Where should Full stack JS beginner start? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So I won't say I'm a complete beginner, as I know the very basics and have a CS degree(that I'm very rusty at) but I have gone back through and refreshed myself with the CS50 Harvard course.
The last project is to build something, and I've gotten more into learning JS for unit testing at work and while we mostly use rails...I'm interested in learning the new emergent stuff.
I've heard the 70/30 rule applies to full stack devs, and I can't imagine if ever be good with front end stuff so I'd imagine that would be my "30". However with ES6 out and all these new conventions and frameworks I'm a bit lost where I should start?
There is a highly rated JS and Jquery book on Amazon I've been eyeing, but it's quite old. And I wonder about backend frameworks too.
My ideal learning "stack" would be node/react and mongo (with express for node) but it seems like a bad idea to learn them all at once. If I'm interested in backend should I just stick with learning node/express first?
Do I need to worry about ES6 as a beginner? I guess I'm just stuck where to start and in general which path I should take. I've done some dabbling in express but it seems like getting at least decent with JS and Jquery makes sense first?

Sorry I think StackOverflow is not the right place to ask about your question and this will be soon removed or closed and tagged as "too vague", but I'm here to help and share what I know, so I'll answer anyway:
So you:
Know the very basics of JS
Have a CS degree
Are interested in back-end development
Well, you're years ahead of other people starting with JS. You know something and you want to specialize in a given technology. That's great.
You can start with Node.js since you want to do back-end development, and your CS background could help you with that. Using Node.js will give you the environment you need and you can make your experiments with JavaScript there. Node.js is just a collection of JavaScript APIs for server-side programming, so learning it will also make you a better JS developer since you'll learn both together.
Do you need to worry about ES6? Well, don't think about ES6 as something different than JS. If you learn it by up-to-date JS books you'll learn it as well.
I would avoid thinking about your "stack" right now. Learn Node.js and JS by the way and you'll have a strong foundation to learn anything else you want.


coffeescript vs. pure javascript for educational usage [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on an update of a curriculum for teaching non technical students the basics of programming, esp. programming for the web.
I prefer coffeescript over javascript for the (most times) much shorter and - as I think - better readable code.
On the other hand there are thousands of examples written in Javascript which are harder to understand if you know only about Coffeescript.
For the last years I just told my students to use a split screen in the editor, code CS in one frame and see JS in the other to see what is the translation of the CS statements in JS. And I showed the how to use CS2JS and JS2CS converter. The idea behind this is to make things visible like what "for-each" or "for-in" statements of CS do, as they are shown in JS in an unfolded way.
(I know this example leaks a little bit as ECMA 5 is rolled out now for a little time, but I am doing this for didactic reasons for a little while now)
Another problem is that there a not so much code hinter etc. for CS then for JS available.
As the community seams to see this question to be opinion based, I precise it:
What toolchain do you use to make an easy entrypoint available for newbees to learn CS?
My pipeline builds on brackets.io as a webservice, node, gerrit, gitlab, ungit, jenkins, jade, less, coffeescript, ...
I have the need to make everything available totally offline so I wrap the tools in docker containers and VMs.
Before this question is closed as opinion-based, which indeed it is, let me comment that I cannot imagine the value in teaching non-technical students about CS vs. JS transpilation issues. They must have MUCH better things to spend their time on. As lovely as CS is, it is a dialect. Teaching it is like teaching Cockney slang in an English class. Furthermore, notwithstanding all the great code written in CS and the great benefits in efficiency it brought to those who used it, for better or for worse it is now on its way out, superseded by ES6 and TypeScript and eventually ES7.

