displaying multiple arrays using javascript - javascript

these are my arrays
var CarType=["RM","BM","GM"];
var CarName=["Red Mustang","Black Mustang","Green Mustang"]
how would I create a simple function that when a button is pushed an alert would pop up that displays something like this:
RM = Red Mustang
BM = Black Mustang
GM = Green Mustang

Here's a working solution. Hope it helps!
function myFunction() {
var CarType=["RM","BM","GM"];
var CarName=["Red Mustang","Black Mustang","Green Mustang"];
var result = "";
for(var i in CarType){
result += [CarType[i] + " = " + CarName[i]] + "\n";
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>

I haven't tested this, but it should go something like this.
Your arrays must have same size for this to work and sorted
function display(carType, carName) {
var text = "";
for (i=0; i < carType.length; i++) {
text += carType[i] + " = " + carName[i] + "\n";
var CarType=["RM","BM","GM"];
var CarName=["Red Mustang","Black Mustang","Green Mustang"];
display(CarType, CarName);


how to list all local storage on page properly in javascript?

I am trying to show all my localstorage items value on my index page but for some reason it is not showing. can anyone see what I am doing wrong in my code below. In my index page script I am looping thorough the length of local storage and trying to display them on screen, only thing that display is one item. Please help. thanks for your help.
here is my code (index page script):
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
var dataFromLocalStorage = "";
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
dataFromLocalStorage =
dataFromLocalStorage + " " + localStorage.getItem(`key${i}`);
document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML = dataFromLocalStorage; // Updating same thing
The other script where I load it to localStorage:
var addToTheContent = document.getElementById("canvas");
var scheduleEvent = document.getElementById("scheduleStartTime");
var candidateId = document.getElementById('candsId');
var getCandId = document.getElementById("candsId");
var displayCandId = candidateId.options[candidateId.selectedIndex].value;
var id = 1;
function addTheEvent() {
var showText = addToTheContent.innerHTML = displayCandId + " ( " + scheduleEvent.value + " ) ";
localStorage.setItem(`key${id}`, JSON.stringify(showText))
id += 1
window.location = "/";
"key${id}" is a template string, you need to use backticks `` instead of quotation marks "".
You could also loop through localStorage as you normally would for most JavaScript objects:
for(var key in localStorage) {
if(localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // ignore the prototype methods
// Do whatever you want with key and value found here
console.log(key + ": " + localStorage[key]);
Typo: Use i instead id
var dataFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem(`key${id}`);
var dataFromLocalStorage = `localStorage.getItem("key${i}");
Another thing, You are updating same innerHTML
var dataFromLocalStorage = "";
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
dataFromLocalStorage =
dataFromLocalStorage + " " + localStorage.getItem(`key${i}`);
document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML = dataFromLocalStorage; // Updating same thing
// do something with localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i));
// missing template string 'key${id}'
var id = 1;
function addTheEvent() {
var showText = displayCandId + " ( " + scheduleEvent.value + " ) ";
localStorage.setItem(`key${id}`, JSON.stringify(showText));
id += 1;
window.location = "/";

Google Docs Apps Script getBackgroundColor(Offset)

Let's say I have some sentences in Google Docs. Just one sentences as an example:
"My house is on fire"
I actually changed the background color so that every verb is red and every noun blue.
Now I want to make a list with all the verbs and another one with the nouns. Unfortunately getBackgroundColor() only seems to work with paragraphs and not with single words.
My idea was, to do something like this (I didn't yet have the time to think about how to do the loop, but that's not the point here anyway):
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
var colorVar = paragraphs[0].getText().match(/\w+/).getBackgroundColor(); // The regEx matches the first word. Next I want to get the background color.
The error message I get goes something like this:
"The function getBackgroundColor in the text object couldn't be found"
Thx for any help, or hints or comments!
You want to retrieve the text from a paragraph.
You want to retrieve each word and the background color of each word from the retrieved the text.
In this case, the color is the background color which is not getForegroundColor().
You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
At first, the reason of your error is that getBackgroundColor() is the method of Class Text. In your script, getBackgroundColor() is used for the string value. By this, the error occurs.
In this answer, for achieving your goal, each character of the text retrieved from the paragraph is scanned, and each word and the background color of each word can be retrieved.
Sample script:
function myFunction() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
var textObj = paragraphs[0].editAsText();
var text = textObj.getText();
var res = [];
var temp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var c = text[i];
if (c != " ") {
temp += c;
} else {
if (temp != "") res.push({text: temp, color: textObj.getBackgroundColor(i - 1)});
temp = "";
Logger.log(res) // result
When you run the script, the text of 1st paragraph is parsed. And you can see the result with res as an object.
In this sample script, the 1st paragraph is used as a test case. So if you want to retrieve the value from other paragraph, please modify the script.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.
Here's a script your welcome to take a look at. It highlights text that a user selects...even individual letters. I did it several years ago just to learn more about how documents work.
function highLightCurrentSelection() {
var conclusionStyle = {};
var br = '<br />';
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();
var s='';
if(selection) {
s+=br + '<strong>Elements in Current Selection</strong>';
var selectedElements = selection.getRangeElements();
for(var i=0;i<selectedElements.length;i++) {
var selElem = selectedElements[i];
var el = selElem.getElement();
var isPartial = selElem.isPartial();
if(isPartial) {
var selStart = selElem.getStartOffset();
var selEnd = selElem.getEndOffsetInclusive();
s+=br + 'isPartial:true selStart=' + selStart + ' selEnd=' + selEnd ;
var bgcolor = (el.asText().getBackgroundColor(selStart)=='#ffff00')?'#ffffff':'#ffff00';
el.asText().setBackgroundColor(selStart, selEnd, bgcolor)
}else {
var selStart = selElem.getStartOffset();
var selEnd = selElem.getEndOffsetInclusive();
s+=br + 'isPartial:false selStart=' + selStart + ' selEnd=' + selEnd ;
var bgcolor = (el.asText().getBackgroundColor()=='#ffff00')?'#ffffff':'#ffff00';
var elType=el.getType();
s+=br + 'selectedElement[' + i + '].getType()= ' + elType;
if(elType==DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT) {
var txt = selElem.getElement().asText().getText().slice(selStart,selEnd+1);
var elattrs = el.getAttributes();
s+=br + 'Type:<strong>TEXT</strong>';
s+=br + 'Text:<span style="color:#ff0000">' + txt + '</span>';
s+=br + 'Length: ' + txt.length;
s+=br + '<div id="sel' + Number(i) + '" style="display:none;">';
for(var key in elattrs)
s+= br + '<strong>' + key + '</strong>' + ' = ' + elattrs[key];
s+=br + '<input type="text" value="' + elattrs[key] + '" id="elattr' + key + Number(i) + '" />';
s+=br + '<input id="elattrbtn' + Number(i) + '" type="button" value="Save Changes" onClick="setSelectedElementAttribute(\'' + key + '\',' + i + ');" />'
if(elType==DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
var txt = selElem.getElement().asParagraph().getText();
var elattrs = el.getAttributes();
s+=br + '<strong>PARAGRAPH Attributes</strong>';
s+=br + 'Text:<span style="color:#ff0000">' + txt + '</span> Text Length= ' + txt.length;
for(var key in elattrs)
s+= br + key + ' = ' + elattrs[key];
s+='<hr width="100%"/>';
//var finalP=DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody().appendParagraph('Total Number of Elements: ' + Number(selectedElements.length));
}else {
s+= br + 'No Elements found in current selection';
s+='<input type="button" value="Toggle HighLight" onclick="google.script.run.highLightCurrentSelection();"/>';
//s+='<input type="button" value="Exit" onClick="google.script.host.close();" />';
DocumentApp.getUi().showSidebar(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('htmlToBody').append(s).setWidth(800).setHeight(450).setTitle('Selected Elements'));

