I am building a real-time HTML highlighter so that when a user selects a range of text that text is surrounded with span elements that have a background property.
Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/4hd2vrex/
Problem is that this can get quite messy when users do multiple selects, the spans get nested and I get content like this:
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">
Holy Jackpot Batman! To remedy this I have the following idea:
Before adding any spans just replace all the selected text, span tags and all, with the original selected text window.getSelection().
So for example, if I selected that mess of spans above, before wrapping my selected text with more spans I would replace those spans with window.getSelection() which is just the text reprehenderit and I would get.
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 131);">reprehenderit</span>
How do I replace my selection with the selected text?
I have done the whole highlight text with my ways,not use window.Selection API,but use:select(start,end).then(merge).then(filter).then(highlight).and the most interesting things is that it can be highlight complex element,not even if text only.I found that the select api can also write a wysiwyg html editor,so I shared it to everyone who interesting on selection problem,and wish to help you,good question!
(function (context, factory) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && typeof module.exports == 'object') {
module.exports = factory(context);
} else {
factory(context, true);
})(window || this, function (context, bind) {
function promise(executor) {
return new Promise(executor);
var $TYPE = 'nodeType', $TEXT = 'textContent', $PARENT = 'parentNode', $NEXT = 'nextSibling', $FIRST = 'firstChild', NIL = {};
function leaf(node) {
return node[$TYPE] == 3;
function next(node, tree) {
var it = tree ? node[$FIRST] || node[$NEXT] : node[$NEXT];
if (it) {
if (leaf(it)) return it;
return next(it, true);
var parent = node[$PARENT];
return parent && next(parent);
function parent(node) {
return node[$PARENT];
function wrap(node, start, end) {
if (!node) throw 'node is null';
if (!leaf(node)) throw 'node is not a leaf:' + node.tagName;
var rawText = node[$TEXT];
var rawLength = rawText.length;
var self = {
node: node,
text: function (text) {
if (text !== undefined) {
node.textContent = text;
return wrap(node, 0, text.length);
return rawText.substring(self.start(), self.end());
is: function (other) {
return node == other.node;
start: function () {
return start === NIL || !start ? 0 : start;
end: function () {
return end === NIL || !end ? rawLength : end;
length: function () {
return self.end() - self.start();
to: function (end) {
return wrap(node, self.start(), end.end());
toLast: function () {
return wrap(node, start, rawLength);
next: function () {
var it = next(node);
return it && wrap(it);
split: function () {
if (self.length() >= rawLength) return self;
var stack = [0].concat(self.start() || []).concat(self.end()).concat(self.end() != rawLength ? rawLength : []);
var start = stack.shift();
var separated = [];
while (stack.length) {
var end = stack.shift();
var text = document.createTextNode(rawText.substring(start, end));
start = end;
return !self.start() ? separated[0] : separated[1];
remove: function (optimized) {
var parent = node[$PARENT];
if (optimized && parent.childNodes.length == 1) {
return this;
merge: function (other) {
var it = self.split();
return it.text(other.split().remove(true).text() + it.text());
after: function (e) {
node[$PARENT].insertBefore(e, node);
return this;
wrap: function (e) {
return self;
function select(start, end) {
return promise(function (resolve) {
start = wrap(start.text, start.offset, NIL), end = wrap(end.text, NIL, end.offset);
var selected = [];
while (start) {
if (start.is(end)) {
start = start.next();
function merge(filter) {
return function (parts) {
var result = [parts.shift()];
while (parts.length) {
var prev = result.pop();
var next = parts.shift();
if (filter(prev.node, next.node)) {
} else {
return result;
function filter(test) {
return function (parts) {
return parts.filter(function (part) {
return test(part.node);
function apply(consume) {
return function (parts) {
return parts.forEach(function (part) {
return consume(part);
var exports = {
__esModule: true,
default: select,
select: select,
merge: merge,
filter: filter,
apply: apply
if (bind)for (var name in exports)context[name] = exports[name];
return exports;
(function () {
var COMPONENT_ID = 'highlight-' + +new Date;
var highlighter = {
init: function () {
bindEvents: function () {
var self = this;
$('.swatch').on('click', function () {
$('.content').mouseup(function () {
var current = self.actived();
if (current.hasClass('clear')) {
} else {
actived: function () {
return $('.swatch.active');
color: function () {
return this.actived().css('background-color');
highlight: function () {
var self = this;
var selection = self.getSelection();
if (selection) {
then(merge(function (left, right) {
var p1 = left.parentNode;
var p2 = right.parentNode;
var a1 = self.compare(left);
var a2 = self.compare(right);
return (a1 && a2 && p1.parentNode == p2.parentNode) ||
(!a1 && !a2 && p1 == p2) ||
(a1 && !a2 && p1.parentNode == p2) ||
(!a1 && a2 && p2.parentNode == p1);
})).then(filter(function (part) {
return !self.compare(part);
})).then(function (parts) {
parts.map(function (node) {
}).catch(function (e) {
component: function () {
return $('<span data-toggle="' + COMPONENT_ID + '">').css('background-color', this.color()).get(0);
compare: function (text) {
var self = this;
var parent = $(text).parent();
var highlighted = parent.is(self.selector());
var color = parent.css('background-color');
return highlighted && color == self.color();
selector: function () {
return '[data-toggle="?"]'.replace(/\?/, COMPONENT_ID);
clear: function () {
var self = this;
var selection = self.getSelection();
if (selection) {
self.select(selection.getRangeAt(0)).then(apply(function (part) {
var text = $(part.split().node);
while (true) {
var comp = text.closest(self.selector());
if (!comp || !comp.length) {
var children = comp.contents();
