I want to send notification mails to users of my community platform coded with react and firebase. I was wondering is there is a way to authenticate the user via a magic link which is contained in his or her personal notification mails.
E.g. You've got 5 new comments on your post click HERE to read them
Clicking "here" should redirect the user to the page and automatically authenticate him without having to enter their individual passwords or usernames.
Due to the cancelation of the privacy shield framework and Schrems II, you might no longer be able to store customer details in the GCP.
A solution for it can be pseudonymization.
I am running an open-source project that can help you with that.
Check out the following article for more information:
I think your question can be divided into 2 different questions.
1. How do I send notification mails to my community platform?
I have never used notification mails in Firebase, I usually use google's SMTP server directly and send a request to the server to send an email on behalf of me. So, in your case, I would search up the library on your tech stack (for me it was Go's gomail), then you can use Google's SMTP server (host:smtp.gmail.com, port:587).
2. How do I make a link that automatically authenticate your users whenever they click the link?
I feel like this is the harder question. I think you need to consider a few things:
Your links need to be short lived. Why? to prevent unauthorized brute force login attempt (this also depends on the structure of your link). However, best practices suggests that links should be short lived (less than 24 hours).
Given that links are short lived, this depends on whether the user checked their email frequently for notification from you! There's a pretty good chance that they will miss that email in the 24 hour window.
I'm pretty much against sending time sensitive notification like that through emails. But if it is something that you still want to do, it is pretty easy to create the link, the simplest way I did it was:
Generate a random uuid for a link.
Associate it to the user who will login with the link. You should save this association in a persistent data storage.
Create an endpoint for magic link, for example /magic/:link_id that takes link_id then checks what user should be logged in.
Voila! You got yourself a magic link!
Finally, you can send the link through email like the first part of the problem!
I'm working on a payment system with React-Native. I want to do research on how to apply 3D payment methods. I want to listen to an event happening on my server on the client side. actually i only need this for the following reason. I feel there is something I got wrong here.
3D Secure Steps
I send the product to be purchased to a service named iyzico with
credit card information.
If the information entered is correct, it gives me an answer as below.
There is a special field here and I need to decrypto it and show it to the user.
In fact, this crypoto information contains an html page.
By decoding this code, I show the user an html page.
The password sent to the user's phone via SMS is entered on that
screen and presses the confirmation button.
The part I don't understand starts here. The person is in a true asynchronous. I want to callback. Because he can enter or cancel the password sent by SMS whenever he wants.
I'm not wondering how the process turned out. How will we inform the client application only in this case?
Should we use push notifications or other push services for this?
The client has to get information about this process. According to the information he receives, I would like to suggest that your payment is successful or your balance is insufficient.
I know that I should avoid making circular calls.
In short, how should I listen to the client for an event that will take place on my server? Which would be the best method?
I am working on React-native and I do not want to include push services in the application just for this. It is costly for me to this. I believe it is a more beautiful solution.
What do you think about this subject?
You either need push notifications or long polling. https://ably.com/blog/websockets-vs-long-polling
I'm working on an Android app in react-native and the app communicates with an API I'm working on for the app. The API is built with Laravel and Laravel Passport.
I know that Android apps can be decompiled so any secret keys stored within the app could be easily found. This is the reason for my current approach.
You can only gain an access code during registration. The application uses anonymous accounts so if you lose the access token, it's too bad. The app makes an API request to /api/register which creates the account and returns an access token. The app would store the token and use it to make further API requests.
The problem is that the registration route does not use any client secrets or access tokens. It is very easy to automate requests to the route and create an army of bots. I could potentially limit the amount of requests like a lot of API providers do but that wouldn't stop the issue.
I've heard about payload hashing but this usually requires a salt that is in both the app and api. Again, this is not secure and couldn't someone just hash it themselves if they know the salt to spam requests? Maybe I'm misunderstanding how payload hashes work.
Hopefully someone can assist.
You'll probably want to use something to detect the user agent hitting the route. This package has a lot of useful features:jenssegers/agent. For example, it offers crawler detection:
Depending on your hosting provider, you may have access to tools that automatically blacklists ip addresses after X number of requests per minute (or other metrics). I know AWS offers this service.
Another option is antonioribeiro/firewall. Track users based on ip or geography and redirect/block accordingly.
I'm at this junction at the moment and the route I'm taking is one where the user is challenged to solve a simple puzzle:
registration process on app/web picks up a challenge from my registration server
the challenge is shown to the user with the input fields: email/username, password and the answer input for the challenge
it all gets sent to the registration server and if the answer is incorrect, the registration is denied
This "are you human" challenge is what will stop bot-registration so it needs to be a little smarter than the one coding the bots, so a selection of various challenges on the server would be nice.
I'm thinking of "select the n-th value from the dropdown", "select the first/last option", "write the color 'blue'" or "what whole number is between 3 and 5", and so on, for which variables can easily be generated by the server, the challenge and answer input can easily be created by the registration script, and it's easy and not very time consuming for the user to solve.
Another option I'll explore is to throttle requests by IP, combined with black-and white-listing those.
I want to add "login with XYZ" capability to one of my web apps. I don't need any of the advanced stuff - just logging users in with one of their existing profiles so they don't have to remember yet another login credentials set.
After some research, I found HybridAuth and hello.js.
I know Javascript as well as PHP, but I have never implemented OAUTH 2 support before.
From what I can see, I could technically imagine implementing the identification and authentification both in Javascript or in PHP.
What would you recommend I choose, and why?
Since no comment or answer really answered my question, I'll answer with the additional reading I have been doing. I hope it will help if you arrived here via your research into the same question.
