Add shiny gradient to tickets with javascript - javascript

I'm trying to give each of the falling objects a gradient to make them look like shiny gold tickets.
I have a Codepen
I forked the pen from another repo and all i've changed in the background colour and the ticket colour.
This is the part of the code that control the colour. How do I add the gradient?
var colorThemes = [
function() {
//return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0);
return color(218,165,32);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(200, black, black);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, 200, black);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, black, 200);
}, function() {
return color(200, 100, 200 * random()|0);
}, function() {
return color(200 * random()|0, 200, 200);
}, function() {
var black = 256 * random()|0; return color(black, black, black);
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2]();
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5]();
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4]();
function color(r, g, b) {
return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
'use strict';
// If set to true, the user must press
// to trigger the confetti with a random color theme.
// Otherwise the confetti constantly falls.
var onlyOnKonami = false;
$(function() {
// Globals
var $window = $(window)
, random = Math.random
, cos = Math.cos
, sin = Math.sin
, PI = Math.PI
, PI2 = PI * 2
, timer = undefined
, frame = undefined
, confetti = [];
// Settings
var konami = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65]
, pointer = 0;
var particles = 150
, spread = 10
, sizeMin = 3
, sizeMax = 40 - sizeMin
, eccentricity = 10
, deviation = 100
, dxThetaMin = -.1
, dxThetaMax = -dxThetaMin - dxThetaMin
, dyMin = .13
, dyMax = .18
, dThetaMin = .4
, dThetaMax = .7 - dThetaMin;
var colorThemes = [
function() {
//return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0);
return color(218,165,32);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(200, black, black);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, 200, black);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, black, 200);
}, function() {
return color(200, 100, 200 * random()|0);
}, function() {
return color(200 * random()|0, 200, 200);
}, function() {
var black = 256 * random()|0; return color(black, black, black);
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2]();
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5]();
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4]();
function color(r, g, b) {
return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
// Cosine interpolation
function interpolation(a, b, t) {
return (1-cos(PI*t))/2 * (b-a) + a;
// Create a 1D Maximal Poisson Disc over [0, 1]
var radius = 1/eccentricity, radius2 = radius+radius;
function createPoisson() {
// domain is the set of points which are still available to pick from
// D = union{ [d_i, d_i+1] | i is even }
var domain = [radius, 1-radius], measure = 1-radius2, spline = [0, 1];
while (measure) {
var dart = measure * random(), i, l, interval, a, b, c, d;
// Find where dart lies
for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) {
a = domain[i], b = domain[i+1], interval = b-a;
if (dart < measure+interval) {
spline.push(dart += a-measure);
measure += interval;
c = dart-radius, d = dart+radius;
// Update the domain
for (i = domain.length-1; i > 0; i -= 2) {
l = i-1, a = domain[l], b = domain[i];
// c---d c---d Do nothing
// c-----d c-----d Move interior
// c--------------d Delete interval
// c--d Split interval
// a------b
if (a >= c && a < d)
if (b > d) domain[l] = d; // Move interior (Left case)
else domain.splice(l, 2); // Delete interval
else if (a < c && b > c)
if (b <= d) domain[i] = c; // Move interior (Right case)
else domain.splice(i, 0, c, d); // Split interval
// Re-measure the domain
for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2)
measure += domain[i+1]-domain[i];
return spline.sort();
// Create the overarching container
var container = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100%'; = '0'; = 'visible'; = '9999';
// Confetto constructor
function Confetto(theme) {
this.frame = 0;
this.outer = document.createElement('div');
this.inner = document.createElement('div');
var outerStyle =, innerStyle =;
outerStyle.position = 'absolute';
outerStyle.width = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px';
outerStyle.height = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px';
innerStyle.width = '100%';
innerStyle.height = '100%';
innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme();
outerStyle.perspective = '100px';
outerStyle.transform = 'rotate(' + (360 * random()) + 'deg)';
this.axis = 'rotate3D(' +
cos(360 * random()) + ',' +
cos(360 * random()) + ',0,';
this.theta = 360 * random();
this.dTheta = dThetaMin + dThetaMax * random();
innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)';
this.x = $window.width() * random();
this.y = -deviation;
this.dx = sin(dxThetaMin + dxThetaMax * random());
this.dy = dyMin + dyMax * random();
outerStyle.left = this.x + 'px'; = this.y + 'px';
// Create the periodic spline
this.splineX = createPoisson();
this.splineY = [];
for (var i = 1, l = this.splineX.length-1; i < l; ++i)
this.splineY[i] = deviation * random();
this.splineY[0] = this.splineY[l] = deviation * random();
this.update = function(height, delta) {
this.frame += delta;
this.x += this.dx * delta;
this.y += this.dy * delta;
this.theta += this.dTheta * delta;
// Compute spline and convert to polar
var phi = this.frame % 7777 / 7777, i = 0, j = 1;
while (phi >= this.splineX[j]) i = j++;
var rho = interpolation(
(phi-this.splineX[i]) / (this.splineX[j]-this.splineX[i])
phi *= PI2;
outerStyle.left = this.x + rho * cos(phi) + 'px'; = this.y + rho * sin(phi) + 'px';
innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)';
return this.y > height+deviation;
function poof() {
if (!frame) {
// Append the container
// Add confetti
var theme = colorThemes[onlyOnKonami ? colorThemes.length * random()|0 : 0]
, count = 0;
(function addConfetto() {
if (onlyOnKonami && ++count > particles)
return timer = undefined;
var confetto = new Confetto(theme);
timer = setTimeout(addConfetto, spread * random());
// Start the loop
var prev = undefined;
requestAnimationFrame(function loop(timestamp) {
var delta = prev ? timestamp - prev : 0;
prev = timestamp;
var height = $window.height();
for (var i = confetti.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (confetti[i].update(height, delta)) {
confetti.splice(i, 1);
if (timer || confetti.length)
return frame = requestAnimationFrame(loop);
// Cleanup
frame = undefined;
$window.keydown(function(event) {
pointer = konami[pointer] === event.which
? pointer+1
: +(event.which === konami[0]);
if (pointer === konami.length) {
pointer = 0;
if (!onlyOnKonami) poof();
html {
height: 100%;
body {
background: #d09d42;
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #efc466, #d09d42);
height: 100%;
<script src=""></script>

You need to modify method Confetto() to change the color of the divI've added the following javascript after innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme():
function Confetto(){
innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme()
innerStyle.background = "linear-gradient(to right, " + theme() + " , yellow)";
innerStyle.border = "thick solid #FFFB00";
innerStyle.borderWidth = "thin";
//Rest of the code
Check out this :
// JavaScript source code
'use strict';
// If set to true, the user must press
// to trigger the confetti with a random color theme.
// Otherwise the confetti constantly falls.
var onlyOnKonami = false;
$(function () {
// Globals
var $window = $(window),
random = Math.random,
cos = Math.cos,
sin = Math.sin,
PI = Math.PI,
PI2 = PI * 2,
timer = undefined,
frame = undefined,
confetti = [];
// Settings
var konami = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65],
//var konami = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
pointer = 0;
var particles = 10,
spread = 10,
sizeMin = 3,
sizeMax = 40 - sizeMin,
eccentricity = 10,
deviation = 100,
dxThetaMin = -.1,
dxThetaMax = -dxThetaMin - dxThetaMin,
dyMin = .13,
dyMax = .18,
dThetaMin = .4,
dThetaMax = .7 - dThetaMin;
var colorThemes = [
function () {
//return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0);
return color(218, 165, 32);
function () {
var black = 200 * random() | 0;
return color(200, black, black);
function () {
var black = 200 * random() | 0;
return color(black, 200, black);
function () {
var black = 200 * random() | 0;
return color(black, black, 200);
function () {
return color(200, 100, 200 * random() | 0);
function () {
return color(200 * random() | 0, 200, 200);
function () {
var black = 256 * random() | 0;
return color(black, black, black);
function () {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2]();
function () {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5]();
function () {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4]();
function color(r, g, b) {
return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
// Cosine interpolation
function interpolation(a, b, t) {
return (1 - cos(PI * t)) / 2 * (b - a) + a;
// Create a 1D Maximal Poisson Disc over [0, 1]
var radius = 1 / eccentricity,
radius2 = radius + radius;
function createPoisson() {
// domain is the set of points which are still available to pick from
// D = union{ [d_i, d_i+1] | i is even }
var domain = [radius, 1 - radius],
measure = 1 - radius2,
spline = [0, 1];
while (measure) {
var dart = measure * random(),
i, l, interval, a, b, c, d;
// Find where dart lies
for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) {
a = domain[i], b = domain[i + 1], interval = b - a;
if (dart < measure + interval) {
spline.push(dart += a - measure);
measure += interval;
c = dart - radius, d = dart + radius;
// Update the domain
for (i = domain.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2) {
l = i - 1, a = domain[l], b = domain[i];
// c---d c---d Do nothing
// c-----d c-----d Move interior
// c--------------d Delete interval
// c--d Split interval
// a------b
if (a >= c && a < d)
if (b > d) domain[l] = d; // Move interior (Left case)
else domain.splice(l, 2); // Delete interval
else if (a < c && b > c)
if (b <= d) domain[i] = c; // Move interior (Right case)
else domain.splice(i, 0, c, d); // Split interval
// Re-measure the domain
for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2)
measure += domain[i + 1] - domain[i];
return spline.sort();
// Create the overarching container
var container = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100%'; = '0'; = 'visible'; = '9999';
// Confetto constructor
function Confetto(theme) {
this.frame = 0;
this.outer = document.createElement('div');
this.inner = document.createElement('div');
var outerStyle =,
innerStyle =;
outerStyle.position = 'absolute';
outerStyle.width = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px';
outerStyle.height = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px';
innerStyle.width = '100%';
innerStyle.height = '100%';
var f = theme();
innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme();
innerStyle.background = "linear-gradient(to right, " + theme() + " , yellow)";
innerStyle.border = "thick solid #FFFB00";
innerStyle.borderWidth = "thin";
outerStyle.perspective = '100px';
outerStyle.transform = 'rotate(' + (360 * random()) + 'deg)';
this.axis = 'rotate3D(' +
cos(360 * random()) + ',' +
cos(360 * random()) + ',0,';
this.theta = 360 * random();
this.dTheta = dThetaMin + dThetaMax * random();
innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)';
this.x = $window.width() * random();
this.y = -deviation;
this.dx = sin(dxThetaMin + dxThetaMax * random());
this.dy = dyMin + dyMax * random();
outerStyle.left = this.x + 'px'; = this.y + 'px';
// Create the periodic spline
this.splineX = createPoisson();
this.splineY = [];
for (var i = 1, l = this.splineX.length - 1; i < l; ++i)
this.splineY[i] = deviation * random();
this.splineY[0] = this.splineY[l] = deviation * random();
this.update = function (height, delta) {
this.frame += delta;
this.x += this.dx * delta;
this.y += this.dy * delta;
this.theta += this.dTheta * delta;
// Compute spline and convert to polar
var phi = this.frame % 7777 / 7777,
i = 0,
j = 1;
while (phi >= this.splineX[j]) i = j++;
var rho = interpolation(
(phi - this.splineX[i]) / (this.splineX[j] - this.splineX[i])
phi *= PI2;
outerStyle.left = this.x + rho * cos(phi) + 'px'; = this.y + rho * sin(phi) + 'px';
innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)';
return this.y > height + deviation;
function poof() {
if (!frame) {
// Append the container
// Add confetti
var theme = colorThemes[onlyOnKonami ? colorThemes.length * random() | 0 : 0],
count = 0;
(function addConfetto() {
if (onlyOnKonami && ++count > particles)
return timer = undefined;
var confetto = new Confetto(theme);
timer = setTimeout(addConfetto, spread * random());
// Start the loop
var prev = undefined;
requestAnimationFrame(function loop(timestamp) {
var delta = prev ? timestamp - prev : 0;
prev = timestamp;
var height = $window.height();
for (var i = confetti.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (confetti[i].update(height, delta)) {
confetti.splice(i, 1);
if (timer || confetti.length)
return frame = requestAnimationFrame(loop);
// Cleanup
frame = undefined;
$window.keydown(function (event) {
pointer = konami[pointer] === event.which ?
pointer + 1 :
+(event.which === konami[0]);
if (pointer === konami.length) {
pointer = 0;
if (!onlyOnKonami) poof();
html {
height: 100%;
body {
background: #d09d42;
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #efc466, #d09d42);
height: 100%;
<script src=""></script>


Delayed transformations in JavaScript?

