Express.js Handle unmached routes - javascript

Fellows I develop a Rest API and I want when a route does not exist to send a custom message instead of an html one that express.js sends by default. As fas as I searched I could not find a way to do that.
I tried to do:
res.header("Content Type","application/json")
res.end(JSON.stringify({message:"Route not found"}))
But it matches and all already implemented methods. I want only the unmached one to get handled by my app.
Edit 1
For each enndpoint I create a seperate file having the following content: eg. myendpoint.js
var endpoint="/endpoint"
res.end("Getting data other message")
res.end("Getting data other message")
res.end("You cannot "+res.method+" to "+endpoint)
An in my main file I use:
var endpoint=require('myendpoint.js')
var MyEndpointController=endpoint(app)
res.header("Content Type","application/json")
res.end(JSON.stringify({message:"Route not found"}))

1.Declare all of your routes
2.Define unmatched route request to error respose AT the END.
This you have to set it in the app. (app.use) not in the routes.
//Import require modules
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
// define our app using express
var app = express();
// this will help us to read POST data.
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
var port = process.env.PORT || 8081;
// instance of express Router
var router = express.Router();
// default route to make sure , it works.
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.json({ message: 'hooray! welcome to our api!' });
// test route to make sure , it works.
router.get('/test', function(req, res) {
res.json({ message: 'Testing!' });
// all our routes will be prefixed with /api
app.use('/api', router);
// this is default in case of unmatched routes
app.use(function(req, res) {
// Invalid request
error: {
'message':'Invalid Request',
message: 'Testing!'
// state the server
console.log('Server listening on port ' + port);
Please note : I have prefix '/api' in my routes.
Please try http://localhost:8081/api
You will see '{"message":"hooray! welcome to our api!"}'
When you try http://localhost:8081/api4545 - which is not a valid route
You would see the error message.

First you need to define all existing routes then at last you have to define no
route. order is very important
// Defining main template navigations(sample routes)
app.use('/',express.static(__dirname + "/views/index.html"));
app.use('/app',express.static(__dirname + "/views/app.html"));
app.use('/api',express.static(__dirname + "/views/api.html"));
app.use('/uploads',express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static/uploads')));
//If no route is matched by now, it must be a 404
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.json({status:404,title:"Not Found",msg:"Route not found"});

Can't post as comment (reputation is too low ...) but did you define this route after all your other paths ?
The order is really important, you should first define all your routes and then have this one.

on my case for the safetyness of my routes life cycle I used this **/** or */*, *(asterisk) operator stands for all, and here's my example.
app.use('**/**',express.static(path.join(__dirname, './public/not-found/index.html')));


Not able to redirect to another HTML Page

var express = require('express')
var app = express()
var server = require('http').createServer(app)
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
var nodeSSPI = require('node-sspi')
var nodeSSPIObj = new nodeSSPI({
retrieveGroups: true
nodeSSPIObj.authenticate(req, res, function(err){
res.finished || next()
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
id = req.connection.userSid
// Start server
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000
server.listen(port, function () {
console.log('Express server listening on port %d in %s mode', port, app.get('env'))
I am new to node.js . I am trying to redirect to a page after successfully login . but facing error
localhost redirected you too many times.
and i dont know why but this javascript is not behaving same on firefox compared to other browsers .
I just want to redirect to Full_Name.html page after successfull login .
Yeap, you are using an express.js middleware without a route or any specific handling meaning that the redirect takes place across all the registered routes.
You may specify a redirect for a specific route as:
app.use('/redirect_me', function (req, res, next) {
// This middleware is triggered across all methods
// POST, GET, PUT etc;
you have to redirect to a route not to a page:
id = req.connection.userSid;
// do some check
Use this,
app.get('/Full_Name', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + "/public/Full_Name.html"); //path to ur file
res.redirect("/Full_Name"); //use wherever required
//You need to redirect the user to a webpage and not a file

