I have a single link and I want the link to play different sounds each time it is clicked. When I click the link it plays both sounds at the same time but I want one sound at a time
var bleep = new Audio('hello.mp3') ;
bleep.src = "hello.mp3" ;
var bleep2 = new Audio('goodbye.mp3') ;
bleep2.src = "goodbye.mp3";
You should make a function out of it that checks which sound was clicked last time. Also, you neither need to set the .src property or pass a string to the play method.
var bleep = new Audio('hello.mp3');
var bleep2 = new Audio('goodbye.mp3');
var playFirst = true;
function playSound() {
if (playFirst) {
} else {
playFirst = !playFirst;
Instead of attaching the event listener inline as onclick, attach it with JS using addEventListener. This allows you to pick which audio clip to play:
var helloSound = new Audio('hello.mp3');
helloSound.src = "hello.mp3";
var goodbyeSound = new Audio('goodbye.mp3');
goodbyeSound.src = "goodbye.mp3";
var homeLink = document.getElementById('home-link');
homeLink.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (/* condition to play hello */) {
} else {
I have tried to make it so when clicked play audio but this code doesn't work. I would also like to know how to implement this code that works.
javascript:object.onclick = function(){var audio = new Audio('https://media1.vocaroo.com/mp3/12OdDSvf3CkE'); audio.play();};
This code doesn't work.
It appears you need to add an event listener for the canplay or canplaythrough event before calling audio.play(). Try this:
javascript: (function() { var audio = new Audio('https://media1.vocaroo.com/mp3/12OdDSvf3CkE'); audio.addEventListener('canplay', () =>{ audio.play(); });})();
A bit more readable:
(function() {
var audio = new Audio('https://media1.vocaroo.com/mp3/12OdDSvf3CkE');
audio.addEventListener('canplay', () =>{
Edit: P.S. Nice choice of audio clip :)
I'm currently trying to make a song selection list where a user can hit a button to preview a song. I'm struggling with the logic behind setting a buttons innerHTML to read 'Stop preview' when that buttons song is playing and also have the buttons HTML change when a user clicks another button.
Currently my script looks something like:
var playedBy;
var song;
var playing = false;
var audioPlayer = document.getElementById("demo");
function setSong(value, idForPlayed) {
song = value;
audioPlayer.src = song;
playedBy = idForPlayed;
var currentIdPlayingValue = document.getElementById(idForPlayed).value;
function valueGetter(button) {
song = button.value;
button.className += " playing";
var idForPlayed = button.id;
var value = song;
setSong(value, idForPlayed);
function doEnd() {
playing = false;
console.log('we have an end');
document.getElementById('demo').currentTime = 0;
With the value of the buttons being the URL i'm passing the audio object.
Any help is appreciated here, very unsure on the approach i should take.
Thanks all!
Simple example in code pen : http://codepen.io/anon/pen/XXwXYV
You could toggle the innerHtml and all of the other buttons html on click.
Something like
$('.btn').on('click', function(){
//Add or remove a class for the clicked button to determine if it's playing.
//Set all buttons back to play
//And probably call some sort of Stop Playing function
$(this).html('Stop Playing').addClass('playing');
I'm developing a simple slideshow system.
I've got the slideshow wrapped in a hidden div, which is shown when a thumbnail from the gallery is clicked.
The slideshow works through a function called commence(), which is executed when the play button is clicked.
At the moment I've got it set to hide to whole div again when stop is clicked, but I would like to keep the div shown, simply stop the slideshow, in other words, stop the commence() function.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
Here is my JS:
function commence() {
hidden = document.getElementById("hidden");
hidden.style.display = 'block';
pause = document.getElementById("pause");
pause.style.display = 'block';
play = document.getElementById("play");
play.style.display = 'none';
pic = document.getElementById("picbox"); // Assign var pic to the html element.
imgs = []; // Assign images as values and indexes to imgs array.
/* --------------------------- IMAGE URLS FOR IMGS ARRAY -------------------------*/
imgs[0] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_1.jpg"; imgs[10] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_19.jpg";
imgs[1] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_2.jpg"; imgs[11] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_20.jpg";
imgs[2] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_3.jpg"; imgs[12] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_21.jpg";
imgs[3] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_4.jpg"; imgs[13] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_22.jpg";
imgs[4] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_5.jpg"; imgs[14] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_23.jpg";
imgs[5] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_6.jpg"; imgs[15] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_24.jpg";
imgs[6] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_7.jpg"; imgs[16] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_25.jpg";
imgs[7] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_8.jpg"; imgs[17] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_26.jpg";
imgs[8] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_9.jpg"; imgs[18] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_27.jpg";
imgs[9] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_10.jpg"; imgs[19] = "/snakelane/assets/images/thumb/_28.jpg";
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var preload = []; // New array to hold the 'new' images.
for(i = 0 ; i < imgs.length; i++) // Loop through imgs array
preload[i] = new Image(); // Loop preload array and declare current index as a new image object.
preload[i].src = imgs[i]; // Fill preload array with the images being looped from ims array.
i = 0; // Reset counter to 0.
rotate(); // Execute rotate function to create slideshow effect.
// Function to perform change between pictures.
function rotate() {
pic.src = imgs[i]; // Change html element source to looping images
(i === (imgs.length -1))?(i=0) : (i++); // counter equals imgs array length -1.
setTimeout( rotate, 4000); // Sets the time between picture changes. (5000 milliseconds).
function init() {
[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.pic'), function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click', changeSource);
function changeSource() {
hidden = document.getElementById("hidden");
hidden.style.display = 'block';
newpic = this.src;
var pic = document.getElementById("picbox");
pic.src = newpic;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);
function stopSlide() {
var hidden = document.getElementById("hidden");
hidden.style.visibility = 'hidden';
pause.style.display = 'none';
var play = document.getElementById("play");
play.style.display = 'block';
The pause and play statements are not relevant to my question, they simply hide the play button and show the pause button if the slideshow is running, and vice versa.
It looks to me like you actually want to stop the rotate() function, rather then commence, since rotate is what is actually changing the images (ie running the slideshow).
There are two ways. The first, like thriqon posted, is to use the clearTimeout function. However I'd recommend doing it like this:
// somewhere in global space
var rotateTimeout;
// in commence
rotateTimeout = window.setInterval(rotate,4000); // this will tell the browser to call rotate every 4 seconds, saving the ID of the interval into rotateTimeout
// in stopSlide
window.clearInterval(rotateTimeout); // this will tell the browser to clear, or stop running, the interval.
The second, which is a bit messier, is to use a sentinel.
// somewhere in global space
var running;
// in commence
running = true;
// in stopSlide
running = false;
// in rotate
if (running) {
You want to use window.clearTimeout using the id you get by call window.setTimeout.
But you should also consider switching to window.setInterval, which gives you an function call every 4 seconds (and not 4 seconds after the last call), the not-needing of repeated calls to re-set the timeout and a better handling of missed events.
See this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/D3kMG/ for an example on how to use these functions for a simple counter.
As mentioned by #thriqon you will want to use window.clearTimeout. To do this you need to save a "global" reference to the id returned by window.setTimeout, as follows:
var timeoutID;
//... function declarations
function rotate() {
timeoutID = setTimeout( rotate, 4000);
Then in your stopSlide function you'll simply call clearTimout( timeoutID ) to stop the rotation.
As you can see, I have a menu with a few links. All of them, except one, launch a small script that changes the background color according to the onclick thing. The "Talweg" link work another way, it launches a bigger script that actually makes the background color change from time to time, progressively.
What I would like to know is how I can make the other links stop the Talweg script and just change the bgcolor for once.
the menu:
× Désœuvrements<br />
× Recettes<br />
× Talweg<br />
the simple script:
function changeBGC(color){
document.bgColor = color;
the bigger script that can be launched when one clicks on Talweg but I want to stop when one clicks on the other links.
// Set 1 dark to medium
// Set 2 light to medium
// Set 3 very dark to very light light
// Set 4 light to very light
// Set 5 dark to very dark
var fade_effect=4
// What type of gradient should be applied Internet Explorer 5x or higher?
// Set "none" or "horizontal" or "vertical"
var gradient_effect="none"
var speed=800
var browserinfos=navigator.userAgent
var ie4=document.all&&!document.getElementById
var ie5=document.all&&document.getElementById&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var ns4=document.layers
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all
var opera=browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var browserok=ie4||ie5||ns4||ns6||opera
if (fade_effect==1) {
var darkmax=1
var lightmax=127
if (fade_effect==2) {
var darkmax=180
var lightmax=254
if (fade_effect==3) {
var darkmax=1
var lightmax=254
if (fade_effect==4) {
var darkmax=204
var lightmax=254
if (fade_effect==5) {
var darkmax=1
var lightmax=80
var hexc = new Array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F')
var newred
var newgreen
var newblue
var oldred
var oldgreen
var oldblue
var redcol_1
var redcol_2
var greencol_1
var greencol_2
var bluecol_1
var bluecol_2
var oldcolor
var newcolor
var firsttime=true
var stepred=1
var stepgreen=1
var stepblue=1
function setrandomcolor() {
var range=(lightmax-darkmax)
if (firsttime) {
if (oldred>newred) {stepred=1}
else if (oldred<newred) {stepred=-1}
else {stepred=0}
if (oldgreen>newgreen) {stepgreen=1}
else if (oldgreen<newgreen) {stepgreen=-1}
else {stepgreen=0}
if (oldblue>newblue) {stepblue=1}
else if (oldblue<newblue) {stepblue=-1}
else {stepblue=0}
function fadebg() {
if (newred==oldred) {stepred=0}
if (newgreen==oldgreen) {stepgreen=0}
if (newblue==oldblue) {stepblue=0}
if (stepred!=0 || stepgreen!=0 || stepblue!=0) {
redcol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(newred/16)];
redcol_2 = hexc[newred%16];
greencol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(newgreen/16)];
greencol_2 = hexc[newgreen%16];
bluecol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(newblue/16)];
bluecol_2 = hexc[newblue%16];
if (ie5 && gradient_effect!="none") {
if (gradient_effect=="horizontal") {gradient_effect=1}
if (gradient_effect=="vertical") {gradient_effect=0}
greencol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(newred/16)];
greencol_2 = hexc[newred%16];
bluecol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(newgreen/16)];
bluecol_2 = hexc[newgreen%16];
redcol_1 = hexc[Math.floor(newblue/16)];
redcol_2 = hexc[newblue%16];
var newcolorCompl="#"+redcol_1+redcol_2+greencol_1+greencol_2+bluecol_1+bluecol_2
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(startColorstr="+newcolorCompl+", endColorstr="+newcolor+" GradientType="+gradient_effect+")"
else {
var timer=setTimeout("fadebg()",speed);
else {
The longer-running script keeps re-executing itself with selfTimeout. If you want to stop it, all you need to do is call clearTimeout on the returned variable:
Of course, you may need to be a bit more careful, because the script may be in the middle of the execution when you clear the timeout. One way to deal with it would be to set a flag indicating that the script need not be re-executed again. You can pull variable declarations out of the functions to make the code easier to read. So your code can look like this:
//variable declaration for use in fadebg function
var timer;
//variable declaration for the flag
var contBg = true;
//stop your previous script
function stopRandomBg() {
contBg = false;
//changes to fadebg function
function fadebg() {
//change this line
//var timer=setTimeout("fadebg()",speed);
if(contBg) {
These additional changes will take care of the case when the script is in the middle of execution when you try to stop it - it will complete the execution pass and then stop.
Now all you need to do is to add onClick event listener to your link to call stopRandomBg function.
You have to make the timer variable global instead of local.
var timer;
then clear the timer when ever you call other links.
function changeBGC(color){
document.bgColor = color;
I have create a javascript to change the audio after the audio ended.
var songlist = new Array("a.mp3", "b.mp3", "c.mp3", "d.mp3", "e.mp3", "f.mp3");
var dir = "music/";
var curr_track = 0;
var isfirstrun;
function start()
if(curr_track == songlist.length)
curr_track = 0;
var track = document.getElementById('track');
track.innerHTML = curr_track;
var audio = document.getElementById('audio');
isfirstrun = true;
audio.src = dir+songlist[curr_track];
if(isfirstrun == true)
audio.addEventListener('ended', function(){ curr_track++; start();}, false);
isfirstrun = false;
And inside the HTML,
<body onload="start();">
The track used in the code is to show what is the current track number, and I found out that the output is
0 then 1 then 3 then 7
Hence, it is missing c.mp3, e.mp3 and f.mp3 from the songlist.
How can I solve the problem of the looping?
Every time the song ends, you are adding another event handler. This is why you see +1, +2, +4 etc. because the number of event handlers doubles each time around.
This is the main reason why I prefer to use audio.onended = function() {curr_track++; start();};
But anyway, to fix this all you have to do is have an "isfirstrun" variable, starting at true, then only add the event listener if it is true and set it to false.