I'm working on a simple DHTML application, nothing strange: I have around 500 balls colliding with each other with different speeds and by clicking a button they stack based on their velocities creating a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution(but that's another talk).
Well, for switching from the first to the second case I'm changing every single x and y coordinate for every single ball, to move them and pile them in that way.
Now, my question is: is it possible to have a sort of an animation in which balls from the first chaotic case, instead of jumping into the chart-configuration in one frame(as soon as the button gets clicked), gradually stack on top of each other in a much fancier and "graphical" animation? For example with transitions or transformations, but I couldn't manage to find a way to do that... I'm quite new to programming.
By the way, here's the full code:
class Ball {
constructor(x, y, dx, dy, radius, color){
this.radius = radius;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.dx = dx;
this.dy = dy;
// mass is that of a sphere as opposed to circle
// it *does* make a difference in how realistic it looks
this.mass = this.radius * this.radius * this.radius;
this.color = color;
draw() {
ctx.arc(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y), this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
// ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
speed() {
// magnitude of velocity vector
return Math.sqrt(this.dx * this.dx + this.dy * this.dy);
angle() {
// velocity's angle with the x axis
return Math.atan2(this.dy, this.dx);
onGround() {
return (this.y + this.radius >= canvas.height)
//will remove
function randomColor() {
let red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) * 127;
let green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) * 127;
let blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) * 127;
// dim down the small balls
if (!bigBalls){
red *= 0.65
green *= 0.65
blue *= 0.65
let rc = "rgb(" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ")";
return rc;
function randomX() {
let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width);
if (x < 30) {
x = 30;
} else if (x + 30 > canvas.width) {
x = canvas.width - 30;
return x;
function randomY() {
let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height);
if (y < 30) {
y = 30;
} else if (y + 30 > canvas.height) {
y = canvas.height - 30;
return y;
//will remove
function randomRadius() {
if (bigBalls) {
let r = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10 + 20);
return r;
} else {
let r = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2 + 2);
//let r = 5;
return r;
//will remove
function randomDx() {
let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 - 4);
return r;
//will remove
function randomDy() {
let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 - 3);
return r;
function distanceNextFrame(a, b) {
return Math.sqrt((a.x + a.dx - b.x - b.dx)**2 + (a.y + a.dy - b.y - b.dy)**2) - a.radius - b.radius;
function distance(a, b) {
return Math.sqrt((a.x - b.x)**2 + (a.y - b.y)**2);
let canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let objArray = [];
let probArray = [];
let paused = false;
let bumped = false;
let leftHeld = false;
let upHeld = false;
let rightHeld = false;
let downHeld = false;
let arrowControlSpeed = .25;
let gravityOn = false;
let clearCanv = true;
let bigBalls = false;
let lastTime = (new Date()).getTime();
let currentTime = 0;
let dt = 0;
let numStartingSmallBalls = 500;
let numStartingBigBalls = 0;
document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler);
function clearCanvas() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function keyDownHandler(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 80) { // p
paused = !paused;
} else if (event.keyCode == 82) { // r
objArray = [];
} else if (event.keyCode == 75) { // k
clearCanv = !clearCanv;
} else if (event.keyCode == 88) { // x
bigBalls = !bigBalls;
function canvasBackground() { = "rgb(215, 235, 240)";
function wallCollision(ball) {
if (ball.x - ball.radius + ball.dx < 0 ||
ball.x + ball.radius + ball.dx > canvas.width) {
ball.dx *= -1;
if (ball.y - ball.radius + ball.dy < 0 ||
ball.y + ball.radius + ball.dy > canvas.height) {
ball.dy *= -1;
if (ball.y + ball.radius > canvas.height) {
ball.y = canvas.height - ball.radius;
if (ball.y - ball.radius < 0) {
ball.y = ball.radius;
if (ball.x + ball.radius > canvas.width) {
ball.x = canvas.width - ball.radius;
if (ball.x - ball.radius < 0) {
ball.x = ball.radius;
function ballCollision() {
for (let i=0; i<objArray.length-1; i++) {
for (let j=i+1; j<objArray.length; j++) {
let ob1 = objArray[i]
let ob2 = objArray[j]
let dist = distance(ob1, ob2)
if (dist < ob1.radius + ob2.radius) {
let theta1 = ob1.angle();
let theta2 = ob2.angle();
let phi = Math.atan2(ob2.y - ob1.y, ob2.x - ob1.x);
let m1 = ob1.mass;
let m2 = ob2.mass;
let v1 = ob1.speed();
let v2 = ob2.speed();
let dx1F = (v1 * Math.cos(theta1 - phi) * (m1-m2) + 2*m2*v2*Math.cos(theta2 - phi)) / (m1+m2) * Math.cos(phi) + v1*Math.sin(theta1-phi) * Math.cos(phi+Math.PI/2);
let dy1F = (v1 * Math.cos(theta1 - phi) * (m1-m2) + 2*m2*v2*Math.cos(theta2 - phi)) / (m1+m2) * Math.sin(phi) + v1*Math.sin(theta1-phi) * Math.sin(phi+Math.PI/2);
let dx2F = (v2 * Math.cos(theta2 - phi) * (m2-m1) + 2*m1*v1*Math.cos(theta1 - phi)) / (m1+m2) * Math.cos(phi) + v2*Math.sin(theta2-phi) * Math.cos(phi+Math.PI/2);
let dy2F = (v2 * Math.cos(theta2 - phi) * (m2-m1) + 2*m1*v1*Math.cos(theta1 - phi)) / (m1+m2) * Math.sin(phi) + v2*Math.sin(theta2-phi) * Math.sin(phi+Math.PI/2);
ob1.dx = dx1F;
ob1.dy = dy1F;
ob2.dx = dx2F;
ob2.dy = dy2F;
/* if(ob1.speed() * 160 < 400)
ob1.color = 'lightblue';
else if(ob1.speed() * 160 > 800)
ob1.color = 'red';
ob1.color = 'orange';
if(ob2.speed() * 160 < 400)
ob2.color = 'lightblue';
else if(ob2.speed() * 160 > 800)
ob2.color = 'red';
ob2.color = 'orange';*/
staticCollision(ob1, ob2);
if (objArray.length > 0)
wallCollision(objArray[objArray.length - 1])
function staticCollision(ob1, ob2, emergency = false)
let overlap = ob1.radius + ob2.radius - distance(ob1, ob2);
let smallerObject = ob1.radius < ob2.radius ? ob1 : ob2;
let biggerObject = ob1.radius > ob2.radius ? ob1 : ob2;
// When things go normally, this line does not execute.
