make it "clean", but just made it return wrong results or even made the browser stall (I am currently in the process of researching what exactly is going on).
I already have read some questions and answers regarding calling functions without parentheses. But even if I accept that the first of the code lines shown above actually calls a function (although it looks like accessing a property), that still does not explain why it goes wrong horribly when I add the parentheses as shown in the second code line. Being able to call functions without parentheses should not mean being unable to call them with parentheses, should it?
I don't think that question has an answer already (if yes, I apologize), so could anybody please give a short explanation?
Is Object.prototype.toString a function or a property?
Object.prototype.toString is a property. The value of that property is a reference to a function. Exactly like this:
var obj = {f: function() { } };
There, obj.f is a property, the value of which is a reference to a function.
The initial value of Object.prototype.toString is the intrinsic function known in the spec as %ObjProto_toString%. It can be overwritten, but doing so would like break a lot of things.
The thing to remember is that in JavaScript, functions are just objects that inherit from Function.prototype* and are callable. Just like other objects, you can keep references to them in properties and variables (you can even add properties to functions themselves), pass those references around, etc. This is in marked contrast to many languages which treat "classes" and methods and other kinds of functions as special, non-object things.
* (host-provided objects aren't required to inherit from Function.prototype, but in modern environments most do; in some obsolete browsers, some don't.)
Functions are just values. toString is a property of the Object.prototype object whose value is a function.
() is the function call operator. Object.prototype.toString doesn't call a function; it just fetches the value of the Object.prototype.toString property (which happens to be a function).
Functions are also objects, with properties of their own. That's why you can do Object.prototype.toString.call(...): This gets the Object.prototype.toString function, then fetches its call property, then calls it (which is allowed because the value of call is another function).
This works even without involving properties:
var foo = function () { return "hello"; };
var bar = foo;
The first line assigns a function value to the foo variable.
The second line assigns the same value to bar, reading from foo. Note that we're not calling the function, we're just passing it around like any other value.
The first console.log displays the function itself.
The second console.log displays the result of calling the function, because we used ().
Welcome to JavaScript. It's true that functions can be called without () in some cases (specifically, new f), but not in this case. What you see is the reference to the function being used as an object but not called (yet). That's a common thing to do, although in this case it's probably a bit more obscure than usual so I'll explain why it's done like that.
The function finally gets called when you explicitly call its call method (every function inherits that from the Function prototype), which allows you to bind this in the function body to some arbitrary object. Your first example may do the same thing as someVariable.toString(). So why use the longer form ?
Well, someVariable may not have a toString method (if it's null or undefined, because they are not objects and can't be boxed into an object), in which case using someVariable.toString would throw a TypeError. Or its prototypal toString method may have a different behaviour than the one for basic Objects. In this case, I guess that the author wanted to use an old-school trick for getting the name of an object's "species", which involves the fact that Object.prototype.toString always returns "[Object whatever]" where "whatever" will be the constructor's name or Null or Undefined.
I am a newbie to js although years of experience with Java
I suppose when I declare a function,it is essentially a special type of object,and got some builtin fields that are accessible directly such as "arguments" and "length"
I notice I can access something like "arguments" inside the scope of a function
function add(a,b) {
return arguments[0]+arguments[1]
Also I can access something like "length" outside the scope
the above snippet should be the right way to use
function sum(a,b) {
// error
return length
// null
I suppose arguments and length are not of the same basic, is it right idea?
After some research,I got the root cause of the confusion.
The issue revolves around property VS variable in JavaScript
Property belong to Object while Variable belong to Context.
The two ideas can be interchangeable sometimes:
The global context happen to be window
var bar="b"
In most scenario,say,function context,they are completely different ideas,partly because you can never access the function object in your code.Thus,contrary to a global setting ,assign a property is impossible! What is possible is just declare a variable in scope
In my question
"arguments" is a variable
while "length" is a property
I failed to distinguish the two
For more information,please refer to
this post
Functions are objects in JavaScript. Proper, real objects.
The length property of a function is the number of declared arguments it has (this is also called the "arity" of the function). The arity (length) of add is two because you declared two formal arguments for it: a and b.
The arguments pseudo-array is not part of the function object. It's an object created when the function is called, and only in scope within that function call's context. It contains all of the arguments that the function was actually called with, which can be different from the number of arguments it declares. Each separate call to the function gets its own separate arguments object.
