How can I move the camera in ThreeJS relative to perspective? - javascript

I've been working on a first-person maze game with Threejs. I have recently included DeviceOrientationControls to start moving it towards VR, but my previous system for moving the camera is separated from the camera. The camera no longer moves with the arrow keys.
How can I move my camera using arrow keys again while the camera is updated with DeviceOrientationControls?
If possible, how can I automate forward movement relative to the camera's perspective?
Alex Fallenstedt found a perfect example of what I wanted.
However, I have some questions;
How does the script make the camera move?
How can I simplify this and/or implement this into my work?
How to control camera both with keyboard and mouse - three.js
Detecting arrow key presses in JavaScript
How to move camera along a simple path
How to control camera movement with up,down,left,right keys on the keyboard
Here's how it behaved prior (with working controls)
Here's how it behaves now (with Orientation)
I've not included my script since I think that it isn't needed for this question. If you need it, please ask and I will insert it here.

To answer you two questions:
1) How does the script make the camera move?
Lets break the script up to its fundamentals. The script begins by adding a bit of state to determine if the user is moving forward.. This state changes when the user interacts with W,A,S,D. We add event listeners that will change this state when a user presses a key or lifts up from a key.. Now, every single frame that is rendered, we can add velocity in specific directions depending on the state of what keys are pressed. This happens here. We now have a concept of velocity. You should console log the velocity values in animate() and checkout how it changes as you move around.
So how does this velocity variable actually move the camera? Well, this script is also using an additional script called PointerLockControls. You can see the full script for PointerLockControls here. Notice how PointerLockControls' only argument is a camera. In order to move the camera, we need to use some nifty functions in PointerLockControls like getObject.. This returns the THREE.js object that you passed into PointerLockControls (aka the camera).
Once we can obtain the camera, we can then move the camera by translating its x, y, and z values by the velocity we created earlier in our animate function.. You can read more about translating objects with these methods in in the Object3D documentation.
2) How can I simplify this and/or implement this into my work?
This is probably the easiest way to implement first person controls to a camera. Everything else in the script example I shared with your earlier is for checks. Like if the user is in a threeJS object, allow them to jump. Or adding a concept of mass and gravity to always pull the user down after they jump. One thing that you might find very useful is to check if the pointer is in the browser's window!. Take the example, break it down to its simplest components, and build from there.
Here is a codepen example that shows you how to move the camera forward smoothly, without pointerlockcontrols, Start at line 53


Is it possible to make a viewport that follows the player using vanilla javascript?

I'm wondering how to make a viewport that follows the player such as in sidescrolling games. I have a semi-working version, but it requires me to move everything except the player.
This works for now, but I will have to draw enemies and other objects, and I don't want to constantly have to redo the process. I'm looking for a simple solution that basically involves a camera that follows the player. Is this possible?
Use something like three.js for games. Because you have to draw as many frames per second, and canvas just isn't great for that (if you don't believe me now, wait until you have to draw more things on the screen).
However, for your current code, one thing I notice is you're missing a save.
If that's not the problem, which I dont think it is, based on your question, you don't want to re-draw everything, only the background? You could actually use multiple layers, so that each enemy is an HTML element, and you only redraw the enemy when their animation frame changes. Then you just move their element ( a little cheaper than re-drawing in terms of performance ).
THREE.JS is what you should learn.. it will really help you out.

Find viewing angle from DeviceOrientationControls in threejs

I'm making a WebVR environment. I've added controls so you can navigate in the scene and added DeviceOrientationControls so I can use the scene in my cardboard.
However, the controls I'm using now are influencing the camera and when I'm looking around (by tilting my phone around) the controls don't get translated to where I'm looking.
For example, I'm in my scene and I'm looking backwards (so I turned my head 180°), if I now go forwards with my controls, I will visually be going backwards because my vision has been rotated 180°.
I'd like my controls to "follow" my viewing angle. I found a Stack Overflow post suggesting I'd put it in a THREE.Object3D() so I can rotate the parent object, but I'm not sure this will be the desired effect, or will it?...
I probably should've spent more time looking at the (many) three.js examples. There's an example for this available at

Best/easiest way to make a 2D Chess board using Javascript/HTML5?

I am building a web based chess game in Javascript. I'm using the HTML5 canvas to display the board by drawing rectangles.
I am trying to implement the move logic. So when a chess piece is clicked, and then they click on an empty block, I want to move it. However, it is quite tedious using the canvas. I need to do the following:
Update my 2D grid of objects to reflect the change, I set the current
square to undefined and set the new square to the object being moved
clearRect(..) which I still haven't got to work
Redraw the image at the new position
Is there a better way?
Also, how do I deal with the 'double click'. I currently using a boolean that holds if the piece was pressed, and if it was and they click on an empty square I call the move function. Are there any other ways of doing this? Additionally, are there any tools for making it seem like the chess piece is being dragged?
I appreciate any help. Thanks guys.
Over the years I've written a lot of chessboards for HTML. In the end the simplest approach I think is:
Keep an array (either 1d or 2d, both have pros and cons) with just piece names (e.g. "wp"=white pawn, "bn"=black night, "--" empty). Nothing to be gained with an OO-approach or even a generic piece object.
Use one single canvas for the board, drawing the pieces on them with drawImage.
Write a function that just draws everything and call it when needed (don't bother erasing/drawing single pieces).
For piece dragging empty the square and create a separate dragged div containing just the dragged piece (redrawing the full board during drag can be slow for low-end mobile devices).
For dragging attach move and up handlers to the document and not to the canvas, so that you won't miss up events when the mouse is outside of the browser window.
Start dragging on mousedown and attach events for mousemove and mouseup. This will work both on computers and on mobile phones without having to handle specific cases. Always call preventDefault and stopPropagation.
Make full-page view with no overflow and handle resize yourself (you'll need to add some mobile-specific metas to stop phones messing up with the page).
HTML can really do impressive things with just 2d canvas, as an example see this 2d/3d chessboard. One single file less than 300k (200k zipped).
Easiest you say?
Using chessboard.js has to be the easiest way and it is 2D.
<div id="board1" style="width: 400px"></div>
var board1 = ChessBoard('board1', 'start');
It has very good documentation and tons of different examples (customization) and can be downloaded here.
Learning by coding -- Good for you!
Here are a few tips to get you started:
A reusable structure for your game:
Create a JS object for each of your chess pieces and save those piece-objects in an array.
// an example piece object
var blackKing={
isCaptured: false,
// etc...
// a pieces-array
var pieces=[];
Create a function that does all of these things:
clearRect the entire canvas,
redraw the chess board,
use the piece-array to redraw all the pieces onto the chessboard.
About click vs double-click vs dragging:
Yes, that's troublesome and requires special handling.
Many coders handle it this way:
Listen for mousedown and save that timestamp and initial mouse position.
If a mouseup plus another mousedown occurs quickly it's a double-click.
If a mousemove of more than a few pixels occurs then it's the start of a drag.
Otherwise, it's a single-click.

Showing objects after given time in x3d

I am trying to create an animation in x3d by gradually having more spheres appear in a model. Is there any possibiliy doing this within the x3d namespace?
I have tried using a javascript for loop to access every sphere and change it's transparency-attribute, but this leads to the old problem of having delays in javascript (effectively locking up my browser).
Ideally, I'd be looking for an attribute/tag allowing me to set the appearance time for each sphere. Alternatively, a javascript snippet starting the progress of having the spheres appear would suffice.
No code snippets here, this question is on more of a theoretical niveau.
The browser issue is probably due to the transparency attribute used on the spheres.
You can add a Switch node for every sphere that you have in the scene, with the whichChoice attribute set to -1, this indicating that the sphere is not shown (rendered). Then you can use a TimeSensor to trigger the visibility of any of the spheres by setting the whichChoice attribute of the Switch node to 0.
Note that each Switch node has only one children (choice) and that is the Sphere node.

About Crafty - Isometric and gravity; also fourway

I have two questions about Crafty (I've also asked in their google group community, but it seems very few people look at that).
I've followed this tutorial and also took a look at the "isometric" demo in crafty's website of a bunch of blocks ( And I've been trying some stuff by combining what I've learned in both.
(Q1) When I use the fourway component (used in the tutorial a lot), if I hold the left arrow key for example and CTRL-TAB out the current tab while holding left, and then go back (not necessarily holding left anymore), then the my character seems to get stuck in moving to the "left" direction. It also happens for the other 3 directions. Is that a known issue? Is there anyway to fix it without changing crafty?
It happens here with firefox 29 and chrome 34. My code is pretty much the one in the final version presented at the tutorial's end (it's not the same, but even when it was the same I already had this issue).
By the way, when this happens, if I CTRL-TAB out and back again holding that left key, things go back to normal (the movement stops).
(Q2) The isometric-ish features interprets Z as being height, and the gravity component uses Y for height. Isn't this a problem? Can I, maybe, for example, tell gravity to use something else, other than y, for height?
Regarding (Q1), the movement is managed by keydown and keyup events. If you change the tab when the start of a movement was triggered, the fourway component never gets any keyup event to stop again. You could use a workaround like the following:
Crafty.settings.modify("autoPause", true);
Enabling autoPause (somewhere in your init function) will pause your game when the browser tab crafty is running in is inactive. You can then react to this event by triggering keyup events or preventing the player component to move like this:
player.bind('Pause', function() {
player.bind('Unpause', function() {
You might want to stop animation there too if you handle that in your player component..