var first = children[0], last = children[children.length - 1];
if (text.is(last)) {
} else if (text.is(first)) {
} else {
var heading = comp.clone().empty();
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (text.is(children[i])) {
if (first == last) comp.remove();
select: function (range) {
return select(
{text: range.startContainer, offset: range.startOffset},
{text: range.endContainer, offset: range.endOffset}
getSelection: function () {
var sel = window.getSelection();
return /^\s*$/.test(self && sel.toString()) ? null : sel;
body {
margin: 0;
background: #fafafa;
box-shadow: 0 0 5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) inset;
::-moz-selection {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
::selection {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
.content {
padding: 100px;
.footer {
padding: 0 100px 0 100px;
flex-basis: 100%;
height: 60px;
background: #292B2C;
.footer .items-left {
float: left;
.footer-item {
line-height: 60px;
#colors {
padding: 12px;
.swatch {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5), 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
display: inline-block;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="content">
<span style="color:red;"><b>Content</b> <i>Lorem</i> <font size='7'>ipsum</font> dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim</span> veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
Content Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
Content Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
Content Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
<div class="footer">
<div class="items-left">
<div id="colors">
<div class="swatch active" style="background-color: rgba(255,255,131,.5);"></div>
<div class="swatch" style="background-color: rgba(255,140,218,.5);"></div>
<div class="swatch" style="background-color: rgba(144,255,184,.5);"></div>
<div class="swatch clear"></div>
This question already has answers here:
Get a CSS value with JavaScript
(8 answers)
What do querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* methods return?
(12 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm trying to use javascript to see if a class has a specific background color but every time I tried something it always returned undefined. I have tried a lot of things so I'm at a loss here.
.ChangeColors {
background-color: #ff801b;
function ChangeColors(){
var all = document.getElementsByClassName('ChangeColors');
if (all.style.backgroundColor == "#ff801b") {
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
all[i].style.color = 'white';
all[i].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
all[i].style.color = 'black';
all[i].style.backgroundColor = '#ff801b';
You can have seperate classes for changing CSS properties like
.ChangeColors {
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
margin: 10px;
color: black;
.orangecolor {
background-color: #ff801b;
.bluecolor {
background-color: blue;
and can loop through nodes and add/remove class according to the requirement
function ChangeColors() {
var all = document.querySelectorAll(".ChangeColors");
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
if (all[i].classList.contains("orangecolor")) {
} else {
Check fiddle for it
There are 3 problems.
getElementsByClassName returns a list of HTMLCollection
style property is used to get as well as set the inline style of an element.
<div style="color: red;"></div>
Your element does not have inline stlye attribute. So element.style.backgroundColor does not work.
element.style.backgroundColor does not return always HEX color even though you set HEX color. On some browser, it returns RGB color.
This is a bad appraoch. However, if you like it, use window.getComputedStyle(element)["background-color"] and convert it to hex color if it is RGB and then compare.
function ChangeColors() {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('change-color');
for (let element of elements) {
var background = window.getComputedStyle(element)["background-color"]
.change-color {
background-color: ##ff801b;
<div class="change-color">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste deserunt officia voluptatum earum laboriosam? Est, ipsam. Ex veniam, incidunt, alias quasi aliquam sit eaque recusandae, expedita fugiat possimus a corrupti.
You may use two classes for applying color and background.
function ChangeColors() {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('change-color');
for (let element of elements) {
if (element.classList.contains("bg-blue")) {
} else {
.bg-blue {
background: blue;
color: white;
.bg-orange {
background: #ff801b;
color: black;
<div class="change-color">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste deserunt officia voluptatum earum laboriosam? Est, ipsam. Ex veniam, incidunt, alias quasi aliquam sit eaque recusandae, expedita fugiat possimus a corrupti.
<div class="change-color bg-blue">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste deserunt officia voluptatum earum laboriosam? Est, ipsam. Ex veniam, incidunt, alias quasi aliquam sit eaque recusandae, expedita fugiat possimus a corrupti.
Read these for more info.
How to compare a backgroundColor in Javascript?
style.backgroundColor doesn't work?
If you use jQuery.
How can I compare two color values in jQuery/JavaScript?
You can also use jQuery for such util functions like below
var color = $('.ChangeColors').css( "background-color" );
Now compare your value with color it should not return undefined
if you don't want to use the whole jQ library you can do it with
let all = document.querySelectorAll(".ChangeColors");
function ChangeColors() {
for (let i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
const { style } = all[i];
if (
window.getComputedStyle(all[i], false).backgroundColor ===
"rgb(255, 128, 27)"
) {
style.color = "white";
style.background = "blue";
} else {
style.color = "black";
style.background = "#ff801b";
Here is an example https://codesandbox.io/s/eager-feistel-16l4m
I am trying to adopt a script I have found in this question, but changing the image to some content seems to be harder than I thought.
