Add dynamic form validation callback to field - javascript

I am using and need to dynamically add a callback type validator within a class so that it can use a class property. The issue is that I initially pass my validator options into a super call that has some form validation procedures. But this means I do not have initial access to class properties.
So to do this I was trying to use updateOption but it definitely does not begin to validate this.
class MyForm extends Form {
var validatorOptions = {
fields: {
phoneNumber: {
validators: {
regexp: {
message: "Please enter a valid phone number"
validator: {
options: validatorOptions
var self = this;
this._cachedPhoneNumbers = [];
var phoneValidatorCallback = {
message: "This number is already in use",
callback: function(value, validator, $field) {
if ($.inArray(value, self._cachedPhoneNumbers) > -1)
return false;
return true;
// ref to validator is definitely valid!
this.validator.updateOption('phone', 'callback', 'callback', phoneValidatorCallback);

Here is the answer. I simply misused the function.
class MyForm extends Form {
var validatorOptions = {
fields: {
phoneNumber: {
validators: {
regexp: {
message: "Please enter a valid phone number"
callback: {
message: 'This number is in use',
callback: function() {
return true;
validator: {
options: validatorOptions
var self = this;
this._cachedPhoneNumbers = [];
function phoneValidatorCallback(value, validator, $field) {
if ($.inArray(value, self._cachedPhoneNumbers) > -1)
return false;
return true;
// ref to validator is definitely valid!
this.validator.updateOption('phone', 'callback', 'callback', phoneValidatorCallback);


Why does my form input only register one character after re-render?

