Where is "~/.gradle" folder in Windows? - javascript

I was following the React Native document to create a signed APK.
Setting up Gradle variables
Place the my-release-key.keystore file under the android/app directory
in your project folder.
Edit the file ~/.gradle/gradle.properties and add the following
Originally, I thought ~/.gradle is <project folder>/android/.gradle. However, it is not... In the command line, I ran the cd ~/.gradle/ command and it says:
The system cannot find the path specified.
Would you please let me know where is this folder (in Windows), so I can create gradle.properties? Thank you.

~ is used to represent the home directory (on unix based systems). When on windows the equivalent would be C:\Users\username\.gradle dir. Of course username would have to be changed for your username. This is where it is on my computer.


How do I add a .so file to my apk files in order for the script to run on app boot?

I have my businesses apk and apk decompiled files and I would like to add a .so file to my decompiled files in order for a script to run on start. Can someone help me?
I tried looking in the lib folder but I couldn’t find where to add it. Can someone show me where I would put this.
As said on this website on APK Building (summarizing the Android Dev Docs with links for further reading):
The Android Package Manager expects to find native libraries on filepaths inside the APK matching the pattern lib/<abi>/lib<name>.so, where <abi> is the name of the ABI the library was compiled for.
So, if the .so file in question was compiled for the AArch64 instruction set and therefore matches the arm64-v8a ABI, one has to place the file into the directory lib/arm64-v8a. Create the corresponding subfolder at need. The Android Dev Docs thereby provide a list of supported ABIs.

.deno_plugins folder created on Deno program API

On execution, Deno caches remote imports in a special directory specified by Deno Environment on the first run. The second time and so forth execution of the same piece of the code, i.e, next time you run the program, no downloads are made.
If the program hasn't changed, it won't be retranspiled either.
It is cached in following folders as specified in the documentation
On Linux/Redox: **$XDG_CACHE_HOME/deno or $HOME/.cache/deno**
On Windows: **%LOCALAPPDATA%/deno (%LOCALAPPDATA% = FOLDERID_LocalAppData)**
On macOS: **$HOME/Library/Caches/deno**
In a project, I am working in, created a .deno_plugins
I am using deno_mongo(Native Deno MongoDB driver); is that the reason why this folder is generated? Why and when does .deno_plugins get generated?
Folder Structure of the project I am working on
Note:- PFA the folder structure image.
auto-loading prebuilts
during import the module searches a shared library for your os within the directory ./.deno_plugins - configurable via environment variable DENO_PLUGINS. if the plugin can not be located a suitable prebuilt will be fetched from github releases.
So internaly may be in deno_mongo this mechenism is used
Yes, deno_mongo has created .deno_plugins. The folder is created on the home directory of the file that you run. You must have run the app.ts file, so it got created there.

NPM live server won't load my project website

I'm new in using NPM. I wanted to load my project website in live server, but whenever I type live-server in the terminal, it only shows LISTING DIRECTORY (which is the list of all the files I have in my project website folder such as html, css, & script) instead of loading my project website. I tried to google it but found no answer. I don't know what to make sure or what to do about it.
If you don't specify a directory index somewhere (the default is a file named index.html) the server doesn't know what file you want to use as an entry point, so it'll just respond with a directory listing.
The docs say, you can add an index file by specifying the --entry-file command line parameter:
serve this file (server root relative) in place of missing files (useful for single page apps)
Just add the entry point to the startup script, by running
$ live-server --entry-point=PATH

Installing Firefox plugins issue

I am trying to install my own firefox plugin. I follow this tutorial. But each time this gives me following error:-
Firefox could not install the file at
because: Install script not found
That error means that your file doesn't have an install.rdf file. Please note that it needs to be at the top level of the XPI archive. So maybe you made a mistake packing the file and install.rdf landed in a subdirectory. You can check the list of files using unzip -l googbar.xpi command, it should list install.rdf without a directory name before it.

phantomjs: command not found

I followed these instructions (except for copying the executable to my PATH because I cannot seem to find it and it does not seem necessary). Then I made a file called image_render.js in my public javascripts directory with
console.log('Hello, world!');
inside it, saved it, and ran phantomjs render_image.js in my terminal.
However, my terminal does not recognize the command:
-bash: phantomjs: command not found
What have I done wrong?
The PATH really is the important part. You can skip it, however, if you specify the absolute path. Try something like this:
/path/to/phantomjs render_image.js
...but that can get tiring. For a quick way to add it to your PATH, from the directory of the phantomjs executable, symbolically link it into /usr/local/bin:
sudo ln -s /path/to/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/
/usr/local/bin is likely on your PATH.
add this line to this file /home/optiman2/.bashrc
this worked for me.
and remember to use this command, before test phantomjs:
source .bashrc
FYI to Windows users upgrading to version 2.0.0 - the executable has moved. In addition to changing your PATH environment variable to 2.0.0, you'll need to add \bin to the end of the PATH that you had for the 1.x.x.
Mac PATH suggested setup:
Open Terminal.
Type vi ~/.bash_profile and hit enter (this opens or creates your bash_profile where you can customize Terminal commands).
Press i to enter insert/edit mode then type alias phantomjs='~/PATH/TO/phantomjs' and be sure to replace ~/PATH/TO/phantomjs with something like ~/Documents/PhantomJS/bin/phantomsj or wherever the file exists on your machine.
Press esc to exit insert/edit mode then type :x and hit enter to save the file.
Quit and re-open Terminal.
Type phantomjs and hit enter. If you see the prompt phantomjs> then you're all set.
Type phantom.exit() to end the PhantomJS program.
Now you can navigate to any folder and run PhantomJS by simply typing phantomjs. This is helpful when saving screenshots because the images will be saved inside the folder that's active in your Terminal.
Whatever command is just a executable file. To be accessible by type its name directly, you have to put it into a path that system will look for that file directly.
For linux/OSX, it's /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. Which really works? Well, it depends...
So what worked for me is extract the 'phantomjs.tar.bz2' source file to somewhere and copy the executable file to /usr/local/bin like this:
cp path-of-extracted-phantomjs/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin
