How to move mail to junk folder - Thunderbird - javascript

I have some problem with move incoming email to junk folder. I'm writing Thunderbird extension and I use function CopyMessage() from nsIMsgMessageService to move incoming mail to junk folder.
I have problem with use this function. In documentation of this function, is writing "Pass in the URI for the message you want to have copied. aCopyListener already knows about the destination folder." Variable aCopyListener is a interface from nsIStreamListener and i don't see any properties who would have information about the destination incoming mail. How to properly use this function and copy message to junky folder?
Link for documentation:
function listMessages(aFolder) {
let database = aFolder.msgDatabase;
for each (let msgHdr in fixIterator(database.EnumerateMessages(),
Components.interfaces.nsIMsgDBHdr)) {
let title = msgHdr.mime2DecodedSubject;
let messenger = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIMessenger);
let listener = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISyncStreamListener);
let uri = msgHdr.folder.getUriForMsg(msgHdr);
var messageService = messenger.messageServiceFromURI(uri);
messenger.messageServiceFromURI(uri).streamMessage(uri, listener, null, null, false, "");
let folder = msgHdr.folder;
let messageBody = folder.getMsgTextFromStream(listener.inputStream,
{ });
var incomingMail = folder.server.rootFolder.getChildNamed("Odebrane");
var junkyMail = folder.server.rootFolder.getChildNamed("Niechciane");
messageService.CopyMessage(incomingMail.URI, listener, true, null, null, new Object);
aFolder.msgDatabase = null;

Here's what I use to copy the currently selected message to another folder:
var msgs = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray);
msgs.appendElement(gFolderDisplay.selectedMessage, false);
var isMove = false;
var copyService = MailServices.copy; // nsIMsgCopyService
let destFolder = gFolderDisplay.displayedFolder.rootFolder;
copyService.CopyMessages(gFolderDisplay, msgs, destFolder, isMove, CopyListener, null, false);


Blob would be exported before changes are made to the files

I wrote a google script to generate resume and cover letter faster. It does the following
use ui.prompt to input content
create a folder and copy docs to the folder
replace keyword to content
convert docs to pdf in the folder
However, somehow the docs would be converted to PDFs before the keywords were replaced.
I have tried below but to no avail:
async awaits to wait for the main function before starting exporting PDFs
use utilities.sleep() to delay the exports
I have the main function and export function below for your information.
function jobHuntAutomation() {
//UI prompts for documents
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
var companyName = ui.prompt('Cover Letter', 'Enter Company Name: \n', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
var positionName = ui.prompt('Cover Letter', 'Enter Position Name: \n', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
var hiringManagerName = ui.prompt('Cover Letter', 'Enter Hiring Manager Name: \n', ui.ButtonSet.OK);
//Create some file name strings
var folderName = `${companyName.getResponseText()}_${positionName.getResponseText()}`
var coverLetterName = `${companyName.getResponseText()}_${positionName.getResponseText()}_Coverletter`
var resumeName = `${companyName.getResponseText()}_${positionName.getResponseText()}_Resume`
//Get new folder object and Id
var newFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(mainFolderId).createFolder(folderName);
var newFolderId = newFolder.getId();
var newFolderUrl = newFolder.getUrl()
//Make a copy
console.log('Making Copies')
DocumentApp.getUi().showModalDialog(modalMessage('Making Copies...'), 'Status');
var coverLetterId = DriveApp.getFileById(coverLetterTemplateId).makeCopy(coverLetterName, newFolder).getId();
var resumeId = DriveApp.getFileById(resumeTemplateId).makeCopy(resumeName, newFolder).getId();
DocumentApp.getUi().showModalDialog(modalMessage('Updating Content...'), 'Status');
//Get the coverLetter document body as a variable
var coverLetterBody = DocumentApp.openById(coverLetterId).getBody();
//Get the resume document body as a variable
var resumeBody = DocumentApp.openById(resumeId).getBody();
//Update Content
doc.replaceText(keyword, input.getResponseText())
//you get the idea
//export PDFs
convertToPdf(resumeId, newFolder)
convertToPdf(coverLetterId, newFolder)
DocumentApp.getUi().showModalDialog(folderLink(newFolderUrl), 'Link');
function convertToPdf(fileId, dest) {
doc = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
docblob = doc.getAs('application/pdf');
console.log(`Converting ${doc.getName()}...`)
/* Add the PDF extension */
docblob.setName(doc.getName() + ".pdf");
// add file to the dest Folder
It would be much appreciated if someone knows a solution to export PDFs AFTER the keywords are replaced. TIA
I figured it out. the docs need to be saveAndClose() before exporting so the changes would be flushed

