RabbitMQ amqp.node integration with nodejs express - javascript

The official RabbitMQ Javascript tutorials show usage of the amqp.node client library
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost', function(err, conn) {
conn.createChannel(function(err, ch) {
var q = 'hello';
ch.assertQueue(q, {durable: false});
// Note: on Node 6 Buffer.from(msg) should be used
ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer('Hello World!'));
console.log(" [x] Sent 'Hello World!'");
However, I find it's hard to reuse this code elsewhere. In particular, I don't know how to exports the channel object since it's in a callback. For example in my NodeJs/Express App:
app.post('/posts', (req, res) => {
-- Create a new Post
-- Publish a message saying that a new Post has been created
-- Another 'newsfeed' server consume that message and update the newsfeed table
// How do I reuse the channel 'ch' object from amqp.node here
Do you guys have any guidance on this one? Suggestion of other libraries is welcomed (Since I'm starting out, ease of use is what I considered the most important)

amqp.node is a low-level API set that does minimal translation from AMQP to Node.js. It's basically a driver that should be used from a more friendly API.
If you want a DIY solution, create an API that you can export from your module and manage the connection, channel and other objects from within that API file.
But I don't recommend doing it yourself. It's not easy to get things right.
I would suggest using a library like Rabbot (https://github.com/arobson/rabbot/) to handle this for you.
I've been using Rabbot for quite some time now, and I really like the way it works. It pushes the details of AMQP off to the side and lets me focus on the business value of my applications and the messaging patterns that I need, to build featurs.

As explained in the comments, you could use the module.exports to expose the newly created channel. Of course this will be overridden each time you create a new channel, unless you want to keep an array of channels or some other data structure.
Assuming this is in a script called channelCreator.js:
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost', function(err, conn) {
conn.createChannel(function(err, ch) {
var q = 'hello';
ch.assertQueue(q, {durable: false});
//this is where you can export the channel object
module.exports.channel = ch;
//moved the sending-code to some 'external script'
In the script where you may want to use the "exported" channel:
var channelCreator = require("<path>/channelCreator.js");
//this is where you can access the channel object:
channelCreator.channel.sendToQueue('QueueName', new Buffer('This is Some Message.'));
console.log(" [x] Sent 'Message'");
Hope this helps.


Is it safe to use a single Mongoose database from two files/processes?

I've been working on a server and a push notification daemon that will both run simultaneously and interact with the same database. The idea behind this is that if one goes down, the other will still function.
I normally use Swift but for this project I'm writing it in Node, using Mongoose as my database. I've created a helper class that I import in both my server.js file and my notifier.js file.
const Mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Device = require('./device'); // This is a Schema
var uri = 'mongodb://localhost/devices';
function Database() {
Mongoose.connect(uri, { useMongoClient: true }, function(err) {
console.log('connected: ' + err);
Database.prototype.findDevice = function(params, callback) {
Device.findOne(params, function(err, device) {
// etc...
module.exports = Database;
Then separately from both server.js and notifier.js I create objects and query the database:
const Database = require('./db');
const db = new Database();
db.findDevice(params, function(err, device) {
// Simplified, but I edit and save things back to the database via db
device.token = 'blah';
Is this safe to do? When working with Swift (and Objective-C) I'm always concerned about making things thread safe. Is this a concern? Should I be worried about race conditions and modifying the same files at the same time?
Also, bonus question: How does Mongoose share a connection between files (or processes?). For example Mongoose.connection.readyState returns the same thing from different files.
The short answer is "safe enough."
The long answer has to do with understanding what sort of consistency guarantees your system needs, how you've configured MongoDB, and whether there's any sharding or replication going on.
For the latter, you'll want to read about atomicity and consistency and perhaps also peek at write concern.
A good way to answer these questions, even when you think you've figured it out, is to test scenarios: Hammer a duplicate of your system with fake data and events and see if what happen is OK or not.

Real time notifications node.js

I'm developing a calendar application with Node.js, express.js and Sequelize.
The application is simple, you can create tasks in your calendar, but you can also assign some tasks to others users of the system
I need to create a notification system with socket.io, but I don't have experience with websockets. My big doubt is how can I make my server send a notification to the user that you assign the task?
My ports configurations is on a folder called bin/www, my express routes are defined on a file called server.js
Any Idea?
I want to introduce you to ready to use backend system that enables you to easily build modern web applications with cool functionalities:
Persisted data: store your data and perform advanced searches on it.
Real-time notifications: subscribe to fine-grained subsets of data.
User Management: login, logout and security rules are no more a burden.
With this, you can focus to your main application development.
You can look at Kuzzle, wich is one project I working on:
First, start the service:
Then in your calendar application you can the javascript sdk
At this point you can create a document:
Kuzzle = require('kuzzle-sdk'),
kuzzle = new Kuzzle('http://localhost:7512');
const filter = {
equals: {
user: 'username'
// Subscribe every changes in calendar collection containing a field `user` equals to `username`
.collection('calendar', 'myproject')
.subscribe(filter, function(error, result) {
// triggered each time a document is updated/created !
// Here you can display a message in your application for instance
console.log('message received from kuzzle:', result)
// Each time you have to create a new task in your calendar, you can create a document that represent your task and persist it with kuzzle
const task = {
date: '2017-07-19T16:07:21.520Z',
title: 'my new task',
user: 'username'
// Creating a document from another app will notify all subscribers
.collection('calendar', 'myproject')
I think this can help you :)
Documents are served though socket.io or native websockets when available
Don't hesitate to ask question ;)
As far as I can understand you need to pass your socket.io instance to other files, right ?
var sio = require('socket.io');
var io = sio();
app.io = io;
And you simply attach it to your server in your bin/www file
var io = app.io
Or what else I like to do, is adding socket.io middleware for express
// Socket.io middleware
app.use((req, res, next) => {
req.io = io;
So you can access it in some of your router files
req.io.emit('newMsg', {
success: true

How do I use node-email-templates as an initialize/act style object?

