Injecting html changes the properties of an element's saved instance - javascript

As soon as I try to inject raw html in the document's body, a saved instance of an element retrieved with .querySelector(); abruptly resets it's .clientHeight and .clientWidth properties.
The following page shows the problem
window.addEventListener('load', pageInit);
function pageInit() {
// saving instance for later use
var element = document.querySelector('#element')
alert(element.clientHeight); // returns 40
document.querySelector('body').innerHTML += '<p>anything</p>';
alert(document.querySelector('#element').clientHeight); // returns 40
alert(element.clientHeight); // returns 0
#element {
height: 40px;
<div id="element"></div>
Why exactly the instance properties of the element variable gets reset?
As pointed in this question addEventListener gone after appending innerHTML eventListeners gets detached but this still doesn't explain why that element node still exist and why it's properties were zeroed out.

It would seem that when you reset the innerHTML of the body element, you're causing the entire page to be re-rendered. Thus, the div#element that is shown on the page is not the same element that the JavaScript variable element points to; rather, the one you see is a new element that was created when the page was re-rendered. However, the div#element that element points to still exists; it hasn't yet been destroyed by the browser's garbage collector.
To prove this, try replacing the last alert (the one that alerts a 0) with console.log(element), and then attempting to click on the element in the console window. You'll see <div id="element"></div>, but when you click on it, nothing happens, since the div is not on the page.
Instead, what you want to do is the following:
const newEl = document.createElement('p');
newEl.innerHTML = 'anything';
instead of setting the body.innerHTML property.
FYI you should probably switch the alerts for console.logs, since alerts annoy the hell out of people and the console is the way to test things out in development.

You're running into a problem where the browser has reflowed the doc and dumped its saved properties. Also known as Layout Thrashing. Accessing certain DOM properties (and/or calling certain DOM methods) "will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the style and layout". That quote is from Paul Irish's Comprehensive list of what forces layout/reflow. Though innerHTML isn't included there, pretty sure that's the culprit.
In your sample, the first alert works for obvious reasons. The second works because you're asking the browser to go and find the element and get the property again. The third fails because you're relying on a stored value (that's no longer stored).
The simplest way around it is to use requestAnimationFrame when using methods/properties that will force a reflow.
window.addEventListener('load', pageInit);
function pageInit() {
// saving instance for later use
var element = document.querySelector('#element');
console.log("before:", element.clientHeight); // returns 40
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
document.querySelector('body').innerHTML += '<p>anything</p>';
console.log("WITH rAF after:", element.clientHeight); // returns ~0~ 40!
// out in the wild again
document.querySelector('body').innerHTML += '<p>anything</p>';
// oh no!
console.warn("W/O rAF after:", element.clientHeight); // returns 0
#element {
height: 40px;
<div id="element"></div>


my sapUI5 app only jumps once into my print method

this is my very first question on Stackoverflow. I am currently developing a print function in my sap ui5 app to print out certain UI controls. I've got the function from here:
However, during runtime, when I click on the print button, my app only jumps to the method once and executes it correctly (to print). But after that, I can press the printbutton as often as I want, nothing happens and I can't find out why.
what the method does: i replace the body with a temporary body, which only contains the elements to be printed and execute window.print(). afterwards i insert the original body content again. Of course I use the UI controls to grab the HTML tags.
onPrintChart: function(oEvent){
var oTarget = this.getView(),
sTargetId = oEvent.getSource().data("targetId");
if (sTargetId) {
oTarget = oTarget.byId(sTargetId);
if (oTarget) {
var $domTarget = oTarget.$()[0],
sTargetContent = $domTarget.innerHTML,
sOriginalContent = $(document.body)[0].innerHTML;
$(document.body)[0].innerHTML = sTargetContent;
$(document.body)[0].innerHTML = sOriginalContent;
} else {"onPrint needs a valid target container [view|data:targetId=\"SID\"]");
I managed to do it in a different, more elegant way without using a temporary body. I used CSS to hide all irrelevant elements (display: none) and keep only the relevant element for printing.
Apparently ui5 hung up when replacing the original body temporarily with another body. I noticed that ALL buttons didn't work anymore, not only the print button.

Image replacing Chrome extension, incomplete behaviour

I am new to web dev, so I'm sorry if this is a silly question. I followed a very simple tutorial and made a chrome extension that replaces images on screen with that of random ones I picked from my computer (mostly crappy meme valentines cards). However I have noticed some peculiar behaviour.
1) it doesn't replace all the images. for example in the google images page, it replaces the first 5 or 6 lines perfectly, and after that replaces none
2) similarly, on netflix it also does 1), but on top of that, if I go left or right on one of the sliders that it worked on, the images go away and it goes back to the default images.
How can I fix this so it 1) replaces all images and 2) keeps those changes.
I have attached a gif demonstrating this issue below
It will happen mainly for two reasons:
Not all the img tags exist when you perform the replacement;
The elements get rerendered when you perform some action on the page (like clicking or scrolling).
I tested in Google Image Search and yep - not all the img tags are there from the start. So you'd have to replace them, too, when they appear.
Go to Google Image Search and test this script once. Then scroll down to the bottom and test it once again to see if it changed:
// this will tell you how many img tags exist in the page
It most certainly increased as you were scrolling down. Right?
Possible workaround - observing element mutations
In days of old there were events you could listen to for changes whenever elements were added or removed, but they've been deprecated for quite some time. Let's get this out of the way: don't use mutation events!
Nowadays if you want to monitor changes in the page I suggest you take a look at Mutation Observers.
Mutation Observers
A mutation happens when an element or its contents or attributes are changed. So in short, Mutation Observers provide you a way to monitor changes in an element.
The most relevant difference (at least for extension developers) between observing mutations and listening to events is that mutations capture changes that are done programmatically, which makes it so useful since more often than not we must alter a page whose source we did not author.
Could you listen to a given event like, say, scrolling? Yes. But since there most likely are event listeners going on concurrently with your own that will cause mutations in the page, it's hard to make sure that the element you want to change yourself will already exist by the time the event is triggered (the page's native code might still be doing its thing).
Here's an example borrowing from the above MDN link, plus the desired behavior you described - replacing images, whenever they are added:
EDIT: I'm going to be more descriptive in the comments and leave links to where you should browse for additional information in the MDN docs in case you need them. Note that the example is targeting a specific element (#some-id) but you could target document.body, but not in Stack Overflow's fiddle sandbox, apparently.
// Select the node that will be observed for mutations
// I'm targeting a specific node, but it COULD BE document.body,
// which would observe the entire document for changes
const targetNode = document.getElementById('some-id');
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
// See
const config = {
attributes: true, // watch for changes to attributes on the node(s)
childList: true, // watch for the addition or removal of child nodes
subtree: true // all monitoring rules apply to child elements as well
PS: all settings are 'optional' but at least one among
childList, attributes or characterData must be true.
Again, don't forget to take a look on the docs!
// Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
// See
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
// mutationsList is an array of MutationRecord objects,
// describing each change that occurred.
// See
// observer is the MutationObserver instance that was triggered
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
// This will be executed when a new image is added
console.log('A child node has been added or removed.');
// Iterate over the added nodes to check if there are any images
for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
// Replace the .src attribute if the element is an img
if (node.tagName === 'IMG') {
node.src = '';
console.log('Garmanarnar will rule above all');
} else if (mutation.type === 'attributes') {
// This will be executed when .src is changed
console.log('The ' + mutation.attributeName + ' attribute was modified.');
// Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
// Later, you can stop observing
// observer.disconnect();
function addImg() {
let img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = '';
<button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="addImg()">
<strong>Click me</strong>
<div id="some-id">
<img src="" alt="Garmanarnar" />
With each click, you should see only Garmanarnars (blue friendly alien doing thumbs up), not any random pic of cats or anything else. This means the new img tag got its src attribute replaced successfully.
In Javascript we use lots and lots of callback functions, so if you're not used to them, you might have a lot to digest, but it will be worth your while learning them.
Additional considerations (you may skip if you're satisfied)
I get that it's just a prank and it would be a 'passable' flaw, but if you want to target every single image in a page, looking for img tags might not be always enough, since some elements will have images included through CSS background-image property, or even svg elements.
I made a Chrome extension myself a few years ago and maybe it's also worth mentioning that you must pay attention whether an image is part of an iframe or not. They're not part of the current document - it's a page from elsewhere and it's sandboxed for security reasons. Take a look at this answer from another Stack Overflow question to see how to enable accessing iframes within a page (you still have to create rules for the target page, though).

