Wait until HTML5 video has finished playing - javascript

</style><script type="text/javascript">
var myVideo = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
myVideo.addEventListener("ended", function() {
window.location = "http://mariopaintforums.ddns.net/secret/contin_midi/";
}, true);
</script><body><center><video src="vid.mp4" autoplay>ur brosr is no html5 coocpopabl</video></center></body>
I want to redirect to a different page when a is done playing. Is this possible?
I don't want to try to "wait" for the amount of time that the video itself occupies, because it may take a while to load and it won't finish playing correctly.
The current code with the non-working answer is above.

You can listen to the ended event of the player, and perform your redirect in the callback function.
// Alternatively, use a jQuery selector to get your video element.
var myVideo = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
myVideo.addEventListener("ended", function() {
console.log("The video has just ended!");
// Let's redirect now
window.location = "your_new_url";
}, true);

Give the video an id and create the event handler outside the event listener. Go to: PLUNKER and/or review Snippet below:
BTW, I noticed the code given has <style> and <script> tags before the starting tag of <body>. The only thing that should ever be before the <body> tag is it's only sibling that being the end tag of </head>. Copy the way the layout is in my demos and you should be OK. Place <style> in <head> and <script> before the closing tag of </body>.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<video id="vid1" class="vid" src="http://html5demos.com/assets/dizzy.mp4" controls autoplay></video>
var vid = document.getElementById('vid1');
var loc = 'http://example.com';
vid.addEventListener('ended', function(e) {
}, false);
function jumpTo(url) {
window.location = url;


Why i do not need to set onload event to run setInterval() method in the script tag?

Hello I am new in Javascript i want to know that this code is changing image every four seconds and it is working very well but i did not give onload event here to run setInterval() method but still setInterval() got called how? who called setInterval() method?
<html lang="en">
<title>sliding image</title>
<img id="img1" src=""alt="" width="1200px">
let images = [
let i = 0;
function image()
let img2=document.getElementById("img1");
i = (i + 1) % images.length;
img2.src = images[i];
Code in <script> elements is ran automatically when the script tag is received. To wait until the page finishes loading, you do <script defer>.
For example,
console.log("Hello World!")
This would print Hello World! to the console immediately when the <script> tag is received.
<script defer>
console.log("Hello World!")
This would print Hello World! to the console after the page finishes loading.

read the word in a dictionary page

I am not a programmer! Anyway; I am working on a dictionary app, I need the user to be able to listen to the word when he clicks (or click a small button next to it). Every word is on its own p tag.
My approach was to give the p tag an id equal to the word,so for the word apple the p id will be id="apple", and the mp3 file name is "apple.mp3".
I need a general script (for the whole page) that grabs the id of the clicked element and push it into an embed inner html function that embeds an audio tag with the src="the clicked id.mp3" and play it.
Here what I was trying, but obviously I am missing the correct syntax
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Get ID of Clicked Element using JavaScript</title>
<button id='cat' >cat</button>
<button id='dog' >dog</button>
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
function playSound(soundfile) {
document.getElementById("the grapped Id").innerHTML=
"<embed src= the grapped id""+soundfile+"\" hidden=\"false\" autostart=\"true\" loop=\"false\" />";
Some notes:
Instead of id use data-* as more suitable attribute for such tasks.
Create audio elements using the Audio() constructor.
Keep loaded sounds in the memory to reduce the number of server requests and improve user experience.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Click a word to listen it</title>
<p data-sound="cat">cat</p>
<p data-sound="dog">dog</p>
var sounds = {};
function loadSound(name) {
if (sounds[name]) {
return sounds[name];
var file = '/sounds/' + name + '.mp3',
sound = new Audio(file);
sound.onerror = function() {
alert('File not found: ' + file);
sound.onloadedmetadata = function() {
sounds[name] = sound;
return sound;
function playSound(name) {
var sound = loadSound(name);
if (sound.currentTime > 0) {
sound.currentTime = 0;
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.target.dataset && e.target.dataset.sound) {

