I'm trying to take this array and split it into 2 new arrays, evens and odds and return them. When I run the code below I am only getting the odds, why is that? And what can I do to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
var numbersArray = [1,2,34,54,55,34,32,11,19,17,54,66,13];
function divider( arr ) {
var evens = [];
var odds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] % 2 === 0) {
} else {
return(evens, odds);
Because JavaScript can only return one value. Ever.
return(evens, odds)
evaluates to the same value as
return odds
due to the comma operator wrapped in grouping parenthesis.
Perhaps returning an array of arrays (or even an object of arrays) is useful..
return [evens, odds]
You should return your results as an array.
return [evens, odds];
And then to access the results:
var evens;
var odds;
var arrayResults = divider(numbersArray);
evens = arrayResults[0];
odds = arrayResults[1];
In Javascript, you can only return ONE value. So, if you want to return multiples values, to separate them, you can put them in an array or in an object :
return([evens, odds]);
return({evens: evens, odds: odds})
The result of evaluating (evens, odds) is odds, that is returned thus.
This is how comma operator works.
Use the following statement instead:
return { 'evens': evens, 'odds': odds };
As an example:
var v = divider(numberArrays);
v.evens; // get evens this way
v.odds; // get odds this way
You can return only one entity from a function. Its better to wrap your results in single object.
var numbersArray = [1,2,34,54,55,34,32,11,19,17,54,66,13];
function divider( arr ) {
var evens = [];
var odds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] % 2 === 0) {
} else {
return {evens:evens, odds:odds};
Es5 doesn't support tuples, You should wrap your return
in an object like here
var numbersArray = [1,2,34,54,55,34,32,11,19,17,54,66,13];
function divider( arr ) {
var evens = [];
var odds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] % 2 === 0) {
} else {
return {evens:evens,
Or in an array as the other aswers show
You could return an object, like this:
var numbersArray = [1,2,34,54,55,34,32,11,19,17,54,66,13];
function divider( arr ) {
var evens = [];
var odds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] % 2 === 0) {
} else {
return {evens, odds};
Okay, so I've been working on a sort function for my application, and I've gotten stuck.
Here's my fiddle.
To explain briefly, this code starts with an array of strings, serials, and an empty array, displaySerials:
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
var displaySerials = [];
The aim of these functions is to output displaySerials as an array of objects with two properties: beginSerial and endSerial. The way that this is intended to work is that the function loops through the array, and tries to set each compatible string in a range with each other, and then from that range create the object where beginSerial is the lowest serial number in range and endSerial is the highest in range.
To clarify, all serials in a contiguous range will have the same prefix. Once that prefix is established then the strings are broken apart from the prefix and compared and sorted numerically.
So based on that, the desired output from the array serials would be:
displaySerials = [
{ beginSerial: "BHU-008", endSerial: "BHU-011" },
{ beginSerial: "BHU-000", endSerial: "BHU-002" },
{ beginSerial: "TYU-969", endSerial: "TYU-970" }
I've got it mostly working on my jsfiddle, the only problem is that the function is pushing one duplicate object into the array, and I'm not sure how it is managing to pass my checks.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Marc's solution is correct, but I couldn't help thinking it was too much code. This is doing exactly the same thing, starting with sort(), but then using reduce() for a more elegant look.
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"]
var first = serials.shift()
var ranges = [{begin: first, end: first}]
serials.reduce(mergeRange, ranges[0])
console.log(ranges) // the expected result
// and this is the reduce callback:
function mergeRange(lastRange, s)
var parts = s.split(/-/)
var lastParts = lastRange.end.split(/-/)
if (parts[0] === lastParts[0] && parts[1]-1 === +lastParts[1]) {
lastRange.end = s
return lastRange
} else {
var newRange = {begin: s, end: s}
return newRange
I've got a feeling that it's possible to do it without sorting, by recursively merging the results obtained over small pieces of the array (compare elements two by two, then merge results two by two, and so on until you have a single result array). The code wouldn't look terribly nice, but it would scale better and could be done in parallel.
Nothing too sophisticated here, but it should do the trick. Note that I'm sorting the array from the get-go so I can reliably iterate over it.
