I have a knockout model and am getting an error that I do not understand.
Here is the offending section of code:
<!-- ko with: SearchModel -->
<img class="search-img" data-bind="visible: searching" src="#Url.Content("~/Static/Hypercube_Large_Light_Transparent.gif")" height="30" />
<img id="searchIcon" class="search-img" data-bind="visible: !searching()" src="#Url.Content("~/Static/search_icon.png")" height="30" />
<!-- /ko -->
In SearchModel.js:
this.searching = ko.observable(false);
I get an error on the SECOND reference to searching. The first one resolves just fine, and there are no other errors. Weird thing, the code actually WORKS, so whenever I change the searching variable to true, the second image goes away and the first one appears, then when I change it back to false, the first goes away and the second appears.
Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to parse bindings.
Bindings value: visible: !searching()
Message: searching is not defined
I suspect that you need to check for the existence of SearchModel prior to the with binding.
Something like:
<!-- ko if: SearchModel() -->
Or more specific:
<!-- ko if: SearchModel() !== 'undefined' && SearchModel() !== null -->
You could also, depending on your view model hierarchy, create a ko.pureComputed to check the existence of the SearchModel and in the HTML use code like:
<!-- ko if: SomePureComputed -->
I have a simple template with an if binding inside it:
<script type="text/html" id="addPersonTemplate">
<td class="large-7" data-bind="text: addPersonUsername"><span class="noSpecificChecks" data-bind="if: addPersonUsername() == false">No username added</span></td>
Basically, a person has an option to enter a username. When they click 'add' somewhere else in the document, the template is outputted, however, no matter what I try:
I cannot get if: addPersonUsername() == false to evaluate correctly.
If the expression evaluates to true (there is no username) I want to output "No username added". Yet, if I enter no username, the addPersonUsername() variable is undefined (checked via console.log) and yet this text is not outputted.
Is there any particular reason for this? Is the if binding only evaluated at HTML page load, not at template addition? I can't see any indication it is...
Knockout observables are functions so you need to get their value with calling them without any argument (e.g.: addPersonUsername()) when they are used in any expression like inside an if binding:
<span class="noSpecificChecks" data-bind="if: addPersonUsername() == false">
Beside that your HTML is structured incorrectly. When you apply the text binding on the td it replaces the whole content of the td so also your span with the if.
So you need to apply the text something else inside the td like on a span (or use the virtual element syntax if you don't need the span):
<td class="large-7" >
<!-- ko if: addPersonUsername -->
<span data-bind="text: addPersonUsername"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<span class="noSpecificChecks" data-bind="if: addPersonUsername() == false">No username added
Demo JSFiddle.
Take a look at the following code, with a focus on the embedded script:
<!-- ko foreach: { data: foos, as: 'f' } -->
<!-- ko if: f.someCondition() -->
<input id='picker' />
<script type="text/javascript">
value: new Date(),
change: f.changeFunction }); <!---- note this line -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
See f.changeFunction? I'm getting a JavaScript error that f is not defined. How do I access the current binding context so I can attach the Kendo change handler to my current foo? I've tried using a few of the binding context variables but they aren't accessible outside of the binding expressions. If I can't access the binding context in the embedded script, is there a workaround?
Is there a reason you aren't using the kendo-knockout bindings?
I am displaying a list of items and if the items are not available I have to display a default message. Now, I have to check whether the object has been created and then check the object has the list in it.
So now, I am doing the below and it works it creates unnecessary dom elements. But, when I do the same with the containerless binding it doesn't seem to work and also is there an && syntax for if in KO
<span data-bind="if: object">
<span data-bind="if: !object().property">
<p> The list is not available </p>
</span> // Works
<!-- ko if: object -->
<!-- ko if: !object().property -->
<p> The list is not available </p>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko --> // Doesn't work
As mentioned by CodeThug, using the solutions you provided would display the message until ko.applyBindings have finished. A more verbose solution, but that would avoid the problem without relying on CSS, is to use dynamic templates as shown in the following jsfiddle:
This will create the valid markup inside the virtual element only when the ko.applyBindings is done.
<!-- ko template: { name: dinamycList } -->
<!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="empty-template">
... list is NOT available markup ...
<script type="text/html" id="list-template">
... list is available markup ...
Being dinamycList a function that returns the name of the template according to the verifications you want for a valid list.
Reading thru your last comment made me think if the behaviour that you want is to display the "not avaiable template" only after calculating the list and the property is false, if thats the case, the following fiddle will fix the last one to provide the right condition.
The "if" condition in template will handle the moment after knockout is ready, but before the list is. If the condition gets too messy, i would advise to put it inside a ko.computed for a clear markup.
<!-- ko template: { name: dinamycList, if: object() !== undefined && object().property !== undefined } -->
<!-- /ko -->
As you have seen, the element exists in the DOM, and it won't be removed until the ko.applyBindings call is finished. Thus the momentary display of this message.
I'd try hiding the entire section of the DOM and show a loading indicator instead. When ko/ajax is done, the loading indicator can then be removed and the markup you care about displayed.
Alternately, you could see if your page is taking a while to load and try to improve the load time of the page. The chrome profiling tools can help with this.
THis is very easy with my Convention over configuration lib
Just this and the lib will do the templatating for you
this.items.subscribe(function(items) {
if(items.length === 0) {
this.items.push(new MyApp.EmptyViewModel());
}, this);
I've used Knockout templates before, so I'm not sure why this isn't working for me.
I tried two different styles of ko markup, neither work.
<!-- more nesting levels -->
<div class="cal-day-tps" data-bind="foreach: timePeriods">
<div class="cal-day-tp-cont">
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'tp-ed-templ', data: $data }"></div>
//both of these methods fail
<!-- ko template: { name: 'tp-ed-templ', data: $data } -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /more nesting levels -->
<script type="text/html" id="tp-ed-templ">
<!-- bunch of markup -->
I just get the error "Cannot find template with ID tp-ed-templ".
Probably just a typo, but I haven't been able to find it.
I'm using KO in the context of Durandal, though this shouldn't make a difference.
Tried declaring the template before usage, didn't help.
Someone else ran into the same thing with no solution either
It seems to be an issue with Durandal, not Knockout.
I tried some extremely simple cases in vanilla durandal setups, and it still does the same thing. Even tried putting the script in the same nested location as the binding, no dice.
The short answer: You can't currently use Knockout templates inside of Durandal.
However, as nemesv pointed out, if you put your named template outside of Durandal, ko is able to find them. For example, anywhere outside of the <div id="applicationHost"></div> element.
The other workarounds are to either use Durandal's compose functionality, or just inline the templates as anonymous.
Knockout templates will probably be supported in the near future.
I finally dug these answers up on the Durandal google group,
Mixing knockout templates with durandal compose
knockout can't find templates inside of views
The issue is that the KO template element must exist in the DOM before the Durandal view is bound. This is because the view is bound before it is inserted into the DOM so any contained templates cannot be resolved by ID.
Using a function that returns an observable can be used to later re-trigger a template binding .. it works, but is wonky. (An if binding could be used for similar effect.)
// bind to this in markup:
// <div data-bind="template: {name: $root.templateName, .. }">
vm.templateName = function () {
return vm.TemplateId();
// Changing this will trigger an observable in the KO template binding;
// don't ask me why we have to pass in a function to 'name' ..
vm.TemplateId = ko.observable("dummy-template-id-that-exists");
// After the view is attached the correct template element is in the DOM
// so we can trigger the template to (re-)bind and it will find it.
function viewAttached () {
How to perform following operation in knockout
<div id="mainlist" data-bind="foreach: PageData.messages">
<article class="comment_chain" id="_parentpost" >
<div class="post_holder">
<!-- ko if: ObjectId === 4 -->
<!-- /ko -->
here if condetion is no getting called properly . wat may b the reason for this.
Is ObjectId an observable? If so when you use an observable in an expression you have to remember that it is really a function and you need to use the () form to get the underlying value. Try this:
<!-- ko if: ObjectId() === 4 -->