On initial render, the input components acts as normal. However after it is unfocused and refocused again, it will only accept one character. This also happens if I reset the form.
I created a FormValidationStateManager class to reuse Joi validation logic that is needed.
class Form extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.validation = new FormValidationStateManager();
handleSubmit(e) {
var result = this.validation.validateAll();
// need to do this, trigger render after validations
// we could eventually encapsulate this logic into FormValidationSM.
}, function() {
if (result.valid) {
resetForm(e) {
// need to do this, trigger render after validations,
// we could eventually encapsulate this logic into FormValidationSM.
render() {
// TODO implement logic for rendering name from API call
let name = "John Doe";
return (
<form class='info-form' onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} autocomplete='off'>
<div class='info-block-section-title'>
<h2>Welcome {name}</h2>
<h4>Some nicely worded few sentences that let's the user know they just need to fill out a few bits of information to start the process of getting their student loans paid down!</h4>
<br />
<div class='info-block-section-body'>
<InfoFieldset validation={this.validation} />
<div class='info-form-button'>
<FormButton label="Continue" />
<FormButton type="button" onClick={this.resetForm.bind(this)} label="Reset" />
export default Form;
class Fieldset extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
secondaryEmailVisible: false
this.handleToggle = this.handleToggle.bind(this);
this.validation = this.props.validation || new FormValidationStateManager();
validatorRules() {
var _rules = {
// TODO validate format of date, address and zip
date_of_birth:"Date of Birth").required(),
address_street: Joi.string().label("Street Address").required(),
address_zip: Joi.string().label("Zip Code").required(),
password_confirmation: Joi.any()
.label('Password Confirmation')
"any.only": "{{#label}} must match password"
password: Joi.string()
.pattern(/\d/, 'digit')
.pattern(/^\S*$/, 'spaces')
.pattern(/^(?!.*?(.)\1{2})/, 'duplicates')
.pattern(/[a-zA-z]/, 'alpha')
"string.min": PASSWORD_HINT,
if (this.state.secondaryEmailVisible) {
_rules['secondary_email'] = Joi.string()
.label("Secondary Email")
.email({ tlds: false })
return _rules;
handleToggle() {
this.setState(state => ({
secondaryEmailVisible: !state.secondaryEmailVisible
render() {
<div class='info-fieldset'>
{/* for skipping chrome browser autocomplete feature
<input type='text' style={{ display: 'none '}} />
<input type='password' style={{ display: 'none '}} />
*/ }
<strong>Primary email for login:</strong>
label={"Add another email for notifications?"}
onChange={this.handleToggle} />
<div class='info-form-element'>
<DisplayToggle remove={true} show={this.state.secondaryEmailVisible}>
label="Secondary Email"
placeholder='' />
<span><i className='fa fa-info-circle'></i></span>
validation={this.validation} />
label="Password Confirmation"
validation={this.validation} />
label="Date of Birth"
placeholder='MM/DD/YYYY' />
label="Street Address"
placeholder='123 Example St' />
label="Zip Code"
placeholder='01234' />
export default Fieldset;
class FormElementInput extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.input = React.createRef();
this.cachedErrors = {};
this.cachedValue = null;
this.state = { focused: false };
this.validation = this.props.validation || new FormValidationStateManager();
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
var filter = function(val, key, obj) {
if (_.isFunction(val)) {
return true;
// Certain props like "label" can take a React element, but those
// are created dynamically on the fly and they have an random internal UUID,
// which trips the deep-equality comparision with a false-positive.
// This is wasted cycles for rendering.
if (React.isValidElement(val)) {
return true;
// validation is a complex obj that we shouldn't be caring about
if (_.contains(['validation'], key)) {
return true;
// if the errors after a validation got updated, we should re-render.
// We have to compare in this manner because the validation object is not shallow-copied
// via props since it is managed at a higher-component level, so we need to
// do a local cache comparision with our local copy of errors.
if (!_.isEqual(this.cachedErrors, this.getErrors())) {
return true;
// if the errors after a validation got updated, we should re-render.
// We have to compare in this manner because the validation object is not shallow-copied
// via props since it is managed at a higher-component level, so we need to
// do a local cache comparision with our local copy of errors.
if (this.cachedValue !== this.getDisplayValue()) {
return true;
return !_.isEqual(_.omit(nextProps, filter), _.omit(this.props, filter)) || !_.isEqual(this.state, nextState);
setValue(value) {
console.error('deprecated - can not set value directly on FormElementInput anymore');
throw 'deprecated - can not set value directly on FormElementInput anymore';
isDollarType() {
return this.props.type === 'dollar';
isRateType() {
return this.props.type === 'rate';
getType() {
if (this.isDollarType() || this.isRateType()) {
return 'text';
} else {
return this.props.type;
getPrefix() {
if (this.isDollarType()) {
return _.compact([this.props.prefix, '$']).join(' ');
} else {
return this.props.prefix;
getPostfix() {
if (this.isRateType()) {
return _.compact([this.props.postfix, '%']).join(' ');
} else {
return this.props.postfix;
getDisplayValue() {
var value = this.props.value || this.validation.getFormValue(this.props.field);
// while DOM input is focused, just return the same value being typed
if (this.state.focused) {
return value;
if (this.isDollarType()) {
if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
return value;
// keep in sync with the validation check in getOnChange()
// even if this is different - it wont break - cause accounting.js handles gracefully
else if (_.isNumber(value) || !value.match(/[a-z]/i)) {
return accounting.formatMoney(value, '', 2);
} else {
return value;
} else if (this.isRateType()){
if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
return '';
return accounting.formatNumber(value, 3)
} else {
return value;
getErrors() {
return this.props.errors || this.validation.getValidationMessages(this.props.field);
onBlur(event) {
this.setState({ focused: false });
onFocus(event) {
this.setState({ focused: true });
onChange(event) {
if (this.isDollarType()) {
// only accept if the input at least resembles a currency
