Show all date between two date range in javascript - javascript

I want to show all dates between two days.I can't do this.Please help..
This is my code...
var Day = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
var firstDate = new Date("2017-04-10");
var secondDate = new Date("2017-04-15");
var diffDays = (secondDate.getTime() - firstDate.getTime())/Day;
for(var i=0;i<= diffDays ;i++)
var d = new Date(firstDate + i);

Your i variable is the number of the day to display. Your firstDate variable is a Date.
This line:
var d = new Date(firstDate + i);
adds these together and tries to create a new Date. Due to these being different types (a date and a number) type coercion comes into play (ie: the Date and the Number get converted to strings, and concatenated together).
Try this:
var DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
var theDate = new Date("2017-04-10");
var i = 5;
// Date + Number = Type Coercion! Both objects will be converted to strings and concatenated together.
alert(theDate + i);
// The Date constructor doesn't care, and will work because it can get a date from the first part of the string.
alert(new Date(theDate + i));
// If you use `getTime()` you can get the numerical value of the Date, which you can use for arithmetic.
// By adding `i`, however, you are only adding a few milliseconds to the first date !!
alert(new Date(theDate.getTime() + i);
// Number + Number of days times milliseconds per day = success!
alert(new Date(theDate.getTime() + (i * DAY_IN_MS)));
I think you mean:
var d = new Date(firstDate.getTime() + (i * Day));

Short answer, increment the right amount of milliseconds to firstDate.getTime() :
for(var i=0;i<= diffDays ;i++)
firstDate = new Date(firstDate.getTime() + Day);
Long answer, you have several things wrong in your code :
Here var d = new Date(firstDate + i); you are adding to a Date object string representation the value of i in this case incremented on the loop.
You are then parsing this String into a new Date object, but Javascript only recognizes the date and ignores the appended number
You should either try to get the milliseconds of firstDate as you did for diffDays and then add i * Day (also consider renaming this variable to something else, maybe a const DAY_IN_MS or something).


How to add 31 days to a date inputted by the user

So I'm trying to make a period counter (cliche) and I'm also beginner at HTML and Javascript so bear with me. I made it so the user can put in the date that their period started, and I want to add 31 to the amount of days they entered so it comes out as a date.
My script so far:
function theDate() {
var m = document.getElementById("inmonth").value;
var d = document.getElementById("inday").value;
var y = document.getElementById("inyear").value;
var nd = new Date(m + "/" + d + "/" + y);
var thirtyDaysLater = 31;
var fstart = nd.setDate(nd.getDate() + thirtyDaysLater);
document.getElementById("enddate").innerHTML = "Last Period End Date: " +
document.getElementById("nextdate").innerHTML = "Next Period Start Date: " +
definitely a duplicate but setDate both returns a number (the number of seconds since X passed) and modifies the date, so you'd want to do something like this.
// After setting nd and thirty days later
var fstart = new Date(nd); //copy the date
fstart.setDate(fstart.getDate() + thirtyDaysLater);
// Now fstart contains the modified date and nd contains the initial one.
From there just use as you want.
In short
var a = new Date(b) // date Object a copy of b
a.setDate(num) // Returns a number (which identifies the date) and modifies a
b = new Date(a.setDate(num)) // a is modified, b is now a copy of a.
and for funsies
// a contains the current date - 30 days (it properly accounts for months)
var a = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 30));
You should not use the built-in parser. Rather then building a string, giving it to an unreliable parser and hoping you get a consistent result, just give the parts directly to the Date constructor.
Also, setDate modifies the date in place, so there's no need for fstart:
function theDate() {
var y = document.getElementById("inyear").value;
var m = document.getElementById("inmonth").value;
var d = document.getElementById("inday").value;
var nd = new Date(y, m-1, d);
document.getElementById("enddate").innerHTML = "Last Period End Date: " + nd.toString();
var thirtyDaysLater = 31;
nd.setDate(nd.getDate() + thirtyDaysLater);
document.getElementById("nextdate").innerHTML = "Next Period Start Date: " + nd.toString();
Day: <input id="inday" value="5"><br>
Month: <input id="inmonth" value="10"><br>
Year: <input id="inyear" value="2017"><br>
<button onclick="theDate()">Calculate</button>
<p id="enddate">
<p id="nextdate">
This doesn't do any validation of input, you may want to add that.