In JavaScript's "loose mode" (the only mode it had before 2009's ECMAScript 5th edition specification), there's a live connection between the arguments pseudo-array and the declared arguments:
// In loose mode only
function foo(a) {
console.log("a = " + a);
console.log("arguments[0] = " + arguments[0]);
a = 42;
console.log("a = " + a);
console.log("arguments[0] = " + arguments[0]);
In loose mode, that outputs:
a = 67
arguments[0] = 67
a = 42
arguments[0] = 42
In "strict" mode (which is the preferred mode to use), that link doesn't exist (we'd see arguments[0] = 67 at the end), which is useful for JavaScript engines for optimization purposes.
Yes, length and arguments are different concepts.
Contrary to Java, where fields (attributes) of your object, methods, and local variables are all accessible in the same scope (just via an identifier), JavaScript does distinguish heavily between scope variables (with closures, lexically referenced) and object properties (possibly inherited) - not only in concept, but also in syntax. Properties are always1 accessed via . or [] notation.
The .length of Function instances is such a property. You will always have to write add.length or sum.length (or …["length"]). If you just use length inside of the function, it doesn't automatically refer to the property - it's a variable reference, in this case to an undeclared one.
The arguments object in contrast works like a variable. It cannot be accessed as a property of the function2. Admittedly, it's a bit special, because you cannot see the declaration of the variable - it is created implicitly in every function scope. It works a bit as if there was a const arguments = {0: a, 1: b}; statement in the first line of the function.
1: Not exactly true, there's a with statement that explicitly lifts object properties into a scope. It's despised due to its ambiguity and deprecated in strict mode though.
2: There also is a deprecated .arguments property on functions, accessing it on strict mode functions throws. If not accessed during the invocation, it's null.
Is there any case where a Constructor returns something on purpose and it still makes sense to new it?
var Fn = function(){
return this.fn = function(){}
var a = new Fn()
var b = Fn()
I can't seem to find any difference between a and b from console, but just in case I missed something, are they identical? Apart from b's side effect of adding fn as a method to window object. And if they're the same, does it mean that when a Constructor returns something, it's no longer a Constructor and shouldn't be newed?
Edit, the reason I'm asking is that I'm working with Coffee and Angular at the moment, while both seem to be pretty sensitive about return, especially with providers. Do you have any best practises regarding this?
Yes. The new invocation creates a new this context in which the function inside the constructor will be evaluated. Without it, the invocation assumes the local context and attaches your function to it. This is really important if you have multiple functions that you want to bind a unique object to.
I had the same question you did, and read the spec. I wrote about this in What the 'new' operator means to Javascript.
Arun's answer is half-right, in that it's true for the special case that you're working at the base level of the Javascript interpreter, where this === windows (or, for Node, this === global; for PLv8, this === role). Inside other objects (a really common occurrence when working with modern libraries like jQuery or Backbone!), the this operator is the local context, not the windows root.
So with the information #Elf provided, as in
When the [[Construct]] property for a Function object F is called, the following steps are taken:
Create a new native ECMAScript object.
Set the [[Class]] property of Result(1) to “Object”.
Get the value of the prototype property of the F.
If Result(3) is an object, set the [[Prototype]] property of Result(1) to Result(3).
If Result(3) is not an object, set the [[Prototype]] property of Result(1) to the original Object prototype object as described in
Invoke the [[Call]] property of F, providing Result(1) as the this value and providing the argument list passed into [[Construct]] as the argument values.
If Type(Result(6)) is Object then return Result(6).
Return Result(1).
When the Constructor intentionally returns something, that something would get returned in Result(6), therefore defying the purpose of Constructors--to return Result(1) as an instance.
The only possible use of this is to take advantage of Step 6 and call the Fn with certain arguments and certain this, which, could easily be done without using Constructors and a simple call. So I guess, if Constructors return stuff, it ain't Constructor anymore.
The interesting exception being, the object returned is Result(1) on purpose, in order to be able to take arbitrary number of arguments: Use of .apply() with 'new' operator. Is this possible?. Thanks #Elf.
I'm new to JavaScript (though experienced in C++), and today, I wrote something like this:
function foo(bar) {
bar = "something else";
var x = "blah";
alert(x); // Alerts with "blah", but I was expecting it to alert with "something else"
This confused me a lot, as I've been watching some JavaScript videos by Douglas Crockford, and remember him saying something like "JavaScript is always pass by reference".
The way I can explain this situation is that JavaScript passes references to objects, but those references are copied. This would mean in the foo function, I am assigning a new reference to bar, which then goes out of scope, leaving to reference that x has left untouched. Essentially we start with:
x ---->"blah"
Then when foo is called, bar references the same data:
x ---->"blah"
bar -----^
So when "something else" is assigned to bar, this happens:
x ---->"blah"
bar ---->"something else"
Is that an accurate model of what is actually happening in JavaScript, or am I missing something else?
As an extra question, is there any way to say, change the data referenced by this variable? Is this a situation that comes up often, or can it be easily avoided?
Douglas Crockford in the video I watched says "objects are always passed by reference they're not passed by value", which is correct, but arguments to functions are passed by value, it's just the reference is passed by value.
Your interpretation is spot on.
First, you have a variable called x which is a reference to a string object. Let's say that memory is 0x100. x points to 0x100, which contains the bytes blah:
var x = "blah"; // x is 0x100 which references a string in memory
Next, you pass 0x100 into the function foo:
function foo(bar) {
bar = "something else";
As everything in JavaScript is passed by value, even references, JavaScript makes a copy of this reference in memory, which is now called bar within that function:
foo(x); // Copies the value of x (a reference) to bar
At this point, we have two separate variables. x and bar. Both happen to have the same value, 0x100. Thus, if you were to change a property of the object either of those is referencing, it would affect both x and bar.
However, what you're doing is assigning bar to point to something else:
bar = "something else"; // Now references some other string we just created
Now, bar gets re-assigned to reference a new string we've just allocated memory for. bar no longer has a value of 0x100, it now has a value of some other address (say 0x500). x of course still has a value of 0x100 since bar was merely a copy of x, and not a reference to x.
For this reason, when you:
You'll still get the original value, as that is what x is pointing to.
Second question:
is there any way to say, change the data referenced by this variable?
Is this a situation that comes up often, or can it be easily avoided?
Yes, just wrap it in another object. For example:
var x = {Value: "blah"};
Now, we have a reference to an object with a property called Value, which contains a reference to a string in memory somewhere.
In foo, we can do:
bar.Value = "something else";
Which will affect the Value property of x, since both bar and x referenced the same object, and you never changed the value of either of them.
In other words, you cannot re-assign the reference you're passing into a function, since you're simply re-assigning a copy. You can, however, change a property of an object being referenced, since other copies of that reference all point to the data you're changing.
Your interpretation is correct.
You can change the values of keys in an object, which lets you do something similar to pass-by-reference:
function foo(bar) {
bar.msg = "something else";
var x = { msg: "blah" };
Douglas Crockford in the video I watched says "objects are always
passed by reference they're not passed by value", which is correct,
but arguments to functions are passed by value, it's just the
reference is passed by value.
It's not correct. What that describes is precisely called pass-by-value. JavaScript, like Java, only has pass-by-value. There is no pass-by-reference.
You understanding is correct. Every value in JavaScript is either a primitive, or a reference (pointer to an object). An object itself can never be a value directly. When you pass or assign a reference (pointer to an object), the new copy of the pointer sees the same object as the original pointer. But they are still two different pointer variables.
I know you've answered your own question with your edit...
Douglas Crockford in the video I watched says "objects are always passed by reference they're not passed by value", which is correct, but arguments to functions are passed by value, it's just the reference is passed by value.
but because that edit made me suddenly grok how this worked... which I will admit I was struggling with here is a code sample and pen that I think really demonstrates it.
x = {};
y = x; //point y reference to same object x is pointed to
console.log(x === y) //true both pointed at same object
function funky(o) //pass by value a reference to object
o = null; //change reference to point to null away from object
console.log(x)//not null still an object
var myObj = {
value: "Hello"
function change(localObj) {//pass reference to object
localObj.value = "Bye";//change property through the reference
localObj = null;//point the reference to null away from object
console.log(x === y) //still same reference;
console.log(myObj.value) // Prompts "Bye"
console.log(myObj) //not null - its an object;
x = myObj; //point x to different object
console.log(x === y) //false pointed at different object;
"JavaScript is always pass by reference" is, well, a [white] lie and a confusion of terms. While there is some "gray area", I go by these definitions of evaluation strategies.
Here are my arguments and reasoning. If you hold a different view, make sure that you can at least support it.
Call By Reference
Call By Reference means (to many people) that assigning to a parameter affects bindings in the caller.
In call-by-reference evaluation (also referred to as pass-by-reference), a function receives an implicit reference to a variable used as argument, rather than a copy of its value. This typically means that the function can modify (i.e. assign to) the variable used as argument—something that will be seen by its caller.
This is not the case in JavaScript, as the original post has noted in the observed behavior. Re-assigning a parameter (which can be thought of as a local variable with a dynamically supplied value) has no affect on any supplied arguments.
Sometimes, "Call By Reference" is [confusingly] used to mean "Call By Sharing" or "Call By Value [of the Reference]" as discussed next; true Call By Reference is found in languages like C++ and VB, but not JavaScript.
