How to get intellisense for AngularJS in VSCode? - javascript

So can anyone help me get the AngularJS intellisense working in Visual Studio Code?
Is it possible to configure this globally or can it only per project? I'm preferably looking for a solution on how to do this globally, as in whenever I open VSCode AngularJS intellisense just works.
I'm currently using AngularJS 1.5.x. I do not know if it possible to configure according to the version of AngularJS being used. Additionally, I'm using VSCode 1.10.2 and VSCode - Insiders on Windows 10.
I've already searched in several places, but the solutions I've found did not work for me. Maybe it's because they are old.

There are many extensions available for intellisense in Angular (2+), but not for AngularJS. However, this article by Mike Barlow explains how to do it and it's fairly recent since you've asked your question (June 2016).
Here's the summary of what you need to do per the article:
Have the following tools installed: node.js 6.2+, npm 3.9+, and VSCode 1.2+.
Install the typings package globally: npm install -g typings. Make sure this is a 1.X version.
Install AngularJS types: typings install dt~angular --save --global
This should create a a folder typings\globals\angular\ with a file called "typings.json"
Create a file within this directory as a sibling to "typings.json" called "jsconfig.json". This file can remain empty unless you need to transpile code (ie, using typescript, coffeescript, etc.)
Restart VSCode


ESlint for VSCode without using node or alternative?

We are teaching fundamental JavaScript to beginners and have recently switched from the Atom editor to VSCode. The problem with this is that VSCode requires us to install node and then npm install eslint, whereas in Atom, we can use the atom package manager to download a linter-eslint package that we can then point directly at a gloabl .eslint file. While it's not a huge deal to install and use node, we are trying to reserve all things node related for a later more advanced class so we can focus on fundamentals.
Is there a way to use ESlint in VSCode without downloading and installing it through node, or is there another alternative extension that we can use that would give us similar functionality?
There is an eslint extension for VS Code that MS supports:
FWIW, I found that by googling "ESLint vscode". ;)
Given that the MS supported version still wants you to install eslint via npm, this is probably the only way to go.
FWIW, Atom itself is written in Node, so I'm guessing that it's doing the same thing, just hidden behind some UI snazziness.

Visual Studio 2017 Intellisense with Aurelia

I have been trying desperately for a month to figure out a way to get JavaScript intellisense to work for Aurelia in Visual Studio 2017. I know there is no definitions in npm #types. I tried to copy over the index.d.ts file from the local node_modules folders to a folder in the Salsa Cache at c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Typescript\2.5\#types that is named the same as the Aurelia module, along with the package.json. It didn't work. I tried adding a jsconfig.json. Also didn't work. Is there anyone with Aurelia intellisense working in VS 2017????????
I'm not sure if this is applicable to your installation, but there is a known issue ( with type definitions when Aurelia is installed via jspm. The solution for now, unfortunately, is to also install Aurelia as a dev dependency via npm.
npm install --save-dev aurelia-framework aurelia-bootstrapper aurelia-pal-browser aurelia-polyfills
This takes up more space, but should resolve the issue until it's fixed properly.

angular-ui-grid - no gridTestUtils.spec.js

I'm using angular-ui-grid 4.0.2 (the latest version) in my project.
According to the documentation here:
There should be some sort of test utilities module available named something like 'gridObjectTestUtils.spec.js' in a folder named 'e2e'.
As far as I can see no such module exists.
Here is a link to the source:
Does anybody know if the testing module is still available? Or has it been deprecated?
I was using: which is the same artifact you get from running:
npm install angular-ui-grid
This package (for whatever reason) does not contain the test utilities.
However if you use:
npm install angular-ui/ui-grid (unfortunately not available as a webjar)
You get the e2e folder with all the test utils inside!
By the way, I have checked and ui-grid is the same thing as angular-ui-grid.
Also, ui-grid has it's latest commit set in this month of 2017, so it's not an older version. If you want to get the testing utilities, make sure you download ui-grid!

