Querying By Multiple Keys in Firebase - javascript

I have a list of known keys in my Firebase database
Rather than looping through each of these keys to fetch a snapshot of their respective object, how can I query for each of these keys in one single, unified request? Does Firebase provide this?
I've discovered the Promise.all() function which looks promising (no pun intended I swear) but I'm not sure how to implement it using the standard way of fetching firebase data like so
var userId = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
return firebase.database().ref('/users/' + userId).once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var username = snapshot.val().username;
Thanks for any help!

As David's comment suggested: if the items are in some way related, you may be able to built a query to get them all.
Otherwise this would do the trick:
var keys = [
var promises = keys.map(function(key) {
return firebase.database().ref("/items/").child(key).once("value");
Promise.all(promises).then(function(snapshots) {
snapshots.forEach(function(snapshot) {
console.log(snapshot.key+": "+snapshot.val());
Note that retrieving each item with a separate request is not as slow as you may think, since the requests are all sent over a single connection. For a longer explanation of that, see Speed up fetching posts for my social network app by using query instead of observing a single event repeatedly.


How to get a subset of object's properties when querying an entire collection in Firebase Firestore? Using JS client sdk v9

I have this Firestore onSnapshot listener on a collection (getting the entire collection). I would like to get only a subset of the the properties of each object.
Something like we do with the firebase-admin using select() on a query:
Ex: admin.firestore().collection('NAME').where(conditions).select('field1', 'field2').get()
This is the onSnapshot code: it works just fine but it's getting the full objects (containing all the properties).
const db = getFirestore();
const col = 'COL_NAME';
const q = query(collection(db, col));
onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => { // How to get only a subset of fields here ?
const results = {};
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
// Do something with each object
Of course I can map it on the client, but my goal is to keep data network traffic to a minimum.
How can I do it?
With the Client SDKs this is not possible.
As you have mentioned this is possible with the Admin SDK but it is also possible with the Firestore REST API: You can use a DocumentMask when fetching documents, which will "restrict a get operation on a document to a subset of its fields. ".
Note however that fetching via the REST API from a web app is much less simple than using the JS SDK. In particular the format of the response is a complex object that is not funny to parse...
Another approach would be to dernomalize your data: You create another collection which contains documents that only have the fields you want to display in the front end.
The complexity is that you need to keep the two collections in sync: when you create/modify/delete a doc in the master collection, you need to update the other collection. This can be done from your front-end (e.g. you write to the two collections in a batched write) or with a Cloud Function, triggered in the back-end with an onWrite trigger.

Prevent the delay time to fetch the data from firebase (Please check details for clarity)

The asynchronous nature of firebase has been discussed thousands of times here, but my low reputation number does not allow for a comment on an existing question. That's why I have asked this question.
I am a noob, so please help me understand the implementation in an easy to understand manner.
Steps to implement:
User enters a value in the HTML input box
Search the input value in the firebase db (showMessage() gets called)
Display an appropriate result based on the search result in step 2
Problem faced:
The message displayed in step 3 takes almost an average of 1.75 seconds to display. This experience is not user-friendly. I want to display the message as soon as possible i.e. want to reduce the fetch time.
Probable root causes:
Either my way of fetching the data from firebase dB is incorrect (I still don't understand how to keep a promise :()
Or The mechanism of search and display is not right
var full_name;
function showMessage(){
function extractData(){
test(function(returnValue) {
custom_message = searchMessage(returnValue);
var container = document.querySelector('#placeholder');
var para = document.createElement('p');
var custom_message = "Happy happy, buds!";
para.innerHTML = custom_message;
para.className = "message";
function test(callback) {
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
ref.on('value', function(snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.val();
}, function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code);
function searchMessage(data){
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
name_f_data = data[i].firstName.concat(" ", data[i].lastName);
if(full_name.toLowerCase() == name_f_data.toLowerCase())
return data[i].message;
The time a read operation takes depends on:
The latency of your connection to Firebase's servers
The amount of data you are reading
The bandwidth of your connection
The time it takes Firebase to process the request
In most cases, the time Firebase takes is only a very small portion of the total time, and most of your time actually goes to the data transfer, which depends purely on the bandwidth and amount of data. If this is the first time you're reading data from Firebase in the page, the latency also matters more, as Firebase has to establish a connection, which takes a few roundtrips.
Your current code is downloading all data from the database, and then searching in the JavaScript code for a child node that matches a certain value. The best way to reduce the time that takes (apart from upgrading to a fast connection) is to transfer less data, which you can do by using Firebase's query mechanism to do the filtering on the server.
You can get pretty close with:
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
var query = ref.orderByChild().startAt(firstName).endAt(firstName+"~");
query.once('value', function(snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.val();
This will significantly reduce the amount of data transferred. A few notes though:
The query returns just the people that have the first name you're looking for. It does not yet filter on the last name, so you'll still need to filter that in the client-side code.
To further optimize this, store the full name (which you now compose in the client-side code) in the database so that you can query on that and reduce data transfer even more.
Firebase queries are case sensitive, so the query only returns data where the case matches exactly. If you want to query case-indifferent, consider storing a toLowerCase() value in the database.
Be sure to define an index on firstName, as otherwise the Firebase database will still send all data to the client, and the SDK will perform the filtering client-side.

