Here's the link to the api:
I'm trying to figure out how to save this spreadsheet to a folder in google drive. The only thing I've found is this: (
The problem is, I get errors when I do "destinationSpreadsheetId": folder id inside the properties. So I'm not sure if that is the right way to do it or if there even is a way to create a new spreadsheet into a folder using sheets api v4.
"sheets": [
"properties": {
"gridProperties": {
"rowCount": 1,
"columnCount": 3
"data": [
"rowData": [
"values": [
"userEnteredValue": {"stringValue": "one"}
"userEnteredValue": {"stringValue": "two"}
"userEnteredValue": {"stringValue": "three"}
"properties": {
"title": name
Also, how would I get a spreadsheets id by a name being passed into a function?
function getSpreadsheetId(name)
//get file 'name' id from folder
My data looks like this
"_id": "62f77d806f24c09f0acae163",
"name": "Test product",
"attributes": [
"attribute_name": "Shape",
"attribute_value": "Square"
"attribute_name": "Color",
"attribute_value": "Red"
I am using the aggregate method to filter results where I want to find products where "attribute_name" is "shape" and the "attribute_value" is "Square" AND "attribute_name" is "Color" and the "attribute_value" is "Red"
Basically I am building a filter feature in my application and basis the data passed to the API I want to get the products.
I have tried this:
let lookup = {
$match: {
$and: [
'attributes.attribute_label': 'Shape',
'attributes.attribute_value': {
$in: ['Square']
'attributes.attribute_label': 'Color',
'attributes.attribute_value': {
$in: ['Red']
let products = await productsModel.aggregate(lookup);
At first it seemed like it worked, but then I noticed it doesn't work properly, it matches
'attributes.attribute_value': {
$in: ['Red']
so if it finds "Red" in "attribute_label" which can be anything other than "Color" it will still return the results.
Any help is appreciated
I want to be able to get results based on the values for each attribute name
For e.g data passed might be this
I want to get the products which matches this, where the object with attribute_label of Color contains the attribute_value of Red or Green.
Is it a typo? Once you are using "attributes.attribute_label" and once "attributes.attribute_name".
This should work with attributes.attrubite_name (not label!)
'$match': {
'$and': [
'attributes.attribute_name': 'Shape'
}, {
'attributes.attribute_value': {
'$in': [
}, {
'attributes.attribute_name': 'Color'
}, {
'attributes.attribute_value': {
'$in': [
I have an existing ejs query as below:
let queryBody = ejs.Request()
.agg(ejs.TermsAggregation('market_agg').field('market').order('sum', 'asc').size(50000)
currently the field('market') returns the values where data for market is present. There is data in the database for missing values for market as well, which I need to access. How do I do that?
Values for market in ES is either null or field is missing. I wrote ES query to get all those fields but I am not able to incorporate an ejs query for the same. Any idea how this can be done?
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"exists": {
"field": "market"
"bool": {
"must_not": [
"exists": {
"field": "market"
As per your problem you need a way to group the empty market fields too.
So for that you can use the "missing" value parameter. It defines how the values which are missing(as in your case) are grouped. So you query in json form will be modified like below :-
"must": [
"range": {
"hour_time_stamp": {
"gte": lastDeviceDate,
"lte": lastDeviceDate
"aggs": {
"market_agg" : {
"market": {
"missing": "empty_markets",
"order": { "sum": "asc" }
"sum_agg": {
"sum" : { "field" : "num_devices" }
Or in your code it could be done by adding missing parameter like this.
let queryBody = ejs.Request()
.agg(ejs.TermsAggregation('market_agg').field('market').missing('empty_markets').order('sum', 'asc').size(50000)
I am creating an API that gets Patients data(id and name), Physicians data(id and name) and Appointments(id, phyId, patId, app_date) and displays the Patients appointed to a particular physician. I need to create a remote method in physician.js in such a way that I get related Appointment that has phyId and print the details of the Patients using the patId obtained from appointment.
I'm using loopback 3.
Refer this link for clear idea:
I have related models (Physicians, Patients) that are related by "hasMany" with each other "through" Appointment(another model) and Appointment is related to each of these by belongsTo, in my loopback application and i need to print the Patients of a particular Physician.
Patient data:
"id": 1,
"name": "Anna Mull"
"id": 2,
"name": "Paige Trner"
Physician data:
"id": 1,
"name": "Cardiologist"
Appointment data:
"id": 1,
"physicianId": 1,
"patientId": 1,
"appointmentDate": "2019-01-28T10:06:33.530Z"
"id": 2,
"physicianId": 1,
"patientId": 2,
"appointmentDate": "2019-01-28T10:06:33.530Z"
I know there is a method already available to query the Patients of a Physician, but I want to code it myself to learn and also print it in the following format.
My idea is to get all the Appointments having the specific phyId in it and find the patId in those appointment and store it in an array. I then use that array to get the patients from the Patient model. I managed to get the Patient details in a function, but I can only console.log(Patients) but I am not able to display it in the API response.
The following is the format i need it in. (EXPECTED OUTPUT in API response)
"id": 1,
"name": "Cardiologist"
"id": 1,
"name": "Anna Mull"
"id": 2,
"name": "Paige Trner"
or any similar format.
I've tried to the same and here is my code.