Developing TypeScript without an installed IDE or editor

I work in a place that restricts me from downloading and installing any applications, regardless of job roles. I have several web apps that I want to migrate to Angular 2 with TypeScript. I'm a C# developer in my own time and TypeScript is very appealing as it's statically typed and just compiles down to JavaScript.
How can I develop with TypeScript without having access to an installed IDE or code editor? Are there any online environments that allow the use of TypeScript definition files that provide code help/intellisense?
How can I develop with TypeScript without having access to an installed IDE or code editor
I am hoping you can do npm install typescript. If you can just run npm install typescript -g and then run typescript as tsc -w -p tsconfig.json in your code directory. This will allow you to run the compiler in the background leaving you free to use even notepad if you have to.
Alternatively you can just download the zip file from : and if you have node you can run node ./bin/tsc etc from the extracted directory.
Use Codenvy:
It needs some manual tweaks but somebody figured them out already:!topic/codenvy/R4myXA9MygA
You can try the playground:
Although it doesn't allow references to other files.

How to get angular2 to work in eclipse with typescript

So I was starting researching about angular2 and since I saw so many references to typescript being prefered I am trying to switch to it from javascript. Problem is, I saw a nice little guide I could follow to install it all in eclipse (angular, javascript, everything needed to launch the 5 minute guide code on the main page of angular), so I did it and managed to get it to work.
Now I would like to do the same with typescript, but I find myself lost since it doesn't seem to be working, I can't launch code, it's like node.js isn't working anymore, but since I do not know what the expected result is, I am not sure what is missing.
For example, I re did the 5 minute guide and notice as a difference that I do not have the installation of the modules, nor any run-as configuration ready, in fact, I can't manage to run as any typescript code I try to do.
What I did was:
1- Install Eclipse Mars, other guys uses older versions
2- Install Node.js
3- Install WildFly Server
4- Install TypeScript plugin
5- Import my project in eclipse, you may have to create a new static web project and add your files in there. The 5 minute quick start is not an eclipse web project so you may not be able to import this. Do not forget to copy and past the same structure with the node modules that you have
6- Right click on the project > Configure > Enable Typescript Builder
7- Right Click the project > Properties > TypeScript > Compiler and configure as follows:
I hope this will do it for you.
Remember, this plugin does not respect json configuration file, so you have to do this manually as in the screenshot. Also, if you are going to provide arguments to your component constructor, You will have errors. Let me know if you got those. Another thing to mention is that using some annotations like #Input will not work, you will have to use inputs:[] inside your #Component annotation.
You can try to add those plugins on top of Mars:
Those 2 are incubating but already provide good features. There is another one, that I didn't try but which has some popularity:
Eclipse >= Neon
sudo npm install -g angular-cli (ng help must work)
Install it and restart Eclipse
Open a .ts file
Eclipse Oxygen
Default javascript installation, then added the default free plugin for angular 2 / typescript from here:
angular2.ide -
After installing I opened an existing Angular 4 / TS project, worked fine. I then installed support for .scss from All setup and configured with Typescript 2.4.1 / nodejs v6.9.4.
But within days it now fails to open .ts files at all. Re-installation of the ng plugin did not fix it, I uninstalled liclipse plugin and no change either. It basically leaves eclipse unusable for ng4 projects as is.
The logs show the following errors.
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plug-in "ts.eclipse.ide.jsdt.ui" was unable to instantiate class "ts.eclipse.ide.jsdt.internal.ui.editor.TypeScriptEditor".
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.osgi.RegistryStrategyOSGI.throwException(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.osgi.RegistryStrategyOSGI.createExecutableExtension(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ExtensionRegistry.createExecutableExtension(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/ui/text/JavaScriptSourceViewerConfiguration
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui (441).
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.hooks.EclipseLazyStarter.postFindLocalClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath.ClasspathManager.findLocalClass(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Name index 1 in LocalVariableTable has bad constant type in class file org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/core/JavaModelManager
I found
TypeEcs plugin for Typescript
it provide below.
•Syntax highlighting
•Code Completion
•Code Outline
•Find References
•Rename / Refactor
•Open Type
•Code Compilation
•Format Code
•Comment Code
•Open Declaration
•Mark Occurences
•Type Script Debug