// accounting.parse already strips alot of characters and does this silently
// we want to be a little less strict than accounting.parse since we need to allow more
// different types of inputs +-,. and also let accounting.parse do its job
// very basic check here for a-z characters
if (![a-z]/i)) {
var parsedValue = accounting.parse(;
event._parsedValue = parsedValue;
let _value = event._parsedValue ||;
this.validation.setFormValue(this.props.field, _value);
_eventHandlers(field) {
return {
onChange: this.onChange.bind(this),
onBlur: this.onBlur.bind(this),
onFocus: this.onFocus.bind(this)
_mergeEventHandlers(p1, p2) {
var events = [
var r1 = {}; {
r1[e] = FuncUtils.mergeFunctions(p1[e], p2[e]);
return r1;
render() {
let _errors = this.cachedErrors = this.getErrors();
let _value = this.cachedValue = this.getDisplayValue();
let attrs = {
id: this.props.htmlId || ('field_' + this.props.field),
className: classnames({
'error': _errors && _errors.length
type: this.getType(),
placeholder: this.props.placeholder,
autoComplete: "false",
disabled: this.props.disabled,
readOnly: this.props.disabled,
value: _value,
ref: this.input,
attrs = _.extend(attrs, this._mergeEventHandlers(this.props, this._eventHandlers()));
const prefix = this.getPrefix();
const postfix = this.getPostfix();
return (
<div className="form-element-input">
<DisplayToggle remove={true} hide={!prefix}>
<span className="prefix">{prefix}</span>
<div className={classnames({
"has-prefix": !!prefix,
"has-postfix": !!postfix
<input {...attrs} />
<DisplayToggle remove={true} hide={!postfix}>
<span className="postfix">{postfix}</span>
<div className="form-error">
{, idx) => {
return (<FormError key={idx}>{msg}</FormError>)
FormElementInput.PropTypes = {
field: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
value: PropTypes.any,
label: PropTypes.any,
errors: PropTypes.array,
type: PropTypes.string,
placeholder: PropTypes.string,
onChange: PropTypes.func,
onFocus: PropTypes.func,
onKeyUp: PropTypes.func,
tooltip: PropTypes.string,
prefix: PropTypes.string,
postfix: PropTypes.string,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
disableTrimming: PropTypes.bool
FormElementInput.defaultProps = {
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Enter Value',
tooltip: undefined,
prefix: undefined,
postfix: undefined,
disabled: false,
disableTrimming: false
export default FormElementInput;
class FormValidationStateManager {
// default state, validation ref obj
constructor(defaultState) {
this.rules = [];
this.state = defaultState || {};
this.errors = {};
this.dirty = false;
getFormValue(key) {
return this.state[key];
setFormValue(key, value) {
this.dirty = true;
this.state[key] = value;
setFormState(newState) {
this.state = _.extend({}, newState);
addRules(rules) {
return this.dirty;
* Clear all previous validations
* #return {void}
clearValidations() {
this.dirty = false;
this.errors = {};
clearForm() {
this.state = _.mapObject(this.state, function(v, k) {
return '';
* Check current validity for a specified key or entire form.
* #param {?String} key to check validity (entire form if undefined).
* #return {Boolean}.
isValid(key) {
return _.isEmpty(this.getValidationMessages(key));
// call within submit
validateAll() {
return this.validate();
* Method to validate single form key or entire form against the component data.
* #param {String|Function} key to validate, or error-first containing the validation errors if any.
* #param {?Function} error-first callback containing the validation errors if any.
validate(key, callback) {
if (_.isFunction(key)) {
callback = key;
key = undefined;
var schema = this._buildRules();
var data = this.state;
var result = this._joiValidate(schema, data, key);
if (key) {
this.errors[key] = result.errors[key];
} else {
this.errors = result.errors;
return {
valid: this.isValid(key),
errors: this.errors,
_buildRules() {
var allRules = {
// Rules can be functions and be dynamically evalulated on-the-fly,
// to allow for more complex validation rules.
if (_.isFunction(r)) {
return r();
} else {
return r;
// collapse all the rules into one single object that will
// be evaluated against `this.state`
return Joi.object(_.extend({}, ...allRules));
* Get current validation messages for a specified key or entire form.
* #param {?String} key to get messages, or entire form if key is undefined.
* #return {Array}
getValidationMessages(key) {
let errors = this.errors || {};
if (_.isEmpty(errors)) {
return [];
} else {
if (key === undefined) {
return _.flatten(_.keys(errors).map(error => {
return errors[error] || []
} else {
return errors[key] ? errors[key].map(he.decode) : [];
_joiValidate(joiSchema, data, key) {
joiSchema = joiSchema || Joi.object();
data = data || {};
const joiOptions = {
// when true, stops validation on the first error, otherwise returns all the errors found. Defaults to true.
abortEarly: false,
// when true, allows object to contain unknown keys which are ignored. Defaults to false.
allowUnknown: true,
// remove unknown elements from objects and arrays. Defaults to false
stripUnknown: true,
errors: {
escapeHtml: true,
// overrides the way values are wrapped (e.g. [] around arrays, "" around labels).
// Each key can be set to a string with one (same character before and after the value)
// or two characters (first character before and second character after), or false to disable wrapping:
label: false,
wrap: {
label: false,
array: false
messages: {
"string.empty": "{{#label}} is required",
"any.empty": "{{#label}} is required",
"any.required": "{{#label}} is required"
const result = joiSchema.validate(data, joiOptions);
let errors = this._formatErrors(result);
if (key) {
errors = _.pick(errors, key);
return {
errors: errors,
data: result.value
_formatErrors(joiResult) {
if (joiResult.error) {
return _.reduce(joiResult.error.details, (memo, detail) => {
// According to docs:
// - "detail.path": ordered array where each element is the accessor to the value where the error happened.
// - "detail.context.key": key of the value that erred, equivalent to the last element of details.path.
// Which is why we get the last element in "path"
var key = _.last(detail.path);
if (!Array.isArray(memo[key])) {
memo[key] = [];
if (!_.contains(memo[key], detail.message)) {
return memo;
}, {});
} else {
return {};
export default FormValidationStateManager;
I think I got it. I changed value: _value to defaultValue: _value for the attributes in FormElementInput.jsx
saw it here
Anyone know why this fixed it under the hood?

