Fixed Element Overflow in css [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an header that its position is fixed. When I scroll the page, the paragraph below decreases its opacity. when the paragraph goes up, it overlays the header instead of "going under it". How can I fix it.
Thank you very much

Try adding z-index to your header.
z-index: 9999;
Header z-index should be more than you content's z-index.
hope this helps


Responsive layout issue below 560px [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a responsive website which is hosted here. Whenever I try to reduce the resolution of the screen below 560 px or try to access the website through mobile device, the Calculate button is not shown on the screen. Can someone please help with what the issue could be here.
Add overflow: auto on your main-container class.

The top header image is shaking/twitching when you start to scroll down, why? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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just when you start to scroll down with your mouse, the top header image shakes/trembles/twitches/ - I hope I described it good :) here it is.
this is the demo of a theme, do you think it will do this on any install?
thank you!
I presume you are getting downvoted because you haven't described what you have tried and/or you haven't mentioned what browser you're experiencing this problem in. So, I'll try to answer this from my view in Chrome.
The biggest issue I see here is with the header flashing white before it animates to close. That can be fixed in main_orange.css by overwriting the header background:
#floating_menu.mff header {
/* background: #fff; */
It may be worth looking at overwriting the animation in the #floating_menu.mff.a60 header css declaration as well.

How to take off WordPress twenty seventeen theme home page header image scrolling effect [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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By default my WordPress twenty seventeen theme, home page header image is having scrolling effect, it's scrolling over until just main menu is on top. I want to make a header image fixed at one moment. The height of image when it's fixed should be like in other pages when they open up. Also I want to fix the height of header images that is on all other pages.
Thanks in advance!
Hope the following code will help
.has-header-image .custom-header-media img
position:inherit !important;

Push menu with scroll [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am using a push menu on a website. Here is the test link:
But the menu shows only the points, that are in the visible area. The site has more navigation items, that would need to be scrolled. But those points are not displayed. How can I make them visible? I believe it some kind of CSS issue.
overflow: hidden is applied to div.panel.
Chrome Dev Tools style view
MDN article on overflow property.

Big gap on bottom of website [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm having this weird CSS issue that I have huge space in bottom of my webpage. I can solve it putting height: 100% on body, but then functions like $(window).scroll() function in JS don't work.
If I move my footer outside the wrapper called #sb-site, footer drops under that huge white gap.
Live Preview:
I would be really happy if somebody could help a little!
You have a min-height set of 8164px on #sb-site. I just turned it off using developer tools, it got rid of the white gap at the bottom and everything else seemed to work ok? At least for me.
Just remove the min height on the page.
