When I try to initialize a websocket connection to the server running on localhost with
var webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8025/myContextRoot");
in javascript, but the server hasn't completed starting up yet, I get the error
SCRIPT12029: WebSocket Error: Network Error 12029, A connection with the server could not be established
How can I prevent this? I.e. how do I check if the server has already started or how can I force the WebSocket client to wait for the server?
What about:
var webSocketFactory = {
connectionTries: 3,
connect: function(url) {
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
ws.addEventListener("error", e => {
// readyState === 3 is CLOSED
if (e.target.readyState === 3) {
if (this.connectionTries > 0) {
setTimeout(() => this.connect(url), 5000);
} else {
throw new Error("Maximum number of connection trials has been reached");
var webSocket = webSocketFactory.connect("ws://localhost:8025/myContextRoot");
When you get a connection error, you can do a limited number of trial-errors to try to re-connect. Or you can endlessly try to reach the server.
The accepted answer is perfectly fine. I just would like to extend it a little bit further with promises.
var wsFactory = { tryCount: 3,
connect : function(url){
var ctx = this,
ws = new WebSocket(url);
return new Promise(function(v,x){
ws.onerror = e => { console.log(`WS connection attempt ${4-ctx.tryCount} -> Unsuccessful`);
e.target.readyState === 3 && --ctx.tryCount;
if (ctx.tryCount > 0) setTimeout(() => v(ctx.connect(url)), 1000);
else x(new Error("3 unsuccessfull connection attempts"));
ws.onopen = e => { console.log(`WS connection Status: ${e.target.readyState}`);
ws.onmessage = m => console.log(m.data);
.then(ws => ws.send("Hey..! This is my first socket message"))
You can't prevent (or put on hold) the WebSocket from starting / establish a connection. WebSocket automatically establishes a connection with the server when its declared. What you can do is place all your code inside onopen event handler that you want to execute on successful connection. So it would be like...
var webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8025/myContextRoot");
webSocket.onopen = function() {
// code you want to execute
check this article to know more about WebSocket.
Hence the protocol can't get queried by the server if it is not started, the only option is trial and error.
Or you could let the WebSocket server create a simple textfile with the timestamp of the startup in your web space directory where the javascript can retrieve it and than try to establish a connection. You can retrieve the textfile with XMLHttpRequest.
hell0 there!
Today I tried to send a websocket message. What am I doing wrong? I commented the code bellow so hopefully you guys can understand my goal...
// Import websocket
const websocket = require('ws');
// Create server
var socket = new websocket.Server({ port: 8080 })
// When client connects to websock server, reply with a hello world message
socket.on('connection', ws => {
ws.send('{"message":"Hello world."}'); //This works.
function send_message(msg){
/* Calculate something, await for user interaction, etc... */
// When im done with all that, just send a message.
send_message('{"message":"please work"}'); // This does not work
What am I doing wrong?
You need to keep track of the connections. How you do that is up to you
const websocket = require('ws');
const socket = new websocket.Server({ port: 8080 })
const connections = [];
socket.on('connection', ws => {
// send a new message to every connection once per second
setInterval(() => {
const date = new Date();
for (const ws of connections) {
ws.send(`hello again: ${date}`);
}, 1000);
Of course a real app would probably track the connections via something more complicated than just an array of connections. It would also need to stop tracking those connections when they disconnect etc...
const socket = new WebSocket('server_url'); // Connection opened
socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) { socket.send('send message'); });
I used the WebSocket like this to send the message.
I hope this will help you to fix the issues.
I'm currently developing a NodeJS WebSocket server. To detect broken connections I've followed this guide here:
The server side works really good but the client makes problems because I can't find a ping function.
Does anyone has an idea how I can get the client part done without the library?
const WebSocket = require('ws');
function heartbeat() {
// Use `WebSocket#terminate()`, which immediately destroys the connection,
// instead of `WebSocket#close()`, which waits for the close timer.
// Delay should be equal to the interval at which your server
// sends out pings plus a conservative assumption of the latency.
this.pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 30000 + 1000);
const client = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org/');
client.on('open', heartbeat);
client.on('ping', heartbeat);
client.on('close', function clear() {
One main problem is that there is no ping method I think:
client.on('open') -> client.onopen available in JavaScript
client.on('close') -> client.onclose available in JavaScript
client.on('ping') -> How? Just how?
There is no Javascript API to send ping frames or receive pong frames. This is either supported by your browser, or not. There is also no API to enable, configure or detect whether the browser supports and is using ping/pong frames.
Sad but true, in case of the ping frame, the API does not support it as mentioned in previous answers.
The most popular workaround is to listen to the close event and try to reconnect to the server using an interval.
This tutorial is easy to understand and contains most use-cases to begin with WS:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/ws");
let that = this; // cache the this
var connectInterval;
var check = () => {
const { ws } = this.state;
if (!ws || ws.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSED) this.connect(); //check if websocket instance is closed, if so call `connect` function.