Create date object and compare to todays date

I have an object containing time. For example x.time = 10:20:00.
I want to take the current time minus my objects time.
This is my code so far, but i get the error message ="Invalid Date":
for(var i = 0; i<x.length; i++){
nowDate = new Date();
minutesLeft = new Date(nowDate.getFullYear(), nowDate.getMonth(), nowDate.getDate() + x[i].time);
text +- "It is "+ minutesLeft[i] + " milliseconds left";
In order to convert your time property into a date object you can do:
var timepieces = x.time.split(':');
var date = new Date();
Then you can directly compare the two dates by using the getTime() method of the Date object.
nowDate.getTime() === date.getTime()
nowDate.getTime() > date.getTime()
nowDate.getTime() < date.getTime()
You can also get the difference of two dates in milliseconds:
var milliseconds = nowDate.getTime() - date.getTime();
There are a bunch of problems with your code. I'll go through and hopefully catch everything.
Use var to declare your variables inside your loop. (further reading)
When you create the variable minutesLeft you are doing a bit of weird concatenation. You told us that x.time is a string such as "10:20:00" but you are (string) concatenating that with Date.prototype.getDate which returns a number in the range 1-31 (representing the day of the month). You are essentially doing this:
minutesLeft = new Date(2017,0,1910:20:00);
Which I hope you see will not create a new date. You perhaps wanted something along the lines of
minutesLeft = new Date(2017,0,19, 10, 20, 0);
Which should give you what you want (todays date set to the appropriate time defined by x.time.
text +- does not make any sense. I suspect a typo, you meant text += which will append the value on the right to the variable text. Or, perhaps text = which will assign the value, replacing what was there
"It is "+ minutesLeft[i] + " milliseconds left" using minutesLeft[i] will take a single character from a string (or an item from an array, if the value is an array). Yours is just a date object, and is not an array, so I suspect you just meant to leave off the [i] part altogether.
If you're trying to get the difference between the current date/time and your selected date/time you need to do some arithmetic with nowDate and minutesLeft. I'm assuming this is a difference you're after.
var x = [{time:"10:20:20"}];
var text = "";
for(var i = 0; i<x.length; i++){
var nowDate = new Date();
var timeSplit = x[i].time.split(":");
var minutesLeft = new Date(nowDate.getFullYear(), nowDate.getMonth(), nowDate.getDate());
text += "It is "+ (nowDate-minutesLeft) + " milliseconds left";
For example x.time = 10:20:00. I want to take the current time minus my objects time.
Your code seems quite confused, it seems you're trying to do the following:
var time = '10:20:00';
var timeParts = time.split(':');
var now = new Date();
// Current date and time
// Subtract the hours part of the time from the hours part of the current time
now.setHours(now.getHours() - timeParts[0]);
// Subtract the minutes part of the time from the minutes part of the current time
now.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - timeParts[1]);
// Subtract the seconds part of the time from the seconds part of the current time
now.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() - timeParts[2]);
// Adjusted date and time
// You can set the time parts all in one go:
var now2 = new Date();
now2.setHours(now2.getHours() - timeParts[0],
now2.getMinutes() - timeParts[1],
now2.getSeconds() - timeParts[2]);
Lastly, copying a date is as simple as:
var date1 = new Date();
var date2 = new Date(date1);

Add a variable number to a date in Java script

I have read a few articles but nothing seems to the point. I have created a form that records a reservation date (when a user wants to reserve a game) and the number of days they hope to borrow it for. I want to add this to the reservation date to get the date the game must be returned by. I have wrapped up my code so far into a function so that I can call it using an onclick method. What should this code look like to work properly? Almost forgot - to make life hard my date is written like this YYYY-MM-DD
function ReturnDate(){
var reservation_begin = document.getElementById('reservation_start').value;
var loan_period = document.getElementById('requested_days').value;
var reservation_end = document.getElementById('return_date');
var dateResult = reservation_begin + loan_period;
return_date.value = dateResult;
USING the Suggestions made by Linus
I made the following alterations but had trouble with the formatting of the return date. e.g Setting the reservation date to 2015-01-03 gave me the result of 2015-0-32 for the return date
function ReturnDate(){
var reservation_begin = document.getElementById('reservation_start').value;
var loan_period = document.getElementById('requested_days').value;
var resDate = new Date(reservation_begin);
var period = loan_period;
var output = document.getElementById('return_date');
resDate.setDate(resDate.getDate() + period);
//return_date.value = resDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (resDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + resDate.getDate();
return_date.value = resDate.getFullYear() + "-" + resDate.getMonth() + "-" + (resDate.getDate() +1);
As mentioned dates could be a bit tricky to handle with js.
But to just add days to a date this could be a solution?
var resDate = new Date('2015-02-01');
var period = 6;
var output = "";
resDate.setDate(resDate.getDate() + period);
output = resDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (resDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + resDate.getDate();
Added a new JSBin which is more consistent with the original code.
<input id="reservationStart" type="text" value="2015-03-01" />
<br />
<input id="requestedDays" type="text" value="14" />
<br />
<a id="calculateDate" href="javascript:;">Calculate Date</a>
<br /><br /><br />
<input id="calculatedDate" type="text" />
// Click event
document.getElementById('calculateDate').addEventListener('click', returnDate);
// Click function
function returnDate(){
var reservationStart = document.getElementById('reservationStart').value,
requestedDays = parseInt(document.getElementById('requestedDays').value),
targetDate = new Date(reservationStart),
formattedDate = "";
// Calculate date
targetDate.setDate(targetDate.getDate() + requestedDays);
// Format date
formattedDate = formatDate(targetDate);
// Output date
document.getElementById('calculatedDate').value = formattedDate;
// Format date (XXXX-XX-XX)
function formatDate(fullDate) {
var dateYear = fullDate.getFullYear(),
dateMonth = fullDate.getMonth()+1,
dateDays = fullDate.getDate();
// Pad month and days
dateMonth = pad(dateMonth);
dateDays = pad(dateDays);
return dateYear + "-" + dateMonth + "-" + dateDays;
// Pad number
function pad(num) {
return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
As per my comment,
Split reservation_begin and use the Date constructor feeding in the
parts to create a Javascript date object. getTime will give you the
milliseconds since the Epoch. There are 86400000 milliseconds in a day, so
multiply this by loan_period. Add the two millisecond result together
and use the Date constructor with your total milliseconds to get
dateResult as a Javascript date object.
using Date.UTC but you don't have to.
function pad(num) {
return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num;
var reservation_begin = ('2015-02-01').split('-'),
loan_period = '5',
reservation_begin[1] -= 1;
begin = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, reservation_begin)).getTime();
end = new Date(begin + 86400000 * loan_period);
document.body.textContent = [
pad(end.getUTCMonth() + 1),
Why split the date string into parts? This is to avoid cross browser parsing issues.
Why use milliseconds? This is the smallest value represented by Javascript Date, using this will avoid any rollover issues that may be present in browsers.
Why use UTC? You haven't specified the requirements for your script, and this is about as complex as it gets. You don't have to use it, you can just feed the parts into Date and use the non UTC get methods.
What does pad do? It formats the month values to MM and date values to DD.
Note that month is zero referenced in Javascript so months are represent by the numbers 0-11.
A bit confused with the third variable "reservation_end" but according to your question this solution might work.
var dateResult = new Date(reservation_begin);
dateResult.setDate(dateResult.getDate() + parseInt(loan_period));
Example using todays date:
var today = new Date();
today.setDate(today.getDate() + x);
where x is the number of days. Then just use getYear(), getMonth() and getDate() and format it how you like.
var myDate = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
Assuming your date is entered in dd/mm/yyyy format as inputDate then
dateParts = inputDate.split("/");
var myDate = new Date(dateParts[2], dateParts[1]-1, dateParts[0]);
Depending on the date format your split() delimiter and array positions may be different but this is the general idea.

