Append two values in JavaScript - javascript

var descriptionInput;
var tbl = $(document.getElementById('21.125-mrss-cont-none-content'));
tbl.find('tr').each(function () {
$(this).find("input[name$='6#if']").keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
descriptionInput = $(this).val();
The function above gets an input value from a field in a set of rows using jQuery .val()
var table = document.getElementById('DYN_6000-LISTSAPLMEGUI-tab');
var t = table.rows.length;
//getting current blank cell ID and upping the blank cell ID to the new last cell
var new_cell_id = table.rows.item(t-1).id;
var old_cell_id = "DYN_6000-LISTSAPLMEGUI-key-" + t;
table.rows.item(t - 1).id = old_cell_id;
table.rows.item(t - 1).onmouseover = function () { showItemDetailDropDown_hover(old_cell_id); };
table.rows.item(t - 1).onmouseout = function () { showItemDetailDropDown_hover(old_cell_id); };
table.rows.item(t - 1).onclick = function () { showItemDetailDropDown_click(old_cell_id); };
//create new row and table
var drop_down_height = document.getElementById('DYN_6000-LISTSAPLMEGUI-scrl').style.height;
document.getElementById('DYN_6000-LISTSAPLMEGUI-scrl').style.height = (parseInt(drop_down_height.replace("px", "")) + 18) + "px";
var new_row = table.insertRow(t-1);
var new_cell = new_row.insertCell(0);
//set new row and cell properties = new_cell_id;
new_row.classList.add('urNoUserSelect'); = "100%"; = "18px";
new_row.onmouseover = function () { showItemDetailDropDown_hover(new_cell_id); };
new_row.onmouseout = function () {showItemDetailDropDown_hover(new_cell_id); };
new_row.onclick = function () {showItemDetailDropDown_click(new_cell_id);};
var new_item = t;
new_cell.innerHTML = "[ " + new_item + " ]";
var zyx = "grid#21.125#" + row + ",2#if";
document.getElementById(zyx).value = new_item;
document.getElementById('__AGIM0:U:1:4:2:1:1::0:14').value = new_cell.innerHTML;
This JS function is part of an if else statement that checks if there is a new value in each row and adds a sequential number to a dropdown item menu below the table. My question is: How do I append or concatenate the first value (description) into the dropdown menu after the number? For example,
[ 1 ] descriptionInput (the value)
Everything works I just don't know how to pass the jQuery function back to JS or append each value.


How to convert dynamically generated javascript table into json/xml and how to save that file?

I've a function in javascript which creates table of properties dynamically:
// update table
PropertyWindow.prototype._update = function (text) {
if (text === void 0) { text = "<no properties to display>"; }
PropertyWindow.prototype._onModelStructureReady = function () {
this._assemblyTreeReadyOccurred = true;
// create row for property table
PropertyWindow.prototype._createRow = function (key, property, classStr) {
if (classStr === void 0) { classStr = ""; }
var tableRow = document.createElement("tr"); = "propertyTableRow_" + key + "_" + property;
if (classStr.length > 0) {
var keyDiv = document.createElement("td"); = "propertyDiv_" + key;
keyDiv.innerHTML = key;
var propertyDiv = document.createElement("td"); = "propertyDiv_" + property;
propertyDiv.innerHTML = property;
return tableRow;
I want to take that generated table into json/xml and save this into a new file, how would I do this?
You can basically loop through the generated table like below and convert it into json with the following code
var myRows = [];
var $headers = $("th");
//your table path here inside the selector
var $rows = $("tbody tr").each(function(index) {
$cells = $(this).find("td");
myRows[index] = {};
$cells.each(function(cellIndex) {
myRows[index][$($headers[cellIndex]).html()] = $(this).html();
// Let's put this in the object like you want and convert to JSON (Note: jQuery will also do this for you on the Ajax request)
var myObj = {};
myObj.myrows = myRows;
Possible duplicate