'use strict';
var app = require('../../server/server');
module.exports = function (Physician) {
Physician.getDetails = function (phyid, cb) {
var Appointments = app.models.Appointment;
var Patient = app.models.Patient;
Physician.findById(phyid, function (err, Physician) {
Appointments.find({ where: { physicianId: phyid } }, function (err, Appointment) {
if (err) {
cb(null, "Errorrrrrrrr", "Errorrrrrr");
else {
var patients = [], i = 0;
var patobj= [];
for (i in Appointment) {
patients[i] = Appointment[i].patientId;
Patient.findById(patients[i], function(err, Patients){
cb("Error in patients", "--");
patobj[i]=Patients;//doesnt have any effect
console.log(Patients);//prints in console
cb(null, Physician, patobj);//only Physician is printed, patobj is empty.
Physician.remoteMethod('getDetails', {
http: {
verb: 'get'
accepts: {
arg: 'phyid',
type: 'number'
returns: [{
arg: 'Physician',
type: 'Object'
}, {
arg: 'Patient',
type: 'Object'
I am actually getting this in the API response:
"Physician": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Cardiologist"
"Patient": []
and this in the console:
D:\Project\Project1>node .
Web server listening at: http://localhost:3000
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer
{ name: 'Anna Mull', id: 1 }
{ name: 'Paige Trner', id: 2 }
How am I supposed to get the patient data to be printed in the API response?
You patients are empty because, finding Patients by Id is an asynchronous operation. But the for loop is synchronous. The loop finishes and calls the following line before any of the Patients are found.
cb(null, Physician, patobj);//only Physician is printed, patobj is empty.
You need to wait for all the patients to be found by using either Promise.all or async.each.
I am looking out methods of Extracting only portion of JSON document with REST API search call in MarkLogic using JavaScript or XQuery.
I have tried using query options of re extract-document-data but was not successful. Tried checking my extract path using CTS.validextract path but that function was not recognised in Marklogic 9.0-1
Do I have to using specific search options like constraints or structured query.
Could you please help out? TIA.
I have below such sample document
"GenreType": {
"Name": "GenreType",
"LongName": "Genre Complex",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"GenreType Instance Record": [
"Name": "GenreType Instance Record",
"Action": "NoChange",
"TitleGenre": [
"GenreL": [
"GenreSource": [
"GenreT": [
"Name": "GenreType Instance Record",
"Action": "NoChange",
"TitleGenre": [
"GenreL": [
"GenreSource": [
"GenreT": [
in which i need to search a document with attribute "TitleGenre" WHERE GenreSource = “ABC” in the GenreType complex attribute. It's an array in json document.
I was using the search option as below, (writing search option in XML, but searching the in json documents)
<extract-path>/GenreType/"GenreType Instance Record"[#GenreSource="ABC"]</extract-path>
I am still facing the issues. If possible could you please let me know how json documents can be searched for such specific requirement? #Wagner Michael
You can extract document data by using the extract-document-data option.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $doc := object-node {
"GenreType": object-node {
"Name": "GenreType",
"LongName": "Genre Complex",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"GenreType-Instance-Record": array-node {
object-node {
"TitleGenre": array-node {
"GenreSource": array-node {
object-node {
"TitleGenre": array-node {
"GenreSource": array-node {
return xdmp:document-insert("test.xml", $doc);
import module namespace search = ""
at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";
"Genre Complex",
<options xmlns="">
<extract-path>/GenreType/GenreType-Instance-Record[GenreSource = "ABC"]</extract-path>
In this case /GenreType/GenreType-Instance-Record is the xpath to the extracted element.
Relating to your comment, i also added a predicate [GenreSource = "ABC"]. This way only GenreType-Instance-Record which have a GenreSource of "ABC" are being extracted!
<search:extracted kind="array">[{"GenreType-Instance-Record":{"TitleGenre":["Test1"], "GenreSource":["ABC"]}}]
You can add multiple <search:extract-path> elements!
I had to change the name of GenreType Instance Record to GenreType-Instance-Record. I am not sure if you can have property names with whitespaces and access them with xpath. I couldn't get it working this way.
Please post your search options, if this does not work for you.
Edit: Added a predicate to the extract-path.
Thank you so much Wagner, for your prompt trials. Helped me look out for accurate solution to my problem as of now. I have used below extract path, as i could not modify the names in documents. /GenreType/array-node("GenreType Instance Record")/object-node()/TitleGenre[following-sibling::GenreSource="ABC"]
I'm trying to run a query as shown below:
query = {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must_not": [{"term":{"text":"exclude_word"}}],
"must": [{"term":{"text":"include_word"}}]
"query": {
"dis_max": {
"queries": [
{"match": {"text": "search_term"}},
{"match": {"title": "search_term"}}
index: 'docs',
body: {
from: start_page,
size: 10,
query: query,
highlight : {
fields : {
text : {
The purpose of this query is to search through all documents for the "search_term" and exclude documents which contain "exclude_word" and don't contain "include_word" in their text field.
My problem is that it doesn't seem to filter out the documents containing the exclude_word. Assume that "start_page" is a variable I'm updating and its working fine alongside a paging front end.
My text field is analyzed and its in the following format:
"text": ["sentence 1", "sentence 2", "sentence 3"]
Also the part is just an API for node.js that I'm using and it works fine and can be ignored.