The script is quite simple and should make the #content div move inside the holder on mousemove:
// written by Roko C. Buljan
var $mmGal = $('#holder'),
$mmImg = $('#content'),
damp = 10, // higher number = smoother response
X = 0, Y = 0,
mX = 0, mY = 0,
wDiff, hDiff,
function motion(){
zeno = setInterval(function(){ // Zeno's paradox "catching delay"
X += (mX-X) / damp;
Y += (mY-Y) / damp;
}, 26);
// Get image size after it's loaded and run our fn
$mmImg.one('load', function() {
wDiff = ( this.width/$mmGal.width() )-1,
hDiff = (this.height/$mmGal.height())-1;
}).each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).load();
$mmGal.mousemove(function(e) {
mX = e.pageX-this.offsetLeft;
mY = e.pageY-this.offsetTop;
}).hover(function( e ){
return e.type=='mouseenter'? motion() : setTimeout(function(){
},1200); // clear if not used
Why doesn't the div #content move (text and image)?
Example JSBIN
I have updated the demo and added content on moving background image.
Check the demo:
var $mmGal = $('#mmGal'),
$mmImg = $('#mmImg'),
damp = 10, // higher number = smoother response
X = 0, Y = 0,
mX = 0, mY = 0,
wDiff, hDiff,
function motion(){
zeno = setInterval(function(){ // Zeno's paradox "catching delay"
X += (mX-X) / damp;
Y += (mY-Y) / damp;
}, 26);
// Get image size after it's loaded and run our fn
$mmImg.one('load', function() {
wDiff = ( this.width/$mmGal.width() )-1,
hDiff = (this.height/$mmGal.height())-1;
}).each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).load();
$mmGal.mousemove(function(e) {
mX = e.pageX-this.offsetLeft;
mY = e.pageY-this.offsetTop;
}).hover(function( e ){
return e.type=='mouseenter'? motion() : setTimeout(function(){
},1200); // clear if not used
.main-wrapper {
position: relative;
margin: 20px auto;
z-index: 0;
.content {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 10px;
z-index: 1;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="main-wrapper">
<div class="content">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. quae molestias ad dolores qui blanditiis, Quas eaque soluta quia ipsa? aliquam?</p>
<div id="mmGal">
<img id="mmImg" src="http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/rawfile/2013/11/offset_WaterHouseMarineImages_62652-2-660x440.jpg">
My original script uses a .load() for the underlay image to load. Since you don't have a background image to move - you don't need necessarily that code part.
Calculate w/hDiff inside the mousemove event.
Also, use jQuery's .outerWidth() and .innerWidth() for the calculation:
jQuery(function($) {
const $mm = $('#holder'),
$mmCont = $('#content'),
damp = 10; // 1 = immediate, higher number = smoother response
let X = 0, Y = 0,
mX = 0, mY = 0,
wDiff = 0, hDiff = 0,
zeno, tOut;
mousemove(ev) {
wDiff = ($mmCont.innerWidth() / $mm.outerWidth()) -1,
hDiff = ($mmCont.innerHeight() / $mm.outerHeight()) -1;
mX = ev.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
mY = ev.pageY - this.offsetTop;
mouseenter() {
zeno = setInterval(function() { // Zeno's paradox "catching delay"
X += (mX - X) / damp;
Y += (mY - Y) / damp;
// Use CSS transition:
// $mmCont.css({ transform: `translate(${-X * wDiff}px, ${-Y * hDiff}px)` });
// Use Scroll:
$mm[0].scrollTo(X * wDiff, Y * hDiff);
}, 26);
mouseleave() {
// Allow the image to move for some time even after mouseleave
tOut = setTimeout(function() {
}, 1200);
#holder {
background: gray;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
height: 180px;
#content {
width: 150%;
height: 600px;
background: lightgray;
padding: 40px;
<div id="holder">
<div id="content">
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus dolore impedit dignissimos porro repellendus numquam aut quibusdam, consequuntur modi facere? Totam ut libero corporis sit sequi explicabo ab magni quaerat unde animi aliquid facere
necessitatibus, quae molestias ad dolores qui blanditiis, quisquam minima beatae autem iure. Neque animi tempore iste accusamus ut cum ipsam possimus, perspiciatis quia illo obcaecati sed molestiae amet architecto, nostrum cumque quaerat minima
minus, consequatur rem error nihil. Ipsa eveniet, praesentium suscipit optio blanditiis at, vel illum harum omnis quam. Quas eaque soluta quia ipsa? Illum inventore veritatis facilis eveniet voluptatibus atque laborum necessitatibus adipisci aliquam?</div>
<img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/BfcTY.jpg">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
I have a game where users can chat. Every speech is appended to body as position absolute element with user x position as "left" CSS tag. They are also animated to go to top. I don't want them to have a colliding, vertically or horisontally.
Here's an example:
They don't have to be one on another, but they need to be "one after one"
I have tried a jquery each() and then remove 60 pixel from the current speech position. Here's my code:
var Speech = {
History: [],
New: function(user, text, int) {
var pos = getUserPosition(user).x + 18;
var speech = HTML.Speech.split('\n');
var maxInt = speech.length - 1;
if (int <= maxInt) {
var html = speech[int];
var random = Rand(10);
/** append here ect...
set left position...