// "Emergency" is when staticCollision has run, but the collision
// still hasn't been resolved. Which implies that one of the objects
// is likely being jammed against a corner, so we must now move the OTHER one instead.
// in other words: this line basically swaps the "little guy" role, because
// the actual little guy can't be moved away due to being blocked by the wall.
if (emergency) [smallerObject, biggerObject] = [biggerObject, smallerObject]
let theta = Math.atan2((biggerObject.y - smallerObject.y), (biggerObject.x - smallerObject.x));
smallerObject.x -= overlap * Math.cos(theta);
smallerObject.y -= overlap * Math.sin(theta);
if (distance(ob1, ob2) < ob1.radius + ob2.radius) {
// we don't want to be stuck in an infinite emergency.
// so if we have already run one emergency round; just ignore the problem.
if (!emergency) staticCollision(ob1, ob2, true)
function moveObjects() {
for (let i=0; i<objArray.length; i++) {
let ob = objArray[i];
ob.x += ob.dx * 1;
ob.y += ob.dy * 1;
function drawObjects() {
for (let obj in objArray) {
let begin = true;
let temperature;
document.getElementById("temp").oninput = function()
temperature = parseInt(document.getElementById("temp").value);
function drawChart()
let index = 0
let cx = 10 , cy;
for(let i = 0; i < 59; i++) {
cy = canvas.height - 6;
if(probArray[i] != 0) {
n = 0;
while(n < probArray[i]) {
objArray[index + n].x = cx;
objArray[index + n].y = cy;
cy -= 12;
index += n;
cx += 20;
chart = !chart;
function draw() {
/*currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();
dt = (currentTime - lastTime) / 1000; // delta time in seconds
// dirty and lazy solution
// instead of scaling down every velocity vector
// we decrease the speed of time
dt *= 20;*/
if(begin) {
begin = false;
//work in progress
if(chart) {
if (clearCanv) clearCanvas();
if (!paused) {
lastTime = currentTime;
//work in progress
function setColor(vel)
let red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255;
let rc;
green /= (vel * 0.001);
blue /= (vel * 0.01);
return rc = "rgb(" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ")";
let N = 550;
let m = 2.66e-26;
let T = 5;
let dV = 50;
let k = 1.38e-23;
let v = 50;
let balls;
let angolox;
let vel;
let color;
function generateBalls(T)
paused = false;
v = 50;
objArray = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 59; i++)
{ //each 50m/s, with dv = 50, until 2000m/s
//molecules number between v and v+50
probArray[i] = Math.floor(4 * Math.PI * N * (((m) / (2 * Math.PI * k * T))**1.5) * (v**2) * Math.exp((-m) / (2 * k * T) * (v**2)) * dV);
v += 50;
v = 50;
let l;
for(let i = 0; i < 59; i++)
let n = 0;
balls = 0;
while(n < probArray[i])
angolox = ((Math.random() * 360) * Math.PI) / 180; //converted in radians;
vel = Math.round((Math.random() * 50) + v) / 160;
if(vel * 160 < 400)
color = 'lightblue';
else if(vel * 160 > 800)
color = 'red';
color = 'orange';
l = objArray.length;
objArray[objArray.length] = new Ball(randomX(), randomY(), Math.cos(angolox) * vel, Math.sin(angolox) * vel, 5, color);
v += 50;
let chart = false
function drawChart_bool() {
chart = !chart;
paused = !paused;
body {
background-color: khaki;
text-align: center;
font-family: Ubuntu Mono;
#title {
color: black;
font-size: 200%;
font-style: normal;
margin: 1px;
border: 1px;
#balls {
margin-top: 5px;
#myCanvas {
margin-top: -20px;
section.footer {
color: black;
font-family: Ubuntu Mono;
font-style: normal;
font-size: small;
#disclaimer {
font-size: 74%;
color: gray;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>2d collision</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gas.css">
<body style="text-align: center">
<canvas onload="generateBalls()" id="myCanvas" width="1225%" height="500" style="border:1px solid black; margin-top: 10px;"></canvas>
<input type="range" min="50" max="2050" value="300" step="100" id="temp">
<input type="button" onclick="drawChart_bool()">
<strong>[K]</strong> to toggle clearCanvas(); <br>
<strong>[P]</strong>: pause/unpause || <strong>[R]</strong>: [RESET]
<div id="disclaimer" align="center" style="word-break: break-word; width: 350px; display:inline-block;">
Make sure to press a few buttons and play around.<br>Made with pure javascript.
