Need Assistance with one click button [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a site with multiple and users and i want to build a feature but i don't know how to make a button that when you click it one time you can't click it anymore, once you click it, it runs the function and just disappears like something that shows in database so it will happen to all users.

You want a button that disappears when clicked:
<button onclick=" = 'none';">Click me!</button>
That should do it. If you also want it to run a function, do this:
<button onclick=" = 'none';myFunction();">Click me!</button>
Where myFunction() is your javascript function.


Javascript code for pressing a button? How can I do? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to Javascript, so I am wondering if anyone could give me some code to press a button! (Not code to have an event on a click, but to have javascript automate a click) Any help would be great!
<button id="myButton"></button>
Then the button's onclick handler will fire.

How to make multiple pages when clicked on link? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have two (or more) links.
First is link (example) :
Second is code with: <div> </div>
How can I make them both open when I click on a single link?
For example, a link entitled "click here" which, when clicked, will open two different blank windows.
This is only done with Javascript. Try this:
Click Me

How to animate website on page change?" [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make a website where the displayed page moves down outsite the display when I click a button, before the new page gets loaded. How can I achive that?
You could use 2 iframes, in which the first and the second website are shown and the animate them with javascript. Maybe this could help you:
Here is an example:
You will just have to put your jframes into the divs

What is onSubmitCheck for? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a form which has this code in the submit button :
<input type="submit" onclick="return onSubmitCheck(document.forms['name'])">
When I delete this part onclick="return onSubmitCheck(document.forms['name'])" it works as normal as before so I don't have any idea what is that for.
Is it for security of form or something else?
Is it ok to remove it?
From the look of it, it is a JavaScript function which is suppose to run when you click on the submit button. You need to look at your JavaScript files and find the function and see what it does.
Whether it is safe to remove or not, depends on what it does.

How to trigger an event on click of pagination in an dojo enhancedgrid? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to trigger an event and call a function on click of pagination in the grid.
My function should be call in some jsp where this grid is defined. Is it possible?
Do you have a store backing this up? If so, you can check to see when a fetch occurs on your store?
