Angular Routing and Paths - javascript

I have a group of images at my root level and I also have a page called Help. If I navigate to rootspace/Help angular knows to get the images from the root repository, but if I change it to rootspace/Help/ then angular thinks the files are in a folder 'Help' that doesn't exist. I need the extra slash because I want to put more information after it.
How can I maintain '/Help/' without angular thinking this is part of the path it needs to find resources?

How are you getting the images? I'd recommend creating a resouce, this way angular will always know where to find the images if you provide a base url. It will also be easy to configure later on if you change the location of the images.
Example code:
angular.module('resources', ['$resource'])
.factory('Images', function($resource) {
return $resource(baseUrlGoesHere + '/images', {}, {})
Then you can inject the resource into your controller and call Images.get()
BTW, you probably can't use the code as is, I think the injection of $resource will fail but I'm not sure.


Loading multiple modules under same parent route in Angular

I' am looking for a way through which I can load multiple modules under same path in Angular. For example, consider I have three modules AModule, BModule and CModule each having its own RouterModule.forChild call. Now I want to mount all these modules under say site route.
One way I have achieved this thing is by wrapping routes in RouterModule.forChild call under site route as follows:
path: 'site',
children: [{}] // children goes here
I don't know whether this approach is correct but it is working fine. The only issue which this approach is that I have to specify canActivate in every module I want to mount under site. While this is not a problem, I was looking for a cleaner solution.
I know there is a property loadChildren which could be used to load modules lazily. But I want to load modules eagerly.
I' am using AngularCLI which splits code of module I specify in loadChildren in a separate JavaScript file which is not I want.
I' am using AngularClI v1.2.0 and Angular v4.2.5.
Any help is highly appreciated.
I'm not entirely clear on your goal and what you are ultimately trying to achieve, but here are a few thoughts.
You can use the loadChildren and "lazy loading" to load on demand OR eagerly. If you select eagerly loaded routes, as soon as your main route is loaded and your first view is displayed, the other modules marked for eager loading are immediately loaded asynchronously.
I have an example of that here: in the APM-Final folder.
I'm not clear on why you don't want module splitting. It can significantly improve the startup performance (time to display of the first page) of your application.
In addition to canActivate there is also a canActivateChild so you can put this on the parent and not have to repeat it for each route. The docs for that are here:

Is it possible to reload the router in a running ember.js app in order to update the path strings of routes?

I'm implementing multi-language support in my app, and I guess this is the last thing that I would need in order to be able to change between languages without reloading the whole app/page. (I already have a solution with full page reload.)
For a simple example let's say this is how my router looks: {
this.route('search', { path: t('search') });
this.route('item', { path: `${t('item')}/:id`);
The t function would be getting the correct translation for the given strings in the currently active language.
The structure of the route hierarchy won't change, the only things that need to be updated are the path strings. Application state should be kept, of course.
I'm wondering whether this is possible to do.
I am not %100 sure about the correctness of what I wrote but is executed and resources with the definitions given within this method is transformed to a DSL instance and that is then passed to the actual router maintained by Ember.Router itself. In order to achieve what you want I believe what we need is dynamic modification to the router even if it is just the paths you need yo modify not the whole route structure.
If you look at the following github issue, Ember.js no more supports dynamically adding routes (hence no dynamic modification to the existing ones I believe). With all that said, I believe what you want is not possible without reloading the whole app (hence losing the application state).

Loading One Controller Per View AngularJS

I have an Spring + AngularJS Web Application with the following angular file structure.
mainmodule.js - where all config and routing's are
my main page is home.jsp where I imported all these files. As project goes bigger, I guess we have little over 50 files overall. So instead of dumping them in home.jsp, I would like to load them in it's corresponding view files. But when I tried to load controller1.js in corresponding JSP file, I get the below error.
Can someone help me identify what is the issue and how can I achieve this?
BTW I am using ui-router instead of default ngRoute.
One way of dealing with that scenario is to define a resolve property on each route and assign it a function that returns a promise. The function can handle dynamically loading the script containing the target controller and resolve the promise once the load is complete. For example:
templateUrl: '/app/views/customers.html',
resolve: resolveController('/app/controllers/customersController.js')
But the best solution to your problem would be to use RequireJS framework with AngularJS for dynamically loading controllers per view.
There is very interesting source that explains about this :
RequireJS official website:

AngularJS can't see inner partials and resources in Adobe AIR

I'm building an Adobe AIR application with AngularJS. And have quickly come across a problem in that Angular can't see partials below a certain level and any $http resources.
I've read here: How to Adjust Angular's URL matching pattern that this is because of the way Angular looks at URLs instead of using app:/ but in 2.0+ it no longer has a SERVER_MATCH so I can't use that regex... if that's even the issue anymore?
Basically if I have a index.html like:
<div ng-include="'partials/header.html'"></div>
<div ng-view></div>
<div ng-include="'partials/footer.html'"></div>
It will find those two includes fine! But if in header I have:
<div class="header">
<div ng-include="'partials/header-nav.html'"></div>
Angular won't see that header-nav in Adobe AIR, because it seems to lose where partials folder is in relation to the rest of the application... I'd assume that all resources also break for this same reason!
This also doesn't work:
phonecatServices.factory('Phone', ['$resource',
return $resource('phones/:phoneId.json', {}, {
query: {method:'GET', params:{phoneId:'phones'}, isArray:true}
Even if I was to call this on the index route, it won't find the JSON file as the factory doesn't know where to find the file...
Setting <base href="app:/"> doesn't fix it either but also breaks the links so that's not a solution...
Any ideas? I'm assuming it's something simple...
This sounds more like server issue then angular.
Are you using paths with hashes? If no, try to, maybe bowser is confused by changing the address bar path and relative urls.
Are you using grunt to build the project? It's worth a try, and then you can use grunt-angular-templates to build them into one js file. There really isn't any reason to make multiple requests for html form you production env.
Load your index.html from the web server.
Then all your resources will be loaded relative to that including the angularJS which will load things like templates.
You can use StageWebView as shown below:-
var webView:StageWebView = new StageWebView();
public function StageWebViewExample() {
webView.stage = this.stage;
webView.viewPort = new Rectangle( 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight );
webView.loadURL( "http://localhost:9000/app/index.html" );
Other options are included in my comments to OP's questions but this should serve the solution well in the constraints of the problem defined by OP.

How to load angular module

I've just started using angular and javascript and I can't really figure out how to structure my application.
I started writing a Controller and my first reflex is to put what I would call my model into a class in a different file.
I have different option
1 - putting everything (model + controller ) in one file
2 - using requireJS so my controller can 'include' my model. I've managed to do it, put it wasn't straight forward and I still have problem to make the yeoman dist version to work.
3 - use angular module, which seems to be the recommended way, but if choose this solution do I need to load explicitly my model file in the main html file. I understand that not hardcoding the dependency between files can be a good thing, so you can for example swap or change some components, but it seems wrong when for example a subclass need to requires its parent class. If I need to split a module in lots of angular submodules, do I need to load them all explicitly ? That's seem totally wrong.
Am I missing something ? what is the standard way to do so ?
What I found quite useful are the MTV meetup sessions. They give a good overview about how to apply best practices in AngularJS:
Best Practices:
There are many more videos on youtube. I hope this helps giving a first idea.
