How to make python dictionary from big Javascript object - javascript

I have one string. which represents JavaScript object.
When i'm using json.loads() python raises Exception: JSONDecodeError: Extra data.
What i'm doing wrong?
P.S.: It's dynamic object, I can't change him

As #DSupreme says, there are extra characters in your data.
This can be caused from various reasons, one being stringifying JSON files and parsing in different programs and languages. If you need to verify if a JSON string is in a correct format, you can use verifying tools such as .
For your specific problem, there is an extra ' at the beginning of your string, / for escaping characters and you're also missing the double quote in the end of your string.

Is this what you are looking for
Things i changed:
Removed ' in the beginning
Remove extra / used for escaping double quotes
Added double quotes in the end
app engine, Linux,
you know python and have at least some knowledge of app engine
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Developer","createdOn":"2017-02-01T04:00:20+00:00","type":2,"ciphertext":"~019767ae6381e97a90","description":"Python</span> Developer who can read and
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Mobile & Software Dev",
"subcategory2":"Other - Software Development",
"duration":"Less than 1 week",
"engagement":"Less than 10"

Problem was in { } at the end and begin of the string


Path separator for Atom / JavaScript on Windows

I have developed an Atom package which calls SyncTeX (a utility for reverse lookup for LaTeX), and then opens in Atom the file specified in the SyncTeX response. I'm developing on Linux, but now a user on Windows tells me that this doesn't work.
In detail: SyncTeX returns a pathname like C:\data\tex\main.tex, with Windows-appropriate backslash separators. My package then calls with exactly that returned string, which leads to a JavaScript error (file not found).
Strangely, if the string is modified to use forward slashes instead, C:/data/tex/main.tex, the call works and the file is opened.
My questions:
Is this behavior specific to Atom, or to some underlying technology (JavaScript, Electron, Node, ...)? I was unable to find any documentation on this.
Since the replacement \ → / is apparently necessary, is there a preferred way to implement it? Would a simple String.replace be adequate?
Do I risk breaking compatibility with other platforms if I always do the replacement?
By my best knowledge paths with forward slashes '/' work well everywhere except Windows XP.

Debugging JavaScript minification errors (in Liferay 6.2)

Liferay 6.2. tries to use best practices and JS minification is one of them.
But what do you do when your unminified JavaScript works and minification produces errors like this (in Tomcat console):
12:23:48,794 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-10][MinifierUtil:111] 607: 21: identifier is a reserved word
12:23:48,797 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-10][MinifierUtil:111] 608: 45: identifier is a reserved word
12:23:48,802 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-10][MinifierUtil:111] 1: 0: Compilation produced 2 syntax errors.
12:23:48,805 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-10][MinifierUtil:88] JavaScript Minifier failed for_________ AUI().use('node', 'aui-base', 'aui-io-request', 'aui
[MinifierUtil:111] 607: 21: and [MinifierUtil:111] 608: 45: are not line numbers in your code (jsp/ftl/...) as man expects from console log and googling "identifier is a reserved word" or "JavaScript Minifier failed for_________" helped me almost nothing (ok, I knew about normally).
Pasting code between <script> and </script> to JS lint or hint or any other JS tool is not an option as it contains many JAVA and spring/freemarker/liferay tags etc...
So - my question is - as I wasn't able to find best practices / methodologies for debugging this - what is your opinion (or even better - experience :)) ?
Well, you solved the problem in another way - just some pointers should you (or someone else) run into this issue again:
Minifier reports Line number and Offset in these error messages, but they're related to the content that the minifier sees - e.g. not in your JSP, FTL or other file, but in whatever gets passed to the minifier.
The way to read the minifier log is:
Line 607, column 21 as well as Line 608, column 45 have a problem
In the following line, you see JavaScript Minifier failed for_________ AUI().use('node', 'aui-base', 'aui-io-request', 'aui which is the first part of the content that the minifier sees - locating this code, you might be able to identify which content gets passed to the minifier and count down the lines (well, jump down 607 lines from there)
Side issues: Agreeing with #Origineil that the startup time rather points to another issue that you have - it shouldn't be that much unless you deliberately have processes running at startup. E.g. if you're running a cluster and each machine keeps its own lucene index, you must reindex at startup. If you want to work around that, two indexes might not be what you're after. But it's only an example, and you didn't ask for this. I just wanted to add some pointers. I assume that you have tuned your JVM memory settings already and are not running with the default bundle's settings?
I finally managed to solve the problem by:
copying the rendered (and unminified(!)) code between <script> and </script> and
paste it to JShint/lint/online minifier and re-check it there,
but I still wonder if there is some better way... (changing server properties from developer to production and back means restarting server few times at least and that takes about 300 seconds (only for restart) on my new(!) i7 vPro 64GB, SSD HDD workstation, so I try to avoid it as much as I can :)).
BTW: unminified code had some "deprecated" but simple ECMA methods that worked normally in JSFiddle and all latest browsers on my Win8.1...

