I have a function I want to write in React. In my class I have a state object fields that looks like this:
this.state = {
step: 1,
fields: {
type: '',
name: '',
subtype: '',
team: '',
agreement: ''
I have various functions that assign those keys using immutability helper that generally look like:
assignType(attribute) {
var temp = update(this.state.fields, {
type: {$set: attribute}
fields: temp
What I would like to do is use a function that's more generic and do something like this:
assignAttribute(field, attribute) {
var temp = update(this.state.fields, {
field: {$set: attribute}
fields: temp
But, this doesn't work. What can I do to use a variable key using immutability-helper?
Figured it out! I needed to use ES6 computed property names and simply edit assignAttribute to:
assignAttribute(field, attribute) {
var temp = update(this.state.fields, {
[field]: {$set: attribute}
fields: temp
You can use the [] syntax if you have dynamic field names:
var data = {}
data[field] = {$set: attribute}
var temp = update(this.state.fields, data)
This gets a lot more concise if you can use ES6.
If you have an array as part of your state, and that array contains objects, whats an easy way to update the state with a change to one of those objects?
Example, modified from the tutorial on react:
var CommentBox = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {data: [
{ id: 1, author: "john", text: "foo" },
{ id: 2, author: "bob", text: "bar" }
handleCommentEdit: function(id, text) {
var existingComment = this.state.data.filter({ function(c) { c.id == id; }).first();
var updatedComments = ??; // not sure how to do this
this.setState({data: updatedComments});
I quite like doing this with Object.assign rather than the immutability helpers.
handleCommentEdit: function(id, text) {
data: this.state.data.map(el => (el.id === id ? Object.assign({}, el, { text }) : el))
I just think this is much more succinct than splice and doesn't require knowing an index or explicitly handling the not found case.
If you are feeling all ES2018, you can also do this with spread instead of Object.assign
data: this.state.data.map(el => (el.id === id ? {...el, text} : el))
While updating state the key part is to treat it as if it is immutable. Any solution would work fine if you can guarantee it.
Here is my solution using immutability-helper:
var update = require('immutability-helper');
handleCommentEdit: function(id, text) {
var data = this.state.data;
var commentIndex = data.findIndex(function(c) {
return c.id == id;
var updatedComment = update(data[commentIndex], {text: {$set: text}});
var newData = update(data, {
$splice: [[commentIndex, 1, updatedComment]]
this.setState({data: newData});
Following questions about state arrays may also help:
Correct modification of state arrays in ReactJS
what is the preferred way to mutate a React state?
I'm trying to explain better how to do this AND what's going on.
First, find the index of the element you're replacing in the state array.
Second, update the element at that index
Third, call setState with the new collection
import update from 'immutability-helper';
// this.state = { employees: [{id: 1, name: 'Obama'}, {id: 2, name: 'Trump'}] }
updateEmployee(employee) {
const index = this.state.employees.findIndex((emp) => emp.id === employee.id);
const updatedEmployees = update(this.state.employees, {$splice: [[index, 1, employee]]}); // array.splice(start, deleteCount, item1)
this.setState({employees: updatedEmployees});
Edit: there's a much better way to do this w/o a 3rd party library
const index = this.state.employees.findIndex(emp => emp.id === employee.id);
employees = [...this.state.employees]; // important to create a copy, otherwise you'll modify state outside of setState call
employees[index] = employee;
You can do this with multiple way, I am going to show you that I mostly used. When I am working with arrays in react usually I pass a custom attribute with current index value, in the example below I have passed data-index attribute, data- is html 5 convention.
//handleChange method.
const {name, value} = e,
index = e.target.getAttribute('data-index'), //custom attribute value
updatedObj = Object.assign({}, this.state.arr[i],{[name]: value});
//update state value.
arr: [
...this.state.arr.slice(0, index),
...this.state.arr.slice(index + 1)
I want to store my mobx state in browser localStorage, so, if i use this approach https://stackoverflow.com/a/40326316
I save store with toJS, but don't know how to apply it. With extendObservable I get following error Error: [mobx] 'extendObservable' can only be used to introduce new properties. Use 'set' or 'decorate' instead
Thanks in advance.
My approach is:
class MyStore {
public async load() {
const cached = await browser.storage.local.get("cache");
const data = JSON.parse(cached["cached"]);
Object.keys(data).forEach(x => {
(this as any)[x] = (data as any)[x];
But i think this is anitpattern.
Are you sure extendObservable doesn't work.
I've used something like this in my code.
class MyStore {
async load() {
const cached = await browser.storage.local.get("cache");
mobx.extendObservable(this, cached);
This seems to be not working, you need to access the properties after extendObservable in order to reload them, you could use autorun but just use another method.
I've implemented load function based on a simple forEach;
Try the following.
load = async () => {
const { cache } = await JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cache"));
Object.keys(cache).forEach(key => {
this[key] = cache[key];
If you have a class, and "raw" json data, what i'm doing is to accept raw data in the constructor & then update the class properties.
For example, my raw data looks like this:
users: [
{ id: 1, firstName: 'foo', lastName: 'bar', customer: { id: 1, name: 'bla' } },
{ id: 2, firstName: 'foo2', lastName: 'bar2', customer: { id: 2, name: 'customer' } },
class User {
#observable firstName;
#observable lastName;
constructor(rawUser) {
this.id = rawUser.id;
this.firstName = rawUser.firstName;
this.lastName = rawUser.lastName;
this.customer = new Customer(rawUser.customer);
class UsersStore {
#observable users = [];
constructor(rawUsers) {
this.users = rawUsers.map(rawUser => new User(rawUser));
Then when I'm restoring the data I'm just using
const usersStore = new UsersStore(rawData.users);
The cool thing in this approach is the nesting handling, each "level" handles its part.