Date object returns NaN when trying to calculate time between two dates in IE8

I have a string which represents the expiry of an item like so: 2020-10-31T21:30:11, and I have a function to calculate the amount of days left until this date (below).
However, in IE8 it doesn't work. I think this is because timeEnd is returning NaN. Can someone explain why this doesn't work and point me in the right direction?
I have a jsFiddle here.
And here's a snippet of my code:
<span class="days-left" data-publishend="2020-10-31T21:30:11"></span>
$('.days-left').each(function () {
if ($(this).data("publishend")) {
var timeEnd = new Date($(this).data("publishend")), // returns NaN in IE8
timeNow = new Date(),
oneDay = 24*60*60*1000,
oneHour = 60*60*1000,
oneMin = 60*1000,
daysLeft = Math.floor(Math.abs(timeEnd.getTime() - timeNow.getTime()) / oneDay),
hoursLeft = Math.floor(Math.abs(timeEnd.getTime() - timeNow.getTime()) / oneHour),
minsLeft = Math.floor(Math.abs(timeEnd.getTime() - timeNow.getTime()) / oneMin),
if (daysLeft < 1) {
if (hoursLeft < 1.5) {
string = minsLeft + ' minutes';
} else {
string = hoursLeft + ' hours left';
if (daysLeft === 1) string = '1 day left';
if (daysLeft > 1) string = daysLeft + ' days left';
You are right, IE8 won't parse your date right at the beginning (timeEnd init).
Here is the reason :
Just one more date handling issue ;)
try this
function parseISO8601(dateStringInRange) {
var isoExp = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/,
date = new Date(NaN), month,
parts = isoExp.exec(dateStringInRange);
if(parts) {
month = +parts[2];
date.setFullYear(parts[1], month - 1, parts[3]);
if(month != date.getMonth() + 1) {
return date;
to make the conversion.
Source: Date constructor returns NaN in IE, but works in Firefox and Chrome
From looking at answers in this Stackoverflow question, I've got a grasp of what was going on and created my own function that worked the string that I wanted to convert a date object.
IE8 cannot parse the string 2020-10-31T21:30:11 like other browsers can. But the date object can accept comma separated values representing the year, month, day, etc, and use them to create the new instance (more info about the Date object).
So I created a function that takes my string, spits it at the "T" and then splits the remaining values at either the "-" or the ":". The function then returns the a date object instance using these values as the parameters.
function parseDateString(dateString) {
var a = dateString.split('T'),
year = a[0].split('-')[0],
month = a[0].split('-')[1],
day = a[0].split('-')[2],
hour = a[1].split(':')[0],
min = a[1].split(':')[1];
return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, min);

How to subtract days from a plain Date?

Want to improve this post? Provide detailed answers to this question, including citations and an explanation of why your answer is correct. Answers without enough detail may be edited or deleted.
Is there an easy way of taking a olain JavaScript Date (e.g. today) and going back X days?
So, for example, if I want to calculate the date 5 days before today.
Try something like this:
var d = new Date();
Note that this modifies the date object and returns the time value of the updated date.
var d = new Date();
document.write('Today is: ' + d.toLocaleString());
d.setDate(d.getDate() - 5);
document.write('<br>5 days ago was: ' + d.toLocaleString());
var dateOffset = (24*60*60*1000) * 5; //5 days
var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setTime(myDate.getTime() - dateOffset);
If you're performing lots of headachy date manipulation throughout your web application, DateJS will make your life much easier:
It goes something like this:
var d = new Date(); // today!
var x = 5; // go back 5 days!
d.setDate(d.getDate() - x);
I noticed that the getDays+ X doesn't work over day/month boundaries. Using getTime works as long as your date is not before 1970.
var todayDate = new Date(), weekDate = new Date();
If you want it all on one line instead.
5 days from today
var fiveDaysAgo = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 5));
var fiveDaysInTheFuture = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 5));
5 days from a specific date
var pastDate = new Date('2019-12-12T00:00:00');
var fiveDaysAgo = new Date(new Date().setDate(pastDate.getDate() - 5));
var fiveDaysInTheFuture = new Date(new Date().setDate(pastDate.getDate() + 5));
I wrote a function you can use.
function AddOrSubractDays(startingDate, number, add) {
if (add) {
return new Date(new Date().setDate(startingDate.getDate() + number));
} else {
return new Date(new Date().setDate(startingDate.getDate() - number));
console.log('Today : ' + new Date());
console.log('Future : ' + AddOrSubractDays(new Date(), 5, true));
console.log('Past : ' + AddOrSubractDays(new Date(), 5, false));
I find a problem with the getDate()/setDate() method is that it too easily turns everything into milliseconds, and the syntax is sometimes hard for me to follow.
Instead I like to work off the fact that 1 day = 86,400,000 milliseconds.
So, for your particular question:
today = new Date()
days = 86400000 //number of milliseconds in a day
fiveDaysAgo = new Date(today - (5*days))
Works like a charm.
I use this method all the time for doing rolling 30/60/365 day calculations.
You can easily extrapolate this to create units of time for months, years, etc.
get moment.js. All the cool kids use it. It has more formatting options, etc. Where
var n = 5;
var dateMnsFive = moment(<your date>).subtract(n , 'day');
Optional! Convert to JS Date obj for Angular binding.
var date = new Date(dateMnsFive.toISOString());
Optional! Format
var date = dateMnsFive.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
A few of the existing solutions were close, but not quite exactly what I wanted. This function works with both positive or negative values and handles boundary cases.
function addDays(date, days) {
return new Date(
date.getDate() + days,
Without using the second variable, you can replace 7 for with your back x days:
let d=new Date(new Date().getTime() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
I made this prototype for Date so that I could pass negative values to subtract days and positive values to add days.
Date.prototype.adjustDate = function(days){
var date;
days = days || 0;
if(days === 0){
date = new Date( this.getTime() );
} else if(days > 0) {
date = new Date( this.getTime() );
date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
} else {
date = new Date(
this.getDate() - Math.abs(days),
return this;
So, to use it i can simply write:
var date_subtract = new Date().adjustDate(-4),
date_add = new Date().adjustDate(4);
I like doing the maths in milliseconds. So use
var newDate = + -5*24*3600*1000; // date 5 days ago in milliseconds
and if you like it formatted
new Date(newDate).toString(); // or .toUTCString or .toISOString ...
NOTE: doesn't work in older browsers (eg IE8 I think). Polyfill here.
UPDATE June 2015
#socketpair pointed out my sloppiness. As s/he says "Some day in year have 23 hours, and some 25 due to timezone rules".
To expand on that, the answer above will have daylightsaving inaccuracies in the case where you want to calculate the LOCAL day 5 days ago in a timezone with daylightsaving changes and you
assume (wrongly) that gives you the current LOCAL now time, or
use .toString() which returns the local date and therefore is incompatible with the base date in UTC.
However, it works if you're doing your math all in UTC, eg
A. You want the UTC date 5 days ago from NOW (UTC)
var newDate = + -5*24*3600*1000; // date 5 days ago in milliseconds UTC
new Date(newDate).toUTCString(); // or .toISOString(), BUT NOT toString
B. You start with a UTC base date other than "now", using Date.UTC()
newDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2015, 3, 1)).getTime() + -5*24*3600000;
new Date(newDate).toUTCString(); // or .toISOString BUT NOT toString
split your date into parts, then return a new Date with the adjusted values
function DateAdd(date, type, amount){
var y = date.getFullYear(),
m = date.getMonth(),
d = date.getDate();
if(type === 'y'){
y += amount;
if(type === 'm'){
m += amount;
if(type === 'd'){
d += amount;
return new Date(y, m, d);
Remember that the months are zero based, but the days are not. ie new Date(2009, 1, 1) == 01 February 2009, new Date(2009, 1, 0) == 31 January 2009;
Some people suggested using moment.js to make your life easier when handling dates in js. Time has passed since those answers and it is noteworthy, that the authors of moment.js now discourage its use. Mainly due to its size and lack of tree-shaking-support.
If you want to go the library route, use an alternative like Luxon. It is significantly smaller (because of its clever use of the Intl object and support for tree-shaking) and just as versatile as moment.js.
To go back 5 days from today in Luxon, you would do:
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'{ days: 5 });
function addDays (date, daysToAdd) {
var _24HoursInMilliseconds = 86400000;
return new Date(date.getTime() + daysToAdd * _24HoursInMilliseconds);
var now = new Date();
var yesterday = addDays(now, - 1);
var tomorrow = addDays(now, 1);
See the following code, subtract the days from the current date. Also, set the month according to substracted date.
var today = new Date();