How can I retrieve data from firebase database by its value in Web App?

I am making a complaint portal and I want to assign id to the people who register.
My data structure in firebase like below:
and I have used this code for insertion:
function submitClick()
var complaint=document.getElementById('complaint').value;
var database=firebase.database().ref().child("complaint");
for the above code, How can I retrieve the Name(Kwe6QXol8DV-uMDxIe7) by its value(Hiii). I have tried the code given on Google Firebase Documentation and Youtube but didn't work.
You'll use a Firebase query for that with orderByValue. So something like this:
var ref=firebase.database().ref().child("complaint");
ref.orderByValue().equalTo("Hiii").once("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
Aside from the query itself, the main thing to note is the snapshot.forEach() in the callback. This loop is needed since a query can potentially match multiple results.

Meteor: Best practice for modifying document data with user data

Thanks for looking at my question. It should be easy for anyone who has used Meteor in production, I am still at the learning stage.
So my meteor setup is I have a bunch of documents with ownedBy _id's reflecting which user owns each document (https://github.com/rgstephens/base/tree/extendDoc is the full github, note that it is the extendDoc branch and not the master branch).
I now want to modify my API such that I can display the real name of each owner of the document. On the server side I can access this with Meteor.users.findOne({ownedBy}) but on the client side I have discovered that I cannot do this due to Meteor security protocols (a user doesnt have access to another user's data).
So I have two options:
somehow modify the result of what I am publishing to include the user's real name on the server side
somehow push the full user data to the clientside and do the mapping of the _id to the real names on the clientside
what is the best practice here? I have tried both and here are my results so far:
I have failed here. This is very 'Node' thinking I know. I can access user data on clientside but Meteor insists that my publications must return cursors and not JSON objects. How do I transform JSON objects into cursors or otherwise circumvent this publish restriction? Google is strangely silent on this topic.
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function docPub() {
let documents = Documents.find({}).fetch();
documents = documents.map((x) => {
const userobject = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: x.ownedBy });
const x2 = x;
if (userobject) {
x2.userobject = userobject.profile;
return x2;
return documents; //this causes error due to not being a cursor
I have succeeded here but I suspect at the cost of a massive security hole. I simply modified my publish to be an array of cursors, as below:
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function docPub() {
return [Documents.find({}),
I would really like to do 1 because I sense there is a big security hole in 2, but please advise on how I should do it? thanks very much.
yes, you are right to not want to publish full user objects to the client. but you can certainly publish a subset of the full user object, using the "fields" on the options, which is the 2nd argument of find(). on my project, i created a "public profile" area on each user; that makes it easy to know what things about a user we can publish to other users.
there are several ways to approach getting this data to the client. you've already found one: returning multiple cursors from a publish.
in the example below, i'm returning all the documents, and a subset of all the user object who own those documents. this example assumes that the user's name, and whatever other info you decide is "public," is in a field called publicInfo that's part of the Meteor.user object:
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function() {
let documentCursor = Documents.find({});
let ownerIds = documentCursor.map(function(d) {
return d.ownedBy;
let uniqueOwnerIds = _.uniq(ownerIds);
let profileCursor = Meteor.users.find(
_id: {$in: uniqueOwnerIds}
fields: {publicInfo: 1}
return [documentCursor, profileCursor];
In the MeteorChef slack channel, #distalx responded thusly:
Hi, you are using fetch and fetch return all matching documents as an Array.
I think if you just use find - w/o fetch it will do it.
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function docPub() {
let cursor = Documents.find({});
let DocsWithUserObject = cursor.filter((doc) => {
const userobject = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: doc.ownedBy });
if (userobject) {
doc.userobject = userobject.profile;
return doc
return DocsWithUserObject;
I am going to try this.

Is "ref.off()" the correct approach to disconnect from Firebase Database after reading data?

We have scenarios where we read data from the Firebase Database and then disconnect (we do not care to receive updates on that data). We use code like the snippet below:
ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var childKey = childSnapshot.key;
var childData = childSnapshot.val();
// Display the data
We use ref.once() because we care to read the data all at once, we understand that there's monitoring set on the data nonetheless by Firebase.
What's the best approach to stop the monitoring, and should we even attempt that in an effort to reduce resources consumed, etc.? We tried ref.off() and that didn't seem to make a difference.
As per the official document, you don't need to call off().
In some cases you may want a snapshot of your data without listening for changes, such as when initializing a UI element that you don't expect to change. You can use the once() method to simplify this scenario: it triggers once and then does not trigger again.
This is useful for data that only needs to be loaded once and isn't expected to change frequently or require active listening. For instance, the blogging app in the previous examples uses this method to load a user's profile when they begin authoring a new post:
var userId = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
return firebase.database().ref('/users/' + userId).once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var username = snapshot.val().username;
// ...