// websocket onopen event listener
ws.onopen = () => {
console.log("connected websocket main component");
this.setState({ ws: ws });
that.timeout = 250; // reset timer to 250 on open of websocket connection
clearTimeout(connectInterval); // clear Interval on on open of websocket connection
// websocket onclose event listener
ws.onclose = e => {
`Socket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in ${Math.min(
10000 / 1000,
(that.timeout + that.timeout) / 1000
)} second.`,
that.timeout = that.timeout + that.timeout; //increment retry interval
connectInterval = setTimeout(this.check, Math.min(10000, that.timeout)); //call check function after timeout
// websocket onerror event listener
ws.onerror = err => {
"Socket encountered error: ",
"Closing socket"
I think what you are look for on the client is onmessage:
client.onmessage = function (event) {
All messages sent from the server can be listened to this way. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API/Writing_WebSocket_client_applications
I have an API in C# (asp.net) in which i'm running this websocket server using fleck:
SocketService.server.Start(socket =>
socket.OnOpen = () =>
socket.OnClose = () =>
socket.OnMessage = message =>
SocketService.Messaggio(message, socket);
This is SocketService.Start():
public static void start()
server = new WebSocketServer($"wss://{GetLocalIPAddress()}:{"4450"}/BNS/");
I have tried with a simple HTML/JS page using unsecure ws and it worked fine.
Then I have tried in my main program which i need it to be run on HTTPS so when using unsecure ws chrome told me to use wss instead.
So i change my ws server to wss but then it does nothing, it gives me timeout error.
This is the JS code:
var start = function () {
var wsImpl = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket;
var form = document.getElementById('sendForm');
var input = document.getElementById('sendText');
// create a new websocket and connect
window.ws = new wsImpl('#Percorsi.IndirizzoSocket');
// when the connection is established, this method is called
ws.onopen = function () {
alert("Connessione aperta");
var openJson = {
"Id": "#Model.accountCorrente.Id",
"type": "Identificazione"
// when the connection is closed, this method is called
ws.onclose = function () {
alert("Connessione chiusa");
// when data is comming from the server, this metod is called
ws.onmessage = function (val) {
if (confirm("Hai ricevuto un nuovo messaggio!\nPremi ok per visualizzarlo.")) {
window.location("/Annunci/Chat/" + val);
} else { }
I can't figured out how to make it works.
Thanks in advance for your help!
It seems like you are not setting the server certificate to be used under WS over TLS (not to be confused with HTTPS which is HTTP over TLS).
If you see the example in fleck's webpage, you will realize that you have to set the Certificate:
server.Certificate = new X509Certificate2("MyCert.pfx");
My coffee code to establish websocket connection when it isn't present return an error:
socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080')
#=> Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://localhost:8080/.
#=> socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
It's normal behaviour of WebSocket, but I want WebSockets work like this:
# pseudocode
if websocket.establish_connection()
# do thing #1
do thing no.2
I think about try...catch but I think it's dirty. Is there any other way of troubleshooting?
Its not actually throwing an Error, the program execution continues. Its simply logging the error (asynchronously) to the console. To handle connection failures, you can bind to the sockets onerror event.
Something like this could work:
function establishWSConnection(url) {
return new Promise(function(res, rej) {
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
ws.onerror = rej;
ws.onopen = function () {
ws.onerror = null;
establishWSConnection('ws://localhost:1234').then(function(ws) {
// do stuff
I am new to node.js. How to detect client is disconnected from node.js server .
Here is my code:
var net = require('net');
var http = require('http');
var host = '';
var port = 12345;//
var server = net.createServer(function (stream) {
stream.on('data', function (data) {
var comm = JSON.parse(data);
if (comm.action == "Join_Request" && comm.gameId =="game1") // join request getting from client
var reply0 = new Object();
reply0.message = "WaitRoom";
stream.write(JSON.stringify(reply0) + "\0");
stream.on('disconnect', function() {
stream.on('close', function () {
stream.on('error', function () {
How to know client side internet disconnection.
The best way to detect "dead sockets" is to send periodic application-level ping/keepalive messages. What that message looks like depends on the protocol you're using for communicating over the socket. Then it's just a matter of using a timer or other means of checking if you've received a "ping response" within a certain period of time after you sent the ping/keepalive message to the client.
On a semi-related note, it looks like you're using JSON messages for communication, but you're assuming a complete JSON string on every data event which is a bad assumption. Try using a delimiter (a newline is pretty common for something like this, and it makes debugging the communication more human-readable) instead.
Here is a simple example of how to achieve this:
var PING_TIMEOUT = 5000, // how long to wait for client to respond
WAIT_TIMEOUT = 5000; // duration of "silence" from client until a ping is sent
var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {
var buffer = '',
function send(obj) {
stream.write(JSON.stringify(obj) + '\n');
stream.on('data', function(data) {
// stop our timers if we've gotten any kind of data
// from the client, whether it's a ping response or
// not, we know their connection is still good.
buffer += data;
var idx;
// because `data` can be a chunk of any size, we could
// have multiple messages in our buffer, so we check
// for that here ...
while (~(idx = buffer.indexOf('\n'))) {
try {
var comm = JSON.parse(buffer.substring(0, idx));
// join request getting from client
if (comm.action === "Join_Request" && comm.gameId === "game1") {
send({ message: 'WaitRoom' });
} catch (ex) {
// some error occurred, probably from trying to parse invalid JSON
// update our buffer
buffer = buffer.substring(idx + 1);
// we wait for more data, if we don't see anything in
// WAIT_TIMEOUT milliseconds, we send a ping message
waitTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
send({ message: 'Ping' });
// we sent a ping, now we wait for a ping response
pingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
// if we've gotten here, we are assuming the
// connection is dead because the client did not
// at least respond to our ping message
stream.destroy(); // or stream.end();
// other event handlers and logic ...
You could also just have one interval instead of two timers that checks a "last data received" timestamp against the current timestamp and if it exceeds some length of time and we have sent a ping message recently, then you assume the socket/connection is dead. You could also instead send more than one ping message and if after n ping messages are sent and no response is received, close the connection at that point (this is basically what OpenSSH does).
There are many ways to go about it. However you may also think about doing the same on the client side, so that you know the server didn't lose its connection either.