$('#speech' + random).css("left", nLeft + "px"); **/
pushThemUp: function() {
$('.speech').each(function(i, obj) {
var newTop = parseInt($(this).css('top')) - 60;
$(this).css('top', newTop+'px');
Listener: function() {
var int = setInterval(function() {
$('.speech').each(function(i, obj) {
if(parseInt($(this).css('top')) < 0) {
} else {
var newTop = parseInt($(this).css('top')) - 10;
$(this).animate({'top': newTop+'px'});
}, 1000);
getHistory: function() {
return Speech.History;
module.exports = Speech;
But it doesn't work. They can still have colliding like the example up.
How can I solve that?
Please note: in that example, Speech.Listener() wasn't called.
EDIT: finally, I think my current solution to loop over .speech class and then add top px is good, but why is it animated? Look at the gif, pushThemUp function don't have to animate the speech bubbles but directly edit position, how can I solve that?
I created a code snippet where messages appear and move upwards. When there's no space left, a scrollbar appears.
var box = document.getElementById("box");
var topp = 3;
function post(str) {
var obj = document.createElement("div");
obj.className = "chatObj";
obj.innerHTML = str;
var width = obj.clientWidth;
var height = obj.clientHeight;
obj.style.marginLeft = (box.clientWidth / 2 - width / 2) + "px";
var x = 15;
obj.style.top = (box.clientHeight - x - height) + "px";
var interval, ctop;
interval = setInterval(function() {
x += 4;
console.log(ctop, topp);
ctop = box.clientHeight - x - height;
obj.style.top = ctop + "px";
if (ctop <= topp) {
obj.style.top = topp + "px";
topp += height + 6;
}, 5);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500);
setTimeout(function() {
post("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, timeam aliquando ei cum, putent possim in usu, at causae pericula petentium has. In mea legere salutatus voluptaria. No vix ancillae accusata. Nec meis probo noster eu, ius no quas audire.<br><br>Qui quem nominavi ei. Pri nisl eirmod id. Has cetero vocent abhorreant no, at mei altera expetendis. Has id novum aeterno salutatus.<br><br>Prompta offendit et eos, eos an admodum comprehensam, ex velit doming dolorem mei. At has dolor alterum laoreet, id duo tollit libris contentiones. An mel recteque omittantur dissentiet, ex nam novum iuvaret. Per id alterum habemus gubergren.<br><br>Nulla possim mea in. Vis et postulant constituam. Viris vulputate vituperatoribus eu usu, wisi meis ex his. Prompta accumsan cum et, possim eligendi omittantur sed id. Eos ad nemore integre recusabo, agam doctus viderer ei pri, cu eius nonumes senserit vis. Qui iudico causae te.<br><br>Eam ne mandamus evertitur, case adversarium neglegentur duo ex, no cum nominati forensibus. Et vel putant deleniti. Illum aliquando voluptatibus per no, ei quo albucius phaedrum. Cu lorem appetere percipit sed, ubique epicuri ad eos, te eos diam nusquam persecuti. Eu qui meis illum eleifend, eam veniam vivendo no, nisl fierent in quo.");
}, 2500);
#box {
display: block;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
top: 0;
background-color: tomato;
overflow: auto;
#box .chatObj {
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
max-width: 80%;
background-color: white;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 3px 6px;
margin: 3px 0;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
#box .chatObj::after {
display: block;
position: absolute;
content: ".";
color: transparent;
height: 6px;
<div id="box"></div>
If you use position: relative and a wrapper element with display: block, you can get exactly what you want without having to worry about collision detection. The only thing you'll need to do is calculate the initial top value based on the players position minus the initial top position of the bubble (since using position: relative the bubbles will be added to the DOM bellow the last bubble).
See this simple jsfiddle. https://jsfiddle.net/straker/0n6jbupg/
I'm using a colorwheel picker from this website, and I came up with a problem. When I add text above the color wheel, then scroll down and change the colorwheels color, the colorwheels cursor isn't contained in the actual circle. (It makes an imaginary circle in another place, and the colorwheels cursor is constrained in that imaginary circle.)
Another issue, which might be related to the first one is that if you zoom up in the browser, (in chrome: ctrl +) the colorwheels cursor stays position like a fixed element, it follows the scrolling.
How can I get the colorwheels cursor to always stay in the circle?
Relevant code (Line 210 - 211 in JSFiddle):
hsv_mapCursor.style.left = ((x * r + colorDiscRadius + doc.body.scrollLeft + doc.documentElement.scrollLeft) - 1) + 'px';
hsv_mapCursor.style.top = ((y * r + colorDiscRadius + doc.body.scrollTop + doc.documentElement.scrollTop) - 1) + 'px';
var Tools = {}, // provides functions like addEvent, ... getOrigin, etc.
