What is wrong with my topology sort - javascript

var input = ["KittenService: ", "Leetmeme: Cyberportal", "Cyberportal: Ice", "CamelCaser: KittenService", "Fraudstream: Leetmeme", "Ice: "];
var output = [];
function valid(input) {
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var array = input[i].trim().split(':');
var packageName = array[0].trim();
var dependencyName = array[1].trim();
if (array.length > 1 && dependencyName === '') {
if (output.indexOf(packageName) === -1) {
} else {
} else if (array.length > 1 && dependencyName !== '') {
if (output.indexOf(dependencyName) === -1) {
if (output.indexOf(dependencyName) > -1) {
if (output.indexOf(packageName) > -1) {
} else {
} else if (output.indexOf(dependencyName) > -1) {
return output.join(', ');
I am trying to figure out a way to get the following output:
"KittenService, Ice, Cyberportal, Leetmeme, CamelCaser, Fraudstream"
Right now it logs:
'KittenService, Cyberportal, Leetmeme, Ice, CamelCaser, Fraudstream'
I heard topology sort can fix this, but I am not sure how to implement tsort. How can I do this, or there is other method I can use to fix this? I want to do this without additional library.

Some issues:
The second push in your code is not verifying whether the item that is pushed has some dependencies. For example, the dependency Cyberportal is pushed, but you did not check whether there is maybe a pair where Cyberportal itself has a dependency: which there is... In general, this might then also repeat for the dependency you may find: that also can have another dependency. So you need an iterative or recursive solution here.
The return after the first else is wrong. In some cases this will make your output incomplete. Try your code with the same input, but then "CamelCaser: KittenService" moved to the start of the input array. You'll only get two elements in your output because of this bug.
It is useless to check just after that push whether the pushed element is in the array. You don't need that first if (output.indexOf(dependencyName) > -1): it will always be true.
The other occurrence of if (output.indexOf(dependencyName) > -1) is also useless, as it also will always be true.
It is useless to check for array.length > 1 when you have just applied a method (trim()) to the second element.
You should not let a function put its result in a global variable. Instead create output as a variable local to the function, and return that variable (not a .join() result).
Even with corrections, the algorithm does not have a linear time complexity, since you have indexOf (which is O(n)) within a loop that is also O(n), resulting in a O(n²) time complexity. Yet this can be done in linear time.
I assume that a certain value is only dependent on at most one other element -- not counting indirect dependencies via that single dependency --, as your notation (with the colon) seems to imply that.
My suggestion is to make use of hash tables, using Set and Map, which provide constant access to their elements. Secondly, with recursion you can make sure to output an element's dependencies first before outputting the element itself.
Here is the ES6 code:
function valid(input) {
let result = new Set(),
pairs = new Map(input.map(s => s.split(': '))),
loop = (_, key) => { // Recursive function to add key with dependencies
if (pairs.get(key)) { // Has dependency
loop(_, pairs.get(key)); // Recurse to add dependencies first
pairs.set(key, null); // Clear dependency
// After dependencies were added, now add this key
result.add(key); // Duplicates are ignored
pairs.forEach(loop); // Call loop for every element
return [...result]; // Convert Set to Array: order is kept
// Sample run:
var input = ["KittenService: ", "Leetmeme: Cyberportal", "Cyberportal: Ice",
"CamelCaser: KittenService", "Fraudstream: Leetmeme", "Ice: "];
var result = valid(input);
If you do not have ES6 support, you can use plain objects instead of Set and Map. And use normal functions instead of arrow notation.


How to detect duplicate characters in an Array, and create an argument accordingly?

Good evening, I attempting to detect duplicate characters in a string. More specifically, I am trying to find up to two different duplicates within an Array. If there is one duplicate, add a sub-string, and if there is another duplicate, add a different sub-string. Is there any way to do this?
Here is some example code I have so far:
var CodeFieldArray = ["Z80.0", "Z80.1", "Z80.0", "Z70.4"];
/* We have an array here used to create the final string at the end of the
code. It is a dummy array with similar variables in my actual code. For
reference sake, there may be only one object in the array, or 7 total,
depending on the user's input, which is where the duplicate detection should
come in, in case the user enters in multiples of the same code. */
var i, Index;
for (i = 0, L = 0; i < CodeFieldArray.length; i++) {
Index = CodeFieldArray[i].indexOf(CodeFieldArray[i]);
if(Index > -1) L += 1;
Extra0 = CodeFieldArray.indexOf("Z80.8");
Extra1 = CodeFieldArray.indexOf("Z80.9");
if(L >= 2 && Extra0 == -1) CodeFieldArray.push("Z80.8");
Extra0 = CodeFieldArray.indexOf("Z80.8");
if(L >= 4 && Extra0 != -1 && Extra1 == -1) CodeFieldArray.push("Z80.9");
/*^ we attempted to create arguments where if there are duplicates
'detected', it will push, "Z80.8" or, "Z80.9" to the end of the Array. They
get added, but only when there are enough objects in the Array... it is not
actually detecting for duplicates within the Array itself^*/
function UniqueCode(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
CodeFieldArray = CodeFieldArray.filter(UniqueCode);
FamilyCodes.value = CodeFieldArray.join(", ");
/* this is where we turn the Array into a string, separated by commas. The expected output would be "Z80.0, Z80.1, Z70.4, Z80.8"*/
I have it to where it will add "Z80.8" or "z80.9" if they are not present, but they are being added, only if there are enough objects in the Array. My for-loop isn't detecting specifically the duplicates themselves. If there was a way to detect specifically the duplicates, and create an argument based off of that, then we would be doing grand. The expected output would be "Z80.0, Z80.1, Z70.4, Z80.8"
You can use Set and forEach and includes
var CodeFieldArray = ["Z80.0", "Z80.1", "Z80.0", "Z70.4"];
let unique = [...new Set(CodeFieldArray)];
let match = ['Z80.8','Z80.9'];
let numOfDup = CodeFieldArray.length - unique.length;
if(!unique.includes(e) && numOfDup){
So the idea is
Use Set to get unique values.
Now see the difference between length of original array and Set to get number of duplicates.
Now will loop through match array and each time we push item from match array into unique we reduce numOfDup by so ( to handle case where we have only one duplicate or no duplicate ).
In the end join by ,
You could do something like this:
var uniqueArray = function(arrArg) {
return arrArg.filter(function(elem, pos,arr) {
return arr.indexOf(elem) == pos;
uniqueArray ( CodeFieldArray )