encodeURIComponent encodes differently, depending on environment

I am passing an object via the url using:
"ä" is encoded as "%C3%A4" on my local server.
Unfortunately it is encoded as "a%CC%88" on the webserver.
Which breaks my app because it is part of the name of a database field which isn't found when wrong encoded. And I can't control that there are no ä's in field names because the app allows users to upload their own data.
How can I make sure that "ä" is always encoded correctly?
SORRY. To make this clear: The encoding happens both times client-side in the browser. But when the web-app is served from the webserver the "ä" is encoded as "%C3%A4" instead of "a%CC%88" (I've tested both in the same chrome browser)
Thanks for all your help. It got me to dig deeper:
I have code that runs on an event. It loops through checkboxes and creates an array of objects containing (also) the field names. The code gets the field names from an attribute named "feld" of the checkbox:
<div class="checkbox">
<input class="feld_waehlen" type="checkbox" dstyp="Taxonomie" datensammlung="SISF Index 2 (2005)" feld="Artname vollständig">Artname vollständig
running this code:
console.log("this.getAttribute('feld') = " + this.getAttribute('feld'));
gives as expected: $(this).attr('feld') = Artname vollständig
If while looping, I run:
console.log('encodeURIComponent("Artname vollständig") = ' + encodeURIComponent("Artname vollständig"));
the answer is correct: encodeURIComponent("Artname vollständig") = Artname%20vollst%C3%A4ndig
But if I run:
console.log("encodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('feld')) = " + encodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('feld')));
the answer is: encodeURIComponent(this.getAttribute('feld')) = Artname%20vollsta%CC%88ndig
This happens all in the browser. But the issue only appears, when the web-app is served from the webserver (a couchapp running on
How can it be that the method "getAttribute" returns a different encoding?
The following code has been tested on Chrome 29 OS X, IE 8 Windows XP.
encodeURIComponent("ä") //%C3%A4"
decodeURIComponent("%C3%A4") //ä
so basically "%C3%A4" should be the expected output.
I think the issue here might be encodeURIComponent require a UTF-8 encoding while your server-side language returns something other than this.
encodeURICompoent - MDN
just a follow up in case somebody runs into this issue later.
It seems to be unique to where my couchapp was hosted.
This is the answer I got from their very helpful support:
OK - I think I've found the culprit. The issue is that, due to internal optimisations (which are not present in CouchDB), the form of unicode strings can get changed. In this case, ä is represented as:
U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A character
U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS character (̈)
instead of
Both are semantically equivalent, so the fix is to normalize your unicode strings before comparison. Unfortunately, JavaScript has no built-in unicode normalization, but you can use a library such as
It's not an issue for me any more as I changed to a virtual server running on with vanilla couchdb (and am very happy with it).
But I do think this could hit others developing couchapps in German or other languages needing utf8 and hosting them on
Thanks for your great help.

Advanced Javascript Obfuscation

I've been training heavily in JS obfuscation, starting to know my way around all advanced concepts, but I recently found an obfuscated code, I believe it is some form of "Native Javascript Code", I just can't find ANY documentation on this type of obfuscation :
Here is a small extract :
It is called this way :
Since the code is the work of another and I encoutered it in a JS challenge I'm not posting the full code, so the example I gave won't work, but the full code does work.
So here is my question:
What type of code is this? And where can I learn more about it?
Any suggestions appreciated :)
It's just a string with the characters escaped. You can read it in the JavaScript console in any browser:
will print:
"a=prompt('Entrez "
It's just escaped characters, one part outputting the string of a query and another actually running the returned string - try calling it in a console.
Might help?
These numbers is the ascii codes ( of characters (in Octal representation).
You can convert it to characters. This is used when somebody wants to make an XSS attack, or wants to hide the js code.
So the string what you written represents:
The js engines, browsers can translate the octal format to the 'real' string. With eval function it could run. (in case the 'translated' code has no syntax errors)

How can you set up Eclipse to remove trailing whitespace when saving a JavaScript file?

I am running Eclipse 3.6 (Helios 20110218-0911) on Ubuntu 11.04. Under Preferences, I have gone to the following panel:
JavaScript -> Editor -> Save Actions.
The "Additional actions" checkbox is checked and "Remove trailing whitespaces on all lines" is selected.
Nevertheless, when I save my JavaScript file in Eclipse, there is still trailing whitespace at the end of my lines.
What am I missing?
'Save Actions' for JavaScript is available in the JavaScript project(the project with JavaScript nature) only.
(If you can see 'Convert to JavaScript Project' in 'Configure' menu when right-click the project, try it)
I recently faced the same problem. The only way I found is to convert your project to Javascript project. Right click your project folder in the Explorer, choose [Configure] -> [Convert to Javascript project] and the Javascript Save Action will start to work.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to convert it back.
Since it's not a big problem for me, the way Converting it to javascript project indeed helps me a lot.
For the latest Eclipse -
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200
The default key-binding shift+ctrl+backspace, which binds to the function "Removes the trailing whitespace of each line" will remove trailing space chars for the entire file.
(The key-binding shift+ctrl+backspace is probably already there in many earlier releases as well.)
