What is a good way to continously check if a Checkbox is checked or not.
This checks wether it is checked or not.
I thought of creating an interval but I do not like that.
You basically have two choices:
Use an event handler for the change event
Poll using setInterval or similar
Of the two, #1 is by far the better option unless you have a really good reason for not using the event.
Here's an example of #1:
// The selector can be any valid CSS selector identifying the checkbox
document.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]").addEventListener("change", function() {
console.log("New value is: " + this.checked);
}, false);
<input type="checkbox">
Take a look at the the onchange Event which is supported in all modern browsers.
Whatever functionality you wish to do if the checkbox is checked, you'll be able to do from an onchange Event handler. For example:
function changeStatus(o) {
document.getElementById('status').innerText = o.checked;
<input id="check" type="checkbox" onchange="changeStatus(this)" />
<span id="status">false</span>
For some reason, I can't seem to figure this out.
I have some radio buttons in my html which toggles categories:
<input type="radio" name="main-categories" id="_1234" value="1234" /> // All
<input type="radio" name="main-categories" id="_2345" value="2345" /> // Certain category
<input type="radio" name="main-categories" id="_3456" value="3456" /> // Certain category
<input type="radio" name="main-categories" id="_4567" value="4567" /> // Certain category
The user can select whichever he/she wants, but when an certain event triggers, I want to set 1234 to be set checked radio button, because this is the default checked radio button.
I have tried versions of this (with and without jQuery):
document.getElementById('#_1234').checked = true;
But it doesn't seem to update. I need it to visibly update so the user can see it.
Can anybody help?
EDIT: I'm just tired and overlooked the #, thanks for pointing it out, that and $.prop().
Do not mix CSS/JQuery syntax (# for identifier) with native JS.
Native JS solution:
document.getElementById("_1234").checked = true;
JQuery solution:
$("#_1234").prop("checked", true);
If you want to set the "1234" button, you need to use its "id":
document.getElementById("_1234").checked = true;
When you're using the browser API ("getElementById"), you don't use selector syntax; you just pass the actual "id" value you're looking for. You use selector syntax with jQuery or .querySelector() and .querySelectorAll().
Today, in the year 2016, it is safe to use document.querySelector without knowing the ID (especially if you have more than 2 radio buttons):
Easiest way would probably be with jQuery, as follows:
This adds a new attribute "checked" (which in HTML does not need a value).
Just remember to include the jQuery library:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
By using document.getElementById() function you don't have to pass # before element's id.
document.getElementById('_1234').checked = true;
I was able to select (check) a radio input button by using this Javascript code in Firefox 72, within a Web Extension option page to LOAD the value:
var reloadItem = browser.storage.sync.get('reload_mode');
reloadItem.then((response) => {
if (response["reload_mode"] == "Periodic") {
} else if (response["reload_mode"] == "Page Bottom") {
document.querySelector('input[name=reload_mode][value="Page Bottom"]').click();
} else {
Where the associated code to SAVE the value was:
reload_mode: document.querySelector('input[name=reload_mode]:checked').value
Given HTML like the following:
<input type="radio" id="periodic" name="reload_mode" value="Periodic">
<label for="periodic">Periodic</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="bottom" name="reload_mode" value="Page Bottom">
<label for="bottom">Page Bottom</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="both" name="reload_mode" value="Both">
<label for="both">Both</label></br></br>
It seems the item.checked property of a HTML radio button cannot be changed with JavaScript in Internet Explorer, or in some older browsers.
I also tried setting the "checked" attribute, using:
item.setAttribute("checked", ""); I know the property can be set by default,
but I need just to change the checked attribute at runtime.
As a workarround, I found another method, which could be working. I had called the item.click(); method of a radio button. And the control has been selected. But the control must be already added to the HTML document, in order to receive the click event.
Here's some html:
<input type="checkbox" id="check-123" />
<input type="text" id="text-123" onchange="doSomething('123')" />
And here's some javascript:
function doSomething(key)
var textbox = $('#text-'+key);
var checkbox = $('#check-'+key);
checkbox.attr('checked',(textbox.val()!="") );
My goal here is to check the checkbox anytime there's a value in the text box, and uncheck when that value is removed. This appears to work fine in the html (I can see checked="checked" being added to the checkbox), but the checkbox only appears checked the first time something is entered in the textbox.