How do I add elements to a dynamic array and exclude exsisting elements

function addNumifnotThere(numer){
var numCent = [];
if(numer in numCent)
console.log("you logged that");
return numCent;
This is my current code, what its attempting to do is read an array and if there is already an element exits the loop and says "you already logged that", obviously if it cannot find a similar element then it pushes it to the array.
I want this to work dynamically so we cannot know the size of the array beforehand, so the first element passed as an argument should be put into the array, (addNum(1) should have the array print out [1], calling addNum(1) again should print "you already logged that")
However there are two problems with this
1) Trying to push to a new array without any entries means everything is undefined and therefore trying to traverse the array just causes the program to print [].
2) Adding some random elements to the array just to make it work, in this case numCent=[1,2,3] has other issues, mainly that adding a number above 3 causes the code to print incorrect information. In this case addNum(5) should print [1,2,3,5] but instead prints [1,2,3,5,5,5]
I know this has to be a simple mistake but I've been dragging myself too long to not ask for help.
EDIT: Thanks to the many outstanding answers here I have now leanred about the indexOf method, thank you guys so much.
For every non-match you are pushing the number. Use something like this
var numCent = [];
function addNumifnotThere(numer)
var index = numCent.indexOf(number);
if(index >=0)
console.log("you logged that");
return numCent;
Use Array.prototype.indexOf
var numCent = [];
function addNum(numer){
if (numCent.indexOf(numer) > -1)
console.log("Number already in array");
//DEMO CODE, not part of solution
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function(){
if (document.querySelector("input").value.length > 0)
document.querySelector("div").innerHTML = numCent.join(", ");
}, false);
<div id="output"></div>
<input />
<button>Add number</button>
indexOf tests if an element is inside the array and returns its index. If not found it will return -1. You can test for this. You can try it for your self in this snippet. It will only allow you to add a number (or any string, in this example) once.
I also was confused by the newCent array declaration inside the function. I think, based upon the content of your question, you meant this.
If you want the array held in the instance, you can do it like this.
function AddIf(arr){
if( arr || !this.arr ) {
this.arr = arr || [];
return function(number) {
if( this.arr.indexOf(number) >= 0 ) {
console.log("Already Present!");
} else {
return this.arr;
// Usage would be like this:
// var addIf = new AddIf([1, 2, 3]);
// addIf(10); // returns [1, 2, 3, 10]
// addIf(10); // logs "Already Present!", doesn't add 10 to array
This basically returns a function, with this bound to the function being called. If you pass in an initial array, it will use that array to compare to when adding it to the array.
You can catch the return function and call it as you would want to. If you don't call new when invoking however, it will share the same array instance (and have a funky way of being called, AddIf()(10)).
I used fn.bind() to ensure the function gets called in the correct context every time, if you were wondering why I called it like that.
Do do this cleanly, I'd consider prototyping the global Array object and adding a method to push values but only if they're unique to the array. Something like this:
Array.prototype.pushUnique = function (item) {
if (this.indexOf(item) != -1) {
console.log("Item with value of " + item + " already exists in the array."
else {
If you're not comfortable prototypeing global types like Array, you can build the same thing in a procedural pattern:
function arrayPushUnique (arr, item) {
if (arr.indexOf(item) != -1) {
console.log("Item with value of " + item + " already exists in the array."
else {
Then to use it, simply create a new empty array and start pushing things to it.
var numCent = [];
// The Array.prototype method
// The procedural method
arrayPushUnique(numCent, number);

How can I remove an object from an array if I know the value of one field of the object?

I tried to find out some good examples but SO seems to have mainly examples from 4-5 years ago and I would like to use a solution that would work using modern browser capabilities.
Ihave an array of test objects:
var tests;
Each test object contains a testId.
How can I remove test object with testId = 25 from the array tests. I was thinking of a for loop but is there a cleaner way to do this?
The best answer depends on whether you know in advance whether there's at most one match, or potentially more than one (and in the latter case whether you want to remove all of them or just the first)
Removing all matches
The "simplest" way is to use filter, although strictly that produces a new array without the matching element:
tests = tests.filter(function(e) {
return e.testId !== 25;
This is OK, unless other code is holding a reference to the original array.
Modifying the array safely "in-place" still appears to require a combination of a for loop with .splice:
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ) { // nb: deliberate .length test
if (tests[i].testId === 25) {
tests.splice(i, 1);
} else {
The "safely" caveat is because the functional methods of iterating through an entire array will get confused if the current element in the array is removed. That is not a concern in the "first match" methods shown below.
Removing first (or only) match
The plain for method is still pretty simple (and probably most efficient, too!)
for (var i = 0, n = tests.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (tests[i].testId === 25) {
tests.splice(i, 1);
The .some method per Johan's answer can iterate through an array and then exit on first match (although some may object on philosophical grounds to a boolean predicate function also mutating the array):
var didRemove = tests.some(function(e, i, a) {
if (e.testId === 25) {
a.splice(i, 1);
return true; // causes the loop to exit
In ES6-draft there's .findIndex, which is a generalisation of .indexOf:
var index = tests.findIndex(function(e) {
return e.testId === 25;
if (index >= 0) {
tests.splice(index, 1);
One way is to loop through all objects and splice a matching object out of the array.
Instead of forEach I use some (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some). Because with the some method you can "break" the loop by returning true so that you don't need to go through all objects if a match has been found.
tests.some(function(testObject, index) {
if (testObject.testId === 25) {
tests.splice(index, 1);
return true;
Or wrap it in a function
var removeObjectById = function(id) {
tests.some(function(testObject, index) {
if (testObject.testId === id) {
tests.splice(index, 1);
return true;