Call By [Object] Sharing
JavaScript's calling conventions can be discussed entirely in terms of Call By [Object] Sharing semantics.
All JavaScript objects are values; and all primitive values (which are a subset of all values) are immutable.
The semantics of call by sharing differ from call by reference in that assignments to function arguments within the function aren't visible to the caller, so e.g. if a variable was passed, it is not possible to simulate an assignment on that variable in the caller's scope. However since the function has access to the same object as the caller (no copy is made), mutations to those objects, if the objects are mutable, within the function are visible to the caller, which may appear to differ from call by value semantics.
An example of these Shared mutations is provided in ultrayoshi's answer and can be explained simply: when an expression (such as a variable access) evaluates to an object, and said object is passed to a function, no copy/clone is made.
Call By Value [of the Reference]
While the terminology "Call By Value [of the Reference]" is often used to describe the behavior, it should be noted that JavaScript does not have "references" (or "non-reference" values) in the sense of Java/C# so this terminology is subtly misleading - at least it's not saying Call By Reference, with it's various connotations, and many people understand a low-explanation.
In call-by-value, the argument expression is evaluated, and the resulting value is bound to the corresponding variable in the function .. If the function or procedure is able to assign values to its parameters, only its local copy is assigned — that is, [any variable] passed into a function call is unchanged in the caller's scope when the function returns.
Because only a "reference" to an object is passed (and not a copy/clone of said object), the semantics are merely that of Call By Sharing. However, I avoid this terminology in JavaScript because then it brings in unnecessary implementation details and also introduces a divide in how implementations pass objects vs primitive values.
The description "call-by-value where the value is a reference" is common (but should not be understood as being call-by-reference); another term is call-by-sharing.
Thus, when I'm talking about calling conventions in JavaScript,
I prefer to use Call By Sharing to discuss the behavior and I avoid Call By [Value/Reference] as they have too many different "meanings" and drag in unnecessary implementation details.
Primitive values like numbers, strings, etc aren't passed by reference, only objects. For example:
var myObj = {
value: "Hello"
function change(localObj) {
localObj.value = "Bye";
console.log(myObj.value) // Prompts "Bye"
I study JavaScript Proxy Pattern, but I still do not get, where I can benefit from it. I would therefore like to provide you with two examples and kindly ask you to point at the difference between them.
Please, take a look at the code below:
What is the difference between the two addEventListener calls? One of them calls handleDrop in regular way. The other uses Proxy Pattern.
What will I gain using Proxy pattern approach?
I tested both functions, and they both call handleDrop successfully.
DndUpload.prototype.buildDropZone = function ()
var self = this,
this.dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function (e) { self.handleDrop.call(self, e) }, false);
this.dropZone.addEventListener('drop', self.handleDrop, false);
DndUpload.prototype.handleDrop = function (e)
You can provide me with good reference which contains very clear explanation of Proxy Pattern in JavaScript.
So what you're describing in your example isn't so much a demonstration of the Proxy pattern as much as a demonstration of confusion regarding the "calling object" and how it works in JavaScript.
In JavaScript, functions are "first-class." This essentially means that functions are data just like any other data. So let's consider the following situation:
var fn = (function () { return this.x; }),
a = {
x : 1,
fn : fn,
x = 2,
nothing = (function (z) { return z; });
So, we have an object a, which has two properties: fn and x. We also have variables x, fn (which is a function returning this.x), and nothing (which returns whatever it gets passed).
If we evaluate a.x, we get 1. If we evaluate x, we get 2. Pretty simple, eh? Now, if we evaluate nothing(a.x), then we get 1. That's also very simple. But it's important to realize that the value 1 associated with the property a.x is not in any way connected to the object a. It exists independently and can be passed around simply as a value.
In JavaScript, functions work the same way. Functions that are properties (often called "methods") can be passed as simple references. However, in doing so, they can become disconnected from their object. This becomes important when you use the this keyword inside a function.
The this keyword references the "calling object." That's the object that is associated with a function when that function is evaluated. There are three basic ways to set the calling object for a function:
If the function is called using the dot operator (e.g. a.fn()), the relevant object (in the example, a) is set as the calling object.
If the function is called using the function's call or apply properties, then you can explicitly set the calling object (we'll see why this is useful in a second).
If no calling object is set through method 1 or method 2, the global object is used (in a browser, this is typically called window).
So, back to our code. If we call a.fn(), it will evaluate as 1. That's expected because the this keyword in the function will be set to a due to the use of the dot operator. However, if we call simply fn(), it will return 2 because it is referencing the x property of the global object (meaning our global x is used).