Why would a checkbox show unchecked even if checked="checked" was added to the html?
Use element properties rather than attributes to change their state via javascript
checkbox.prop('checked',(textbox.val()!="") );
From the jQuery docs on .attr() and .prop():
As of jQuery 1.6, the .attr() method returns undefined for attributes that have not been set. To retrieve and change DOM properties such as the checked, selected, or disabled state of form elements, use the .prop() method.
The emphasis is jQuery's own. Only the checked property will reflect and control the checkbox's current state. The checked attribute shouldn't be used to control the checkbox state.
consider something like:
function doSomething(el) {
el.form['check-' + el.name.split('-')[1]].checked = !!el.value;
<input type="checkbox" name="check-123">
<input type="text" name="text-123" onchange="doSomething(this)">
I've seen some funny things with the checked attribute in IE8 and lower. In some cases I've had to set both the property and the attribute, even though modern browsers seem to be okay with just adjusting the property:
Note, the following is only necessary if you come across any browser related inconsistencies.
I have been asked to disable the "ticking" of a checkbox. I am not being asked to disable the checkbox, but to simply disable the "ticking".
In other words, a user will think that a checkbox is tickable, but it is not. Instead, clicking on the checkbox will cause a modal dialog to appear, giving the user more options to turn on or off the feature that the checkbox represents. If the options chosen in the dialog cause the feature to be turned on, then the checkbox will be ticked.
Now, the real problem is that for a split second, you can still see that the checkbox is being ticked.
I have tried an approach like this:
<input type='checkbox' onclick='return false' onkeydown='return false' />
$('input[type="checkbox"]').click(function(event) {
If you run this, the alert will appear, showing that the tick is visible (the alert is just there to demonstrate that it still does get ticked, in production, the alert is not there). On some users with slower machines and/or in browsers with slow renderers/javascript, users can see a very faint flicker (the flicker sometimes lasts for half a second, which is noticeable).
A tester in my team has flagged this as a defect and I am supposed to fix it. I'm not sure what else I can try to prevent the tick in the checkbox from flickering!
From my point of view it is as simple as:
$(this).prop('checked', !$(this).prop('checked'));
Works both for checked and unchecked boxes
Best solution I've come up with:
$('input[type="checkbox"]').click(function(event) {
var $checkbox = $(this);
// Ensures this code runs AFTER the browser handles click however it wants.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
This effect can't be suppressed I fear. As soon as you click on the checkbox, the state (and rendering) is changed. Then the event handlers will be called. If you do a event.preventDefault(), the checkbox will be reset after all the handlers are executed. If your handler has a long execution time (easily testable with a modal alert()) and/or the rendering engine repaints before reseting, the box will flicker.
$('input[type="checkbox"]').click(function(event) {
this.checked = false; // reset first
// event.stopPropagation() like in Zoltan's answer would also spare some
// handler execution time, but is no more needed here
// then do the heavy processing:
This solution will reduce the flickering to a minimum, but can't hinder it really. See Thr4wn's and RobG's answer for how to simulate a checkbox. I would prefer the following:
<button id="settings" title="open extended settings">
<img src="default_checkbox.png" />
document.getElementById("settings").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var img = this.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]);
openExtendedSettingsDialog(function callbackTick() {
img.src = "checked_checkbox.png";
}, function callbackUntick() {
img.src = "unchecked_checkbox.png";
}, false);
It is very important to use return false at the end.
Something like this:
$("#checkbox").click((e) => {
return false;
Isn't is simpler ? :
<input type="checkbox" onchange="this.checked = !this.checked">
HTML api's execute before JavaScript. So you must use JavaScript to undo HTML's changes.
event.target.checked = false
WHAT is the problem?
Strictly speaking: we cannot "stop" the checkbox from being ticked. Why not? Because "being ticked" exactly means that the DOM's, HTML <input> element has a checked property value of true or false, which is immediately assigned by the HTML api
console.log(event.target.checked) // will be opposite of the previous value
So it's worth explicitly mentioning this HTML api is called before scripts. Which is intuitive and should make sense, because all JavaScript files are themselves the assignment of a <script> element's attribute src, and the ancestral relationship in the DOM tree, between your <input> in question, and the <script> element running your JavaScript, is extremely important to consider.