<script src="gas.js"></script>
FUNCTION I USE TO DRAW CHART(objArray is an ascending ordered one, based on speeds)
function drawChart()
let index = 0
let cx = 10 , cy;
for(let i = 0; i < 59; i++) {
cy = canvas.height - 6;
if(probArray[i] != 0) {
n = 0;
while(n < probArray[i]) {
objArray[index + n].x = cx;
objArray[index + n].y = cy;
cy -= 12;
index += n;
cx += 20;
chart = !chart;
function generateBalls(T)
paused = false;
v = 50;
objArray = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 59; i++)
{ //each 50m/s, with dv = 50, until 2000m/s
//molecules number between v and v+50
probArray[i] = Math.floor(4 * Math.PI * N * (((m) / (2 * Math.PI * k * T))**1.5) * (v**2) * Math.exp((-m) / (2 * k * T) * (v**2)) * dV);
v += 50;
v = 50;
let l;
for(let i = 0; i < 59; i++)
let n = 0;
balls = 0;
while(n < probArray[i])
angolox = ((Math.random() * 360) * Math.PI) / 180; //converted in radians;
vel = Math.round((Math.random() * 50) + v) / 160;
if(vel * 160 < 400)
color = 'lightblue';
else if(vel * 160 > 800)
color = 'red';
color = 'orange';
l = objArray.length;
objArray[objArray.length] = new Ball(randomX(), randomY(), Math.cos(angolox) * vel, Math.sin(angolox) * vel, 5, color);
v += 50;
Heartfelt thanks in advance for any answer,

Having trouble changing shape of confetti

I've found this codepen that I'm integrating on a small website I have for a project. I don't want to put too much time into it, so I'll just be using a codepen I found. I'll do some adjustments to it, like the shape.
I managed to implement it, but now I'm having trouble to change the colors and the shape of the confetti.
The colors are completely random and I'd love for this to just be simple.
Also, I can't seem to be able to change the shape. I can only adjust the size.
If anyone here feels like giving me a nudge in the right direction, that'd be great!
'use strict';
// If set to true, the user must press
// to trigger the confetti with a random color theme.
// Otherwise the confetti constantly falls.
var onlyOnKonami = false;
$(function() {
// Globals
var $window = $(window)
, random = Math.random
, cos = Math.cos
, sin = Math.sin
, PI = Math.PI
, PI2 = PI * 2
, timer = undefined
, frame = undefined
, confetti = [];
// Settings
var konami = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65]
, pointer = 0;
var particles = 150
, spread = 40
, sizeMin = 3
, sizeMax = 12 - sizeMin
, eccentricity = 10
, deviation = 100
, dxThetaMin = -.1
, dxThetaMax = -dxThetaMin - dxThetaMin
, dyMin = .13
, dyMax = .18
, dThetaMin = .4
, dThetaMax = .7 - dThetaMin;
var colorThemes = [
function() {
return color(200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0, 200 * random()|0);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(200, black, black);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, 200, black);
}, function() {
var black = 200 * random()|0; return color(black, black, 200);
}, function() {
return color(200, 100, 200 * random()|0);
}, function() {
return color(200 * random()|0, 200, 200);
}, function() {
var black = 256 * random()|0; return color(black, black, black);
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 1 : 2]();
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 3 : 5]();
}, function() {
return colorThemes[random() < .5 ? 2 : 4]();
function color(r, g, b) {
return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
// Cosine interpolation
function interpolation(a, b, t) {
return (1-cos(PI*t))/2 * (b-a) + a;
// Create a 1D Maximal Poisson Disc over [0, 1]
var radius = 1/eccentricity, radius2 = radius+radius;
function createPoisson() {
// domain is the set of points which are still available to pick from
// D = union{ [d_i, d_i+1] | i is even }
var domain = [radius, 1-radius], measure = 1-radius2, spline = [0, 1];
while (measure) {
var dart = measure * random(), i, l, interval, a, b, c, d;
// Find where dart lies
for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2) {
a = domain[i], b = domain[i+1], interval = b-a;
if (dart < measure+interval) {
spline.push(dart += a-measure);
measure += interval;
c = dart-radius, d = dart+radius;
// Update the domain
for (i = domain.length-1; i > 0; i -= 2) {
l = i-1, a = domain[l], b = domain[i];
// c---d c---d Do nothing
// c-----d c-----d Move interior
// c--------------d Delete interval
// c--d Split interval
// a------b
if (a >= c && a < d)
if (b > d) domain[l] = d; // Move interior (Left case)
else domain.splice(l, 2); // Delete interval
else if (a < c && b > c)
if (b <= d) domain[i] = c; // Move interior (Right case)
else domain.splice(i, 0, c, d); // Split interval
// Re-measure the domain
for (i = 0, l = domain.length, measure = 0; i < l; i += 2)
measure += domain[i+1]-domain[i];
return spline.sort();
// Create the overarching container
var container = document.createElement('div'); = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100%'; = '0'; = 'visible'; = '9999';
// Confetto constructor
function Confetto(theme) {
this.frame = 0;
this.outer = document.createElement('div');
this.inner = document.createElement('div');
var outerStyle =, innerStyle =;
outerStyle.position = 'absolute';
outerStyle.width = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px';
outerStyle.height = (sizeMin + sizeMax * random()) + 'px';
innerStyle.width = '100%';
innerStyle.height = '100%';
innerStyle.backgroundColor = theme();
outerStyle.perspective = '50px';
outerStyle.transform = 'rotate(' + (360 * random()) + 'deg)';
this.axis = 'rotate3D(' +
cos(360 * random()) + ',' +
cos(360 * random()) + ',0,';
this.theta = 360 * random();
this.dTheta = dThetaMin + dThetaMax * random();
innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)';
this.x = $window.width() * random();
this.y = -deviation;
this.dx = sin(dxThetaMin + dxThetaMax * random());
this.dy = dyMin + dyMax * random();
outerStyle.left = this.x + 'px'; = this.y + 'px';
// Create the periodic spline