currentTargetHeight = 0;
/* ----------------------------------- */
/* --------- Tool Functions ---------- */
/* ----------------------------------- */
function getOrigin(elm) {
var box = (elm.getBoundingClientRect) ? elm.getBoundingClientRect() : {
top: 0,
left: 0
doc = elm && elm.ownerDocument,
body = doc.body,
win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow || window,
docElem = doc.documentElement || body.parentNode,
clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, // border on html or body or both
clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
return {
left: box.left + (win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft) - clientLeft,
top: box.top + (win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop) - clientTop
function addEvent(obj, type, func) {
addEvent.cache = addEvent.cache || {
_get: function(obj, type, func, checkOnly) {
var cache = addEvent.cache[type] || [];
for (var n = cache.length; n--;) {
if (obj === cache[n].obj && '' + func === '' + cache[n].func) {
func = cache[n].func;
if (!checkOnly) {
cache[n] = cache[n].obj = cache[n].func = null;
cache.splice(n, 1);
return func;
_set: function(obj, type, func) {
var cache = addEvent.cache[type] = addEvent.cache[type] || [];
if (addEvent.cache._get(obj, type, func, true)) {
return true;
} else {
func: func,
obj: obj
if (!func.name && addEvent.cache._set(obj, type, func) || typeof func !== 'function') {
if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, func, false);
else obj.attachEvent('on' + type, func);
function removeEvent(obj, type, func) {
if (typeof func !== 'function') return;
if (!func.name) {
func = addEvent.cache._get(obj, type, func) || func;
if (obj.removeEventListener) obj.removeEventListener(type, func, false);
else obj.detachEvent('on' + type, func);
Tools.getOrigin = getOrigin;
Tools.addEvent = addEvent;
Tools.removeEvent = removeEvent;
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* ---- HSV-circle color picker ----- */
/* ---------------------------------- */
// Create HSV-circle Relavent Variables
var hsv_map = document.getElementById('hsv_map'),
colorDiskWrapper = document.getElementById('colorDiskWrapper'),
colorDisc = document.getElementById('surface'),
hsv_mapCover = document.getElementById('cover'),
hsv_mapCursor = document.getElementById('hsv-cursor'),
luminenceBarWrapper = document.getElementById('luminenceBarWrapper'),
hsv_barBGLayer = document.getElementById('bar-bg'),
hsv_barWhiteLayer = document.getElementById('bar-white'),
luminanceBar = document.getElementById('luminanceBar'),
hsv_barcursor = document.getElementById('hsv-barcursor'),
hsv_barCursors = document.getElementById('hsv-barcursors'),
hsv_barCursorsCln = hsv_barCursors.className,
luminanceBarContext = luminanceBar.getContext("2d"),
colorDiscHeight = colorDisc.offsetHeight,
colorDiscRadius = colorDisc.offsetHeight / 2;
// generic function for drawing a canvas disc
var drawDisk = function(ctx, coords, radius, steps, colorCallback) {
var x = coords[0] || coords, // coordinate on x-axis
y = coords[1] || coords, // coordinate on y-axis
a = radius[0] || radius, // radius on x-axis
b = radius[1] || radius, // radius on y-axis
angle = 360,
rotate = 0,
coef = Math.PI / 180;
ctx.translate(x - a, y - b);
ctx.scale(a, b);
steps = (angle / steps) || 360;
for (; angle > 0; angle -= steps) {
if (steps !== 360) ctx.moveTo(1, 1); // stroke
ctx.arc(1, 1, 1, (angle - (steps / 2) - 1) * coef, (angle + (steps / 2) + 1) * coef);
if (colorCallback) {
colorCallback(ctx, angle);
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
drawCircle = function(ctx, coords, radius, color, width) { // uses drawDisk
width = width || 1;
radius = [
(radius[0] || radius) - width / 2, (radius[1] || radius) - width / 2
drawDisk(ctx, coords, radius, 1, function(ctx, angle) {
ctx.lineWidth = width;
ctx.strokeStyle = color || '#000';
if (colorDisc.getContext) {
drawDisk( // HSV color wheel with white center
colorDisc.getContext("2d"), [colorDisc.width / 2, colorDisc.height / 2], [colorDisc.width / 2 - 1, colorDisc.height / 2 - 1],
function(ctx, angle) {
var gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
gradient.addColorStop(0, 'hsl(' + (360 - angle + 0) + ', 100%, 50%)');
gradient.addColorStop(1, "#FFFFFF");
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
drawCircle( // gray border
colorDisc.getContext("2d"), [colorDisc.width / 2, colorDisc.height / 2], [colorDisc.width / 2, colorDisc.height / 2],
// draw the luminanceBar bar
var gradient = luminanceBarContext.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, colorDiscHeight);
gradient.addColorStop(0, "transparent");
gradient.addColorStop(1, "black");
luminanceBarContext.fillStyle = gradient;
luminanceBarContext.fillRect(0, 0, luminanceBar.offsetWidth, colorDiscHeight);
// Manage Color Wheel Mouse Events
var renderHSVPicker = function(color) { // used in renderCallback of 'new ColorPicker'
var pi2 = Math.PI * 2,
x = Math.cos(pi2 - color.hsv.h * pi2),
y = Math.sin(pi2 - color.hsv.h * pi2),
r = color.hsv.s * colorDiscRadius;
hsv_mapCover.style.opacity = 1 - color.hsv.v;
// this is the faster version...