error when trying to use express in a controller

I've been trying to implement a paymentCtrl to handle the Stripe payments but am unable to get the express to work. When i execute this code i get the following error below. I'm quite new to this and would like to understand why i get this error.
Unknown provider: appProvider <- app <- paymentCtrl
angular.module('userApp', ['appRoutes', 'userControllers', 'userServices', 'ngAnimate', 'mainController', 'authServices', 'managementController', 'paymentController'])
.config(function($httpProvider) {
<form action="/charge" method="post">
data-description="this is not a dog"
angular.module('paymentController', [])
.controller('paymentCtrl', function(app, passport) {'/charge', function(req, res){
var express = require('express'); // ExperssJS Framework
var app = express(); // Invoke express to variable for use in application
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080; // Set default port or assign a port in enviornment
var morgan = require('morgan'); // Import Morgan Package
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); // HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js
var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // Node.js body parsing middleware. Parses incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under req.body.
var router = express.Router(); // Invoke the Express Router
var appRoutes = require('./app/routes/api')(router); // Import the application end points/API
var path = require('path'); // Import path module
var passport = require('passport'); // Express-compatible authentication middleware for Node.js.
var social = require('./app/passport/passport')(app, passport); // Import passport.js End Points/API
var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_...');
app.use(morgan('dev')); // Morgan Middleware
app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Body-parser middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // For parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); // Allow front end to access public folder
app.use('/api', appRoutes); // Assign name to end points (e.g., '/api/management/', '/api/users' ,etc. )
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/tutorial', function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('Not connected to the database: ' + err);
} else {
console.log('Successfully connected to MongoDB');
// Set Application Static Layout
app.get('*', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/public/app/views/index.html')); // Set index.html as layout
// Start Server
app.listen(port, function() {
console.log('Running the server on port ' + port); // Listen on configured port
Your angular controller should be injected with $http module, app is undefined in your client side code as client side would not inherit code from your server.
$http module contains .post method along side numerous other methods such as .get .put .delete etc.
angular.module('paymentController', [])
.controller('paymentCtrl', function(app, passport, $http) {
$'/charge', {}, function(req, res){
The second parameters in the $ ({}) is the data you want to transmit to your controller.
Lastly, you need a server method which will retrieve the POST request.'/charge', function(req, res) {
// Your server endpoint for /charge POST action
// req.body contains passed data.
As you're trying to send data using Angular to your server, you'll need to bind the form data to your model, and remove the form or listen to form submit event and make a POST request yourself the way you want to.
As you have not included the whole HTML document, it is hard to see if there are any other errors included, such as missing ng-controller declaration in your document as comments stated.
I assume you followed this Stripe tutorial so all you need to do is:
The code you've written in paymentCtrl should be copied into server.js before app.listen
// Set Application Static Layout
app.get('*', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/public/app/views/index.html')); // Set index.html as layout
});'/charge', function(req, res){});
// Start Server
app.listen(port, function() {
console.log('Running the server on port ' + port); // Listen on configured port
Unknown provider: appProvider <- app <- paymentCtrl
This means that app variable you are trying to inject does not exist in your client side code.

Node, how can I send response headers on a node/express app?

I have a basic server. One of my tests that I need to pass is to send the response header of 200. I added the code for the server as it is now. But not sure how to send response headers. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide!
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var Users = require('./models/users');
var app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
var router = express.Router();
// middleware for all requests:
router.use(function(req, res, next){
console.log('we out here babay!');
// get to the next route and ensures we don't stop here.
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.json({ message: 'hooray! welcome to our api!' });
app.use('/api', router);
// Do not touch this invocation of the `listen` method
app.listen('8888', function () {
console.log('listening on 8888');
// Do not touch the exports object
module.exports = app;
Use res.status(CODE) method!
res.status(200).json({ message: 'hooray! welcome to our api!' });
As highlighted in comments by jfriend00, default status code is 200 so any regular response will already be 200 but for other codes like 500 or 404, if your client side is considering it while reading the response, you can use res.status() method.