(Open to suggestion on the lingo up there)
I'm trying to set up a simple email sender from a node console app. After reading this answer node-email-templates seems like the way to go. But I can't figure out how to get this library to work in an "initialize now, use later" style object. The example code doesn't do that, it's initializing the object and sending at the same time. Node-mailer gives a good example of the style I'm used to:
var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
// create reusable transport method (opens pool of SMTP connections)
var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport("SMTP",{
service: "Gmail",
auth: {
user: "gmail.user#gmail.com",
pass: "userpass"
// setup e-mail data with unicode symbols
var mailOptions = {
from: "Fred Foo ✔ <foo#blurdybloop.com>", // sender address
to: "bar#blurdybloop.com, baz#blurdybloop.com", // list of receivers
subject: "Hello ✔", // Subject line
text: "Hello world ✔", // plaintext body
html: "<b>Hello world ✔</b>" // html body
// send mail with defined transport object
smtpTransport.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, response){
console.log("Message sent: " + response.message);
// if you don't want to use this transport object anymore,
// uncomment following line:
// smtpTransport.close(); // shut down the connection pool, no more messages
What I'd really like to be able to do:
// require node-email-templates
// setup smtp transport, store it as a property of another object,
// let's call it Alert
// when an alert needs to send an email it will pick a template
// name and tell node-email-templates to send that template,
// with appropriate local variables
This doesn't seem unusual in any way but damned if I can get it to work based on the sample code that is provided.
After looking at the source and discovering that the main entry of node-email-templates is structured as an event-driven process, I doubt you can do what you need without substantial effort.
If that doesn't deter you, you might consider extracting things like the creation of the renderer and transport from the module's main.js function entry point and refactoring it to include more arguments representing the pre-configured resources you need.
Another possible approach might be to add calls to externally defined event-handlers in the main entry function to set references to your external resources.
It should be noted that both of these changes will limit your ability to update the existing module without losing your modifications.
But as the library was written, there is no easy way to convert what is fundamentally an event-driven process into a linear, procedural one without modifying its source.

Where is a good place to put socket.io logic in sails.js

where is a good place to put my logic if I want to use sails.io? Is config/bootstrap.js a good place to put it? Or is there some other file I can create somewhere else?
This code below works:
// config/bootstrap.js
module.exports.bootstrap = function (cb) {
sails.io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log("Got a connected client");
It doesn't support this until 0.9.4.
step 1. Get the latest version of sails.js
step 2. Generate sails with the the cli
step 3. See config/sockets.js, customize onConnect function, see below:
module.exports.sockets = {
// This custom onConnect function will be run each time AFTER a new socket connects
// (To control whether a socket is allowed to connect, check out `authorization` config.)
// Keep in mind that Sails' RESTful simulation for sockets
// mixes in socket.io events for your routes and blueprints automatically.
onConnect: function(session, socket) {
// By default: do nothing
// This is a good place to subscribe a new socket to a room, inform other users that
// someone new has come online, or any other custom socket.io logic
console.log("Got a connected client");
For logic processing, you can put it in the following places:
Controller: if a request should trigger a real-time event
Service: if you want :) but I think Controller is referred
/config/socket.js onConnect(), onDisconnect(): If you want to add or remove the connected socket to/from some rooms, or some initial socket setup, etc.
/policies/sessionAuth.js: for some real-time authen logic
Other places...
Beside, you should consider the resourceful-pubsub feature which may help you save a lot of effort on implementing real-time process with socket. I found that it's very cool :)

Node.js and zmq

I have a strange issue with a basic pubsub application with node and zmq:
a client is publishing strings to a broker, the problem is that the broker only receives the first line. At network level I've noticed that only the first message is sent then the next calls to .send() function have no effect (no packets are sent) so I suppose the problem is in the client/publisher.
I used the example code provided in the official guide which works perfectly, the only difference in my code is that I use prototype to have a reusable structure.
(I didn't paste subscriber's code because is not relevant and took some other not relevant stuff out)
relevant part of the client/publisher:
Publisher = function(zmq, pport) {
this.logread = spawn('tail', ['-n0', '-f', '/var/log/auth.log']);
this.publisher = zmq.socket('req');
this.pport = pport;
Publisher.prototype.start = function() {
var self = this;
this.publisher.connect('tcp://' + this.pport);
this.logread.stdout.on('data', function(data){
relevant part of the broker:
Broker = function(zmq, bpport, bsport) {
this.server = zmq.socket('rep');
this.bpport = bpport;
this.bsport = bsport;
Broker.prototype.start = function() {
this.server.on('message', function(request) {
this.server.bind('tcp://' + this.bsport, function(err) {
if (err)
You are talking about publish subscribe pattern, but in your code, you create a req socket, and in the broker a rep socket, which is for the request-reply pattern. The request-reply pattern is strictly need to send first, than receive, see the api docs docs, or read more from the guide
I suppose you should use pub socket on the client side, and a sub socket on the other side, but don't know what do you want to achieve, maybe a different pattern would fit your needs better.
so I'll answer my question:
the server must send a reply to the client, until then the client will not send more messages
I also suppose there is a different way to achieve this