Learning angularjs 1.3 , knowing that angular 2 will be released in 1 year [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to learn angularjs 1.3,but i am having some problems on making up a decision if it is the right time to do so, since angular will be be dramatically changed when the version 2 will be released.
It is worth it to spend the time and energy to learn a framework that we know it is going to change.
what suggestions can the people give me regarding this.
Could you please suggest any other framework, that is easy to learn?
Check this nice reddit topic for this subject.
kogsworth's answer is really good and i agree with him.
Of course it's worth it. The syntax might have changed substantially
between 1.3 and 2.0, but the fundamentals of the framework remain the
same. You'll have to learn to deal with dependency injection, two-way
binding, directives, services, filters, etc. What you're learning
today in tech will always become deprecated in the future, but the
time you spent now will help you learn/understand the next big thing.
And the main philosophy behind angular such as declarative style and testable code will not change. It is better to start learning now if you are coming from imperative front-end background.
I've been giving angular talks in my city and one of the most discussed topics is the migration from angular1 which seems to scare a lot of people. Fear Not!
Angular1 is a mature framework that will be around for some time so it's worth learning it. If you wonder what should you learn first I'd say the new ECMAScript6 syntax and try to use it in you angular1 project, with that you have half of the migration done.
Of course moving to a new framework will require some work, that's why I created this angular-migrate library with its corresponding example to make it easier for people to code angular1 apps that will be future-proof.
About other frameworks, I recommend checking Aurelia by Rob Eisenberg, is a beautiful next generation framework very easy to learn.

Is it worth of learning cfclient API for mobile application development? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am ColdFusion developer working in ColdFusion since last 2 years. Recently before few weeks i have started learning cfclient API of ColdFusion Splendor as I am always interested in Mobile application development. But today after reading comments on the blog
I am in big dilemma, Is it worth of spending time for learning cfclient. Some of conclusions that I found after reading the comments on the blog are.
Adobe never have a good track record on generating JS. They generate very ugly looking js.
cfform and cfgrid were introduced with some client side functionality.But now a days no one loves to use it because they have not been updated since long and we can get more flexibility using custom js library.The same may happen to cfclient.
It's a crappy decision from Adobe to focus on mobile application development instead of making the server side language more robust and fixing old bugs.
cfclient inspires the developers not to learn JavaScript.
Adobe is trying to solve a problem that does not exist.
I think you've answered your own question here, to be honest: don't waste your time.
Basically <cfclient> is, by Adobe's own admission, just a hook into the language to tell how the compiler should treat the code: translating it into JavaScript instead of compiling it to bytecode like with normal CFML. And it's a really crap way of achieving that.
The other reason is that they couldn't work out how to implement the hooks into ColdFusion Builder to make all its mobile-dev workflow work.
Another problem is that the Adobe guys are just... not any good at writing anything other than Java. This has been borne out by every single foray into anything other than Java that they write (this includes CFML, incidentally: they can't even write that).
So do you really want journeymen developers who aren't comfortable in the language writing wizards to write your JS for you? No.
Do yourself a favour, and just learn to do it properly. <cfclient> is just an example of Adobe having not learned their lessons over the years after all the <cfform>, AJAX-enabled layout widgets like <cfpod>, and Flash forms. They have never had the skillset to do this work properly, so don't put yourself at their mercy.
Oh, and I'm also voting to close the question as it's not one that can be answered objectively.
This is my take on it
Even if it were good approach today, it is not future proof. New browsers will come, new javascript features will come. I fear that this won't move ahead.
I could not agree more
And some of the existing bugs really need to be addressed.
<cfclient> asserts that client side development should be in cfml. IMHO, Coffeescript covers some of those concerns.
There is a demand for Mobile friendly websites. If I had to pick ONE thing to move ColdFusion forward in this arena it would be: Can we get the JSON functions to work right
There are many ways that Adobe could have moved forward on the mobile application front. If they promoted various community based solutions that would be useful. I know Bootstrap + FW/1 + ColdFusion. But I don't know PhoneGap/Cordova + ColdFusion. I would be good to see those work together.
True, But if you're using CFClient, you're not wanting to write JS anyway, so what do you care what it looks like on the client.
I believe Adobe has promised that we would be able to update the core underpinnings of CFClient (probably PhoneGap/Cordova) and other JS libraries.
I don't know about inspires.
I disagree here. I'd love for a way to quickly deploy to mobile.
PS> I'm sure since this question isn't code related, it will get downvoted / deleted; Might be a better topic for the CF-Talk mailing list or some ColdFusion forum somewhere.