Now, here's where things get tricky. What if you called: nothing(a.fn)()? You might be surprised that the result is 2. This is because passing a.fn into nothing() passes a reference to fn, but does not retain the calling object!
This is the same concept as what's going on in your coding example. If your function handleDrop were to use the this keyword, you would find it has a different value depending on which handler form you use. This is because in your second example, you're passing a reference to handleDrop, but as with our nothing(a.fn)() example, by the time it gets called, the calling object reference is lost.
So let's add something else to the puzzle:
var b = {
x : 3
You'll note that while b has an x property (and therefore satisfies the requirements for fn's use of this), it doesn't have a property referencing fn. So if we wanted to call the fn function with its this set to b, it might seem we need to add a new property to b. But instead we can use the aforementioned apply method on fn to explicitly set b as the calling object:
fn.apply(b); //is 3
This can be used to "permanently" bind a calling object to a function by creating a new function "wrapper." It's not really permanently binding, it's just creating a new function that calls the old function with the desired calling object. Such a tool is often written like so:
Function.prototype.bind = function (obj) {
var self = this;
return function() {
return self.apply(obj, arguments);
So after executing that code, we could do the following:
nothing(a.fn.bind(a))(); //is 1.
It's nothing tricky. In fact, the bind() property is built into ES5 and works pretty much like the simple code above. And our bind code is actually a really complicated way to do something that we can do more simply. Since a has fn as a property, we can use the dot operator to call it directly. We can skip all the confusing use of call and apply. We just need to make sure when the function gets called, it gets called using the dot operator. We can see how to do it above, but in practice, it's far simpler and more intuitive:
nothing(function () { return a.fn(); })(); //is 1
Once you have an understanding of how data references can be stored in closure scope, how functions are first-class objects, and how the calling object works, this all becomes very simple to understand and reasonably intuitive.
As for "proxies," those also exploit the same concepts to hook into functions. So, let's say that you wanted to count the number of times a.fn gets called. You can do that by inserting a proxy, like so (making use of some concepts from our bind code from above):
var numCalls = (function () {
var calls = 0, target = a.fn;
a.fn = (function () {
return target.apply(a, arguments);
return (function () {
return calls;
So now, whenever you call numCalls(), it will return the number of times a.fn() was called without actually modifying the functionality of a.fn! which is pretty cool. However, you must keep in mind that you did change the function referenced by a.fn, so looking way back to the beginning of our code, you'll notice that a.fn is no longer the same as fn and can't be used interchangeably anymore. But the reasons should now be pretty obvious!
I know that was basically a week of JavaScript education in a couple pages of text, but that's about as simple as it gets. Once you understand the concepts, the functionality, usefulness, and power of many JavaScript patterns become very simple to understand.
Hope that made things clearer!
UPDATE: Thanks to #pimvdb for pointing out my unnecessary use of [].slice.call(arguments, 0). I have removed it because it's, well, unnecessary.
Basically, passing self.handleDrop directly is functionally equivalent to passing the following function:
function() {
return self.handleDrop.apply(this, arguments);
because everything is passed through to the original function:
The this value
The arguments
The return value
With this in mind, compare your functions as follows:
function(e) { self.handleDrop.call(self, e) }
function() { return self.handleDrop.apply(this, arguments); }
The difference with your proxy way is:
It doesn't pass the return value through.
It doesn't pass all arguments through (only the first, e)
It doesn't pass the this value through, but uses a predefined one: self.
Now, the first two items don't make a difference here, because addEventListener doesn't care about the return value, and it also only passes one argument anyway.
But the third item is important: it sets a different this value in the function. By default, this is the element you bind the event to (it it set by the browser). Using the proxy way, you can set another this value.
Now, in your snippet it is not fully clear why you're setting a prototype function each time buildDropZone is called. Usually you define prototype functions only once. But when your handler handleDrop is called using the proxy way, this refers to the DndUpload instance, which is consistent with prototype functions in general.
Consider the code below:
function printThis() {
var someObject = {
performTest : function() {
var self = this;
var someOtherObject = {
higherOrderFunction : function(f) {
What will someOtherObject.higherOrderFunction(printThis) return?
How about someOtherObject.higherOrderFunction(function(){printThis.call(self)})
The answer to the first question depends on who and how you call someObject.performTest(). If I just call someObject.performTest() from a global context, it will probably print Window.
The second one will always print the someObject instance no matter what.
The closures or 'proxy pattern' as you call it comes in handy when you want to control exactly the execution context of a function.
Note: this in javascript does not behave like it does in other languages(in Java for example).