No logs after Passport.js authenticate middleware - javascript

I am trying to debug a failing JWT auth setup, which always returns a 401.
My passport setup (middleware/auth.js)
import passport from 'passport'
import { Strategy as JwtStrategy, ExtractJwt } from 'passport-jwt'
module.exports = function() {
var options = {};
options.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader()
options.secretOrKey = 'superdupersecret'
var strategy = new JwtStrategy(options, function(payload, done) {
console.log('this is not printing') <---------------
var user = payload.sub || null;
if (user) {
return done(null, { id: user._id });
} else {
return done(new Error("User not found"), null);
return {
initialize: () => {
console.log('this only prints on boot'); <---------------
return passport.initialize();
authenticate: () => {
console.log('this too') <---------------
return passport.authenticate("jwt", {session: false});
My server.js file where I initialize passport:
import express from 'express'
var auth = require("./middleware/auth.js")();
// Instantiate app
const app = express();
// Initialize passport for auth use
And my protected route that always returns a 401:
import express from 'express'
var auth = require("../middleware/auth.js")();
const userRouter = express.Router()
userRouter.get('/dashboard', auth.authenticate(), (req, res) => {
res.send('It worked! User id is: ' + req.user + '.')
export default userRouter
I have tried to add print statements within the actual passport.js module itself, as well as passport-jwt, with no success.
After the authentication middleware on the protected route, nothing logs.
I have tried a ton of setup permutations over the past 3 days now. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Ok, I followed the tutorial you mentioned and it seems to work.
Here are some notes (some may be obvious, no offense).
Copy exactly the code as the tutorial
After you have everything, you need to "login". Make a POST request to /token. Content type has to be application/json and on the body of the request you need to sent an object with email and password (from tutorial).
After you login, the server returns a token.
Take that token and now make a GET request to /user. In the headers of the request add: Authorization: JWT [your token here]. You have to write "JWT" and the token separated by one space.
The server returns a status 200. I modified so it returns the user.
app.get("/user", auth.authenticate(), function(req, res) {
res.json({user: req.user});


Axios 404 when requesting from routes folder

I have a server.js file in Express and Node.js that contains the majority of my back-end code, outside of my database config file.
The file is quite long and to improve maintainability, I would like to make it modular by splitting various components into their own files that can be imported.
I have attempted to move a database endpoint as a starting point into its own file called auth.js, located in the routes folder. The file is set up as follows:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const db = require('../config/db');
const crypto = require("crypto"); // set up crypto middleware for hashing password and checking password hashes
const salt = crypto.randomBytes(256).toString("hex"); // create a hash salt/pepper
const iterations = 1000; // number of iterations to jumble the hash
const hashSize = 64; //set up char length of hash
const hashAlgorithm = "sha256"; // which hashing algorithm will be used
//This function returns a hash of the password, combined with the pepper and the salt.
function PasswordHash(password, salt) {
const pepper = "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";
return crypto.pbkdf2Sync (
salt + pepper,
// login route'/signin', (req, res) => {
const { email, password } = req.body;
// Check all emails against input
db.query(selectEmail, [email], (err, rows) => {
if (err) throw err;
// If email exists
if (rows.length > 0) {
// If password with salt and compares to database
if (PasswordHash(password, rows[0].salt) == rows[0].password) {
// Create session
req.session.firstName = rows[0].first_name;
req.session.lastName = rows[0].last_name;
req.session.username = rows[0].user_name;
req.session.ProfilePicture = rows[0].profile_picture;
console.log('Session created:', req.session); // Print session
res.send('Login successful');
// If password is incorrect
else {
res.send('Email or password are incorrect');
// If email does not exist
else {
res.send('Email or password are incorrect');
module.exports = router;
This is then used in the main server.js file by requiring the auth.js file and using it with the route '/signin':
const authRoutes = require('./routes/auth');
app.use('/signin', authRoutes);
Finally, I make a request on my React front-end application to the /signin route.
const validateRow = () => {
// Validate login'http://localhost:8080/signin', {
email: emailInput,
password: passwordInput
.then((res) => {
//If validation passed
if ( === 'Login successful') {
To add some context this is for a login form and validates login data inputted into the form against rows found in the database. This worked as intended until I moved the endpoint into a separate file I now receive:
AxiosError {message: 'Request failed with status code 404', name: 'AxiosError', code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST', config: {…}, request: XMLHttpRequest, …}
on my front end. I would like to know how to resolve this issue.
The issue is that app.use('/signin', authRoutes) makes an endpoint be "/signin/signin" not just "/signin" which you are trying to request. The simplest solution would be to change link you pass in function to "http://localhost:8080/signin/signin".
Try using relative path as suggested in this (possible duplicate):
I don't understand why my axios post request isn't working - 404 not found
You need to listen to the port 8080
const app = express()
const port = 8080
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)

Error: read ECONNRESET in request with Token in nodejs

I have a small API made in nodejs with express. A while ago I did not touch it and everything worked perfectly. Only now have I decided to implement JsonWebToken. In Postman, the login works fine, however, when trying to send the token as a header in a request I get an error. When i don't send the token in the request, response successfull (obviously since there is no token, the endpoint returns a 401 to me).
If I try to do it after authenticating (saving the token in an environment variable) and this time assigning it to the header, the following happens
If I send anything if it works, apparently it has to do with the length of the token.
I have tried it outside of postman, and the same thing happens, so the error does not seem to be from postman.
I don't know how to solve the problem, apparently nodejs does not handle the request by the length of the token.Is there a way to expand that?
The nodejs server entry point is:
// Enviroment process
// Body Parser
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const cors = require("cors");
// Express server
const app = require("express")();
// BodyParser middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
// Routes middleware
// Run server
app.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {
console.log(`Escuchando en el puerto ${process.env.PORT}`);
const express = require("express");
const { checkToken } = require("../middlewares/authentication");
const app = express();
/// Base Routes
module.exports = app;
The checkToken middleware:
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const checkToken = (req, res, next) => {
const token = req.get("token") || req.query.token;
jwt.verify(token, process.env.SEED, (err, decoded) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(401).json({
ok: false,
error: {
message: "Invalid Token",
req.user = decoded.user;
module.exports = {
The .env variables:
// Node env (development | production)
// Server Port
// Token Time Expiration
// Token Seed
When I send the token through the body of the request, the error does not occur, and everything works correctly (obviously changing the middleware so that it receives it by the body). The problem is when I send it by headers or a query parameter.
const checkToken = (req, res, next) => {
// const token = req.get("token") || req.query.token;
const token = req.body.token;
jwt.verify(token, process.env.SEED, (err, decoded) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(401).json({
ok: false,
error: {
message: "Invalid Token",
req.user = decoded.user;
After trying only those files, I realized that the error did not come from these. The problem was in the authentication. When creating the token I used the information of the logged in user, however, I had not realized that it had a base64 image field.
// ... after login, user object contains object information
let token = jwt.sign(
user: {
image: user.image.base64Url
{ expiresIn: process.env.TOKEN_EXPIRES }
The length of the base64 image made the token extremely long. Then when making the request and sending a string token with many characters, the reading error occurrs (Error: read ECONNRESET).
The solution was to ignore the image field when creating the token.
Finally, before an error of the same type, check that a field that contains too much information is not being sent.

.put method for updating password in mocha chai requests not working

My code:
const model = require('../db/models/user');
const describe = require('mocha').describe;
const assert = require('chai').assert;
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
let chai = require('chai');
let server = require('../server');
describe('Test user registration, login, update password', () => {
beforeEach((done) => {
// Reset user mode before each test
model.User.remove({}, (err) => {
Now, I get the error
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property
'_id' of null
in the route itself, specifically:
router.put('/me/update-password', async (req, res, next) => {
const {body} = req;
const auth = req;
const userId = auth._id; // problem on this line!
// rest of code...
So, after registration and logging in (which works fine, as it should!), I am having a lot of problems to update the password. In the params I am sending generated token and in the body is the password field with new password. On live example (for example Postman) it works as it should, but in tests it simply does not.
I really have no idea and have lost a lot of my time over this already (3 days).
Can someone please take a look suggest solution?
Much appreciated.
Updated with auth.js:
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const isAu = function(req) {
return jwt.verify(req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1], 'secret', function (err, decoded) {
if (err) {
return null;
return decoded;
module.exports = isAu;
Since OP changed the original question after it has been answered here is the link to original:
JWT verify method accepts Authorization token - you are fetching that correctly by splitting Authorization header string in order to fetch token.
HTTP Authorization header string hold Authentication scheme type (Bearer, Basic, Digest, etc) and the token value
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIXVCJ9...TJVA95OrM7E20RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ
but your Authorization header in the Chai request only holds the value of the token and not the Authentication scheme type.
Assumin your Authentication scheme is Bearer you need to set that in your Chai request Authorization header:
.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)
.end((error, response) => {
assert.equal(response.status, 200);
On the other hand, in case you do not specify Authentication type in the request authorization header than you should send it like that to JWT to veirfy:
const isAuthenticated = function(req) {
return jwt.verify(req.headers.authorization, 'secret', function (err, decoded) {
if (err) {
return null;
return decoded;

Post request in VueJs with undefined response

I am a beginner in VueJs and Expressjs. I am trying to make frontend side by Vuejs and backend by ExpressJs. I send a post request to the backend (expressJs) and :
1- Response is undefined
2- At the same time I can see 2 requests in chrome development tools. One is Option and another one is Post.
3- With postman there is no problem at all.
Here is the code of app.js in express
console.log('Server is running')
const express = require('express'),
bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
cors = require('cors'),
morgan = require('morgan');
app = new express();
//Setup middleware
app.use(bodyParser.json())'/register', (req, res, next) => {
message: `Hello ${}! your user was registered!`
And here is the code in VueJs :
// Api Setting
import axios from 'axios'
export const HTTP = axios.create({
baseURL: `http://localhost:8081`
// AuthenticationService
import { HTTP } from '../services/Api'
export default {
register(credentials) {'register', credentials);
// Register Component
export default {
data() {
return {
email: '',
password: ''
methods: {
async register() {
const response = await AuthenticationService.register({
password: this.password
console.log(response); // the value is undefined
I really don't know what I missed here that I get an undefined response and 2 requests at the same time. I appreciate any hint.
Whole code on github repo : here
Maybe. Authentication.register is not returning anything or more specifically a Promise which should be used to populate const response in the await call.
Try returning something like so: return'register', credentials); inside register.
For this to work though,'register', credentials) should also return something.
I use JSON.stringify to send the data, you are sending the objects directly, so
register(credentials) {'register', credentials);
register(credentials) {'register', JSON.stringify(credentials));

Calling Express Route internally from inside NodeJS

I have an ExpressJS routing for my API and I want to call it from within NodeJS
var api = require('./routes/api')
app.use('/api', api);
and inside my ./routes/api.js file
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
router.use('/update', require('./update'));
module.exports = router;
so if I want to call /api/update/something/:withParam from my front end its all find, but I need to call this from within another aspect of my NodeJS script without having to redefine the whole function again in 2nd location
I have tried using the HTTP module from inside but I just get a "ECONNREFUSED" error
http.get('/api/update/something/:withParam', function(res) {
console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);
}).on('error', function(e) {
console.log("Got error: " + e.message);
I understand the idea behind Express is to create routes, but how do I internally call them
The 'usual' or 'correct' way to handle this would be to have the function you want to call broken out by itself, detached from any route definitions. Perhaps in its own module, but not necessarily. Then just call it wherever you need it. Like so:
function updateSomething(thing) {
// elsewhere:
router.put('/api/update/something/:withParam', function(req, res) {
.then(function() { res.send(200, 'ok'); });
// another place:
function someOtherFunction() {
// other code...
// ..
This is an easy way to do an internal redirect in Express 4:
The function that magic can do is: app._router.handle()
Testing: We make a request to home "/" and redirect it to otherPath "/other/path"
var app = express()
function otherPath(req, res, next) {
return res.send('ok')
function home(req, res, next) {
req.url = '/other/path'
/* Uncomment the next line if you want to change the method */
// req.method = 'POST'
return app._router.handle(req, res, next)
app.get('/other/path', otherPath)
app.get('/', home)
I've made a dedicated middleware for this : uest.
Available within req it allows you to req.uest another route (from a given route).
It forwards original cookies to subsequent requests, and keeps req.session in sync across requests, for ex:'/login', async (req, res, next) => {
const {username, password} = req.body
const {body: session} = await req.uest({
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/sessions',
body: {username, password}
console.log(`Welcome back ${session.user.firstname}!`
It supports Promise, await and error-first callback.
See the README for more details
Separate your app and server files with the app being imported into the server file.
In the place you want to call your app internally, you can import you app as well as 'request' from 'supertest'. Then you can write
id: 'ecf8d501-5abe-46a9-984e-e081ac925def',
This is another way.
const app = require('express')()
const axios = require('axios')
const log = console.log
const PORT = 3000
const URL = 'http://localhost:' + PORT
const apiPath = (path) => URL + path
app.get('/a', (req, res) => {
app.get('/b', async (req, res) => {
let a = await axios.get(apiPath('/a'))
