For loop wont run properly - javascript

I am trying to build a function that changes values in innerHTML of elements which have one class name, but different number values.
as in:
<div class="ingredient-assignment__quantity">5</div>
<div class="ingredient-assignment__quantity">300</div>
<div class="ingredient-assignment__quantity">250</div>
And I want a calculation (same for all) to run through all of them and then change the innerHTML of each to the result of each.
as in:
calcuation = 5 * innerHTML;
<div class="ingredient-assignment__quantity">25</div>
<div class="ingredient-assignment__quantity">1500</div>
<div class="ingredient-assignment__quantity">1250</div>
My JS function looks like this:
function ingredientChange (){
var portionsBefore = document.getElementById('portions');
var ingredients = document.getElementsByClassName('ingredient-assignment__quantity');
function getPortions(event) {
const getID =;
if (getID == "minus") {
var y = Number(portionsBefore.innerHTML) - 1;
else {
var y = Number(portionsBefore.innerHTML) + 1;
portionsBefore.innerHTML = y;
function changeIngredients(y) {
var arr = Object.keys(ingredients).map((k) => ingredients[k])
for(var i = 0; i < arr.lenght; i++){
var changeValues = Number(arr[i].innerHTML) / Number(portionsBefore.innerHTML);
var changedValues = Number(changeValues) * y;
function addEventListeners () {
document.getElementById('minus').addEventListener('click', getPortions, false);
document.getElementById('plus').addEventListener('click', getPortions, false);
And everything except for the for loop works fine.
I cant find, whats wrong with the for loop

You have a typo in your for loop
arr.lenght should be arr.length.


If else statements to check and see if a certain img tag is appended to div wont execute

I need to check if a div called 'ContainterTwo' has either an image with the class 'hd' or 'tl' appended to it, but my if else block never get executed. The images are html img tags inside an array called 'image'. I use a random generator to stimulate a coin flip.
var image = ['<img src="heads.jpg" class="hd" height="50" width="50">', '<img src="tails.jpg" class="tl" height="50" width="50">'];
$('#flip').on('click', function(){
var heads = 0;
var tails = 0;
var numToFlip = parseInt($('#number').val().trim());
for(var x = 0; x < numToFlip; x++)
var ran = Math.round(Math.random() * (1)) + 0;
else if($('.ContainerTwo').hasClass('tl'))
try this,
else if($('.ContainerTwo').find('img').hasClass('tl'))
You can check the random value of variable ran.
I have added some code refactor and removed unnecessary variables and moved jQuery variable declarations out of the loop to improve performance.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#flip').on('click', function () {
var heads = 0,
tails = 0,
numToFlip = parseInt($('#number').val().trim()),
$spOne = $('.spOne'),
$spTwo = $('spTwo');
for (var x = 0; x < numToFlip; x++) {
var ran = Math.round(Math.random() * (1)) + 0;
(ran === 0) ? $spOne.html(++heads): $spTwo.html(++tails);
Notice that have been removed the image variable because you are doing: $('.ContainerTwo').append(image[ran]); and after that you are doing $('.ContainerTwo').empty();
You can check if multiple class exists with the is() function. You can check all your .ContainerTwo class with each() and compare with your own variable. Try below
var containerTwo = $('.ContainerTwo img'); //All img in your element
containerTwo.each(function(i,e){ //Check all img in all containerTwo element in page
if($(this).is('.hd, .tl')){ // If .hd or tl found
<script src=""></script>
<div class="ContainerTwo">
<img class="hd" src=""/>
<img class="tl" src=""/>
<div class="ContainerTwo">
<img class="hd" src=""/>
<img class="tl" src=""/>

unexpected output value from procedural code

I have this piece of javascript that won't work. It is supposed to take the user input and store it into the player input variable. Then, it splits the string that is returned and splits it into an array which is then converted into an object by the function oc(). Finally, the function analyzeUserInput finds keywords in the input object and places text into the paragraph element called text accordingly. In this example if the user types in slash, poke, slice, hack, etc and the word "sword" the paragraph element is supposed to say "you did 4 damage!" but it doesn't. here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>"oh no theres a monster whatchya gonna do?"</p>
<input id="plyrInput" type="text" />
<button onclick="analyzeUserInput()">Try it</button>
<p id="text"></p>
var plyrInput;
var plyrInputArray;
var plyrInputAnalysis;
function oc() {
plyrInputArray = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrInputArray.length; ++i) {
plyrInputObj[plyrInputArray[i]] = ' ';
return plyrInputObj;
function analyzeUserInput() {
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").text;
if (plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['use', 'slash', 'hack', 'wield', 'slice', 'sever', 'dismember', 'poke', 'cripple', 'maim', 'mutilate', 'chop', 'rend']) && plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['sword'])) {
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did 4 damage with your sword!";
var plyrInput;
var plyrInputArray;
var plyrInputAnalysis;
function oc() {
plyrInputArray = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrInputArray.length; ++i) {
//storing these values in an object being blank is not really needed at all!
//plyrInputObj[plyrInputArray[i]] = ' ';
plyrInputObj[i] = plyrInputArray[i]; //acceptable or use the array itself!
return plyrInputObj;
function analyzeUserInput() {
//plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").text;//no such property as text
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").value;
//you ran this function without storing it so we can't use it
var plyrAction = oc();
//you call an undefined variable `plyrInputAnalysis`. So what are we going to do with it?
if (plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['use', 'slash', 'hack', 'wield', 'slice', 'sever', 'dismember', 'poke', 'cripple', 'maim', 'mutilate', 'chop', 'rend']) && plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['sword'])) {
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did 4 damage with your sword!";
Now for the fix:
var plyrInput;
var plyrInputArray;
var plyrInputAnalysis;
//added an acitonList for later usage for yourself
var actionList = {
function oc() {
plyrInputArray = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrInputArray.length; ++i) {
plyrInputObj[i] = plyrInputArray[i];
return plyrInputObj;
function analyzeUserInput() {
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").value;
var plyrAction = oc(); //cached the returned value from oc
for(var item in plyrAction){ //looping through the plyrActions object
if(actionList[plyrAction[item]]){ //if there is a plyrAction that matches the actionsList we'll continue.
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did "+actionList[plyrAction[item]]+" damage with your sword!";
Though this could seems more complicated than it needs to be I went off your original methodology, you could create a better instance of this code for an RPG game, though it would be good to look into an IIFE to wrap this in and minimize a lot of the code instead of multiple functions.
For instance
function analyzeUserInput() {
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").value;
var plyrAction = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrAction.length; ++i) {
plyrInputObj[i] = plyrAction[i];
for(var item in plyrInputObj ){
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did "+actionList[plyrInputObj[item]]+" damage with your sword!";

jQuery "keyup" crashing page when checking 'Word Count'

I have a word counter running on a DIV and after typing in a few words, the page crashes. The browser continues to work (par scrolling) and no errors are showing in Chrome's console. Not sure where I'm going wrong...
It all started when I passed "wordCount(q);" in "keyup". I only passed it there as it would split-out "NaN" instead of a number to countdown from.
var spliced = 200;
}) ;
var spliced = 600;
}) ;
function wordCount(q) {
var content_text = $('.message1').text(),
char_count = content_text.length;
if (char_count != 0)
var word_count = q - content_text.replace(/[^\w ]/g, "").split(/\s+/).length;
$('.word_count').html(word_count + " words remaining...");
$('.message1').keyup(function() {
if (new Number( word_count ) < 0) {
else {
} catch (error)
<input type="checkbox" name="" value="1/6" class="size1" id="group_3_1">
<input type="checkbox" name="" value="1/4" class="size1" id="group_3_2">
<div id="entry.8.single" class="message1" style="height: 400px; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden;" contenteditable="true"> </div>
<span class="word_count" id="good"></span>
Thanks in advanced!
This is causing an infinite loop if (new Number(word_count) < 0) {.
Your code is a mess altogether. Just study and start with more basic concepts and start over. If you want to describe your project to me in a comment, I would be glad to show you a good, clean, readable approach.
Part of having a good architecture in your code is to keep different parts of your logic separate. No part of your code should know about or use anything that isn't directly relevant to it. Notice in my word counter that anything it does it immediately relevant to its word-counter-ness. Does a word counter care about what happens with the count? Nope. It just counts and sends the result away (wherever you tell it to, via the callback function). This isn't the only approach, but I just wanted to give you an idea of how to approach things more sensefully.
Live demo here (click).
/* what am I creating? A word counter.
* How do I want to use it?
* -Call a function, passing in an element and a callback function
* -Bind the word counter to that element
* -When the word count changes, pass the new count to the callback function
window.onload = function() {
var countDiv = document.getElementById('count');
wordCounter.bind(countDiv, displayCount);
//you can pass in whatever function you want. I made one called displayCount, for example
var wordCounter = {
current : 0,
bind : function(elem, callback) {
this.handleIfChanged(elem, callback);
var that = this;
elem.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
that.handleIfChanged(elem, callback);
handleIfChanged : function(elem, callback) {
var count = this.countWords(elem);
if (count !== this.current) {
this.current = count;
countWords : function(elem) {
var text = elem.textContent;
var words = text.match(/(\w+\b)/g);
return (words) ? words.length : 0;
ensureEditable : function(elem) {
if (
elem.getAttribute('contenteditable') !== 'true' &&
elem.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA' &&
elem.nodeName !== 'INPUT'
) {
elem.setAttribute('contenteditable', true);
var display = document.getElementById('display');
function displayCount(count) {
//this function is called every time the word count changes
//do whatever you want...the word counter doesn't care.
display.textContent = 'Word count is: '+count;
I would do probably something like this
var wordsLimit = 50;
$('#group_3_1').click(function () {
wordsLimit = 200;
$('#group_3_2').click(function () {
wordsLimit = 600;
$('.message1').keydown(function () {
function wordCount() {
var text = $('.message1').text(),
textLength = text.length,
wordsCount = 0,
wordsRemaining = wordsLimit;
if(textLength > 0) {
wordsCount = text.replace(/[^\w ]/g, '').split(/\s+/).length;
wordsRemaining = wordsRemaining - wordsCount;
.html(wordsRemaining + " words remaining...")
.attr('id', (parseInt(wordsRemaining) < 0 ? 'bad' : 'good'));
It's not perfect and complete but it may show you direction how to do this. You should use change event on checkboxes to change wordsLimit if checked/unchecked. For styling valid/invalid words remaining message use classes rather than ids.
I think you should use radio in place of checkboxes because you can limit 200 or 600 only at a time.
Try this like,
$('input[name=""]').click(function () {
$('.word_count').html($(this).data('val') + " words remaining...");
$('.message1').keyup(function () {
function wordCount() {
var q = $('input[name=""]:checked').data('val');
var content_text = $('.message1').text(),
char_count = content_text.length;
if (char_count != 0) var word_count = q - content_text.replace(/[^\w ]/g, "").split(/\s+/).length;
$('.word_count').html(word_count + " words remaining...");
try {
if (Number(word_count) < 0) {
$(".word_count").attr("id", "bad");
} else {
$(".word_count").attr("id", "good");
} catch (error) {
Also you can add if your span has bad id then key up should return false;
See Demo