HOW to get our solution
The HTML assigned value has not yet been painted before we have a chance to intercept the control flow (via JS file like jQuery), so we simply re-assign the checked property to a boolean value we want: false (in your case).
So in conclusion, we CAN, in-effect, "stop" the checkbox from being checked, by simply ensuring that the checked property is false on the next render and thus, won't see any changes.
Why not simply add a class in your CSS that sets pointer-events: none;?
Something like:
input.lockedCbx { pointer-events: none; }
<input type="checkbox" class="lockedCbx" tabindex=-1 />
You need the tabindex=-1 to prevent users from tabbing into the checkbox and pressing a space bar to toggle.
Now in theory you could avoid the class and use the tabindex=-1 to control the disabling as in:
input[type="checkbox"][tabindex="-1"] { pointer-events: none; }
With CSS, you can change the image of the checkbox. See http://ryanfait.com/resources/custom-checkboxes-and-radio-buttons/ and also CSS Styling Checkboxes .
I would disable the checkbox, but replace it with an image of a working checkbox. That way the checkbox doesn't look disabled, but won't be clickable.
Wrap the checkbox with another element that somehow blocks pointer events (probably via CSS). Then, handle the wrapper's click event instead of the checkbox directly. This can be done a number of ways but here's a relatively simple example implementation:
$('input[type="checkbox"').parent('.disabled').click( function() {
// Add in whatever functionality you need here
/* Insert an invisible element that covers the checkbox */
.disabled {
position: relative;
.disabled::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Only wrapped checkboxes are "disabled" -->
<input type="checkbox" />
<span class="disabled"><input type="checkbox" /></span>
<input type="checkbox" />
<span class="disabled"><input type="checkbox" /></span>
<span class="disabled"><input type="checkbox" /></span>
<input type="checkbox" />
Note: You could also add the wrapper elements programmatically, if you would like.
Sounds to me like you are using the wrong interface element, a more suitable one would be a button that is disabled by default, but enabled when that option is available. The image displayed can be whatever you want.
<button disabled onclick="doSomething();">Some option</button>
When users have selected that feature, enable the button. The image on the button can be modified by CSS depending on whether it's enabled or not, or by the enable/disable function.
<script type="text/javascript">
function setOption(el) {
var idMap = {option1:'b0', option2: 'b1'};
document.getElementById(idMap[el.value]).disabled = !el.checked;
<div><p>Select options</p>
<input type="checkbox" onclick="setOption(this);" value="option1"> Option 1
<input type="checkbox" onclick="setOption(this);" value="option2"> Option 2
<button id="b0" onclick="alert('Select…');" disabled>Option 1 settings</button>
<button id="b1" onclick="alert('Select…');" disabled>Option 2 settings</button>
The Event.preventDefault method should work for change, keydown, and mousedown events, but doesn't in my testing.
My solution to this problem in a Mozilla Firefox 53.0 extension was to toggle an HTML class that enabled/disabled the CSS declaration pointer-events: none being applied to the checkbox. This addresses the cursor-based case, but not the key-based case. See https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/interact.html#PointerEventsProp.
I addressed the key-based case by adding/removing an HTML tabindex="-1" attribute. See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#attr-tabindex.
Note that disabling pointer-events will disable your ability to trigger CSS cursors on hover (e.g., cursor: not-allowed). My checkbox was already wrapped in a span element, so I added an HTML class to that span element which I then retargeted my CSS cursor declaration onto.
Also note that adding a tabindex="-1" attribute will not remove focus from the checkbox, so one will need to explicitly defocus it by using the HTMLElement.blur() method or by focusing another element to prevent key-based input if the checkbox is the active element at the time the attribute is added. Whether or not the checkbox is the focused element can be tested with my_checkbox.isEqualNode(document.activeElement).
Simply revert the value back
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function(e) {
if (new Date().getDate() === 13) {
$(this).prop('checked', !$(this).prop('checked'));
return false;
// some code here
Add this to click event in js file
$('#term-input').on('change click',function (e){
works for me
How can i disable the one radio input from the radio group ?