ExpressJS Route hanging and timing out

I have a simple example that I am following.
For some reason the request always times out, wondering if you have any ideas why this could be happening.
// server.js
// =============================================================================
// call the packages we need
var express = require('express'); // call express
var app = express(); // define our app using express
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
// configure app to use bodyParser()
// this will let us get the data from a POST
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080; // set our port
//load the model
var Bear = require('./models/bear');
// =============================================================================
var router = express.Router(); // get an instance of the express Router
// middleware to use for all requests
router.use(function(req, res, next) {
// do logging
console.log('Something is happening.');
next(); // make sure we go to the next routes and don't stop here
// create a bear (accessed at POST http://localhost:8080/api/bears)
.post(function(req, res) {
var bear = new Bear(); // create a new instance of the Bear model =; // set the bears name (comes from the request)
// save the bear and check for errors {
if (err)
//res.json({ message: 'Bear created!' });
res.json({ message: 'hooray! welcome to our api!' });
// test route to make sure everything is working (accessed at GET http://localhost:8080/api)
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.json({ message: 'hooray! welcome to our api!' });
// more routes for our API will happen here
// REGISTER OUR ROUTES -------------------------------
// all of our routes will be prefixed with /api
app.use('/api', router);
// =============================================================================
console.log('Magic happens on port ' + port);
Let me know what you think. Essentially I can do GETS no problem, but when I get to /bears and do a POST x-www-form-urlencoded with a param name 'Klaus' it simply hangs. I can't understand why.
Any suggestions much appreciated.
Many thanks for your help.