this.splineX = createPoisson();
this.splineY = [];
for (var i = 1, l = this.splineX.length-1; i < l; ++i)
this.splineY[i] = deviation * random();
this.splineY[0] = this.splineY[l] = deviation * random();
this.update = function(height, delta) {
this.frame += delta;
this.x += this.dx * delta;
this.y += this.dy * delta;
this.theta += this.dTheta * delta;
// Compute spline and convert to polar
var phi = this.frame % 7777 / 7777, i = 0, j = 1;
while (phi >= this.splineX[j]) i = j++;
var rho = interpolation(
(phi-this.splineX[i]) / (this.splineX[j]-this.splineX[i])
phi *= PI2;
outerStyle.left = this.x + rho * cos(phi) + 'px'; = this.y + rho * sin(phi) + 'px';
innerStyle.transform = this.axis + this.theta + 'deg)';
return this.y > height+deviation;
function poof() {
if (!frame) {
// Append the container
// Add confetti
var theme = colorThemes[onlyOnKonami ? colorThemes.length * random()|0 : 0]
, count = 0;
(function addConfetto() {
if (onlyOnKonami && ++count > particles)
return timer = undefined;
var confetto = new Confetto(theme);
timer = setTimeout(addConfetto, spread * random());
// Start the loop
var prev = undefined;
requestAnimationFrame(function loop(timestamp) {
var delta = prev ? timestamp - prev : 0;
prev = timestamp;
var height = $window.height();
for (var i = confetti.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (confetti[i].update(height, delta)) {
confetti.splice(i, 1);
if (timer || confetti.length)
return frame = requestAnimationFrame(loop);
// Cleanup
frame = undefined;
$window.keydown(function(event) {
pointer = konami[pointer] === event.which
? pointer+1
: +(event.which === konami[0]);
if (pointer === konami.length) {
pointer = 0;
if (!onlyOnKonami) poof();
Look inside Confetto() it's just using a <div> inside another <div> and giving it random width, height, 3D rotation, etc., you should be able to manipulate innerStyle and/or outerStyle to your liking there.
Try adding something like this to make it rounded:
innerStyle.borderRadius = '100%';
Try something like this to make it squared:
innerStyle.borderRadius = '0';
Or a combination:
innerStyle.borderRadius = '100% 0 0 100%';
You should be able to set any style property you need, by camel-casing the css name (.border for border, .borderBottom for border-bottom, .borderBottomColor for border-bottom-color, etc.). Check this list for ideas

if ... function.start - if ... function.end

I have a function here, as soon as the highscore is cracked, a fireworks display is played. Now I want the fireworks to stop as soon as the Start button is clicked again. Do I need an IF condition associated with the Start button, or what would that look like in the code?
I don't know the command, I tried firework.end, but it didn't work.
fireworks.start(); //Start the fireworks.
As I said, I would like the fireworks to stop as soon as a new game is started (so click the Start button).
_addExplosioncalls itself recursively, so by adding another property called _running, we can flip this in a function called stop:
stop: function() {
this._running = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this._particles.length; i++) {
Inside _addExplosion we can inspect this to stop the "loop":
if (this._running) {
window.setTimeout(function () { return fireworks._addExplosion.apply(fireworks); },
this._random(this._interval[1] - this._interval[0]) + this._interval[0]);
You can then declare a function to be executed on click:
function stopFireworks() {
And in your HTML:
<button onclick="stopFireworks()">Stop</button>
Full example:
var fireworks = {
///////////////////////////// configuration ////////////////////////////
// random colors
_color: ['#D0D0D0', '#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#22FF00', '#2040FF', '#00CCFF', '#FF00FF', '#A319D6'],
// gravity factor
_gravity: 0.07,
// air resistance factor
_resistance: 0.975,
// zIndex of particles
_zIndex: 20000,
// maximal age of particles (in msec)
_maxAge: 2000,
// interval of appearing explosions (in msec)
_interval: [500, 2500],
// amount of particles per explosion
_particlesPerExplosion: 40,
// maximal speed of particle at moment of explosion
_speed: 5,
// minimal/maximal size of particle
_minSize: 8,
_maxSize: 12,
_running: true,
///////////////////////////// private vars /////////////////////////////
_particles: [],
_bodyWidth: 0,
_bodyHeight: 0,
_count: 0,
_lastInterval: 0,
////////////////////////////// functions ///////////////////////////////
// init fireworks
init: function () {
this._addEventListener(window, 'resize', function () { return fireworks.resize.apply(fireworks); });
this._addEventListener(window, 'load', function () { return fireworks.start.apply(fireworks); });
// add an event listener
_addEventListener: function (el, name, handler) {
if (el.addEventListener)
el.addEventListener(name, handler, false);
else if (el.attachEvent)
el.attachEvent('on' + name, handler);
// start fireworks
start: function () {
// init window size
// start to move particles
this._animFn = function () { fireworks._move(); };
this._lastInterval = this._time();
// get current time
_time: function () {
return +new Date();
// return a random integer
_random: function (value) {
return Math.random() * value;
// return a random array element
_randomArray: function (arr) {
return arr[
Math.random() * (arr.length)
// add a new explosion
_addExplosion: function () {
var x = Math.floor(this._random(this._bodyWidth)),
y = Math.floor((this._random(.5) + .1) * this._bodyHeight),
dx = this._random(10) - 5,
dy = this._random(-2) - 1,
c1 = this._randomArray(this._color),
c2 = this._randomArray(this._color);
for (var i = 0; i < this._particlesPerExplosion; i++) {
if (this._running) {
i / (this._particlesPerExplosion - 1) * 180 * Math.PI,
this._random(1) > .5 ? c1 : c2
if (this._running) {
function () {
this._random(this._interval[1] - this._interval[0]) + this._interval[0]