Having to use your "client secret" requires an OAUTH 2 client to have some server-side code (I don't want to have my "secret" in client-side JS, do i...). Hello.js solves this via a OAUTH Proxy.
Since I prefer to minimize my dependencies on third parties in production, I'd much rather use PHP in the first place.
Therefore, I will be implementing with hybridauth for now.
I had implement some of features like "login with Facebook", here is the common pattern,which is indicated by this picture.
What you have to do is firstly redirecting user to Facebook authentication server and when user get "code" from Facebook authentication server,you can get "access token" by passing "code" to Facebook authentication server(different url). Secondly, when you have "access token", you can now get user profile by Facebook API and then save to database or other thing.
So, the differences between hello.js and HybridAuth is that hell.js uses browser (Javascript) to do things after user redirect with "code", but HybridAuth do it on server side(PHP). But they do have the same pattern which is indicated by the picture.
I used both JS and PHP versions for FB.
Using server side library you can do your business without reising suspicions. For example collecting some public info to merge duplicate accounts, storing the profile image, login attempts. Other requests you might need for your business and user experience.
I have got a 3rd party website, which my customer wants to me to login into in order to download some data periodicaly.
The data is customer specific, and password protected.
I have the username/password, and I have searched for ways to do the login automatically so that I can pull data, but so far with no success.
This is a method that I have tried:
When I look into the login page of the website which I am trying to login to (view source), I don't see the login form, but if I click on "inspect element" in chrome on the fields of the page it does show that there is a login form hiding in there.
Any suggestions
Here is the website which I need to autologin to: http://portal.dorad.co.il/#/Login unfortunatlly it's not in english. The first field is the username, the second field is the password and the button is the login
Taking pomeh's advice, I was able to find the jQuery code that is being triggerted when the text boxes are being modified. Now I want to run this script manually using element.DomContainer.Eval
(function(n,t){function vi(n){var t=n.length,r=i.type(n);return i.isWindow(n)?!1:1===n.nodeType&&t?!0:"array"===r||"function"!==r&&(0===t||"number"==typeof t&&t>0&&t-1 in n)}function ne(n){var t=li[n]={};return i.each(n.match(s)||[],function(n,i){t[i]=!0}),t}function uu(n,r,u,f){if(i.acceptData(n)){var s,h,c=i.expando,a="string"==typeof r,l=n.nodeType,o=l?i.cache:n,e=l?n[c]:n[c]&&c;if(e&&o[e]&&(f||o[e].data)||!a||u!==t)return e||(l?n[c]=e=tt.pop()||i.guid++:e=c),o[e]||(o[e]={},l||(o[e].toJSON=i.noop)),("object"==typeof r||"function"==typeof r)&&
(t=n(this);r=r.not(t),t.removeData(f),r.length||clearTimeout(c)},add:function(t){function s(t,u,e){var s=n(this),o=n.data(this,f);o.w=u!==i?u:s.width(),o.h=e!==i?e:s.height(),r.apply(this,arguments)}if(!u[o]&&this[e])return!1;var r;if(n.isFunction(t))return r=t,s;r=t.handler,t.handler=s}}}(jQuery,this)
I am not sure how to activate it and give it the relevant data.
If you have the right mix of technical requirements then you want Single-Site-Sign-On (SSSO).
Not all of my clients have SSL and I don't want my user name and password on all of their sites. They are however all on the same server. Since my site supports SSL I can log in to my own site securely.
What you need to do conceptually speaking is log the IP of the administrator account along with the data/time stamp. Then if you visit your client's website (again, on the same server) from that same IP you can have your scripting language check the file. I require a short time-span (anywhere between 30 seconds to two minutes tops) and the same IP address. You can add additional technical requirements to strengthen security of course though your options will be limited as the domain name will be different. If the IP matches the criteria emulate the user being authenticated (static obviously since you likely won't/shouldn't have your administrative account information on their site) and you can be automatically signed in.
Maybe you could do this using a web scraping framework like:
Goutte for PHP (https://github.com/fabpot/goutte)
Scrapy for Python (http://scrapy.org/)
node.io for Node.js (https://github.com/chriso/node.io)
request for Node.js (https://github.com/mikeal/request)
WatiN for .Net (http://watin.org/)
In any case, I think a client side solutions will bring a lot of problems to do this. Maybe you can login into it using a form tag which points to the page, but you won't be able to manipulate the page afterwards. Also, you may not be able to use AJAX due to CORS restriction. You could embed the target page as an iframe but you can't either manipulate the page because of differents domains used (you can do that under certains conditions but it's hard to achieve this imho). So a server side solutions sounds better to me.
I am struggling with a problem that hopefully has been faced by many before. In a nutshell, I'd like to be able to provide a user with a link in an email clicking/taping of which (specifically on iPhone) would forward a user to App Store link. If user installs an app, I'd like to have a way to fetch some sort of ID stored when link was tapped within an app itself.
Actually here is a concrete example. User Bob (bob#d.com) sends email to Amy(amy#d.com) with invite to install an app and get connected. Let's assume that Amy clicks a link and installs an app on the same device. However instead of using amy#d.com email, she uses amy.other#d.com email during registration. Bob in turn doesn't expect that and friends don't get connected.
I have a backend running so I can do redirect, etc. However I don't see an obvious way to attach some sort of ID to a URL Bob sends that sticks to installation of the app. I've seen some references to HTML5 storage but I am not positive I see how I can leverage that.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Apple's security/privacy model for iOS is purposefully designed to make tracking like this impossible.
Sorry, but you're just going to have to find some other way where the user voluntarily gives you enough information so you can track them - perhaps you could require the user type their email address before allowing them to use your app.
That's how we do it. The user must enter their email into our server and also into the app before they can use it (our app is a client for the server, so this would be required anyway).