How to use simple-peer module in Node.js? - javascript

I am new in Node.js platform and want to use module in my application. But can not figure out how to implement that in my application. I can't figure out their documentation. Is there any resource that can show the procedure of using that module with Node.js or Node+Express?

Might be late but :
If you do not want to, it's not compulsory to use browserify or webpack for this very module to work, but is a good practice though, atleast for now.
In simple-peer package it is mentioned :
Note: If you're NOT using browserify, then use the included standalone file simplepeer.min.js. This exports a SimplePeer constructor on window.
This means you can get SimplePeer() on the window object by adding a script tag in your html file like :
<script src="<path to your node_modules>/simple-peer/simplepeer.min.js"></script>
For me this works :
<script src="<path to your node_modules>/simple-peer/simplepeer.min.js"></script>
<script src="/index.js"></script> <!-- Keep this script tag below simplepeer.min.js-->
Now use SimplePeer() inside index.html as :
const peer = new SimplePeer({
// Code ...
Hope this helps :)

As explained in the documentation,
This module works in the browser with browserify.
Basically you need to write nodeJS (i.e. commonJS) code - as shown in the examples - then using browserify, generate a bundle file which can be used browser side.
Most likely, webpack can be used as an alternative to browserify


How to use a capacitor plugin meant to be imported in a vanilla js app

I'm currently pulling hairs trying to figure out how to go about this.
So, I'm working in a vanilla JS environment with no webpack setup served with capacitor and want to use this capacitor-plugin:
However, to use this plugin I have to import the package into my client code.
Here's what I've tried:
Unpkg type="module": however browser support in mobile isn't that great. And this app will be served to a ton of users
Using browserify + esmify to bundle the plugins code into something I could import with a <script> tag into my index.html. Didn't work
My last thought is to setup webpack to bundle everything for me, similar to the browserify approach and import that. However before I go through with all of that I wanted to reach out here to see if you guys had any other ideas.
Is there a way to access this plugin from window maybe?
so I figured out the way to go about this by following this article:
Basically you have a www/js directory (vanilla js), and a src directory (ES6/import code goes). You then configure webpack to output in your www/js/ directory.
Note: Any variable you want accessible to your vanilla js code must be explicitly stored in the window object.
import Module from "your-module"
window.doSomething = () => Module.doSomething()
const useModuleCode = () => {
// use code from webpacked ES6 JavaScript here
return window.doSomething();

How to use node Buffer module in a client side browser - detailed explanation required please

First things first. I know that there are other questions that are similar to this e.g. use NodeJs Buffer class from client side or
How can I use node.js buffer library in client side javascript
However, I don't understand how to make use of the reference to use browserify though it is given approval.
Here is my Node code:
import { Buffer } from 'buffer/';
I know this is the ES6 equivalent of require.
I would like a javaScript file implementation of this module so that I can simply use the standard html file reference:
<script src=./js/buffer.js></script>
And then use it as in for example
return new Buffer(temp).toString('utf-8');
This simply falls over with the
Uncaught ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined
no matter how I create the buffer.js file.
So using the browserify idea I've tried using the standalone script (from the as )
I've created a test.js file and put
var Buffer = require('buffer/').Buffer
in it and then run browserify on it as
browserify test.js -o buffer.js
and many other variations.
I'm not getting anywhere. I know I must be doing something silly that reflects my ignorance. Maybe you can help educate me please.
These instructions worked for me. Cheers!
Here are the instructions you can look at the web section.
Here is what the instructions state about using it in the browser without browserify. So from what you tried
browserify test.js -o buffer.js
I would just use the version directly that does not require browserify
To use this module directly (without browserify), install it:
npm install buffer
To depend on this module explicitly (without browserify), require it like this:
var Buffer = require('buffer/').Buffer // note: the trailing slash is important!

How to use nodejs file with html file?

I have a frontend in HTML and JAVASCRIPT. I need to get value from nodejs file and display it in HTML label. So I create new node js file node.js as:
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('');
I include this file in script tag as:
<script src="node.js"></script>
First I want to look output in the console but it is giving an error
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
So, I try this code directly in HTML file within the script tag without including node file but still gives the same error.
Can somebody help me with this? I am new to use all this together.
Somehow, I managed to find a solution. I used browserify, which makes easy for me to run the nodejs code from my web app.
Browsers don't have the require method defined, but Node.js does. With Browserify you can write code that uses require in the same way that you would use it in Node.
browserify will recursively analyze all the require() calls in your app in order to build a bundle you can serve up to the browser in a single tag.
I referred this link:

Am I using requireJS wrong, or is the library I downloaded severely bugged?

I'm trying to use a JS library (this) which makes use of the require function. To use it, I understand I have some options, as elaborated on here. So I go with requireJS and I link to it and the library I want to use as such in my html file.
<script src="requirejs/reqjs.js"></script>
<script src="LIBRARY_I_WANT_TO_USE/index.js"></script>
the first line of index.js looks like this
var foo = require('PATH')
For that line, the console outputs this error:
Uncaught Error: Module name "PATH" has not been loaded yet for
context: _. Use require([])
So I find this at
This occurs when there is a require('name') call, but the 'name' module has not been loaded yet.
It goes on to suggest ways to resolve the problem. But I hesitate to start modifying the code of the library I just downloaded. Now my question is,
Is the library I downloaded bugged, or am I doing something wrong?
That library is written using CommonJS modules, not AMD modules (which is what RequireJS implements).
You need to use browserify to bundle it into a single file that can load in the browser.

Using Browserify and RequireJS on the same page?

So i've come across an interesting use case where i'm using Browserify to bundle all of my assets together in a project, but a large external (external to the project) module needs to be loaded in when a certain in-app window is accessed. (It's a video player module made up of three scripts that get pulled in asynchronously when required).
At the moment i'm getting all kinds of errors from uncalled object errors if the requireJS module is loaded in before the Browserified app.js file, to cannot find module errors if loaded in after the Browserified code.
Is there anyway i can get Browserify and RequireJS to play nicely on the same page? I'm losing my mind!
TL;DR - use window.require in your browserified script.
Maybe it would still help someone.
I happen to use an 'external' dojo-based library totally based on requireJS-style AMD, which is absolutely un-"browserifyeble" and un-convertable to CommonJS or anything sane. My own code is totally Browserified. It's working OK like this:
Load the AMD loader (which defines the global require function) before the browserified script:
<script src="dojo/dojo.js"></script> <!-- RequireJS/AMD loader, defining a global 'require'-->
<script src="app/main.js"></script> <!-- The Browserify bundle -->
In your own js, call the require function on window object ('cause you'll have a local browserify-require shadowing the global one)
window.require(['dojo/dojo'], function (dojo) { ... });
The 'external' app or library, which calls require on its own to load submodules etc., works just fine 'cause that code is out of browserify context and the global require is not shadowed there.
Maybe if you have some pure nice standard RequireJS modules, you could somehow convert them to be Browserifiable, but in my case that wasn't an option.
There is a tool called browserify-derequire that resolves this issue by renaming browserify's require statmenets to avoid the naming collision.
It can be installed with npm using:
npm install -g browserify-derequire
Use it as a browserify plugin by changin your build command to:
browserify src/*.js -p browserify-derequire > module.js
There is more discussion on this issue at:
For a gulp friendly solution (similar to what #Cride5 proposed) you can use gulp-derequire plugin.
Basic example from docs:
var derequire = require('gulp-derequire');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
gulp.task('build', function() {
var bundleStream = browserify({entries: './index.js', standalone: 'yourModule'}).bundle();
return bundleStream
Plugin is also based on derequire module so all options are supported.