JSX/Photoshop: app.activeDocument.saveAs() returning error

I'm trying to save the activeDocument as a .psd but its returning this error
ERROR: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
my script:
#target photoshop
var fileRef = new File(app.path.toString() + "/Samples/template.psd");
var docRef = open(fileRef);
//target text layer
var layerRef = app.activeDocument.layers.getByName("Text");
//user input
var newText = prompt("Editing " +, "enter new text: ");
//change contents
layerRef.textItem.contents = newText;
var savePath = "/Samples/" + newText + ".psd";
var saveFile = new File(savePath);
var saveOptions = new PhotoshopSaveOptions();
saveOptions.alphaChannels = false;
saveOptions.annotations = false;
saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
saveOptions.layers = true;
saveOptions.spotColors = false;
app.activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
what I want to do is basically, duplicate a template file over and over, only replacing the contents of a text layer then saving it under the string I replace in the text layer.
any tips or help is greatly appreciated.
I fixed my problem, by a work around. I moved both the script and the template file into the Photoshop directory and added app.path.toString() to the saveFile output variable. So it seems that the path needed to be converted to a string before saving.
As of yet I am unsure how to work outside the Photoshop directory but for me this works so I'm happy. It's a fairly crude but I'm open to suggestion. So if anyone is having a similar issue they can use this for reference.
#target photoshop
var loop = true;
var filePath = "/Samples/template.psd";
while(loop) {
var layerRef = app.activeDocument.layers.getByName("Text"); //target text layer
var newText = prompt("Editing " +, "enter new text: "); //user input
if(newText == "stop") { //stop loop by entering 'stop'
loop = false;
layerRef.textItem.contents = newText;
var savePath = app.path.toString() + "/Samples/" + newText + ".psd";
var saveFile = new File(savePath);
function openTemplate(filePath) { //open template.psd
var fileRef = new File(app.path.toString() + filePath);
var docRef = open(fileRef);
function savePSD(saveFile) { //saveas newText.psd
var saveOptions = new PhotoshopSaveOptions();
saveOptions.alphaChannels = false;
saveOptions.annotations = false;
saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
saveOptions.layers = true;
saveOptions.spotColors = false;
app.activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
I suspect the problem with your original attempt is that you are not specifying a full path. I always provide a full path - even if it is just to a temporary location like '/c/temp/myfile.psd'.
app.path returns a File object, not a string. In your case, you most likely want the platform-specific fullpath string:
var appPath = app.path.fsName; // "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022"
Regardless if paths are correct, if you're attempting to save anything to a directory located inside the Photoshop installation directory, you will probably need to run Photoshop as administrator.