hsv_barWhiteLayer.style.opacity = 1 - color.hsv.s;
hsv_barBGLayer.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(' +
color.hueRGB.r + ',' +
color.hueRGB.g + ',' +
color.hueRGB.b + ')';
var doc = window.document;
hsv_mapCursor.style.left = ((x * r + colorDiscRadius + doc.body.scrollLeft + doc.documentElement.scrollLeft) - 1) + 'px';
hsv_mapCursor.style.top = ((y * r + colorDiscRadius + doc.body.scrollTop + doc.documentElement.scrollTop) - 1) + 'px';
hsv_mapCursor.style.borderColor = hsv_barcursor.style.borderColor = color.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? 'black' : 'white';
hsv_barcursor.style.top = (((1 - color.hsv.v) * colorDiscRadius * 2 + doc.body.scrollTop + doc.documentElement.scrollTop) + -7) + 'px';
var myColor = new Colors(),
doRender = function(color) {
// those functions are in case there is no ColorPicker but only Colors involved
startRender = function(oneTime) {
if (oneTime) { // only Colors is instanciated
} else {
renderTimer = window.setInterval(
function() {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2940054/
}, 13); // 1000 / 60); // ~16.666 -> 60Hz or 60fps
stopRender = function() {
// Create Event Functions
var hsvDown = function(e) { // mouseDown callback
var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
//currentTarget = target.id ? target : target.parentNode;
if (target === hsv_mapCover || target === hsv_mapCursor || target === hsv_barcursor) {
currentTarget = target.parentNode;
} else if (target === hsv_barCursors) {
currentTarget = target;
} else {
startPoint = Tools.getOrigin(currentTarget);
currentTargetHeight = currentTarget.offsetHeight; // as diameter of circle
Tools.addEvent(window, 'mousemove', hsvMove);
hsv_mapCover.style.cursor = hsv_mapCursor.style.cursor = 'none';
hsvMove = function(e) { // mouseMove callback
var r, x, y, h, s;
if (currentTarget === colorDiskWrapper) { // the circle
r = currentTargetHeight / 2;
x = e.clientX - startPoint.left - r;
y = e.clientY - startPoint.top - r;
h = 360 - ((Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI) + (y < 0 ? 360 : 0));
s = (Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)) / r) * 100;
h: h,
s: s
}, 'hsv');
} else if (currentTarget === hsv_barCursors) { // the luminanceBar
v: (currentTargetHeight - (e.clientY - startPoint.top)) / currentTargetHeight * 100
}, 'hsv');
// Initial Rendering
// Adde Events To Objects
Tools.addEvent(hsv_map, 'mousedown', hsvDown); // event delegation
Tools.addEvent(window, 'mouseup', function() {
Tools.removeEvent(window, 'mousemove', hsvMove);
hsv_mapCover.style.cursor = hsv_mapCursor.style.cursor = hsv_barCursors.style.cursor = 'pointer';
#wrapper {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
background-color: pink;
#hsv_map {
width: 540px;
height: 500px;
position: absolute;
#colorDiskWrapper {
border-radius: 50%;
position: relative;
width: 500px;
#cover {
background-color: black;
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
#bar-white {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
width: 15px;
height: 500px;
#bar-white {
background-color: #fff;
#hsv-cursor {
position: absolute;
border: 2px solid #eee;
border-radius: 50%;
width: 9px;
height: 9px;
margin: -5px;
cursor: pointer;
.no-cursor #hsv-cursor,
#hsv_map.no-cursor #cover {
cursor: none;
/* also works in IE8 */
/*url(_blank.gif), url(_blank.png), url(_blank.cur), auto;*/
#luminanceBar {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
#hsv-barcursors {
position: absolute;
right: -7.5px;
width: 30px;
top: 0;
height: 500px;
overflow: hidden;
cursor: pointer;
#hsv-barcursor {
position: absolute;
right: 7.5px;
width: 11px;
height: 11px;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 2px solid black;
margin-bottom: 5px;
<script src="https://rawgit.com/PitPik/colorPicker/master/colors.js"></script>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his id nonumy quaestio efficiantur. Quidam deleniti eum no, pri adhuc putant ea. Nec cu melius accusata, et vim lorem quaeque minimum. At aperiri principes complectitur eam, quo ne soleat accusamus ullamcorper, sed fugit adipiscing
no. Eripuit consequuntur quo no, his accusamus persequeris ea. Exerci delenit ad eos, ei sea tamquam ancillae necessitatibus. Est legere possim mnesarchum an. Vim nonumes expetendis ea, mei te mutat propriae platonem, per ut feugiat reprimique. Has deserunt
nominati liberavisse ut. Per cibo ubique omittam in, has te decore denique, justo nominavi id pro. Ei ius paulo deserunt pertinacia. Nec nostro expetenda id. Nec no esse interesset, id qui ferri errem. Qui possim ponderum platonem ea, nostro epicuri nam
in. Ei consul ubique conclusionemque eum, et alterum apeirian nam. Quem odio adipiscing has ei. Et has solum perfecto tincidunt, quo no indoctum prodesset. Pri ut tritani ceteros tractatos, in legere disputationi mea. Ne mel mutat graeci, mei eu doctus
appetere. Ius dicam imperdiet id, duo commune phaedrum ut, ut reque minim vis. Instructior signiferumque mea id. Nam ut vocibus recusabo consulatu. No mea postea mandamus prodesset, his hinc iusto in, no atqui consequat his. Discere sapientem id vel,
eam ea idque lucilius, ne eos labitur pericula. Ea dicat sonet nec, te pri libris putant eirmod, ancillae voluptatibus ut eam. Dicat commune necessitatibus nec cu, an enim purto menandri vel, eu ferri altera admodum duo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his