Rest with Express.js nested router

Suppose I want to have REST endpoints which look roughly like this:
CRUD on each if makes sense. For example, /user POST creates a new user, GET fetches all users. /user/user_id GET fetches just that one user.
Items are user specific so I put them under user_id, which is a particular user.
Now to make Express routing modular I made a few router instances. There is a router for user, and a router for the item.
var userRouter = require('express').Router();
.get(function() {})
.post(function() {})
.get(function() {})
var itemRouter = require('express').Router();
.get(function() {})
.post(function() {})
.get(function() {})
app.use('/users', userRouter);
// Now how to add the next router?
// app.use('/users/', itemRouter);
URL to item is descendents of the URL hierarchy of the user. Now how do I get URL with /users whatever to userRouter but the more specific route of /user/*user_id*/items/ to the itemRouter? And also, I would like user_id to be accessible to itemRouter as well, if possible.
You can nest routers by attaching them as middleware on an other router, with or without params.
You must pass {mergeParams: true} to the child router if you want to access the params from the parent router.
mergeParams was introduced in Express 4.5.0 (Jul 5 2014)
In this example the itemRouter gets attached to the userRouter on the /:userId/items route
This will result in following possible routes:
GET /user -> hello user
GET /user/5 -> hello user 5
GET /user/5/items -> hello items from user 5
GET /user/5/items/6 -> hello item 6 from user 5
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var userRouter = express.Router();
// you need to set mergeParams: true on the router,
// if you want to access params from the parent router
var itemRouter = express.Router({mergeParams: true});
// you can nest routers by attaching them as middleware:
userRouter.use('/:userId/items', itemRouter);
.get(function (req, res) {
.send('hello users');
.get(function (req, res) {
.send('hello user ' + req.params.userId);
.get(function (req, res) {
.send('hello items from user ' + req.params.userId);
.get(function (req, res) {
.send('hello item ' + req.params.itemId + ' from user ' + req.params.userId);
app.use('/user', userRouter);
manageable nested routes...
I wanted a specific example of doing nested routes in a very manageable way in express 4 and this was the top search result for "nested routes in express". Here's an API that would have many routes that would need to be broken up for example.
var app = require('express')();
// anything beginning with "/api" will go into this
app.use('/api', require('./routes/api'));
var router = require('express').Router();
// split up route handling
router.use('/products', require('./products'));
router.use('/categories', require('./categories'));
// etc.
module.exports = router;
var router = require('express').Router();
// api/products
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.json({ products: [] });
// api/products/:id
router.get('/:id', function(req, res) {
res.json({ id: });
module.exports = router;
Nesting example in folder structure
I noticed some comments on "nesting folder structure". It is implied in this however not obvious so I added the section below. Here's a specific example of a nested folder structure for routes.
This is more a general example of how node works. If you use "index.js" in folders similarly to how "index.html" works in web pages for a directory default, this will be easy to scale your organization based off of recursion without changing your entry points to code. "index.js" is the default document accessed when using require in a directory.
contents of index.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.use('/api', require('./api'));
module.exports = router;
contents of /api/index.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.use('/admin', require('./admin'));
module.exports = router;
contents of /api/admin/index.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.use('/users', require('./users'));
router.use('/permissions', require('./permissions'));
module.exports = router;
contents of /api/admin/users/index.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
router.get('/', require('./list'));
module.exports = router;
There is some DRY issues here possibly but it does lend itself well to encapsulation of concerns.
FYI, recently I got into actionhero and have found it to be full featured w/sockets and tasks, more like a true framework all-in-one flipping the REST paradigm on its head. You should probably check it out over going naked w/ express.
var userRouter = require('express').Router();
var itemRouter = require('express').Router({ mergeParams: true });
.get(function(req, res) {})
.post(function(req, res) {})
.get(function() {})
.get(function(req, res) {})
.post(function(req, res) {})
.get(function(req, res) {
return res.send(req.params);
app.use('/user/', userRouter);
app.use('/user/:user_id/item', itemRouter);
The key to the second part of your question is the use of the mergeParams option
var itemRouter = require('express').Router({ mergeParams: true });
From /user/jordan/item/cat I get a reponse:
Using #Jason Sebring solution, and adapting for Typescript.
import Routes from './api/routes';
app.use('/api/', Routes);
import { Router } from 'express';
import HomeRoutes from './home';
const router = Router();
router.use('/', HomeRoutes);
// add other routes...
export default router;
import { Request, Response, Router } from 'express';
const router = Router();
router.get('/', (req: Request, res: Response) => {
message: 'Welcome to API',
export default router;
In the spirit of Express modular routers, we should have a separate router for users and for items. That router isn't part of our top-level application logic. We can nest it in our users' router instead.
Users router
const users = require('express').Router();
const items = require('./items');
// Our root route to /users
albums.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
// res.send() our response here
// A route to handle requests to any individual user, identified by an user id
users.get('/:userId', function(req, res, next) {
let userId = req.params.userId;
// retrieve user from database using userId
// res.send() response with user data
// Note, this route represents /users/:userId/items because our top-level router is already forwarding /users to our Users router!
users.use('/:userId/items', items);
module.exports = users;
Items router
// We need to merge params to make userId available in our Items router
const items = require('express').Router({ mergeParams: true });
// The root router for requests to our items path
items.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
let userId = req.params.userId; // Here is where mergeParams makes its magic
// retrieve user's track data and render items list page
// The route for handling a request to a specific item
items.get('/:itemId', function(req, res, next) {
let userId = req.params.userId; // <-- mergeParams magic
let itemId = req.params.itemId;
// retrieve individual item data and render on single item page
module.exports = items;
try to add { mergeParams: true } look to simple example which it middleware use it in controller file getUser at the same for postUser
const userRouter = require("express").Router({ mergeParams: true });
export default ()=>{
userRouter.route("/:user_id").get(function () {});
Express router(express.Router()) keeps params seprate so you would explicitly have to tell express to merge these params.
express.Router({ mergeParams: true })
//above line is answer to your question.
You need only one router, and use it like this:
app.use('api/v1', router);