Fiddle is here:
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
var myNewObjectArray = [];
var sortedSerials = serials.sort();
//seed the object
var myObject = {};
var previous = sortedSerials[0];
var previousPrefix = previous.split("-")[0];
var previousValue = previous.split("-")[1];
myObject.beginSerial = previous;
myObject.endSerial = previous;
//iterate watching for breaks in the sequence
for (var i=1; i < sortedSerials.length; i++) {
var current = sortedSerials[i];
var currentPrefix = current.split("-")[0];
var currentValue = current.split("-")[1];
if (currentPrefix === previousPrefix && parseInt(currentValue) === parseInt(previousValue)+1) {
//sequential value found, so update the endSerial with it
myObject.endSerial = current;
previous = current;
previousPrefix = currentPrefix;
previousValue = currentValue;
} else {
//sequence broken; push the object
console.log(currentPrefix, previousPrefix, parseInt(currentValue), parseInt(previousValue)+1);
//re-seed a new object
previous = current;
previousPrefix = currentPrefix;
previousValue = currentValue;
myObject = {};
myObject.beginSerial = current;
myObject.endSerial = current;
myNewObjectArray.push(myObject); //one final push
I would use underscore.js for this
var bSerialExists = _.findWhere(displaySerials, { beginSerial: displaySettings.beginSerial });
var eSerialExists = _.findWhere(displaySerials, { endSerial: displaySettings.endSerial });
if (!bSerialExists && !eSerialExists)
I ended up solving my own problem because I was much closer than I thought I was. I included a final sort to get rid of duplicate objects after the initial sort was finished.
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
var displaySerials = [];
var mapSerialsForDisplay = function () {
var tempArray = serials;
displaySerials = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
// compare current member to all other members for similarity
var currentSerial = tempArray[i];
var range = [currentSerial];
var displaySettings = {
beginSerial: currentSerial,
endSerial: ""
for (var j = 0; j < tempArray.length; j++) {
if (i === j) {
} else {
var stringInCommon = "";
var comparingSerial = tempArray[j];
for (var n = 0; n < currentSerial.length; n++) {
if (currentSerial[n] === comparingSerial[n]) {
stringInCommon += currentSerial[n];
} else {
var currentRemaining = currentSerial.replace(stringInCommon, "");
var comparingRemaining = comparingSerial.replace(stringInCommon, "");
if (!isNaN(currentRemaining) && !isNaN(comparingRemaining) && stringInCommon !== "") {
range = compareAndAddToRange(comparingSerial, stringInCommon, range);
displaySettings.beginSerial = range[0];
displaySettings.endSerial = range[range.length - 1];
var existsAlready = false;
for (var l = 0; l < displaySerials.length; l++) {
if (displaySerials[l].beginSerial == displaySettings.beginSerial || displaySerials[l].endSerial == displaySettings.endSerial) {
existsAlready = true;
if (!existsAlready) {
for (var i = 0; i < displaySerials.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < displaySerials.length; j++) {
if (i === j) {
} else {
if (displaySerials[i].beginSerial === displaySerials[j].beginSerial && displaySerials[i].endSerial === displaySerials[j].endSerial) {
displaySerials.splice(j, 1);
return displaySerials;
var compareAndAddToRange = function (candidate, commonString, arr) {
var tempArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
value: arr[i],
number: parseInt(arr[i].replace(commonString, ""))
tempArray.sort(function(a, b) {
return (a.number > b.number) ? 1 : ((b.number > a.number) ? -1 : 0);
var newSerial = {
value: candidate,
number: candidate.replace(commonString, "")
if (tempArray.indexOf(newSerial) === -1) {
if (tempArray[0].number - newSerial.number === 1) {
} else if (newSerial.number - tempArray[tempArray.length - 1].number === 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
arr[i] = tempArray[i].value;
return arr;
fiddle to see it work
Here's a function that does this in plain JavaScript.
var serials = ["BHU-009", "BHU-008", "BHU-001", "BHU-010", "BHU-002", "TYU-970", "BHU-011", "TYU-969", "BHU-000"];
function transformSerials(a) {
var result = []; //store array for result
var holder = {}; //create a temporary object
//loop the input array and group by prefix
a.forEach(function(val) {
var parts = val.split('-');
var type = parts[0];
var int = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
if (!holder[type])
holder[type] = { prefix : type, values : [] };
holder[type].values.push({ name : val, value : int });
//interate through the temp object and find continuous values
for(var type in holder) {
var last = null;
var groupHolder = {};
//sort the values by integer
var numbers = holder[type].values.sort(function(a,b) {
return parseInt(a.value, 10) > parseInt(b.value, 10);
numbers.forEach(function(value, index) {
if (!groupHolder.beginSerial)
groupHolder.beginSerial =;
if (!last || value.value === last + 1) {
last = value.value;
groupHolder.endSerial =;
if (index === numbers.length - 1) {
else {
groupHolder = {};
last = null;
return result;
<script src=""></script>
I will be using an input field where a person types in a value.