Front end development: where to start? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm very sorry if that question has been asked already, couldn't find anything closely related though.
By now I've pretty much learned HTML/HTML5, CSS/3, learned using JQuery (not saying there's nowhere to improve, obviously there is). I really want to start learning front-end dev (client MVC, etc). I've started learning backbone.js, but it turns out i'm having difficulties learning it. Am I missing something? I've read "JS: Good Parts" and Javascript Garden is basically my go-to source yet I still get confused.
I'd appreciate any recommendations as to what I should learn/practice first, thanks :)
My favorite answer for that is always - start your own side-project.
Pickup any simple existing application, ToDo list, issue tracker, blog platform, what ever and spend energy to make it done. Host sources on github, search for similar applications to inspire.
You would not believe how many actual questions you would have, by just trying the things out. If you already have good skills with HTML/CSS and JS you'll be able to build something really valuable and learn a lot.
Backbone.js is good, but could be really difficult to start with. Do, some learning curve - implement same simple app in jQuery, then Backbone, then Angular.js. It will give you great client MVC overview.
Two things
Don't quit.
You can read all you want and it will definitely help, but in the end, you'll just have to start, work through it and finish something. Finishing is very important, so I would recommend starting simple, for example, build your own todo with an example on the side and work from there.
Different people have different learning styles, so not all answers you will get will work for you (except GijsJanB's "Don't quit"). Personally, once I am through a tutorial or other documentation, I like to study a real-world system of substantial size. Two that I've looked at and might match your interests are:
Brackets: a Javascript/HTML/CSS editor written entirely in Javascript. Written and maintained by Adobe, open source and available on Github via this link.
Travis-web: the front-end of the Travis-CI continuous integration framework, based on the Ember framework. Written largely in CoffeeScript, not JavaScript proper.
I'd suggest AngularJS (http://angularjs.org/). Why? Because it has a pretty good tutorial section, good documentation AND it's backed by a large company (Google).
But unfortunately, the learning is still up to you ;-)
A free online resource is w3schools, it teaches you back-end too(PhP and mySQL).I really suggest you to learn Angular2, this is a great js framework that most front-end developers use. Always practice,code at least 2 hours a day, make a lot of websites for your portofolio, learn how to make slideshows and animated text, you can even learn how to make a working login page, and a working contact form(a lot of cients want theese stuff). Learn photoshop and illustrator because clients want great design these days.One thing you have to remember is that you never stop learning,if you ever think that you finished learning it emans that you are at the beginning.Good luck and never forget the semicolons :)

Javascript Books for Pure Noob [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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this site has been a great help to me. I am working as a UI designer, and i am very interested in learning Javascript, but i am not able to find a right way to start from. I don't have a programming background.
I need a book for Javascript, which is totally for a Noobs, starting from the fundamentals. I tried reading Douglas Crockford's Javascript the good parts, but i wasn't able to understand much.
Please suggest me some books
Try out this new site:
It really will help you get a hang of javascript. It's an interactive way for learning javascript.
If you're looking for a book, I'd recommend O'Reilly's Head First JavaScript. You can get it from their site or cheaper from Amazon.
I started recently using eloquent javascript and it is indeed a good book. Along with that Mozilla Documentation helped. But the best way to understand the language is to use it and see it in action. Ask a friend of yours to introduce you to firebug and how firebug is used to alongside with Javascript debugging. That will help you to get a grasp of how javascript is used to real world. Once you know that you will find that Javascript as a language is really simple, it's applications (and concepts such as AJAX) and it's libraries (jquery) are the ones that are making it really really powerful
Make sure you read Pro JavaScript Techniques. It is concise with a wealth of information.
Then there's the JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. Also make sure you get Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja when it gets published.