stop: function() {
this._running = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this._particles.length; i++) {
// creates a new particle
_createParticle: function (x, y, dx, dy, rot, speed, color) {
var el = null,
foundEl = false,
p = this._particles;
// look for old particle
for (var i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++)
if (p[i].data.age > 1) {
el = p[i];
foundEl = true;
// create span child for particles
if (!foundEl) {
el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'particle'; = 'absolute'; = this._maxSize + 'px'; = this._zIndex; = this._maxSize + 'px'; = 'center'; = 'hidden';
el.innerHTML = '●';
} = x + 'px'; = y + 'px'; = color; = {
x: x,
y: y,
dx: Math.cos(rot) * speed + dx,
dy: Math.sin(rot) * speed + dy,
color: color,
age: Math.random() * .25
if (!foundEl) {
// move existing particles
_move: function () {
// calculate movement factor
var dif = this._time() - this._lastInterval;
this._lastInterval = this._time();
var delta = dif / 20,
p = this._particles,
r = Math.pow(this._resistance, delta),
g = this._gravity * delta,
a = dif / this._maxAge;
for (var i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++) {
el = p[i];
d =;
if (d.age > 1)
d.age += a;
d.dy += g;
d.dx *= r;
d.dy *= r;
d.x += d.dx * delta;
d.y += d.dy * delta;
if (d.x < 0) {
d.dx *= -1;
d.x = 0;
else if (d.x > this._bodyWidth) {
d.dx *= -1;
d.x = this._bodyWidth;
if (d.y < 0) {
d.dy *= -1;
d.y = 0;
else if (d.y > this._bodyHeight) {
d.dy *= -1;
d.y = this._bodyHeight;
if (d.age > 1)
d.x = d.y = 0; = d.x + 'px'; = d.y + 'px'; = (Math.random() * .5 + d.age >= 1) ? 'transparent' : d.color; = Math.max(this._minSize, (1 - d.age) * this._maxSize) + 'px';
// calculate new positions for all particles
resize: function () {
// get new width and height
this._bodyWidth = this._getWindowWidth() - this._maxSize;
this._bodyHeight = this._getWindowHeight() - this._maxSize - 10;
// get window width
_getWindowWidth: function () {
return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].offsetWidth;
// get window height
_getWindowHeight: function () {
var h = Math.max(self.innerHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0);
if (document.documentElement)
h = Math.max(h, document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0);
if (document.body) {
h = Math.max(h, document.body.clientHeight || 0);
h = Math.max(h, document.body.scrollHeight || 0);
h = Math.max(h, document.body.offsetHeight || 0);
return h;
// shim layer with setTimeout fallback
window.requestAnimFrame = (function () {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (cb) {
window.setTimeout(cb, 1000 / 60);
function stopFireworks() {
<button onclick="stopFireworks()">Stop</button>

Ripples on image

How to achieve a similar effect on an image instead of raw canvas?
* Water ripple effect.
* Original code (Java) by Neil Wallis
* #link
* #author Sergey Chikuyonok (
* #link
var canvas = document.getElementById('c'),
/** #type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
width = 400,
height = 400,
half_width = width >> 1,
half_height = height >> 1,
size = width * (height + 2) * 2,
delay = 30,
oldind = width,
newind = width * (height + 3),
riprad = 3,
ripplemap = [],
last_map = [],
line_width = 20,
step = line_width * 2,
count = height / line_width;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
* Water ripple demo can work with any bitmap image
* (see example here:
* But I need to draw simple artwork to bypass 1k limitation
with (ctx) {
fillStyle = '#a2ddf8';
fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
fillStyle = '#07b';
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
fillRect(-width, i * step, width * 3, line_width);
texture = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
ripple = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
last_map[i] = ripplemap[i] = 0;
* Main loop
function run() {
ctx.putImageData(ripple, 0, 0);
* Disturb water at specified point
function disturb(dx, dy) {
dx <<= 0;
dy <<= 0;
for (var j = dy - riprad; j < dy + riprad; j++) {
for (var k = dx - riprad; k < dx + riprad; k++) {
ripplemap[oldind + (j * width) + k] += 512;
* Generates new ripples
function newframe() {
var i, a, b, data, cur_pixel, new_pixel, old_data;
i = oldind;
oldind = newind;
newind = i;
i = 0;
mapind = oldind;
// create local copies of variables to decrease
// scope lookup time in Firefox
var _width = width,
_height = height,
_ripplemap = ripplemap,
_mapind = mapind,
_newind = newind,
_last_map = last_map,
_rd =,
_td =,
_half_width = half_width,
_half_height = half_height;
for (var y = 0; y < _height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
data = (
_ripplemap[_mapind - _width] +
_ripplemap[_mapind + _width] +
_ripplemap[_mapind - 1] +
_ripplemap[_mapind + 1]) >> 1;
data -= _ripplemap[_newind + i];
data -= data >> 5;
_ripplemap[_newind + i] = data;
//where data=0 then still, where data>0 then wave
data = 1024 - data;
old_data = _last_map[i];
_last_map[i] = data;
if (old_data != data) {
a = (((x - _half_width) * data / 1024) << 0) + _half_width;
b = (((y - _half_height) * data / 1024) << 0) + _half_height;
//bounds check
if (a >= _width) a = _width - 1;
if (a < 0) a = 0;
if (b >= _height) b = _height - 1;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
new_pixel = (a + (b * _width)) * 4;
cur_pixel = i * 4;
_rd[cur_pixel] = _td[new_pixel];
_rd[cur_pixel + 1] = _td[new_pixel + 1];
_rd[cur_pixel + 2] = _td[new_pixel + 2];
mapind = _mapind;
canvas.onmousemove = function(/* Event */ evt) {
disturb(evt.offsetX || evt.layerX, evt.offsetY || evt.layerY);
setInterval(run, delay);
// generate random ripples
var rnd = Math.random;
setInterval(function() {
disturb(rnd() * width, rnd() * height);
}, 700);
<canvas id="c"></canvas>
Just look at this majestic unicorn: codepen. Data URI used to avoid CORS problems, it'll work with any number of images (all images by default).