addEventListener not working after innerHTML

I'm writing a simple text-base game in my free time. It's called TARDIS flight (Doctor Who!) and I'm working on the main menu.
So I'm using a function, addMainMenuListeners, to add all the event listeners with addEventListener, after I set the innerHTML of the main menu.
Everything works fine, until the point where I go back to the main menu from one of the submenus. Then, I found that the buttons don't work anymore.I'm calling addMainMenuListeners after I set the innerHTML, but even though I do it, and I do it in the console, and I check, there is no event.
In my main javascript file:
function addMainMenuListeners()
if($("start")) $("start").addEventListener("click", startGame);
if($("instructions")) $("instructions").addEventListener("click", instructions);
if($("settings")) $("settings").addEventListener("click", settings);
if($("back")) $("back").addEventListener("click", resetMainMenu);
if($("volume")) $("volume").addEventListener("change", function(){saveAndChangeVolume($("volume").value);});
function instructions()
$("mainmenu").innerHTML = "<h1>Instructions</h1><p>Fly your TARDIS through the time vortex using the console. Make sure that you use the correct materialization codes. Try to keep the time-space coordinates close to the values of the ones given. AND DON'T CREATE PARADOXES, WHATEVER YOU DO!</p><button id='back'>Back</button>";
return true;
function settings()
$("mainmenu").innerHTML = "<h1>Volume</h1><span>1</span><input type='range' id='volume' min='1' max='100' /><span>100</span><br><button id='back'>Back</button>";
return true;
function resetMainMenu()
$("mainmenu").innerHTML = "<h1>TARDIS Flight</h1><button id='start'>Start!</button><button id='instructions'>Instructions</button><button id='settings'>Settings</button>";
return true;
And in my HTML file:
<div id="mainmenu">
<h1>TARDIS Flight</h1>
<button id="start">Start!</button>
<button id="instructions">Instructions</button>
<button id="settings">Settings</button>
If you need any clarification, just ask.
EDIT: Evidentally, nobody got what I meant. I was readding the event listeners after doing the innerHTML, as you can see from the code. I simply cannot see the event being added, the function is firing but not adding the event.
Also, I am using a custom $ function, just a return document.getElementById(id) sort of function.
Check to see if your $() uses any caching. If it caches old references to elements then when innerHTML is set the $("id") will return a reference to an invalid reference.
[edit] The references are more likely valid even though they are no longer visible in the HTML DOM. So modifying the detached elements works but it doesn't do any good since they are detached from the DOM.
Sukima psychic ability's catched the main problem: your custom $ function (to replace document.getElementById) used a caching mechanism.
After some testing (out of personal curiosity) it turned out that as long as you have some reference to an element, the element is still accessible, even after elm.parentNode.removeChild or a full elm.parentNode.innerHTML rewrite (at least, in FF).
In other words: the events WERE added, every time, just to the wrong/old/previous elements instead of the new ones. Otherwise there would also have been errors that the elements didn't exist and thus didn't have an addEventListener method..
See this crude test-fiddle for proof:
I toyed around with a $ function (as you haven't posted yours yet) and gave it an 'refresh'-flag to go with the optional cache mechanism:
var $=function(/*cache_enabled*/c){ // getElementById with optional caching & refresh
return c ?( c={}, function(s,r){return (!r && c[s]) || (c[s]=document.getElementById(s));}
):( function(s){return document.getElementById(s);} );
}(true); // or nothing or 0 etc to disable the cache
Note: dynamically created functions are slow (for some reason) so it has 2 functions so the browser can run them optimized (and the other should be cleared by the garbage collector).
To request a fresh just add a flag that evaluates to true as second argument, like: $('elm_id', 1)
Then I modified your addMainMenuListeners function a little to first test for the existence of a fresh getElementById and then add the eventListener via the freshly updated cached reference (so, essentially I changed nothing in the flow of your routine).
formatted to emphasize what changed and how it works
function addMainMenuListeners(){
$( 'start' , 1) && $( 'start' ).addEventListener('click', startGame);
$('instructions', 1) && $('instructions').addEventListener('click', instructions);
$( 'settings' , 1) && $( 'settings' ).addEventListener('click', settings);
$( 'back' , 1) && $( 'back' ).addEventListener('click', resetMainMenu);
$( 'volume' , 1) && $( 'volume' ).addEventListener('change', function(){
Finally, putting above 2 functions and the rest of your functions/html into this fiddle rendered a working result: !
Note: I had to substitute a dummy function startGame otherwise there would be a fatal error. The missing volume-functions were not critical.
I would like to point out that this is not really the way to go with your interface, there would be a lot of work you could save both yourself and the browser. You might want to look into div's (containing your subsections of html) and toggle them so there is only one visible. Like tabs. (Hint for google-query).
Credit still goes to Sukima ('the force is strong in this one'), but I felt it was a good idea to share the correct explanation to your problem (with proof) and not to waste the work that was done anyway (out of curiosity).
Hope this helps!
Disabling caching on the $ function worked. It was referencing to a destroyed HTML element, and that's why it didn't work. Also, setTimeouts helped for reliability in the case that innerHTML didn't execute in time.

force DOM redraw with javascript on demand

The title of the question expresses what I think is the ultimate question behind my particular case.
My case:
Inside a click handler, I want to make an image visible (a 'loading' animation) right before a busy function starts. Then I want to make it invisible again after the function has completed.
Instead of what I expected I realize that the image never becomes visible. I guess that this is due to the browser waiting for the handler to end, before it can do any redrawing (I am sure there are good performance reasons for that).
The code (also in this fiddle:
<img id="kitty" src="" style="display:none">
<div>click to see the cat </div>
var kitty = $('#kitty');
// see:
function sleepStupidly(usec)
var endtime= new Date().getTime() + usec;
while (new Date().getTime() < endtime)
// simulates bussy proccess, calling some function...
// when this triggers the img style do refresh!
// but not before
alert('now you do see it');
I have added the alert call right after the sleepStupidly function to show that in that moment of rest, the browser does redraw, but not before. I innocently expected it to redraw right after setting the 'display' to 'block';
For the record, I have also tried appending html tags, or swapping css classes, instead of the image showing and hiding in this code. Same result.
After all my research I think that what I would need is the ability to force the browser to redraw and stop every other thing until then.
Is it possible? Is it possible in a crossbrowser way? Some plugin I wasn't able to find maybe...?
I thought that maybe something like 'jquery css callback' (as in this question: In JQuery, Is it possible to get callback function after setting new css rule?) would do the trick ... but that doesn't exist.
I have also tried to separte the showing, function call and hiding in different handlers for the same event ... but nothing. Also adding a setTimeout to delay the execution of the function (as recommended here: Force DOM refresh in JavaScript).
Thanks and I hope it also helps others.
EDIT (after setting my preferred answer):
Just to further explain why I selected the window.setTimeout strategy.
In my real use case I have realized that in order to give the browser time enough to redraw the page, I had to give it about 1000 milliseconds (much more than the 50 for the fiddle example). This I believe is due to a deeper DOM tree (in fact, unnecessarily deep).
The setTimeout let approach lets you do that.
Use JQuery show and hide callbacks (or other way to display something like fadeIn/fadeOut).
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#enlace').click(function () {
var kitty = $('#kitty');
// see:
function sleepStupidly(usec) {
var endtime = new Date().getTime() + usec;
while (new Date().getTime() < endtime);
} () {
// simulates bussy proccess, calling some function...
// when this triggers the img style do refresh!
// but not before
alert('now you do see it');
Use window.setTimeout() with some short unnoticeable delay to run slow function:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#enlace').click(function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
alert('now you do see it');
}, 50);
Live demo
To force redraw, you can use offsetHeight or getComputedStyle().
var foo = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
var bar = el.offsetHeight;
"el" being a DOM element
I do not know if this works in your case (as I have not tested it), but when manipulating CSS with JavaScript/jQuery it is sometimes necessary to force redrawing of a specific element to make changes take effect.
This is done by simply requesting a CSS property.
In your case, I would try putting a kitty.position().left; before the function call prior to messing with setTimeout.
What worked for me is setting the following:
After that you can do whatever you want, and eventually you want to do:

How to move an iFrame in the DOM without losing its state?

Take a look at this simple HTML:
<div id="wrap1">
<iframe id="iframe1"></iframe>
<div id="warp2">
<iframe id="iframe2"></iframe>
Let's say I wanted to move the wraps so that the #wrap2 would be before the #wrap1. The iframes are polluted by JavaScript. I am aware of jQuery's .insertAfter() and .insertBefore(). However, when I use those, the iFrame loses all of its HTML, and JavaScript variables and events.
Lets say the following was the iFrame's HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// The variable below would change on click
// This represents changes on variables after the code is loaded
// These changes should remain after the iFrame is moved
variableThatChanges = false;
variableThatChanges = true;
<div id='anything'>Illustrative Example</div>
In the above code, the variable variableThatChanges would...change if the user clicked on the body. This variable, and the click event, should remain after the iFrame is moved (along with any other variables/events that have been started)
My question is the following: with JavaScript (with or without jQuery), how can I move the wrap nodes in the DOM (and their iframe childs) so that the iFrame's window stays the same, and the iFrame's events/variables/etc stay the same?
It isn't possible to move an iframe from one place in the dom to another without it reloading.
Here is an example to show that even using native JavaScript the iFrames still reload:
var wrap1 = document.getElementById('wrap1');
var wrap2 = document.getElementById('wrap2');
This answer is related to the bounty by #djechlin
A lot of search on the w3/dom specs and didn't find anything final that specifically says that iframe should be reloaded while moving in the DOM tree, however I did find lots of references and comments in the webkit's trac/bugzilla/microsoft regarding different behavior changes over the years.
I hope someone will find anything specific regarding this issue, but for now here are my findings:
According to Ryosuke Niwa - "That's the expected behavior".
There was a "magic iframe" (webkit, 2010), but it was removed in 2012.
According to MS - "iframe resources are freed when removed from the DOM". When you appendChild(node) of existing node - that node is first removed from the dom.
Interesting thing here - IE<=8 didn't reload the iframe - this behavior is (somewhat) new (since IE>=9).
According to Hallvord R. M. Steen comment, this is a quote from the iframe specs
When an iframe element is inserted into a document that has a browsing context, the user agent must create a new browsing context, set the element's nested browsing context to the newly-created browsing context, and then process the iframe attributes for the "first time".
This is the most close thing I found in the specs, however it's still require some interpretation (since when we move the iframe element in the DOM we don't really do a full remove, even if the browsers uses the node.removeChild method).
Whenever an iframe is appended and has a src attribute applied it fires a load action similarly to when creating an Image tag via JS. So when you remove and then append them they are completely new entities and they refresh. Its kind of how window.location = window.location will reload a page.
The only way I know to reposition iframes is via CSS. Here is an example I put together showing one way to handle this with flex-box:
The basic idea is to create a flex-box wrapper and then define an specific order for the iframes using the order attribute on each iframe wrapper.
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
<div class="container">
<div id="wrap1" style="order: 0" class="iframe-wrapper">
<iframe id="iframe1" src=""></iframe>
<div id="warp2" style="order: 1" class="iframe-wrapper">