var substract_no_of_days = 25;
today.setTime(today.getTime() - substract_no_of_days* 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var substracted_date = (today.getMonth()+1) + "/" +today.getDate() + "/" + today.getFullYear();
I have created a function for date manipulation. you can add or subtract any number of days, hours, minutes.
function dateManipulation(date, days, hrs, mins, operator) {
date = new Date(date);
if (operator == "-") {
var durationInMs = (((24 * days) * 60) + (hrs * 60) + mins) * 60000;
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime() - durationInMs);
} else {
var durationInMs = (((24 * days) * 60) + (hrs * 60) + mins) * 60000;
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime() + durationInMs);
return newDate;
Now, call this function by passing parameters. For example, here is a function call for getting date before 3 days from today.
var today = new Date();
var newDate = dateManipulation(today, 3, 0, 0, "-");
Use MomentJS.
function getXDaysBeforeDate(referenceDate, x) {
return moment(referenceDate).subtract(x , 'day').format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
var yourDate = new Date(); // let's say today
var valueOfX = 7; // let's say 7 days before
console.log(getXDaysBeforeDate(yourDate, valueOfX));
<script src=""></script>
The top answers led to a bug in my code where on the first of the month it would set a future date in the current month. Here is what I did,
curDate = new Date(); // Took current date as an example
prvDate = new Date(0); // Date set to epoch 0
prvDate.setUTCMilliseconds((curDate - (5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))); //Set epoch time
I like the following because it is one line. Not perfect with DST changes but usually good enough for my needs.
var fiveDaysAgo = new Date(new Date() - (1000*60*60*24*5));
Using Modern JavaScript function syntax
const getDaysPastDate = (daysBefore, date = new Date) => new Date(date - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * daysBefore));
console.log(getDaysPastDate(1)); // yesterday
A easy way to manage dates is use Moment.js
You can use add. Example
var startdate = "20.03.2014";
var new_date = moment(startdate, "DD.MM.YYYY");
new_date.add(5, 'days'); //Add 5 days to start date
for me all the combinations worked fine with below code snipplet ,
the snippet is for Angular-2 implementation ,
if you need to add days , pass positive numberofDays , if you need to substract pass negative numberofDays
function addSubstractDays(date: Date, numberofDays: number): Date {
let d = new Date(date);
return new Date(
(d.getDate() + numberofDays)
I get good mileage out of date.js:
d = new Date();
d.add(-10).days(); // subtract 10 days
Website includes this beauty:
Datejs doesn’t just parse strings, it slices them cleanly in two
If you want to both subtract a number of days and format your date in a human readable format, you should consider creating a custom DateHelper object that looks something like this :
var DateHelper = {
addDays : function(aDate, numberOfDays) {
aDate.setDate(aDate.getDate() + numberOfDays); // Add numberOfDays
return aDate; // Return the date
format : function format(date) {
return [
("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2), // Get day and pad it with zeroes
("0" + (date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2), // Get month and pad it with zeroes
date.getFullYear() // Get full year
].join('/'); // Glue the pieces together
// With this helper, you can now just use one line of readable code to :
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Get the current date
// 2. Subtract 5 days
// 3. Format it
// 4. Output it
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
document.body.innerHTML = DateHelper.format(DateHelper.addDays(new Date(), -5));
(see also this Fiddle)
To calculate relative time stamps with a more precise difference than whole days, you can use Date.getTime() and Date.setTime() to work with integers representing the number of milliseconds since a certain epoch—namely, January 1, 1970. For example, if you want to know when it’s 17 hours after right now:
const msSinceEpoch = (new Date()).getTime();
const fortyEightHoursLater = new Date(msSinceEpoch + 48 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toLocaleString();
const fortyEightHoursEarlier = new Date(msSinceEpoch - 48 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toLocaleString();
const fiveDaysAgo = new Date(msSinceEpoch - 120 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toLocaleString();
console.log({msSinceEpoch, fortyEightHoursLater, fortyEightHoursEarlier, fiveDaysAgo})
function daysSinceGivenDate (date) {
const dateInSeconds = Math.floor((new Date().valueOf() - date.valueOf()) / 1000);
const oneDayInSeconds = 86400;
return Math.floor(dateInSeconds / oneDayInSeconds); // casted to int
console.log(daysSinceGivenDate(new Date())); // 0
console.log(daysSinceGivenDate(new Date("January 1, 2022 03:24:00"))); // relative...
First arg is the date to start with and second is how mush day you want to increase or reduce to the date
example (1)- pass -1 to reduce date by one day
example (2)- pass 1 to increase date by one day
const EditDay = (date: Date, num: number): Date => {
return new Date(date.getTime() + num * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
When setting the date, the date converts to milliseconds, so you need to convert it back to a date:
This method also take into consideration, new year change etc.
function addDays( date, days ) {
var dateInMs = date.setDate(date.getDate() - days);
return new Date(dateInMs);
var date_from = new Date();
var date_to = addDays( new Date(), parseInt(days) );
You can using Javascript.
var CurrDate = new Date(); // Current Date
var numberOfDays = 5;
var days = CurrDate.setDate(CurrDate.getDate() + numberOfDays);
alert(days); // It will print 5 days before today
For PHP,
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-5 days")); // it shows 5 days before today.
echo $date;
Hope it will help you.
I converted into millisecond and deducted days else month and year won't change and logical
var numberOfDays = 10;//number of days need to deducted or added
var date = "01-01-2018"// date need to change
var dt = new Date(parseInt(date.substring(6), 10), // Year
parseInt(date.substring(3,5), 10) - 1, // Month (0-11)
parseInt(date.substring(0,2), 10));
var new_dt = dt.setMilliseconds(dt.getMilliseconds() - numberOfDays*24*60*60*1000);
new_dt = new Date(new_dt);
var changed_date = new_dt.getDate()+"-"+(new_dt.getMonth()+1)+"-"+new_dt.getFullYear();
Hope helps