Removing Multiple Objects from Javascript Array Breaks Half Way Through

I have an Array of a few hundred JSON Objects...
var self.collection = [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object…]
Each one looks like this...
0: Object
id: "25093712"
name: "John Haberstich"
I'm iterating through the Array searching each Array.id to see if it matches any ids in a second Array...
var fbContactIDs = ["1072980313", "2502342", "2509374", "2524864", "2531941"]
$.each(self.collection, function(index, k) {
if (fbContactIDs.indexOf(k.id) > -1) {
self.collection.splice(index, 1);
However this code only works to splice three of the Objects from the self.collection array and then it breaks and gives the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
The line that is causing the error is this one...
if (fbContactIDs.indexOf(k.id) > -1) {
Could anyone tell me what I'm dong wrong here?
Because the length of collection will change, the trick is to loop from rear to front
for (var index = self.collection.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
k = self.collection[index];
if (fbContactIDs.indexOf(k.id) > -1) {
self.collection.splice(index, 1);
You should not change the length of an array while iterating over it.
What you're trying to do is filtering and there's a specific function for that. For example:
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].filter(function(x){ return (x&1) == 0; })
will return only even numbers.
In your case the solution could then simply be:
self.collection = self.collection.filter(function(k){
return fbContactIDs.indexOf(k.id) > -1;
or, if others are keeping a reference to self.collection and you need to mutate it inplace:
self.collection.splice(0, self.collection.length,
return fbContactIDs.indexOf(k.id) > -1;
If for some reason you like to process elements one at a time instead of using filter and you need to do this inplace a simple approach is the read-write one:
var wp = 0; // Write ptr
for (var rp=0; rp<L.length; rp++) {
if (... i want to keep L[x] ...) {
L[wp++] = L[rp];
removing elements from an array one at a time is an O(n**2) operation (because for each element you remove also all the following ones must be slided down a place), the read-write approach is instead O(n).

change array passed to function

I pass 2 arrays to a function and want to move a specific entry from one array to another. The moveDatum function itself uses underscorejs' methods reject and filter. My Problem is, the original arrays are not changed, as if I was passing the arrays as value and not as reference. The specific entry is correctly moved, but as I said, the effect is only local. What do I have to change, to have the original arrays change as well?
Call the function:
this.moveDatum(sourceArr, targetArr, id)
Function itself:
function moveDatum(srcDS, trgDS, id) {
var ds = _(srcDS).filter(function(el) {
return el.uid === uid;
srcDS = _(srcDS).reject(function(el) {
return el.uid === uid;
return this;
Thanks for the help
As mentioned in the comments, you're assigning srcDS to reference a new array returned by .reject(), and thus losing the reference to the array originally passed in from outside the function.
You need to perform your array operations directly on the original array, perhaps something like this:
function moveDatum(srcDS, trgDS, id) {
var ds;
for (var i = srcDS.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (srcDS[i].uid === id) {
ds = srcDS[i];
return this;
I've set up the loop to go backwards so that you don't have to worry about the loop index i getting out of sync when .splice() removes items from the array. The backwards loop also means ds ends up referencing the first element in srcDS that matches, which is what I assume you intend since your original code had trgDS.push(ds[0]).
If you happen to know that the array will only ever contain exactly one match then of course it doesn't matter if you go forwards or backwards, and you can add a break inside the if since there's no point continuing the loop once you have a match.
(Also I think you had a typo, you were testing === uid instead of === id.)
Copy over every match before deleting it using methods which modify Arrays, e.g. splice.
function moveDatum(srcDS, trgDS, id) { // you pass an `id`, not `uid`?
var i;
for (i = 0; i < srcDS.length; ++i) {
if (srcDS[i].uid === uid) {
srcDS.splice(i, 1);
// optionally break here for just the first
i--; // remember; decrement `i` because we need to re-check the same
// index now that the length has changed
return this;
