I have tried vTicker but it does not work as an inline element.
<div id="vticker"><ul>...</ul></div>
Some other headline text
I would like the vertically scrolling text inside the vTicker object to align with the other content in the h1 tag, but when I try to make it inline or inline-block it disappears.
I tried making my own as well, but can't seem to move elements located inside an inline or inline-block object with absolute, relative, or margin positioning.
Just setting the element you run vTicker on to be display: inline won't work, because vTicker uses absolute positioning and overflow: hidden to do its magic.
Using display: inline-block comes closer, but suffers from the fact that the vTicker container does not have a width. Thus, it won't display anything.
We can fix this by setting the width of the vTicker container to the width of the widest element in it, or, equivalently, the width of the ul in the vTicker container. Demo:
/*! vTicker 1.21 http://richhollis.github.com/vticker/ | http://richhollis.github.com/vticker/license/ | based on Jubgits vTicker http://www.jugbit.com/jquery-vticker-vertical-news-ticker/ */
(function(d){var g,c,f;g={speed:700,pause:4E3,showItems:1,mousePause:!0,height:0,animate:!0,margin:0,padding:0,startPaused:!1,autoAppend:!0};c={moveUp:function(a,b){return c.showNextItem(a,b,"up")},moveDown:function(a,b){return c.showNextItem(a,b,"down")},nextItemState:function(a,b){var e,c;c=a.element.children("ul");e=a.itemHeight;0<a.options.height&&(e=c.children("li:first").height());e+=a.options.margin+2*a.options.padding;return{height:e,options:a.options,el:a.element,obj:c,selector:"up"===b?
"li:first":"li:last",dir:b}},showNextItem:function(a,b,e){var d;d=c.nextItemState(a,e);d.el.trigger("vticker.beforeTick");e=d.obj.children(d.selector).clone(!0);"down"===d.dir&&d.obj.css("top","-"+d.height+"px").prepend(e);b&&b.animate?a.animating||c.animateNextItem(d,a):c.nonAnimatedNextItem(d);"up"===d.dir&&a.options.autoAppend&&e.appendTo(d.obj);return d.el.trigger("vticker.afterTick")},animateNextItem:function(a,b){b.animating=!0;return a.obj.animate("up"===a.dir?{top:"-="+a.height+"px"}:{top:0},
b.options.speed,function(){d(a.obj).children(a.selector).remove();d(a.obj).css("top","0px");return b.animating=!1})},nonAnimatedNextItem:function(a){a.obj.children(a.selector).remove();return a.obj.css("top","0px")},nextUsePause:function(){var a,b;b=d(this).data("state");a=b.options;if(!b.isPaused&&!c.hasSingleItem(b))return f.next.call(this,{animate:a.animate})},startInterval:function(){var a,b;b=d(this).data("state");a=b.options;return b.intervalId=setInterval(function(a){return function(){return c.nextUsePause.call(a)}}(this),
a.pause)},stopInterval:function(){var a;if(a=d(this).data("state"))return a.intervalId&&clearInterval(a.intervalId),a.intervalId=void 0},restartInterval:function(){c.stopInterval.call(this);return c.startInterval.call(this)},getState:function(a,b){var c;if(!(c=d(b).data("state")))throw Error("vTicker: No state available from "+a);return c},isAnimatingOrSingleItem:function(a){return a.animating||this.hasSingleItem(a)},hasMultipleItems:function(a){return 1<a.itemCount},hasSingleItem:function(a){return!c.hasMultipleItems(a)},
bindMousePausing:function(a){return function(a,e){return a.bind("mouseenter",function(){if(!e.isPaused)return e.pausedByCode=!0,c.stopInterval.call(this),f.pause.call(this,!0)}).bind("mouseleave",function(){if(!e.isPaused||e.pausedByCode)return e.pausedByCode=!1,f.pause.call(this,!1),c.startInterval.call(this)})}}(this),setItemLayout:function(a,b,c){var f;a.css({overflow:"hidden",position:"relative"}).children("ul").css({position:"absolute",margin:0,padding:0}).children("li").css({margin:c.margin,
padding:c.padding});return isNaN(c.height)||0===c.height?(a.children("ul").children("li").each(function(){if(d(this).height()>b.itemHeight)return b.itemHeight=d(this).height()}),a.children("ul").children("li").each(function(){return d(this).height(b.itemHeight)}),f=c.margin+2*c.padding,a.height((b.itemHeight+f)*c.showItems+c.margin)):a.height(c.height)},defaultStateAttribs:function(a,b){return{itemCount:a.children("ul").children("li").length,itemHeight:0,itemMargin:0,element:a,animating:!1,options:b,
isPaused:b.startPaused,pausedByCode:!1}}};f={init:function(a){var b,e;d(this).data("state")&&f.stop.call(this);b=jQuery.extend({},g);a=d.extend(b,a);b=d(this);e=c.defaultStateAttribs(b,a);d(this).data("state",e);c.setItemLayout(b,e,a);a.startPaused||c.startInterval.call(this);if(a.mousePause)return c.bindMousePausing(b,e)},pause:function(a){var b;b=c.getState("pause",this);if(!c.hasMultipleItems(b))return!1;b.isPaused=a;b=b.element;if(a)return d(this).addClass("paused"),b.trigger("vticker.pause");
d(this).removeClass("paused");return b.trigger("vticker.resume")},next:function(a){var b;b=c.getState("next",this);if(c.isAnimatingOrSingleItem(b))return!1;c.restartInterval.call(this);return c.moveUp(b,a)},prev:function(a){var b;b=c.getState("prev",this);if(c.isAnimatingOrSingleItem(b))return!1;c.restartInterval.call(this);return c.moveDown(b,a)},stop:function(){c.getState("stop",this);return c.stopInterval.call(this)},remove:function(){var a;a=c.getState("remove",this);c.stopInterval.call(this);
a=a.element;a.unbind();return a.remove()}};return d.fn.vTicker=function(a){return f[a]?f[a].apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1)):"object"!==typeof a&&a?d.error("Method "+a+" does not exist on jQuery.vTicker"):f.init.apply(this,arguments)}})(jQuery);
let vticker = $('#vticker');
let width = vticker.find('ul').width();
'display': 'inline-block',
'vertical-align': 'bottom',
'width': width
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="vticker">
I would suggest you to use Flexbox.
I have 2 sections:
<section class="notes animate" id="need" style="background:#fff; height:900px; padding-top:70px;">
<!--stuff --->
<section class="focus" id="need" style="display:none;">
<!--stuff --->
I want to display the second section when window is lowered to width less than 1043px. And hide the first section by display:none
How can I remove id attribute of first section, when width is less than 1043?
You should use CSS media queries. You can read more about it here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp
For example:
#media only screen and (max-width: 1043px) {
section.focus {
display: block;
Firstly you cannot use same ID for more than one div. So change the id of one div.
And to hide the second div and show the first div:
Use CSS:
#media only screen and (max-width: 1043px) {
.focus {
display: block;
.notes {
display: none;
In response to your requirement for removing the ID attribute, try the following JavaScript. It can only do it once however, and if you are interested in performance you should consider investigating debounce/throttle for the resize handler. (http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-throttle-debounce/examples/debounce/)
$(window).on('resize', function() {
if($(window).width() < 1043) {
However, the media queries answers are the correct approach to show/hide based on screen width.
I need to create two divs with same height. The height of each div is different on every page (height depends on content). Is there any way how to lock the height of two divs together? Here is a jsfiddle (I need to increse the height of div C based on div A and conversely).
Note: I cant use table or parent div. I am a newbie in JavaScript, so I hope that it can be done without it.
<div class="a">
<div class="b">
<div class="c">
You can use display:table-cell, first remove the float and add this:
div {
width 30px;
display:table-cell;/*Add this*/
/*float:left; Remove this*/
Check this Demo http://jsfiddle.net/8zPD2/1/
Before use this check the Compatibility
Just need to use this CSS:
.c {
max-height: 200px;
try this:
<div class="divmaster">
<div class="divchild">
<div class="divchild">
<div class="divchild">
and the css:
height: 100%;
If you want to try this in JavaScript , Use this code:
setHeight = function (src, target) {
h = src.height();
target.css('height', h + 'px');
content = $('.a');
imagediv = $('.b');
setHeight(content, imagediv);
Just set your div to display: table-cell, and then remove the float: left.
div {
display: table-cell;
width 30px;
.a {
background-color: #e9d8b7;
.b {
Check this: http://jsfiddle.net/8zPD2/6/
Set min height to height of the div which has high height. Say if your div A has highest height the use that height to all divs. Its not possible with css if you dont know which div might have heigest div. As you asked how to do it only with css here it is
.a,.b,.c{ min-height:200px; max-height:400px; }
Im having trouble with the latest version of LayerSlider. I have used everything from the full-width responsive demo and read through all the options but when I resize my browser, the height does not update. To make this clearer the image itself scales but the container's height stays the same. In the documentation it says that you must give the container a height.