<iframe id="iframe2" src=""></iframe>
As you can see in the JS fiddle these order styles are inline to simplify the flip button so rotate the iframes.
I sourced the solution from this StackOverflow question: Swap DIV position with CSS only
Hope that helps.
If you have created the iFrame on the page and simply need to move it's position later try this approach:
Append the iFrame to the body and use a high z-index and top,left,width,height to put the iFrame where you want.
Even CSS zoom works on the body without reloading which is awesome!
I maintain two states for my "widget" and it is either injected in place in the DOM or to the body using this method.
This is useful when other content or libraries will squish or squash your iFrame.
Unfortunately, the parentNode property of an HTML DOM element is read-only. You can adjust the positions of the iframes, of course, but you can't change their location in the DOM and preserve their states.
See this jsfiddle I created that provides a good test bed.
Click on the box to toggle the value. Click on the "move" to run the javascript.
This question is pretty old... but I did find a way to move an iframe without it reloading. CSS only. I have multiple iframes with camera streams, I dont like when they reload when i swap them. So i used a combination of float, position:absolute, and some dummy blocks to move them around without reloading them and having the desired layout on demand (resizing and all).
If you are using the iframe to access pages you control, you could create some javascript to allow your parent to communicate with the iframe via postMessage
From there, you could build login inside the iframe to record state changes, and before moving dom, request that as a json object.
Once moved, the iframe will reload, you can pass the state data into the iframe and the iframe listening can parse the data back into the previous state.
PaulSCoder has the right solution. Never manipulate the DOM for this purpose. The classic approach for this is to have a relative position and "flip" the positions in the click event. It's only not wise to put the click event on the body, because it bubbles from other elements too.
$("body").click(function () {
var frame1Height = $(frame1).outerHeight(true);
var frame2Height = $(frame2).outerHeight(true);
var pos = $(frame1).css("top");
if (pos === "0px") {
$(frame1).css("top", frame2Height);
$(frame2).css("top", -frame1Height);
} else {
$(frame1).css("top", 0);
$(frame2).css("top", 0);
If you only have content that is not cross-domain you could save and restore the HTML:
var htmlContent = $(frame).contents().find("html").children();
// do something
The advantage of the first method is, that the frame keeps on doing what it was doing. With the second method, the frame gets reloaded and starts it's code again.
At least in some circumstances a shadow dom with slotting might be an option.
<style>div {outline:1px solid black; height:45px}</style>
<div><slot name="a" /></div>
<div><slot name="b" /></div>
<div id="shadowhost">
<iframe src="data:text/html,<button onclick='this.innerText+=`!`'>!</button>"
slot="a" height=40px ></iframe>
<button onclick="ifr.slot= (ifr.slot=='a') ? 'b' : 'a';">swap</button>
document.querySelector('#shadowhost').attachShadow({mode: 'open'}).appendChild(
In response to the bounty #djechlin placed on this question, I have forked the jsfiddle posted by #matt-h and have come to the conclusion that this is still not possible.
//this does not work, the frames reload when appended back to the DOM
function swapFrames() {
var w1 = document.getElementById('wrap1');
var w2 = document.getElementById('wrap2');
var f1 = w1.querySelector('iframe');
var f2 = w2.querySelector('iframe');
//f1.parentNode = w2;
//f2.parentNode = w1;