Copy file from addon to profile folder

I'm trying to copy a sqlite database from the data folder in my extension directory, to the profile folder, in order to use it.
So for now, I'm trying with that:
const {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
const {NetUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
const data = require('sdk/self').data;
var file = Cc[";1"].
get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
file.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
// Then, we need an output stream to our output file.
var ostream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
ostream.init(file, -1, -1, 0);
// Finally, we need an input stream to take data from.
var iStreamData = NetUtil.ioService.newChannel(data.url("searchEngines.sqlite"), null, null).open();
let istream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream);
istream.setData(iStreamData, iStreamData.length);
NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, function(aResult) {
console.log(aResult); // return 0
console.log(FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["searchEngines.sqlite"]).exists()); // return false
let dbConn =;
The file seems to exist since the console.log(file.exists()) return FALSE and is not populated (the console.log(aResult) return 0).
Where is my mistake, and is there a better way to do that?
Besides that it uses sync I/O (opening the channel with .open instead of .asyncOpen), the NetUtil.asyncCopy operation is still async, meaning the code
NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, function(aResult) {
console.log(aResult); // return 0
console.log(FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["searchEngines.sqlite"]).exists()); // return false
let dbConn =;
will try to open the file before the copy likely finishes!
However, file.exists() will be likely true, because you already opened the file for writing. It's just that the file is still blank because the data copy isn't done (or even started) yet. (Actually, it is true, because you're checking searchEngines.sqlite in ProfD and not TmpD, but if you correct that the previous statement would apply).
You can only use the file when/after your callback to .asyncCopy is done, e.g.
NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, function(aResult) {
console.log(FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["searchEngines.sqlite"]).exists()); // return false
let dbConn =;
// ...
PS: You might want to .asyncOpen the channel, then use NetUtil.asyncFetch and pass the resulting stream to .asyncCopy to be truly async for smallish files, since this caches the contents in memory first.
For large files you could create a variant of the NetUtil.asyncFetch implementation that feeds the .outputStream end directly to NetUtils.asyncCopy. That is a bit more complicated, so I won't be writing this up in detail until somebody is truly interested in this and ask the corresponding question.
Edit, so here is how I'd write it:
const data = require('sdk/self').data;
function copyDataURLToFile(url, file, callback) {
NetUtil.asyncFetch(url, function(istream) {
var ostream = Cc[";1"].
ostream.init(file, -1, -1, Ci.nsIFileOutputStream.DEFER_OPEN);
NetUtil.asyncCopy(istream, ostream, function(result) {
callback && callback(file, result);
var file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
copyDataURLToFile(data.url("searchEngine.sqlite"), file, function(file, result) {
Try using OS.File it's much more straight forward.
var fromPath = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["searchEngines.sqlite"]).path;
var toPath = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", ["searchEngines.sqlite"]).path;;
var promise = OS.File.copy(fromPath, toPath);
var dbConn;
function(aStat) {
alert('success will now open connection');
dbConn =;
function(aReason) {
console.log('promise rejected', aReason);
alert('copy failed, see console for details');

How can I use these Node modules to accept HTML through a file or URL and then output JSON as validation of existing HTML elements?