I create the variable that they will type in: 'Ben'.
I want the function to loop thru the nameArray and return true or false.
The script is not working and I know it is rather simple.
function validateNames() {
var name = "Ben";
var nameArray = ["Bill", "Barry", "Zack", "Will"];
var arrayLength = nameArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
//Do something
if (name != nameArray[i]) {
alert((nameArray[i]) + "Name is not valid.");
console.log("Name is not found in array.");
} else {
return true;
The only way for your loop logic to know that the value is not in the array is to go through the whole array first. Your loop will be alerting on every iteration until it finds a match. It also doesn't make sense to put a console.log after a return because the former will never execute:
function validateNames() {
var name = "Ben";
var nameArray = ["Bill", "Barry", "Zack", "Will"];
var arrayLength = nameArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (name === nameArray[i]) {
return true;
console.log("Name is not found in array.");
return false;
Javascript arrays also provide a handy method for checking whether they contain a certain value. it's called .indexOf(), and it returns -1 when there's no match:
function validateNames() {
var name = "Ben";
var nameArray = ["Bill","Barry","Zack","Will"];
return nameArray.indexOf(name) !== -1;
You could use .indexOf():
var nameArray = ["Bill","Barry","Zack","Will"];
nameArray.indexOf("Bill"); // Returns 0, Bill is found
nameArray.indexOf("Hillary"); // Returns -1, Hillary not found
So your function could look like:
function validateName(name) {
return nameArray.indexOf(name) !== -1;
Please bear in mind it does not work on IE8 or below.
easy fix :)
var nameArray = ["Bill", "Barry", "Zack", "Will"];
console.log(validateName("Ben", nameArrray)); // False
console.log(validateName("Will", nameArrray)); // True
function validateName(name, arr){
var found = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
found += (name === arr[i])? 1 : 0;
var result = (found>0)? true: false;
return result;
This will be false, because Ben does not exist in the array
if (nameArray.indexOf(name) > -1)
You can add a contains() method to the Array class so that you do not have to type this out each time.
// Static method
if (Array.contains === undefined) {
Array.contains = function(arr, val) {
return arr.indexOf(val) > -1;
// Instance method
if (Array.prototype.contains === undefined) {
Array.prototype.contains = function(val) {
return this.indexOf(val) > -1;
var nameArray = ["Bill", "Barry", "Zack", "Will"];
var name = "Ben";
Array.contains(nameArray, name); // false
nameArray.contains(name); // false
You could also use some Array.prototype.some.
if (Array.prototype.contains === undefined) {
Array.prototype.contains = function(val) {
return this.some(function(item) {
return item === name;
A better approach is to polyfill Array.prototype.includes(). This is an upcoming method in ECMAScript 7.
if (![].includes) {
Array.prototype.includes = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex*/ ) {'use strict';
var O = Object(this);
var len = parseInt(O.length) || 0;
if (len === 0) {
return false;
var n = parseInt(arguments[1]) || 0;
var k;
if (n >= 0) {
k = n;
} else {
k = len + n;
if (k < 0) {k = 0;}
var currentElement;
while (k < len) {
currentElement = O[k];
if (searchElement === currentElement ||
(searchElement !== searchElement && currentElement !== currentElement)) {
return true;
return false;
[1, 2, 3].includes(2); // true
[1, 2, 3].includes(4); // false
[1, 2, 3].includes(3, 3); // false
[1, 2, 3].includes(3, -1); // true
[1, 2, NaN].includes(NaN); // true
I'd like to return the variable newString with only vowels capitalized. Not sure how to proceed. Tried using an if/else block but my logic wasn't correct.