Is there an ES6 (and upwards) solution using destructuring and the spread operator to create a new object with a key and value deleted from the original object, when the key reference is dynamic, so:
const state = {
12344: {
url: 'http://some-url.com',
id: '12344'
12345: {
url: 'http://some-other-url.com',
id: '12345'
const idToDelete = 12344
const { [idToDelete], ...newState } = state // dynamic key
console.log('newState:', newState)
// desired newState would only have the key 12345 and its value
Unless it's my present Babel setup, I can't figure out the clean ES6 way of doing this (if it exists).
Many thanks in advance
when destructuring using dynamic id you need to set a var with the remove value : the doc about this
const state = {
12344: {
url: 'http://some-url.com',
id: '12344'
12345: {
url: 'http://some-other-url.com',
id: '12345'
const idToDelete = 12344
// the removed object will go to unusedVar
const { [idToDelete]: unusedVar, ...newState } = state // dynamic key
console.log('newState:', newState)
a better way if you don't need to keep the deleted object is to use the keyword delete
const state = {
12344: {
url: 'http://some-url.com',
id: '12344'
12345: {
url: 'http://some-other-url.com',
id: '12345'
const idToDelete = 12344
delete state[idToDelete]
console.log('newState:', state)
I don't think it's possible to cleanly achieve with ES6 destructuring. Since other answers include mutating the state, try this instead:
const state = {
12344: {
url: 'http://some-url.com',
id: '12344'
12345: {
url: 'http://some-other-url.com',
id: '12345'
const idToDelete = 12344
const newState = Object.assign({}, state);
delete newState[idToDelete];
console.log('newState:', newState)
console.log('old state:', state);
I have nested state which is needed to set its state by key's value.
state = {
income_source: {
type: 'text', label_name: 'Income Source', value: '', helper: 'dropdown',
employment_status: {
type: 'text', label_name: 'Employment Status', value: '', helper: 'dropdown',
I'm getting huge list from get_financial_assessment object and the code becomes messy when I tried to setState in componentDidMount().
async componentDidMount() {
let { get_financial_assessment } = await DAO.getFinancialAssessment()
if( get_financial_assessment ) {
const {
} = get_financial_assessment;
this.setState(prevState => ({
anticipated_account_turnover: {...prevState.anticipated_account_turnover, value: account_turnover},
occupation: {...prevState.occupation, value: cfd_score},
level_of_education: {...prevState.level_of_education, value: education_level},
source_of_wealth: {...prevState.source_of_wealth, value: employment_industry},
net_annual_income: {...prevState.net_annual_income, value: employment_status},
estimated_net_worth: {...prevState.estimated_net_worth, value: estimated_worth},
source_of_wealth: {...prevState.source_of_wealth, value: financial_information_score},
} else {
1) One possible approach might be,,, once we get the data, we can make an object and setState the object to the state. -> It might be the best possible answer?
2) Any other approach???
You can use Object.entries() to iteratively map them to the new object with updated value.
It seems like you are keeping some static data that will not be updated via API in the state though, so a better approach might be to keep them in a separate variable:
const metaData = {
income_source: {
type: 'text', label_name: 'Income Source', helper: 'dropdown' // no `value` here
Then your state will just need to contain the actual dynamic data:
state = {
income_source: '',
employment_status: ''
And updating it will simply be:
You can also use object destructuring to avoid setting unwanted states:
const { trading_score, unwantedProperty, ...imptData } = get_financial_assessment;
If you want to have a simpler initial state, you can also do this:
state = {
data: {}
this.setState({ data: get_financial_assessment })
// in `render`, provide default value if property is not set
{this.state.data.income_source || ''}
Let's say I have an array of emails:
['a#gmail.com', 'b#gmail.com', 'c#gmail.com']
I need to convert it into an array of objects that looks like this:
id: 'a#gmail.com',
invite_type: 'EMAIL'
id: 'b#gmail.com',
invite_type: 'EMAIL'
id: 'c#gmail.com',
invite_type: 'EMAIL'
In order to do that, I have written the following code:
$scope.invites = [];
$.each($scope.members, function (index, value) {
let inviteMember = {
'id': value,
invite_type: 'EMAIL'
Is there any better way of doing this?
Since you're already using jQuery, you can use jQuery.map() like this:
var originalArray = ['a#gmail.com', 'b#gmail.com', 'c#gmail.com']
var newArray = jQuery.map(originalArray, function(email) {
return {
id: email,
jQuery.map() translates all items in a given array into a new array of items. The function I am passing to jQuery.map() is called for every element of the original array and returns a new element that is written to the final array.
There is also the native Array.prototype.map() which is not supported in IE8. If you're not targeting IE8 or if you use a polyfill, then you can use the native .map():
var newArray = originalArray.map(function(email) {
return {
id: email,
This pattern
targetArray = []
sourceArray.forEach(function(item) {
let x = do something with item
can be expressed more concisely with map:
targetArray = sourceArray.map(function(item) {
let x = do something with item
return x
in your case:
$scope.invites = $scope.members.map(function(value) {
return {
id: value,
invite_type: 'EMAIL'