<input type="radio" name="radiogrp" value="op1" checked="checked">Option1
<input type="radio" name="radiogrp" value="op2"> Option2
<input type="radio" name="radiogrp" value="op3" > Option3
<input type="radio" name="radiogrp" value="op4"> Option4
My question is i want to disable option1 after clicking on any other button
For example:
when i select option2, than option1 should be disabled
Check this Fiddle I have just added
Let me know if this is not what you intended
As requested - posted fiddle answer
$('.rd[value="op1"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('input[value="op1"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var radios = $('input[type="radio"][name="radiogrp"]');
radios.change(function() {
if (this.value != "op1") {
radios.filter('[value="op1"]').prop('disabled', true);
I cached the radio buttons, so I don't need to Query the DOM twice.
Since, after the change, there is no way back, this is more fun way:
var radios = $('input[type="radio"][name="radiogrp"]');
var first = $('input[type="radio"][name="radiogrp"][value="op1"]');
radios.not(first).change(function() {
alert('changed'); // getting called only once.
first.prop('disabled', true);
I am using jquery mobile with fancy dynamic styling, and I found that after performing the disable, I needed to explicitly issue an refresh using the checkboxradio("refresh") method call so that the styling would reflect the change. You can chain the method call, though, so it might look like this:
$('.rd[value="op1"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled').checkboxradio("refresh");
While I appreciate gdoron's deeper, more technical, more efficient, more comprehensive approach, I believe that sometimes (just sometimes) the easier reading and shorter coding of Jibi Abraham's approach is warranted, especially in an otherwise lightweight situation.
I realize this isn't a distinct answer, but I don't have enough reputation to do a comment yet.
Its very easy, use jQuery's attribute selector. Here is an example of disabling the radio button with value op3
$('input[value="op3"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
Here is your solution
var radios = $('input[name=radiogrp]'); //Cache all the radio button
radios.click(function() {
//Attach a function to the click event of all radio button
if(this.value!='op1') { //Check if currently click button has value of op1
radios.filter('[value="op1"]').prop('disabled', true); //if not disable the first
So this is the dumbest thing I've struggled with in awhile. I cannot get the state of a simple radio button set to toggle something on the page.
<label for="completeSw"><span>Completed?</span></label>
<input type="radio" id="completeSw" name="completeSw" value="1"/>Yes
<input type="radio" id="completeSw" name="completeSw" value="0" checked="checked"/>No<br/>
So you can see here an extremely simple yes/no radio button set to toggle an action. It needs to serve two purposes: to flag a yes/no value (1/0) in the POST data, and ideally trigger an action on the page using JS/jQuery. I'm having trouble with the latter.
The default state is "No"; if I click "Yes" I can retrieve an onchange or onclick event state and make something happen. However, this is a one-way switch; I cannot retrieve a state going back to the "No" selector once I've gone to "Yes". What I need to be able to do is show / hide an element on the page depending on what choice they've made in this radio set. If I click "Yes", I can trigger the action and see the page change. Once I click "No", however, it acts as if there was no state change and I cannot perform an action i.e. hide the element again.
I've tried variations on retrieving the "checked" state, the radio pair value, etc, e.g.
alert( $(this).attr("checked") ); // only triggers when "Yes" is selected
Perhaps I should not be using a yes/no radio pair, but instead be using a single checkbox? Seems more user-friendly and elegant this way (radio buttons) to me.
IDs must be unique, so it will only ever find the first one on your page. Use a class instead.
Really, ID's must be unique, but you don't need 2 ID's. You'll only monitor changes in one radio. For example - "Yes" value
<label for="completeSw"><span>Completed?</span></label>
<input type="radio" id="completeSw" name="completeSw" value="1"/>Yes
<input type="radio" name="completeSw" value="0" checked="checked"/>No<br/>
And the you'll process the checked attribute of only this element. True - "Yes", False - "No"
Some browsers don't do anything when alert(message), message=null. And since an unchecked field has no checked-attribute, that could be the thing :).
alert('Checked: '+$(this).attr("checked"));
This is separate, but you're kinda using the label wrong also. The label is meant to extend the click area so someone could click on the word 'Yes' and the radio button will activate. Hopefully this helps you out a little.
<input type="radio" id="completeSwYes" name="completeSw" value="1"/><label for="completeSwYes">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" id="completeSwNo" name="completeSw" value="0" checked="checked"/><label for="completeSwNo">No</label><br/>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// If the radio button value is one then this evaluates to true.
var completeSW;
jQuery("input[type='radio'][name='completeSw']").change(function() {
completeSW = (jQuery(this).val() == 1);
alert("completeSW checked? " + completeSW);