Essentially what I need to do is to take a local grader.js file and then use it at the command line to input HTML, which will then output JSON data to the console to validate the existence of several HTML elements. The usage looks something like this:
./grader.js --checks checks.json --file index.html
./grader.js --checks checks.json --url
The Node modules being used are Commander (for working at the command line), Cheerio (for HTML), and Restler (for getting HTML from URL).
The checks.json file is straightforward in that it's simply asking to check for the existence of a few simple HTML elements to find out whether or not they exist on the page:
The grader.js file is where things get a little more complicated. The following code actually works insofar as it takes the command line arguments and does indicate a true or false value as to whether the HTML elements exist. But it doesn't work properly after adding the URL check at the bottom. There is something wrong with my checkURL function and the way that I implement it using the Commander code at the bottom. Even though the true and false values are correct dependent upon the HTML file/URL I use, I end up spitting out both checks to the console even if I only want to check either the file or the URL, not both. I'm fairly new to this so I'm surprised that it works at all. It may have something to do with the default values, but when I try to make those changes the checkURL function seems to break down. Thanks in advance for your help I really do appreciate it.
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs');
var program = require('commander');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var rest = require('restler');
var HTMLFILE_DEFAULT = "index.html";
var CHECKSFILE_DEFAULT = "checks.json";
var URL_DEFAULT = "";
var assertFileExists = function(infile) {
var instr = infile.toString();
if(!fs.existsSync(instr)) {
console.log("%s does not exist. Exiting.", instr);
process.exit(1); //
return instr;
var cheerioHtmlFile = function(htmlfile) {
return cheerio.load(fs.readFileSync(htmlfile));
var loadChecks = function(checksfile) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(checksfile));
var checkHtmlFile = function(htmlfile, checksfile) {
$ = cheerioHtmlFile(htmlfile);
var checks = loadChecks(checksfile).sort();
var out = {};
for(var ii in checks) {
var present = $(checks[ii]).length > 0;
out[checks[ii]] = present;
return out;
var checkUrl = function(url, checksfile) {
rest.get(url).on('complete', function(data) {
$ = cheerio.load(data);
var checks = loadChecks(checksfile).sort();
var out = {};
for(var ii in checks) {
var present = $(checks[ii]).length > 0;
out[checks[ii]] = present;
var clone = function(fn) {
// Workaround for commander.js issue.
return fn.bind({});
if(require.main == module) {
.option('-f, --file <html_file>', 'Path to index.html', clone(assertFileExists), HTMLFILE_DEFAULT)
.option('-u, --url <url>', 'URL to index.html', URL_DEFAULT)
.option('-c, --checks <check_file>', 'Path to checks.json', clone(assertFileExists), CHECKSFILE_DEFAULT)
var checkJson = checkHtmlFile(program.file, program.checks);
var outJson = JSON.stringify(checkJson, null, 4);
var checkJson2 = checkUrl(program.url, program.checks);
var outJson2 = JSON.stringify(checkJson2, null, 4);
else {
exports.checkHtmlFile = checkHtmlFile;
Depending on the arguments call either one of checkHtmlFile() or checkUrl()
Something like:
if (program.url)
checkUrl(program.url, program.checks);
else checkHtmlFile(program.file, program.checks);
Read this for more references: commander.js option parsing
Also, checkJson2 is undefined as checkUrl() isn't returning anything.
Those commander .option lines look wrong to me.
Delete the clone function and revise your option lines as follows:
.option('-f, --file <html_file>', 'Path to index.html', HTMLFILE_DEFAULT)
.option('-u, --url <url>', 'URL to index.html', URL_DEFAULT)
.option('-c, --checks <check_file>', 'Path to checks.json', CHECKSFILE_DEFAULT)
This should solve your commander problem.
Here is the updated checkUrl function after the helpful hints from #David and #ankitsabharwal.
var checkUrl = function(url, checksfile) {
rest.get(url).on('complete', function(data) {
$ = cheerio.load(data);
var checks = loadChecks(checksfile).sort();
var out = {};
for(var ii in checks) {
var present = $(checks[ii]).length > 0;
out[checks[ii]] = present;
var outJson = JSON.stringify(out, null, 4);
And here is the updated Commander code below:
if(require.main == module) {
.option('-f, --file <html_file>', 'Path to index.html')
.option('-u, --url <url>', 'URL to index.html')
.option('-c, --checks <check_file>', 'Path to checks.json')
if (program.url) {
checkUrl(program.url, program.checks);
} else {
checkHtmlFile (program.file, program.checks);
var checkJson = checkHtmlFile(program.file, program.checks);
var outJson = JSON.stringify(checkJson, null, 4);

Keep Firefox add-on localStorage when user removes offline data

I'm using localStorage in my Firefox add-on in this way:
var ioService = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
var scriptSecManager = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptSecurityManager);
var domStorageManager = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMStorageManager);
var uri = ioService.newURI('', null, null);
var principal = scriptSecManager.getNoAppCodebasePrincipal ? scriptSecManager.getNoAppCodebasePrincipal(uri) : scriptSecManager.getCodebasePrincipal(uri);
var localStorage = domStorageManager.getLocalStorageForPrincipal(principal, '');
All works fine, but when user removes "offline data" storage is cleared. How can i workround it?
Use the preferences service to store the data in the user's profile.
var prefService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefService),
prefs = prefService.getBranch("extensions.YOUREXTENSIONABBREVIATIONHERE.");
var stringValue = "My Name",
booleanValue = true,
numberValue = 55;
prefs.setCharPref("stringParam", stringValue);
prefs.setBoolPref("booleanParam", booleanValue);
prefs.setCharPref("numberParam", ''+numberValue);
prefService.savePrefFile(null); // only to force an immediate save
stringValue = prefs.getCharPref("stringParam");
booleanValue = prefs.getBoolPref("booleanParam");
numberValue = parseInt(prefs.getCharPref("numberParam"), 10);
Put a defaults.js file in your defaults/preferences folder and initialize preferences for a new user. You'll get an error if you try to retrieve a preference that doesn't exist and there's no way to check if it exists.
Look here:
