I need to append some html to an existing element using pure javaScript:
function create(htmlStr) {
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = htmlStr;
while (temp.firstChild) {
return frag;
var target = document.querySelectorAll(".container-right");
var fragment = create(
'<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>'
document.body.insertBefore(fragment, document.body.childNodes[0]);
It's kind of working, but I have two questions:
How can I make sure that the html fragment is appended to the div with the class container-right and not just the body? Changing the last line to document.body.insertBefore(fragment, target); doesn't work.
How can I insert the html after the content in the target element - after the existing content - like jQuery's append()?
Any help is much appreciated.
JsFiddle here.
Well, I know this works:
let elem = document.querySelector ( 'css-selector (id or class)' )
That should give you your element. Then you do this:
elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML + myNewStuff;
That'll append your html to the innerHTML of the element. I tried it quickly, it works.
var target = document.querySelector(".container-right");
var p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerHTML = "Some text that should be appended...";
var div = document.createElement('div');
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
Try this:
var target = document.querySelector(".container-right");
target.innerHTML += '<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>';
Based on this answer to a similar question, I have found that insertAdjacentHTML is a good fit for this kind of problems.
I haven't tested it on a Node List, but with a single node it works perfectly.
insertAdjacentHTML has a great browser compatibility (back to IE4), plus it lets you decide where you want to insert the HTML (see here).
var target = document.querySelector(".container-right");
var newContent = '<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>';
target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', newContent);
elm.innerHTML += '<div class="freetext"><p>Some text that should be appended...</p></div>';
What would be the shortest way to do the following :
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'divClass';
div.innerHTML = 'Div Content';
... without any external libraries
class Div {
constructor(className, innerHTML) {
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = className;
div.innerHTML = innerHTML;
return div;
let innerHTML = "LOL"
new Div(divClass, innerHTML);
This would be the shortest way to doing it again and again while still having some order inside your code, IMO.
Write a function to do it in one line:
function tag(tagNameAndClass, innerHTML) {
var parts = (tagNameAndClass || 'div').split(/\./g);
var elem = document.createElement(parts.shift());
elem.className = parts.join(' ');
if (innerHTML) elem.innerHTML = innerHTML;
return elem;
Examples of uses:
tag('div.divClass', 'Div Content') // <div class="divClass">Div Content</div>
tag('.class-one.class-two', 'Content') // <div class="class-one class-two">Content</div>
tag('h1.super', 'My Super Heading') // <h1 class="super">My Super Heading</h1>
What would be the shortest way to do the following [...]
We can imagine a situation in which the div already exists in the DOM while the CSS style rule display:none ensures it remains absent from the visible document flow.
The following single line in javascript will make the element reappear into the visible document flow:
document.getElementsByClassName('divClass')[0].style.display = 'block';
Probably the best solution I have came up with so far :
var el = function(type,props,appends){
var el = document.createElement(type);
if(props) for(var x in props) el[x] = props[x];
if(appends) for(var x in appends) el.appendChild(appends[x]);
return el;
and then when using it (creating a popup with header and body example) :
$title = el('div',{className:'title',innerHTML:'Item Title'});
$remove = el('div',{className:'remove',innerHTML:'X'});
$header = el('div',{className:'header'},[$title,$remove,el('div',{className:'clear'})]);
$body = el('div',{className:'body',innerHTML:'body'});
$el = el('div',{className:'item'},[$header,$body]);
I'm using Angular 1.29 and Chrome.
I have some text like
<p>Text <strong> bold </strong> </p>
And I need to turn it into an element, because the library that I'm using, html2canvas, needs to be sent one.
So I've tried this, which I took from this answer
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = $scope.presData.text;
var element = div.firstChild;
Where my text is in $scope.presData.text,
But that didn't work. This creates a canvas with a width and height of 0.
Using innerHTML of an HTML element should format them as document nodes.
var HTMLString = '<p>Text <strong> bold </strong> </p>';
var HTMLStringContainer = document.createElement('div');
HTMLStringContainer.innerHTML = HTMLString;
If you're having some issues with your canvas, I think your issue lies elsewhere.
Try this to set up your strings as html nodes... it is robust and will handle alot of different situation (multiple sibling nodes at the highest level for example). jsfiddle Demo
// HTML string
var s = '<p>Text <strong> bold </strong> </p>';
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = s;
var elements = div.childNodes;
//using your above canvas code
var element = elements[0];
//multiple elements
//for(var i=0; i < elements.length; i++){
I need to change this bit of jQuery..
$(function() {
$("#breadcrump").append("<div id='oldsite'>Can't find what you're looking for? Try our old website: <a href='http://www.brooksbarn.co.uk'>Old Website (brooksbarn.co.uk)</a> or<a href='mailto:info#brooksbarn.co.uk?Subject=Brooksbarn.com Part Enquiry' target='_top'>E-Mail</a></div>");
Into regular javascript, I've looked into many ways, but my lack of js knowledge seems to be my stumbling block.
Here is what I've come up with so far:
document.body.onload = addElement;
function addElement () {
// create a new div element
// and give it some content
var newDiv = document.createElement("oldsite");
var newContent = document.createTextNode("Can't find what you're looking for? Try our old website: <a href='http://www.brooksbarn.co.uk'>Old Website (brooksbarn.co.uk)</a> or<a href='mailto:info#brooksbarn.co.uk?Subject=Brooksbarn.com Part Enquiry' target='_top'>E-Mail</a>");
newDiv.appendChild(newContent); //add the text node to the newly created div.
// add the newly created element and its content into the DOM
var currentDiv = document.getElementById("breadcrump");
document.body.insertBefore(newDiv, currentDiv);
Why do you don't do that :
document.getElementById("breadcrump").innerHTML += "<div id='oldsite'>Can't find what you're looking for? Try our old website: <a href='http://www.brooksbarn.co.uk'>Old Website (brooksbarn.co.uk)</a> or<a href='mailto:info#brooksbarn.co.uk?Subject=Brooksbarn.com Part Enquiry' target='_top'>E-Mail</a></div>";
There are a couple of things you can do, easiest would be to just set the string as innerHTML
function addElem () {
var newDiv = document.createElement("div"); //create div
newDiv.id = "oldsite"; //sets id
newDiv.innerHTML = "Can't find what you're looking for? Try our old website: <a href='http://www.brooksbarn.co.uk'>Old Website (brooksbarn.co.uk)</a> or<a href='mailto:info#brooksbarn.co.uk?Subject=Brooksbarn.com Part Enquiry' target='_top'>E-Mail</a>"; //add html to new element
document.getElementById("breadcrump").appendChild(newDiv); //add it to the page
if (el.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', addElem , false);
} else if (el.attachEvent) {
el.attachEvent('onload', addElem );
I think you should add these:
1 You are creating a div, not a oldsite tag
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
2 You need to set the id
newDiv.id = "oldsite";
3 You are originally appending it:
document.body.insertBefore(newDiv, currentDiv.nextSibling);
Is this possible? Or is there a way to tack on and ID to an existing div?
This is my code. I can't get the code to work using classes, but I found when I used getElementById and changed the div to an ID, that it did. But I have a ton of already posted stuff so it would take forever to go through all those posts and change it manually to an ID.
Can I incorperate JQuery in this and still have it work? I tried that with something I stumbled across but it didn't work so I removed it. I don't remember what it is now though. :S
<div id="imdb" class="imdb">tt2382396</div>
function imdbdiv() {
var imdbmain = "http://www.imdb.com/title/";
var end = "/#overview-top";
var idnum = document.getElementsByClassName("imdb");
var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
var done = "<a href='" + imdbmain + idnum + end + "'>IMDB</a>";
newdiv.innerHTML = done;
window.onload = imdbdiv();
Can anyone help. I cannot for the life of me figure this out.
Your problem was, you were appending the collection returned by document.getElementsByClassName instead of looping through the elements in the collection. You can verify this by looking at the href property of the link in your jsFiddle. You must loop through the values, then access the data in their innerHTML property.
You can use document.querySelectorAll to get a list of all elements matching a certain CSS selector, in your case .imdb. This is more flexible, in case you want to select elements with more than one class. I've pasted the code from the updated jsFiddle below.
function imdbdiv() {
var imdbMain = "http://www.imdb.com/title/",
end = "/#overview-top",
imdbValueDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.imdb'),
length = imdbValueDivs.length,
// Iterator values
// Loop over all of your link value containers
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Create the container
newDiv = document.createElement('div');
// Create the new link
newLink = document.createElement('a');
newLink.href = imdbMain + imdbValueDivs[i].innerHTML + end;
newLink.innerHTML = "My favorite film";
// Add the link to the container,
// and add the container to the body
window.onload = imdbdiv();
If you have many such divs on your page, then it could be like this:
<div class="imdb">tt2382396</div>
<div class="imdb">tt2382396</div>
<div class="imdb">tt2382396</div>
function imdbdiv() {
var imdbmain = "http://www.imdb.com/title/";
var end = "/#overview-top";
var idnums = document.getElementsByClassName("imdb");
for (var i =0; i < idnums.length; i++) {
var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
var done = "<a href='" + imdbmain + idnums[i].innerText + end + "'>IMDB</a>";
newdiv.innerHTML = done;
window.onload = imdbdiv();
See jsfiddle
The following string was incorrect:
window.onload = imdbdiv;
Okay, so your question is a little bit unclear.
The way I understood your question is that you have a whole bunch of div elements with class attribute and what you want is to simply copy the class value to the id attribute of the div elements.
If that's correct then try something like this with jquery:
var classValue = imdbDiv.attr("class");
imdbDiv.attr("id", classValue);
Imagine I have the following HTML:
<div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div>
I want to get the HTML for the div, including the div itself. Element.innerHTML only returns:
Any ideas? Thanks
Use outerHTML:
var el = document.getElementById( 'foo' );
alert( el.outerHTML );
Expanding on jldupont's answer, you could create a wrapping element on the fly:
var target = document.getElementById('myElement');
var wrap = document.createElement('div');
I am cloning the element to avoid having to remove and reinsert the element in the actual document. This might be expensive if the element you wish to print has a very large tree below it, though.
First, put on element that wraps the div in question, put an id attribute on the element and then use getElementById on it: once you've got the lement, just do 'e.innerHTML` to retrieve the HTML.
<div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div>
<div id="wrap"><div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div></div>
and then:
var e=document.getElementById("wrap");
var content=e.innerHTML;
Note that outerHTML is not cross-browser compatible.
old question but for newcomers that come around :
You'll want something like this for it to be cross browser.
function OuterHTML(element) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
return container.innerHTML;
If you want a lighter footprint, but a longer script, get the elements innerHTML and only create and clone the empty parent-
function getHTML(who,lines){
if(!who || !who.tagName) return '';
var txt, ax, str, el= document.createElement('div');
txt= el.innerHTML;
ax= txt.indexOf('>')+1;
str= txt.substring(0, ax)+who.innerHTML+ txt.substring(ax);
el= null;
return lines? str.replace(/> *</g,'>\n<'): str;
//easier to read if elements are separated
var x = $('#container').get(0).outerHTML;
as outerHTML is IE only, use this function:
function getOuterHtml(node) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
var element = document.createElement(parent.tagName);
var html = element.innerHTML;
return html;
creates a bogus empty element of the type parent and uses innerHTML on it and then reattaches the element back into the normal dom
define function outerHTML based on support for element.outerHTML:
var temp_container = document.createElement("div"); // empty div not added to DOM
if (temp_container.outerHTML){
var outerHTML = function(el){return el.outerHTML||el.nodeValue} // e.g. textnodes do not have outerHTML
} else { // when .outerHTML is not supported
var outerHTML = function(el){
var clone = el.cloneNode(true);
outerhtml = temp_container.innerHTML;
return outerhtml;
var el = document.getElementById('foo');