Insert a new row after the selected row in JQuery

I have a requirement to insert a new row after the selected row. The code which I have inserts a new row at the last which should only happen if user has not selected any row.
strGridId = test_ItemCollection_DefaultGridId(strGridId);
var grid = jQuery('#' + strGridId);
var columnModel = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
var currentItemCollection = test_ItemCollection_Get(strGridId);
var baseAddItem = function() {
var newTItem =, strGridId, true);
newTItem.set('transientItem', 1); // just created this item
// pre add item event
var evt = new TEvent(EVENT_PRE_ADD_ITEM, test_ItemCollection_Get(strGridId));
evt.strGridId = strGridId;
evt.newItem = newTItem;
if (!test_ItemCollection_fireEvent(evt)) {
return false;
var rowData = new Object();
for (var iGridLayout = 0; iGridLayout < columnModel.length; iGridLayout++) {
if (test_ItemCollection_IsNotJQGridColumn(columnModel[iGridLayout].name)) {
rowData[columnModel[iGridLayout].name] = test_ItemCollection_EncodeCellValue(strGridId, currentItemCollection.items.length-1, columnModel[iGridLayout], test_ItemCollection_GetItemDisplayValue(columnModel[iGridLayout], newTItem));
grid.jqGrid('addRowData', ''+ ( currentItemCollection.items.length-1), rowData ); // convert to string for adding 0 item
test_ItemCollection_selectRow(strGridId, '' + (currentItemCollection.items.length - 1) );
// post add item event
var evt2 = new TEvent(EVENT_POST_ADD_ITEM, test_ItemCollection_Get(strGridId));
evt2.strGridId = strGridId;
evt2.newItem = newTItem;
return true;
How can I achieve this? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
you can use .insertAfter() function of jQuery. For more details follow this link jQuery insertAfter
Assuming you have a table with id yourTable and every row that have been selected has a class of selectedRow
Add a button with id button and click it to add a new row:
$(document).on('click', '#button', function() {
var selRow = $('table#yourTable').find('tr.selectedRow');
var sel = selRow.length;
var newRow = '<tr><td>This is a new row</td></tr>';
if (sel > 0) {
} else {
$('table#yourTable > tbody').append(newRow);

Calling multiple functions with one button

I am trying to call two functions when only the "add" button is clicked. the problem I am having is that the final four textboxes in the calculate_balances function are not outputting their variables.
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// Declare Arrays to store information from Inputs //
var transactions = [];
transactions[0] = []; // holds date
transactions[1] = []; // holds transaction type
transactions[2] = []; // holds amount
// Function to print results to text area //
var update_results = function () {
var list = ""; // string variable to build output //
// check to see if arrays are empty //
if (transactions[0].length == 0) {
$("results").value = "";
} else {
list = "";
// for loop to cycle through arrays and build string for textarea output //
for (var i = 0; i < transactions[0].length; i++) {
list += transactions[0][i] + " " + transactions[1][i] + " " + transactions[2][i] + "\n";
// display results //
$("results").value = list;
// function to gather inputs //
var add_transaction = function () {
transactions[0][transactions[0].length] = $("date").value;
transactions[1][transactions[1].length] = $("transType").value;
transactions[2][transactions[2].length] = parseFloat( $("amount").value);
// function for Calculations //
var calculate_balances = function () {
var startBal = 2000.00;
var ttlDeposits = 0;
var ttlWithdrawals = 0;
var endBal = startBal;
if (transactions[1][transactions[1].length] == "deposit")
ttlDeposits += transactions[2][transactions[2].length];
endBal += ttlDeposits;
if (transactions[1][i] == "withdrawal")
ttlWithdrawals += transactions[2][transactions[i]];
endBal -= ttlWithdrawals;
$("balStart").value = parseFloat(startBal);
$("ttlDeposits").value = parseFloat(ttlDeposits);
$("ttlWithdrawals").value = parseFloat(ttlWithdrawals);
$("balEnd").value = parseFloat(endBal);
window.onload = function () {
$("add").onclick = add_transaction, calculate_balances;
tHank you
Edit: Did not realize the OP was NOT using jQuery. Your onclick should look like this:
$("add").onclick = function(){
The rest here is for jQuery which is not what the OP wanted.
For setting the value of a text box with jQuery use the val() method:
To call the two methods when the button is clicked:

JQuery with several Elements issue

i got an anchor in the DOM and the following code replaces it with a fancy button. This works well but if i want more buttons it crashes. Can I do it without a for-loop?
function buttonize(){
//Lookup for the classes
var button = $('a.makeabutton');
var buttonContent = button.text();
var buttonStyle = button.attr('class');
var link = button.attr('href');
var linkTarget = button.attr('target');
var toSearchFor = 'makeabutton';
var toReplaceWith = 'buttonize';
var searchButtonStyle =;
if (searchButtonStyle != -1) {
//When class 'makeabutton' is found in string, build the new classname
newButtonStyle = buttonStyle.replace(toSearchFor, toReplaceWith);
button.replaceWith('<span class="'+newButtonStyle
+'"><span class="left"></span><span class="body">'
+buttonContent+'</span><span class="right"></span></span>');
if (linkTarget == '_blank') {;
else window.location = link;
Use the each method because you are fetching a collection of elements (even if its just one)
var button = $('a.makeabutton');
button.each(function () {
var btn = $(this);
var buttonContent = btn.text();
var buttonStyle = btn.attr('class');
var link = btn.attr('href');
var linkTarget = btn.attr('target');
var toSearchFor = 'makeabutton';
var toReplaceWith = 'buttonize';
var searchButtonStyle =;
the each method loops through all the elements that were retrieved, and you can use the this keyword to refer to the current element in the loop
var button = $('a.makeabutton');
This code returns a jQuery object which contains all the matching anchors. You need to loop through them using .each:
function buttonize() {
//Lookup for the classes
var $buttons = $('a.makeabutton');
$buttons.each(function() {
var button = $(this);
var buttonContent = button.text();
var buttonStyle = button.attr('class');
var link = button.attr('href');
var linkTarget = button.attr('target');
var toSearchFor = 'makeabutton';
var toReplaceWith = 'buttonize';
var searchButtonStyle =;
if (searchButtonStyle != -1) {
newButtonStyle = buttonStyle.replace(toSearchFor, toReplaceWith);
button.replaceWith('<span class="'
+ newButtonStyle
+ '"><span class="left"></span><span class="body">'
+ buttonContent
+ '</span><span class="right"></span></span>');
$('.buttonize').click(function(e) {
if (linkTarget == '_blank') {;
} else window.location = link;
}); // end click
} // end if
}); // end each

Trouble hiding/showing divs in using DOM/js/css

I am trying to make a debugger that will be dynamiaclly created with some variables. The names on the left div need to show a div for the corresponding variables Description,Variable ID, and initial Value as well as another div that will show history and lock status when variables are updated later. Where I am having trouble is properly adding the show/hide to the dom I think. Everything starts hidden and then when I click a name the Variables for that name show up but the next click doesn't hide the values from the former. Also any cleanup/optimization advice?
<script type="text/javascript">
var variableIDArray = {};
function loadVariables(variables) {
if (typeof variables != "object") { alert(variables); return; }
var namearea = document.getElementById('namearea');
var description = document.getElementById('description');
var varid = document.getElementById('varid');
var initialvalue = document.getElementById('initialvalue');
var valuelock = document.getElementById('valuelock');
for (var i = 0; i < variables.length - 1; i++) {
var nameDiv = document.createElement('div'); = variables[i].variableID + "namearea";
nameDiv.className = "nameDiv";
nameDiv.onclick = (function (varid) {
return function () { showvariable(varid); };
var descriptionDiv = document.createElement('div'); = variables[i].variableID + "description";
descriptionDiv.className = "descriptionDiv";
descriptionDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Description : " + variables[i].description));
var varidDiv = document.createElement('div'); = variables[i].variableID + "varid";
varidDiv.className = "varidDiv";
varidDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Var ID : " + variables[i].variableID));
var initialvalueDiv = document.createElement('div'); ; = variables[i].variableID + "initialvalue";
initialvalueDiv.className = "initialvalueDiv";
initialvalueDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Initial Value : " + variables[i].value));
var valuelockDiv = document.createElement('div'); = variables[i].variableID + "valuelock";
valuelockDiv.className = "valuelockDiv ";
valuelockDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Value : " + variables[i].value));
valuelockDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Lock : " + variables[i].locked.toString()));
function showvariable(varid) {
for (v in variableIDArray)
show(varid + "description");
show(varid + "varid");
show(varid + "initialvalue");
show(varid + "valuelock");
function show(elemid) {
document.getElementById(elemid).style.display = "block";
function hide(elemid) {
document.getElementById(elemid).style.display = "none";
Yes. jQuery. Will reduce your code to about 6 lines. :)