function LetterChanges(str) {
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i) + 1;
var strLetter = String.fromCharCode(strCode);
var newString = newArray.join("");
return newString;
This is different from your approach, but you can do this:
function LetterChanges(str) {
return str.toLowerCase().replace(/[aeiou]/g, function(l) {
return l.toUpperCase();
console.log(LetterChanges("The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog"));
Here's an approach that's closer to your attempt and uses somewhat simpler concepts:
function LetterChanges(str) {
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var ch = str.charAt(i);
if ('aeiouAEIOU'.indexOf(ch) !== -1) {
} else {
return newArray.join("");
Split, map, join.
var vowels = 'aeiou';
var text = 'my random text with inevitable vowels';
var res = text.split('').map(function(c){
return (vowels.indexOf(c) > -1) ? c.toUpperCase() : c;
See the fiddle:
Strings are Collections of word-characters, so you can directly access each part of the string:
var foo = 'bar';
console.log(foo[0]); // outputs 'b'
Hence you can extend this to uppercase the output:
console.log(foo[0].toUpperCase() // outputs 'B'
To do this without regex, you can set the string to lower case, then iterate once over, calling toUpperCase() on each vowel.
function letterChanges(string){
var vowels = 'aeiou';
var lowerString = string.toLowerCase();
var result = '';
for( var i=0; i<lowerString.length; i++){
if( vowels.indexOf( lowerString[i] ) >= 0 ){ //if lowerString[i] is a vowel
result += lowerString[i].toUpperCase();
} else {
result += lowerString[i]
return result;
const vowelSound = string => {
let res = string.split("").filter(item => item === 'a' || item === 'i' || item === 'e' || item === 'o' || item === 'u')
return res.join("")
This question already has answers here:
Get all non-unique values (i.e.: duplicate/more than one occurrence) in an array
(97 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm looking for an easy way of removing a duplicate value from an array. I figured out how to detect if there is a duplicate or not, just I don't know how to "push" it from the value. For example, if you go to the link provided, and then type, "abca" (press return/enter key after each letter).. it will alert "duplicate!"
But I also want to figure out how to remove that duplicate from the textarea?
This is the part that seems to not be working ::
sort = sort.push(i);
textVal = sort;
return textVal;
Why do it the hard way, it can be done more easily using javascript filter function which is specifically for this kind of operations:
var arr = ["apple", "bannana", "orange", "apple", "orange"];
arr = arr.filter( function( item, index, inputArray ) {
return inputArray.indexOf(item) == index;
Output: ["apple", "bannana", "orange"]
Based on user2668376 solution, this will return a new array without duplicates.
Array.prototype.removeDuplicates = function () {
return this.filter(function (item, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(item) == index;
After that you can do:
[1, 3, 3, 7].removeDuplicates();
Result will be; [1, 3, 7].
These are the functions I created/use for removing duplicates:
var removeDuplicatesInPlace = function (arr) {
var i, j, cur, found;
for (i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
cur = arr[i];
found = false;
for (j = i - 1; !found && j >= 0; j--) {
if (cur === arr[j]) {
if (i !== j) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
found = true;
return arr;
var removeDuplicatesGetCopy = function (arr) {
var ret, len, i, j, cur, found;
ret = [];
len = arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
cur = arr[i];
found = false;
for (j = 0; !found && (j < len); j++) {
if (cur === arr[j]) {
if (i === j) {
found = true;
return ret;
So using the first one, this is how your code could look:
function cleanUp() {
var text = document.getElementById("fld"),
textVal = text.value,
textVal = textVal.replace(/\r/g, " ");
array = textVal.split(/\n/g);
text.value = removeDuplicatesInPlace(array).join("\n");
You can use Array.reduce() to remove the duplicates. You need a helper object to keep track of how many times an item has been seen.
function cleanUp()
var textBox = document.getElementById("fld"),
array = textBox.value.split(/\r?\n/g),
o = {},
output = array.reduce(function(prev, current) {
var key = '$' + current;
// have we seen this value before?
if (o[key] === void 0) {
o[key] = true;
return prev;
}, []);
// write back the result
textBox.value = output.join("\n");
The output of the reduce() step can be used directly to populate the text area again, without affecting the original sort order.
You can do this easily with just an object:
function removeDuplicates(text) {
var seen = {};
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var char = text.charAt(i);
if (char in seen) {
} else {
seen[char] = true;
result += char;
return result;
function cleanUp() {
var elem = document.getElementById("fld");
elem.value = removeDuplicates(elem.value);
arr3 = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5];
unique = [];
function findUnique(val)
status = '0';
return status;
rtn = findUnique(itm);
console.log(unique); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]