var cont = document.createElement('div'); = 'relative' = 'inline-block'
img.parentNode.insertBefore(cont,img); = 'top';
var c = document.createElement('canvas');
c.width = img.clientWidth
c.height = img.clientHeight = 'absolute' = '0px' = '0px'
function makeRipple(el,img){
var canvas = el,
/** #type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
width = img.clientWidth,
height = img.clientHeight,
half_width = width >> 1,
half_height = height >> 1,
size = width * (height + 2) * 2,
delay = 30,
oldind = width,
newind = width * (height + 3),
riprad = 3,
ripplemap = [],
last_map = [],
line_width = 20,
step = line_width * 2,
count = height / line_width;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
* Water ripple demo can work with any bitmap image
* (see example here:
* But I need to draw simple artwork to bypass 1k limitation
texture = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
ripple = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
last_map[i] = ripplemap[i] = 0;
* Main loop
function run() {
ctx.putImageData(ripple, 0, 0);
* Disturb water at specified point
function disturb(dx, dy) {
dx <<= 0;
dy <<= 0;
for (var j = dy - riprad; j < dy + riprad; j++) {
for (var k = dx - riprad; k < dx + riprad; k++) {
ripplemap[oldind + (j * width) + k] += 512;
* Generates new ripples
function newframe() {
var i, a, b, data, cur_pixel, new_pixel, old_data;
i = oldind;
oldind = newind;
newind = i;
i = 0;
mapind = oldind;
// create local copies of variables to decrease
// scope lookup time in Firefox
var _width = width,
_height = height,
_ripplemap = ripplemap,
_mapind = mapind,
_newind = newind,
_last_map = last_map,
_rd =,
_td =,
_half_width = half_width,
_half_height = half_height;
for (var y = 0; y < _height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
data = (
_ripplemap[_mapind - _width] +
_ripplemap[_mapind + _width] +
_ripplemap[_mapind - 1] +
_ripplemap[_mapind + 1]) >> 1;
data -= _ripplemap[_newind + i];
data -= data >> 5;
_ripplemap[_newind + i] = data;
//where data=0 then still, where data>0 then wave
data = 1024 - data;
old_data = _last_map[i];
_last_map[i] = data;
if (old_data != data) {
a = (((x - _half_width) * data / 1024) << 0) + _half_width;
b = (((y - _half_height) * data / 1024) << 0) + _half_height;
//bounds check
if (a >= _width) a = _width - 1;
if (a < 0) a = 0;
if (b >= _height) b = _height - 1;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
new_pixel = (a + (b * _width)) * 4;
cur_pixel = i * 4;
_rd[cur_pixel] = _td[new_pixel];
_rd[cur_pixel + 1] = _td[new_pixel + 1];
_rd[cur_pixel + 2] = _td[new_pixel + 2];
mapind = _mapind;
canvas.onmousemove = function(/* Event */ evt) {
disturb(evt.offsetX || evt.layerX, evt.offsetY || evt.layerY);
setInterval(run, delay);
// generate random ripples
var rnd = Math.random;
setInterval(function() {
disturb(rnd() * width, rnd() * height);
}, 700);

Why does the ticker get stuck while using setinterval

function init() {
var ctx;
var turn = [];
var xV = [-1, 0, 1, 0];
var yV = [0, -1, 0, 1];
var queue = [];
var elements = 1;
var map = [];
var MR = Math.random;
var X = 5 + (MR() * (100 - 10)) | 0;
var Y = 5 + (MR() * (30 - 10)) | 0;
var direction = MR() * 3 | 0;
var interval = 0;
var score = 0;
var inc_score = 50;
var sum = 0,
easy = 0;
var i, dir;
var win = window;
var doc = document;
var canvas = doc.createElement('canvas');
var setInt = win.setInterval;
var clInt = win.clearInterval;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
map[i] = [];
canvas.setAttribute('width', 100 * 10);
canvas.setAttribute('height', 30 * 10);
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var div = document.getElementById("pnlGame");
function placeFood() {
var x, y;
do {
x = MR() * 100 | 0;
y = MR() * 30 | 0;
} while (map[x][y]);
map[x][y] = 1;
ctx.strokeRect(x * 10 + 1, y * 10 + 1, 10 - 2, 10 - 2);
function clock() {
if (easy) {
X = (X + 100) % 100;
Y = (Y + 30) % 30;
if (turn.length) {
dir = turn.pop();
if ((dir % 2) !== (direction % 2)) {
direction = dir;
if (
(easy || (0 <= X && 0 <= Y && X < 100 && Y < 30))
&& 2 !== map[X][Y]) {
if (1 === map[X][Y]) {
score += Math.max(5, inc_score);
inc_score = 50;
ctx.fillRect(X * 10, Y * 10, 10 - 1, 10 - 1);
map[X][Y] = 2;
queue.unshift([X, Y]);
X += xV[direction];
Y += yV[direction];
if (elements < queue.length) {
dir = queue.pop()
map[dir[0]][dir[1]] = 0;
ctx.clearRect(dir[0] * 10, dir[1] * 10, 10, 10);
} else if (!turn.length) {
if (confirm("You lost! Play again? Your Score is " + score)) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 450, 300);
queue = [];
elements = 1;
map = [];
X = 5 + (MR() * (100 - 10)) | 0;
Y = 5 + (MR() * (30 - 10)) | 0;
direction = MR() * 3 | 0;
score = 0;
inc_score = 50;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
map[i] = [];
} else {
//window.location = "YourTasks.aspx";
interval = setInt(clock, 120);
doc.onkeydown = function (e) {
var code = e.keyCode - 37;
* 0: left
* 1: up
* 2: right
* 3: down
if (0 <= code && code < 4 && code !== turn[0]) {
} else if (-5 == code) {
if (interval) {
interval = 0;
} else {
interval = setInt(clock, 120);
} else { // O.o
dir = sum + code;
if (dir == 44 || dir == 94 || dir == 126 || dir == 171) {
sum += code
} else if (dir === 218) easy = 1;
When there is no more turn left and the javascript alert is shown, the snake square get stuck and the canvas doesn't clear.
How can I resolve it?
You've set the width of your canvas to 1000 (canvas.setAttribute('width', 100 * 10);)
where you are clearing it you are only clearing a 450 wide box
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 450, 300);
You need to change this to
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 1000, 300);