My code below:
<div id="LayerSlider" class="Slider">
<div class="ls-slide" data-ls="transition2d:1;timeshift:-1000;">
<img src="/Assets/Images/Layerslider/Banner1.jpg" class="ls-bg" alt="Slide background"/>
<div class="ls-slide" data-ls="transition2d:1;timeshift:-1000;">
<img src="/Assets/Images/Layerslider/Banner2.jpg" class="ls-bg" alt="Slide background"/>
$(document).ready(function () {
responsive: false,
layersContainer : 1178,
responsiveUnder : 1500
In the documentation is says you must use responsive: false if you want to use responsiveUnder which makes it responsive under a specified width.
Link to LayerSlider http://kreaturamedia.com/layerslider-responsive-jquery-slider-plugin/
All you need to do is put the container css inline.
<div id="LayerSlider" class="Slider" style="width:100%; height:427px;">
use jquery to change the #layerslider height when window resize.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).resize(function() {
var newHeight;
newHeight = $(window).width();
newHeight = newHeight / 2.25
newHeight = parseInt(newHeight);
// alert(newHeight);
$('#layerslider').css('height', newHeight);
I had the exact same problem. In my case, it was due to a duplicate of css styles, when we migrated the site to liferay cms (which adds all sorts of html). We restructured some of site and copied and pasted the layerslider.css into the document (so we could edit it without having to deploy the theme) - but never removed the original css file. Removing the styles is what fixed the height calculation. Apparently the javascript uses the css styles you set for height and width to calculate the image, text, and parent container sizes.
Hope this helps.
I used css break point to fix this height issue of the layer Slider. Use the layer slider's css editor.
#media only screen and (min-width:800px) and (max-width:960px) {
.ls-wp-fullwidth-container {
height: 65vh!important;
#media only screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:800px) {
.ls-wp-fullwidth-container {
height: 50vh!important;
#media only screen and (min-width:600px) and (max-width:768px) {
.ls-wp-fullwidth-container {
height: 42vh!important;
#media only screen and (min-width:480px)and (max-width:600px) {
.ls-wp-fullwidth-container {
height: 33vh!important;
I'm trying to calculate width and height of elements, to set precise position in CSS with jQuery, but for some reason calculation for some IDs doesn't work (alert shows 0 or nothing) while working for other IDs and classes. Here's the jQuery code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#img1").each(function () {
var maxtop = $('.pattern').outerHeight() - $('#mimg1').outerHeight() - 20,
maxleft = $('.pattern').outerWidth() - $('#mimg1').outerWidth() - 20,
randomtop = getRandomInt(20, maxtop),
randomleft = getRandomInt(20, maxleft),
randomzindex = getRandomInt(1, 30);
"top": randomtop,
"left": randomleft,
"z-index": randomzindex
$("#img13").each(function () {
var maxtop = $('.pattern').outerHeight() - $('#mimg13').outerHeight() - 20,
maxleft = $('.pattern').outerWidth() - $('#mimg13').outerWidth() - 20,
randomtop = getRandomInt(20, maxtop),
randomleft = getRandomInt(20, maxleft),
randomzindex = getRandomInt(1, 30);
alert ($('#mimg13').outerHeight());
"top": randomtop,
"left": randomleft,
"z-index": randomzindex
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
html {width:100vw; height:100vh;}
body {margin:0; width:100vw; height:100vh; overflow:hidden;}
.pattern {width:100%; height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}
.drag {overflow: visible; padding-bottom: 0px; cursor: move; position: absolute;}
.mood-img {position:absolute; display:none; margin:0; padding:0;}
<body class="pattern-2">
<div class="pattern"></div>
<div id="img1" class="drag mood-img">
<img class="shadow moodimg1" src="mood/brick-mood-1.png">
<span class="mood-name shadow">
<nobr>A. Brickwork I</nobr>
<div id="img13" class="drag mood-img">
<img id="moodimg13" class="shadow moodimg" src="mood/brick-graphic-4.png">
<span class="mood-name shadow">
<nobr>6. Untitled</nobr><br>
I have tried lot of different options but none of them worked and the problem is always (as it seems) is that JS doesn't calculate elements' sizes, so positions are also calculated wrong.
And also may be there's some more simple way to make all these calculation, cause I have 13 elements with different IDs (from img1 to img13 and from mimg1 to mimg13. May be I could use JS to get IDs by itself, with no need for me to write all IDs into JS?
I have a page with a few div elements, one of them is visible, others are set to display:none. When particular span element is clicked, JS sets certain hidden div visible, changing its CSS to display:block. The div I have this problem with at first was an invisible container for several other divs with images and text elements and I wanted to position these contained elements against the container div (which had width and height set to 0 and margin top and left set to 50%) with margin-top and margin-left. Then I set the container to have 100% width and height and tried to position container's content with top and left. Then I removed the container and set its former inner elements to have position:absolute and tried to still position it with top and left properties calculated and set with jQuery. Actually those elements are images with some pop-up text, which should be randomly placed all over the page (overflow:hidden), and have z-index set randomly as well. I've spent three days trying to find the solution, but got no result — either it's not working at all (elements are placed all on top of one another in the same position (top left corner) either calculations are done wrong and some (or all) divs are positioned out of the page which creates scroll or hiding images when overflow is hidden. Hope I'm explaining it fine, so anyone could be able to understand what have I wanted to do.
You're calculating dimensions on page load - $(document).ready(... but unfortunately it doesn't mean the images are ready at this point. It's a common issue.
Since you already have your images wrapped with .each function, simply replace it with the load event handler
$("#img1").on('load', function () {
If the CSS of a parent element of a image is display: none, the image is not loaded and there is no width or height.
Just set opacity: 0 instead.
I have a small problem with jQuery slideDown() animation. When this slideDown() is triggered, it moves all stuff below downwards too.
How do I make all the stuff below the <p> being slid down, remain stationary ?
I would prefer a solution where the change is done to the <p> element, or to the slideDown call or something. Because in my actual page, there is a lot of stuff below the <p> being slid down, so changing/re-arranging all of them will take much longer for me ~
Demo # JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ahmadka/A2mmP/24/
HTML Code:
<section class="subscribe">
<button id="submitBtn" type="submit">Subscribe</button>
<div style="padding-top: 30px;">
<table border="1">
<td>This table moves</td>
<td>down when</td>
<td>is activated !</td>
$(function () {
$("#submitBtn").click(function (event) {
$(".subscribe p").html("Thanks for your interest!").slideDown();
.subscribe p {
display: none;
You can position that element as absolute:
.subscribe p {
display: none;
position : absolute; // add this line
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/A2mmP/25/
What's happening with your existing code is that the element starts out as display:none; so it doesn't take up any space at all until you slide it in and it is changed to display:block, hence the movement down of the following elements.
With position:absolute it doesn't take up space in that sense, it overlaps: in fact in my updated version of your fiddle you can see a slight overlap into the table underneath - you can obviously tweak margins on the table or whatever to make it fit the way you want.
All you need is to give a fixed height of your .subscribe.
.subscribe {
height: 50px;
.subscribe p {
margin: 0px;
display: none;
Here is the jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/xL3R8/
We will put the sliding element in a div element with a fixed width, preventing the document flow from being affected by the slide event.
<section class="subscribe">
<button id="submitBtn" type="submit">Subscribe</button>
<!-- this is the modified part -->
.subscribe div
/* We force the width to stay a maximum of 22px */
.subscribe div p {
display: none;
/* We reset the top margin so the element is shown correctly */
Live Demo
The problem is your CSS, it will render as block and push the other elements down when it slides in. Set it to be absolutely positioned and change the z-index to be in front, or behind.
.subscribe p {
display: none;
position: absolute;
z-index: 100;
.subscribe p {
display: none;
margin :0px;
IMO a good UI practice would be to, remove the subscribe button, and instead show a message there like :
"Hurray! You have been subscribed"
$(function () {
$("#submitBtn").click(function (event) {
$("#submitBtn").slideToggle('slow', function(){
$(".subscribe p").html("Thanks for your interest!").slideDown();
The actual problem your facing is display:none which will remove the space for the element p
where as visiblity:hidden and showing will get ride of this problem
Even though it will not give the proper slideDown effects so you can use the position absolute and keep some spaces for the p element will solve your problem.
one of the solution
.subscribe p {