JQuery Validate OR conditional [duplicate]

I have one field which can contain email or mobile (in my case mobile is 8 digits).
I already tried two approaches (both examples doesn't work, because 'element' do not have validate method):
First approach: create custom method and do both validations there, but then I have to create my own email and mobile validation - I couldn't find a way how to reuse jQuery validation rules in new methods. This is what I'd like to have:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("mobileoremail", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) ||
element.validate({ rules: { digits: true, rangelength: [8, 8] } }) ||
element.validate({ rules: { email: true } });
}, "Invalid mobile or email");
Second approach: create dependent rules. And also in this case I couldn't find a way how to reuse jQuery validation rules.
{ myRules: {
rules: {
user: {
required: true,
email: {
depends: function(element) {
return !element.validate({ rules: { mobile: true } });
mobile: {
depends: function (element) {
return !element.validate({ rules: { email: true } });
How about the following validation method...
$.validator.addMethod("xor", function(val, el, param) {
var valid = false;
// loop through sets of nested rules
for(var i = 0; i < param.length; ++i) {
var setResult = true;
// loop through nested rules in the set
for(var x in param[i]) {
var result = $.validator.methods[x].call(this, val, el, param[i][x]);
// If the input breaks one rule in a set we stop and move
// to the next set...
if(!result) {
setResult = false;
// If the value passes for one set we stop with a true result
if(setResult == true) {
valid = true;
// Return the validation result
return this.optional(el) || valid;
}, "The value entered is invalid");
Then we could set up the form validation as follows...
rules: {
input: {
xor: [{
digits: true,
rangelength: [8, 8]
}, {
email: true
messages: {
input: {
xor: "Please enter a valid email or phone number"
See it in action here

How to add my own validator with Backbone.validation?

And I want to create my own validator with Backbone.validation.
I have tried this:
_.extend(Backbone.Validation.validators, {
myValidator: function(value, attr, customValue, model) {
if(value !== customValue){
return 'error';
And in my schema:
profiles: {
editorClass: "form-inline test",
title: "Skills",
type: 'List',
itemType: 'NestedModel',
model: UserProfile,
render: "buttonsstars",
validators: ['myValidator'],
But, i couldnt get anything.
From the documentation of backbone.validation, to add a custom validator, you first need to extend the Backbone.Validation.validators (before using it within a model).
_.extend(Backbone.Validation.validators, {
myValidator: function(value, attr, customValue, model) {
if(value !== customValue){
return 'error';
Then use it like this:
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
validation: {
age: {
myValidator: 1 // uses your custom validator
If the custom validator is specific to a model, but shared across the validation schema:
var SomeModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
validation: {
name: 'validateName'
validateName: function(value, attr, computedState) {/*...snip...*/}
If the validator is custom for a specific field of the schema:
var SomeModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
validation: {
name: {
fn: function(value, attr, computedState) {/*...snip...*/}

Meteor issue in jquery-validation

I have a form to change password. I need to validate the old password. But jquery addMethod is always return false in How to make it workable. Or is there any way? My bellow code will be more details about my issue.
$.validator.addMethod( 'checkPassword', ( oldpassword ) => {
var digest = Package.sha.SHA256(oldpassword);'checkPassword', digest, function(err, result) {
var res = result.error != null; // even if this is "true", error message is visible.
return res;
$( "#changepassword" ).validate({
rules: {
oldpassword: {
required: true,
checkPassword: true
messages: {
oldpassword: {
required: "Please enter your Old Password",
checkPassword: "Password doesnt match!!!" //this message is visible all the time.
} }
Here is my method call
checkPassword: function(digest){
if (Meteor.isServer) {
if (this.userId) {
var user = Meteor.user();
var password = {digest: digest, algorithm: 'sha-256'};
var result = Accounts._checkPassword(user, password);
return result;
here the meteor package

Add custom message to knockout required validation

I have added a required validation to my observable. How can I change the message to something other than "This field is required."
self.Leaving = ko.observable(leaving).extend({
required: {
onlyIf: function() { return self.Status() == 10; }
self.Leaving = ko.observable(leaving).extend({
required: {
onlyIf: function() { return self.Status() == 10; },
message: 'Custom message'