Textarea disappears after setting value

Here's what I'm trying to do:
Type initials (e.g. MS,AK,LT) by clicking on "Enter Names". This saves a string, which I then turn into an array (nameArray) in order to get each set of initials. After reordering these randomly, I want to place some of the initials into the textareas, but that's where things go wrong.
Here's what's wrong:
the initials display for a moment, then disappear after the function executes. (ALSO, I'm trying to have a div (with text "randomizing...") that is otherwise hidden, show itself for 4 seconds (4000 ms) while the initials are being reordered to indicate as such. That's what the setTimeout is for...but that doesn't work either. The div disappears along with the text). Why are these only in coordination with the execution of the function?
Here's the JS code:
var nameArray;
window.onload = pageLoad;
function pageLoad() {
function orderNames() {
nameArray = getNames();
function getNames() {
var initialsString = prompt("Please enter initials, separated by a comma (e.g LK,AS,NM)");
nameArray = initialsString.split(",");
return nameArray;
function randomizeNames() {
var timer = setTimeout(function(){randomize(nameArray);},4000);
function randomize(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
var randNum = Math.floor(array.length*Math.random()) //random number between 0 and length of array (rounded down
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[randNum];
array[randNum] = temp;
function displayNames() {
var curr, up, prev, current, upcoming, previous;
curr = 0;
up = 1;
prev = null
current = nameArray[curr];
upcoming = nameArray[up];
Here's the relevant HTML code:
<div id="header">
<div id="randomizeNotContDiv">
<div id="randomizingNotification">randomizing...</div>
<div id="page_title"><h1>Welcome to Classtech Shift Scheduler!</h1></div>
<div id="helper_functions_div">
<div id="enter_names_div">
Enter Names
<div id="main_content">
<div id="name_tracker">
<div><img src="Images/prev_arrow.png"/></div>
<textarea name="upcoming_pick" cols="10" rows="1" class="picker_names" id="upcoming_pick"></textarea>
<textarea name="current_pick" cols="10" rows="1" class="picker_names" id="current_pick"></textarea>
<textarea name="previous_pick" cols="10" rows="1" class="picker_names" id="previous_pick"></textarea>
<div><img src="Images/next_arrow.png"/></div>
You've got at least few issues, but the main problem is the structure of your setTimeout. A setTimeout is like an AJAX call in that it's non-blocking. Anything inside the function you pass to it will only execute when the timer is done, while code that comes after it will execute immediately.
I've reorganized the hiding of your randomization message and the displayNames function to go inside of the setTimeout function and things work fine.
Here it is in a fiddle:
And here's the code:
var nameArray;
window.onload = pageLoad;
function pageLoad() {
function orderNames(event) {
// Prevent the link's default action
nameArray = getNames();
function getNames() {
var initialsString = prompt("Please enter initials, separated by a comma (e.g LK,AS,NM)");
nameArray = initialsString.split(",");
return nameArray;
function randomizeNames() {
var timer = setTimeout(function (){
// These items need to be inside the timeout, so they only run once it's done
}, 4000);
// No need to clearTimeouts after they're done... they only run once
// clearTimeout(timer);
function randomize(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
var randNum = Math.floor(array.length*Math.random()) //random number between 0 and length of array (rounded down
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[randNum];
array[randNum] = temp;
function displayNames() {
var curr, up, prev, current, upcoming, previous;
curr = 0;
up = 1;
prev = null
current = nameArray[curr];
upcoming = nameArray[up];

javascript array cycling only first var

I am using javascript to cycle through an array of urls within an iframe and so far when the prev or next buttons are pressed it jumps to the first var in the array and both prev and next functions end. Any ideas?
<iframe id="myFrame" src="" width="484px" height = "424px"></iframe>
<button onclick = "prevPage(); ">Prev</button>
<button onclick = "nextPage(); ">Next</button>
var sites=new Array();
function nextPage() {
var number = document.getElementById("myFrame").src;
number = number.substring(number.length - 4 ,number.length-3);
number = parseInt(number) + 1;
function prevPage() {
var number = document.getElementById("myFrame").src;
number = number.substring(number.length - 3 ,number.length-4);
number = parseInt(number) - 1;
Why are you using the URL as your 'position' storage? It'd be FAR easier to just use a variable:
var curPos = 0;
function nextPage() {
if (curPos >= sites.length) {
curPos = 0;
document.getElementById('myframe').src = sites[curPos];
function prevPage() {
if (curPos < 0) {
curPos = sites.length - 1;
document.getElementById('myframe'.).src = sites[curPos];
If I understood your problem correctly I think all you need to do is use document.getElementById("myFrame").src=sites[number]; instead of document.getElementById("myFrame").src=sites[0];
May be
is what you are trying to do in both functions.