id nonumy quaestio efficiantur. Quidam deleniti eum no, pri adhuc putant ea. Nec cu melius accusata, et vim lorem quaeque minimum. At aperiri principes complectitur eam, quo ne soleat accusamus ullamcorper, sed fugit adipiscing no. Eripuit consequuntur
quo no, his accusamus persequeris ea. Exerci delenit ad eos, ei sea tamquam ancillae necessitatibus. Est legere possim mnesarchum an. Vim nonumes expetendis ea, mei te mutat propriae platonem, per ut feugiat reprimique. Has deserunt nominati liberavisse
ut. Per cibo ubique omittam in, has te decore denique, justo nominavi id pro. Ei ius paulo deserunt pertinacia. Nec nostro expetenda id. Nec no esse interesset, id qui ferri errem. Qui possim ponderum platonem ea, nostro epicuri nam in. Ei consul ubique
conclusionemque eum, et alterum apeirian nam. Quem odio adipiscing has ei. Et has solum perfecto tincidunt, quo no indoctum prodesset. Pri ut tritani ceteros tractatos, in legere disputationi mea. Ne mel mutat graeci, mei eu doctus appetere. Ius dicam
imperdiet id, duo commune phaedrum ut, ut reque minim vis. Instructior signiferumque mea id. Nam ut vocibus recusabo consulatu. No mea postea mandamus prodesset, his hinc iusto in, no atqui consequat his. Discere sapientem id vel, eam ea idque lucilius,
ne eos labitur pericula. Ea dicat sonet nec, te pri libris putant eirmod, ancillae voluptatibus ut eam. Dicat commune necessitatibus nec cu, an enim purto menandri vel, eu ferri altera admodum duo.
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="hsv_map">
<div id="colorDiskWrapper">
<canvas id="surface" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
<div id="cover"></div>
<div id="hsv-cursor"></div>
<div id="luminenceBarWrapper">
<div id="bar-bg"></div>
<div id="bar-white"></div>
<canvas id="luminanceBar" width="15" height="500"></canvas>
<div id="hsv-barcursors" id="hsv_cursors">
<div id="hsv-barcursor"></div>
add this to your css :
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow-x: hidden;
position: relative;
I have a function I'm using to make any elements on a page with the class equalheight all the same height (the height of the tallest element):
equalheight = function(container){
var currentTallest = 0,
currentRowStart = 0,
rowDivs = new Array(),
topPosition = 0;
$(container).each(function() {
$el = $(this);
topPostion = $el.position().top;
if (currentRowStart != topPostion) {
for (currentDiv = 0 ; currentDiv < rowDivs.length ; currentDiv++) {
rowDivs.length = 0; // empty the array
currentRowStart = topPostion;
currentTallest = $el.height();
} else {
currentTallest = (currentTallest < $el.height()) ? ($el.height()) : (currentTallest);
for (currentDiv = 0 ; currentDiv < rowDivs.length ; currentDiv++) {
$(window).load(function() {
The problem I'm running in to is that, let's say I have two rows of boxes. The first row I want all to be the same height, so I give them the class equalheight. Okay. Good. Now, I also want the second row of boxes to be all the same height, but just of those boxes in the second row.
Is there any way I can modify this code to allow me to set equal height of multiple groups of elements? For example, maybe something like setting the class as equalheight1, equalheight2, etc.?
EDIT: One thing I thought about was adding a data attribute on to each element and just calculate the tallest element for each element with the same data attribute..? Like:
<div class="equalheight" data-equalgroup="1"> </div>
We iterate through all elements and add them to the currentRow columns, and updating the maximum height. When we reach an element that its top differs from previous one, we update all heights of currentRow columns and then we set currentRow to a new one, finally after exiting from the loop, we update the last row columns' height.
equalheight = function (container) {
var currentRow = { cols: [], h: 0 };
var topPostion = -1;
$(container).each(function () {
var $el = $(this);
if (topPostion != $el.position().top) {
for (var j = 0; j < currentRow.cols.length; j++) {
topPostion = $el.position().top;
currentRow = { cols: [], h: 0 };
if ($el.height() > currentRow.h) {
currentRow.h = $el.height();
for (var j = 0; j < currentRow.cols.length; j++) {
$(window).load(function() {
here is a fiddle for it.
As far as I can tell you should be able to give each row a different class and simply run the function on each row;
$(window).load(function() {
Although, looking closer at the code it seems to actually take care of that itself (with the currentRow stuff).
Edit: You don't actually have to give each row a different class, just do this;
$('.equalheight-row').each(function () {
And the function should run individually on each row.
Looks to me it should be as simple as just adding it to the load and resize functions:
$(window).load(function() {
Just note the classname.
You could add a second class to the divs you want to group up. Something like:
<div class="equalheight first"></div>
<div class="equalheight first"></div>
<div class="equalheight second"></div>
<div class="equalheight second"></div>
And then in your javascript:
$(window).load(function() {
You could fix this using flexbox layout, if your target doesn't require IE8 or older.
<div class="rows">
<div class="cell">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Necessitatibus illo quibusdam, perspiciatis vel officiis alias autem consequuntur labore mollitia omnis natus, fuga, illum id deleniti assumenda amet harum deserunt cum.</div>
<div class="cell"><div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquid provident, quaerat ducimus perspiciatis omnis sint aspernatur quibusdam saepe, quam similique eligendi nisi nesciunt atque laudantium quidem, doloribus culpa deserunt laboriosam.</div>
<div>Aspernatur porro vitae beatae nam fuga nisi magni eaque commodi odio voluptate veritatis laboriosam animi, ullam optio quidem sequi ducimus voluptas quaerat adipisci dignissimos. Velit sequi mollitia nemo veritatis optio.</div></div>
<div class="cell">Voluptate suscipit, laudantium. A, veniam repellat iste eligendi magnam at nisi quod suscipit laudantium tenetur porro accusamus quam quae nulla voluptatibus molestiae quisquam quos doloremque dolorum ipsam rem. Non, sunt.</div>
<div class="cell">Tempore praesentium voluptas earum harum numquam consequatur commodi omnis, debitis fuga suscipit, quae repellat hic iure molestiae doloribus. Eveniet voluptate quam placeat fugit iusto consequatur nam eaque porro eligendi itaque.</div>
<div class="cell">Sed deleniti ullam iusto pariatur natus, voluptatibus iste, ipsum assumenda dolor provident vel eum quisquam odit placeat in eligendi! Doloremque corporis maxime non culpa iusto rerum incidunt excepturi illum veniam.</div>
<div class="cell">Ullam provident fuga doloremque beatae possimus, facilis veritatis quae officia ut, atque expedita qui nulla adipisci, voluptate quas ipsam dolore vel architecto sapiente tenetur tempora laborum blanditiis libero. Saepe, ad!</div>
<div class="cell">Molestiae quam impedit sequi suscipit, rerum hic quia saepe excepturi, in assumenda inventore maxime vero. Earum aperiam dicta aut voluptas, rerum, repudiandae modi deserunt minima nostrum recusandae sequi, sunt natus!</div>
.rows {
margin: 15px auto;
width: 960px;
padding: 15px;
border: 1px solid;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.cell {
min-width: 270px;
max-width: 275px;
-webkit-box-flex: 1;
-webkit-flex: 1;
-ms-flex: 1;
flex: 1;
padding: 15px;
border: 1px solid #F0F0F0;
margin: 7.5px;
demo: http://codepen.io/pjetr/pen/wabJYe
One of the efficient ways to achieve what you want is to divide your task in two functions.
Set heights of boxes according to rows in one function
Give class names to rows (like equalheight1, equalheight2..) based on top offset in another function.
$(document).ready(function () {
equalheight = function () {
var rowIndex = 1;
while ($('.equalheight' + rowIndex ).length) {
var currDivs = [];
$('.equalheight' + rowIndex ).each(function () {
var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(Math, currDivs);
$('.equalheight' + rowIndex).each(function () {
assignRows = function () {
// Reassign classes based on top offset
var allBoxes = $('.equalheight');
var rowIndex = 1;
var currentRowTop = 0;
var rowMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < allBoxes.length; i++) {
if (rowMap[$(allBoxes[i]).position().top] === undefined)
rowMap[$(allBoxes[i]).position().top] = [];
for (var row in rowMap) {
for (var i = 0; i < rowMap[row].length; i++) {
$(rowMap[row][i]).addClass('equalheight equalheight' + rowIndex);
$(window).resize(function () {
In HTML, all boxes would have same class equalheight. For example:
<div class="equalheight">Element1</div>
<div class="equalheight">Element2</div>
<div class="equalheight">Element3</div>
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/w4j7Lwap/2/
I may be going a bit too far out of your depth but if you're using jQuery, why not build a plugin like this?
I'm going to use the same name attribute method suggested by Chris Dobson
var $this=$(this);
function setup(e){
var n=$(e).attr('name');
function getHighest(name){
return Math.max.apply(null,heights[name]);
function setHeights(){
// $this.height(getHighest($(this).attr('name')));
// });
return setup($this);//think I need a return here?
$('window').on('resize, load',function(){
I also used this question to help in your answer ;)
Might want to get someone to double check it. I'm going to test it as well.
Try adding an attribute such as name* a new class to the elements - radio buttons use a similar method with the name element to determine which buttons are grouped together.
You can use then select by the equalheight class and the new class eg. equal1 to select only the elements from one group and deal with each group separately.
<div class="equalheight equal1"></div>
<div class="equalheight equal1"></div>
<div class="equalheight equal2"></div>
<div class="equalheight equal2"></div>
then in your JavaScript:
var equalGroupOne = $(".equalheight.equal1")
var equalGroupTwo = $(".equalheight.equal2")
function setHeightEqual(equalGroup) {
//Your code here...
*My initial answer suggested the name attribute and jQuery attributeEquals selector, but the name attribute is not appropriate for div elements. An alternate approach is to use HTML5's data-* attributes and there is an argument for this being correct, but a new class seemed more appropriate (see my comment below for more).