I'm not sure how to use lodash orderBy

My program is currently supposed to take the HTML input, put it into an object array, sort it using orderBy, then output it to the p2 textContent. I tested all of the aspects of this program before adding orderBy, and then the program stopped working.
var p1 = document.getElementById("p1");
var p2 = document.getElementById("p2");
var enterName = document.getElementById("name");
var enterRating = document.getElementById("rating");
var button = document.getElementById("button");
var players = [];
button.addEventListener("click", addPlayer);
function addPlayer() {
p1.innerText += enterName.value + " - " + enterRating.value + " " + "| ";
players.push({ player: enterName.value, rating: enterRating.value });
var sortedPlayers = _.orderBy(players, [rating, player], [desc, desc]);
p2.innerText = "";
for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
p2.innerText += players[i].player + " - " + players[i].rating + " | ";
p1 exists and is used for testing purposes, just to make sure that my browser isn't lagging. After I added the orderBy, neither array logged to the console. Before, the players array logged with every run of the addPlayer() function.
I'm using codepen to write this program, and I am pretty sure lodash is installed if that is relevant.

Fetching results from LinkedIn API through javascript

First of all thank you for reading this. I am having some trouble fetching the data given by the Linkedin sign-in API with javascript. Here is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLinkedInAuth() {
function displayProfiles(profiles) {
member = profiles.values[0];
document.getElementById("name").value = member.firstName +" "+ member.lastName;
document.getElementById("pos").value = member.headline;
document.getElementById("city").value = member.location.name;
document.getElementById("sum").value = member.summary;
var i=0;
do {
var oldHTML = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML;
var newHTML = oldHTML + "<tr><td>" + member.educations.values[i].schoolName + "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML = newHTML;
var v=0;
do {
var oldHTML = document.getElementById('tara').innerHTML;
var newHTML = oldHTML + "<tr><td>" + member.skills.values[v].skill.name + "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById('tara').innerHTML = newHTML;
document.getElementById("educ").value = member.educations.values[1].schoolName;
document.getElementById("skills").value = member.skills.values[0].skill.name;
It's a very basic script to get the user infos and, among it, the educational and professional background of the user. The thing is that member.educations.values[i].schoolName and member.skills.values[v].skill.name can have multiple values and I want to gather them all.
It works as long as the specified fields are not empty but then it outputs an error saying that member.skills.values[v] is undefined and it does not run the second loop.
I know the error is really basic but I'm not that great in javascript.
Thanks for your help anyways, have a good day!
You should check the length of the returned values and then loop through them as needed. Something along the lines of:
var educations = member.educations;
if(educations._total > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < educations._total; i++) {
document.getElementById("educ").value += (i > 0) ? ', ' : '';
document.getElementById("educ").value += educations.values[i].schoolName;

How to replace strings from an array

I'm working on a piece of code that uses regex expressions to do a find/replace for emoticons in a chat. However, I want to use the same array of values and output them as a reference.
The regex works fine for my searches, but when I tried to do a replace on the regex search string before I output it for my help, I still end up with a slash.
var emotes = [];
emotes[0] = new Array(':\\\)', 'happy.png');
emotes[1] = new Array(':\\\(', 'sad.png');
function listEmotes(){
var emotestext = '';
for(var i = 0; i < emotes.length; i++){
//Tried this and it doesn't seem to work
//var emote = emotes[i][0];
//emote.replace('\\', '');
emotestext += '<ul>' + emote + ' <img src="emotes/' + emotes[i][1] + '"></ul>';
return emotestext;
Your problem is that str.replace doesn't change the original variable but instead returns a new one. Try this out:
var emotes = [
[':\\\)', 'happy.png'],
[':\\\(', 'sad.png']
function listEmotes(){
var emotestext = '';
for(var i = 0; i < emotes.length; i++){
var emote = emotes[i][0].replace('\\', ''); // See what I did here?
emotestext += '<ul>' + emote + ' <img src="emotes/' + emotes[i][1] + '"></ul>';
return emotestext;