Playing next video by calling a function that needs the event passed to it

The question of how can JavaScript call the next video has been asked as I have thoroughly researched this topic before posting. However, in the situation that I will describe, a video is running after an onclick event calls the function: function(e) and I need to be able to call the next video by calling the function(e) again once the code detects an ended event by using the addEventListener method.
I have posted all my code below. In addition I have added comments to illustrate what I “think” is happening. I am brand new to JavaScript and have recently retired, so I have had time to research the Internet to try and piece together what is taking place. Please feel free to clarify my commented code as I would appreciate being set straight on what I have wriiten.
I have also made an attempt to put the code on jsfiddle
but it only seems to function in Chrome.
My main question to everyone is in regard to the statement:
If I call a function outside of the function, I can issue a message via an alert, but if I call the function that I am in (handler(e)) I cannot get the next video to run. Somehow I need to be able to call the handler(e) function and send it the next onclick event.
Thanks for any help.
var video_playlist, links, i, videotarget, filename, video, source;
// Gets the video object from <div id="player"> in the HTML
video_playlist = document.getElementById("player");
// "links" is an array which contains all the <a href> tags in the <div id="playlist">.
// This div is located within <div id="player"> and contains a clickable playlist.
links = video_playlist.getElementsByTagName('a');
// This "for loop" scrolls through the links array of <a href> attributes and
// assigns an "onclick = handler" event to each one.
for (i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
links[i].onclick = handler;
// e is an [object MouseEvent]
function handler(e) {
// The handler function receives the full path to the mp4 file when it is clicked on in the playlist.
// The "preventDefault" method stops the function from following that path.
// This is so the data in the path may be parsed and manipulated below
// videotarget grabs the href attribute of the item clicked on
// in the "playlist". This is the full path to the video file.
videotarget = this.getAttribute("href");
// Through the use of substr, filename grabs that part of the href which
// does not include the extension.
filename = videotarget.substr(0, videotarget.lastIndexOf('.')) || videotarget;
// The variable "video" contains the video object. This is obtained by using document.querySelector().
// This document method uses the css id class, #player, and grabs the [object HTML VideoElement].
// The [object HTML VideoElement] resides in <div id="player">
video = document.querySelector("#player video");
//Removes the poster attribute in the video tag
// The source variable is used to hold an array of all the source tags in the
// [object HTML VideoElement] from <div id="player">.
source = document.querySelectorAll("#player video source");
// Using the substring extracted from the user's click choice in <div id="playlist">
// the three file types for browsers to choose from are concatenated to the string.
// These thre source files are then stored under the video object located in <div id="player">.
source[0].src = filename + ".mp4";
source[1].src = filename + ".webm";
source[2].src = filename + ".ogv";
// The video object will load the appropriate source[].src file then play it
// When the video ends the following statement will call the function test()
// which will then broadcast the alert message "Video Ended"
// This statement will not call the handler function in order to play the next video selection.
// document.getElementById('videoPlayer').addEventListener('ended',handler,false);
}; // function handler(e)
function test(){
alert("Video Ended");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Video Playlist Tutorial</title>
body {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background:#fff}
.center {text-align:center;width:640px;margin:0 auto;}
#player {background:#000; padding:10px;width:640px;margin:0 auto;border-radius:10px;}
#player video {width:640px;}
#playlist {background:#333;list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0; width:640px;}
#playlist h1 {font: 24px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF; font-weight:bold;padding:5px 2px;margin:0;}
#playlist a {color:#eeeedd;background:#333;padding:10px 5px;display:block;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:1px solid #222;}
#playlist a:hover {text-decoration:none; background:#999;color:#000}
<div id="player"> <!-- Assign id to video tag for ended event and to call handler to play next video -->
<video id="videoPlayer" controls="controls" width="640" height="360" preload="auto" autoplay >
<source src="1.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="1.webm" type="video/webm" />
<source src="1.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
<div id="playlist">
Bear <br>
Buck Bunny
Seeing as your handler() function relies on this being the clicked element, you can't just call that function, you'd have to also set the this-value to the next anchor etc. and trigger the event in a way that makes it look like it was triggered by the actual element.
An easier way to do this, would be to just decouple the playing logic, get the next element, and play the video
var video_playlist = document.getElementById("player");
var links = video_playlist.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
(function(j) {
links[j].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
handler.apply(this, [e, j])
function handler(e, index) {
var videotarget = this.getAttribute("href");
play(videotarget, index).addEventListener('ended', function() {
index = (++index) >= links.length ? 0 : index;
play(links[index].getAttribute("href"), index);
function play(videotarget) {
var filename = videotarget.substr(0, videotarget.lastIndexOf('.')) || videotarget;
var video = document.querySelector("#player video");
var source = document.querySelectorAll("#player video source");
source[0].src = filename + ".mp4";
source[1].src = filename + ".webm";
source[2].src = filename + ".ogv";
return video;
<div id="player">
<!-- Assign id to video tag for ended event and to call handler to play next video -->
<video id="videoPlayer" controls="controls" width="640" height="360" preload="auto" autoplay>
<source src="1.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="1.webm" type="video/webm" />
<source src="1.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
<div id="playlist">
Buck Bunny

Get A tag href from nested iframe [duplicate]

I would like to manipulate the HTML inside an iframe using jQuery.
I thought I'd be able to do this by setting the context of the jQuery function to be the document of the iframe, something like:
$(function(){ //document ready
$('some selector', frames['nameOfMyIframe'].document).doStuff()
However this doesn't seem to work. A bit of inspection shows me that the variables in frames['nameOfMyIframe'] are undefined unless I wait a while for the iframe to load. However, when the iframe loads the variables are not accessible (I get permission denied-type errors).
Does anyone know of a work-around to this?
If the <iframe> is from the same domain, the elements are easily accessible as
I think what you are doing is subject to the same origin policy. This should be the reason why you are getting permission denied type errors.
You could use .contents() method of jQuery.
The .contents() method can also be used to get the content document of an iframe, if the iframe is on the same domain as the main page.
$('#frameID').contents().find('body').html('Hey, i`ve changed content of <body>! Yay!!!');
If the iframe src is from another domain you can still do it. You need to read the external page into PHP and echo it from your domain. Like this:
$URL = "http://external.com";
$domain = file_get_contents($URL);
echo $domain;
Then something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
cleanit = setInterval ( "cleaning()", 500 );
function cleaning(){
if($('#frametest').contents().find('.selector').html() == "somthing"){
$('#selector').contents().find('.Link').html('ideate tech');
<iframe name="frametest" id="frametest" src="http://yourdomain.com/iframe_page.php" ></iframe>
The above is an example of how to edit an external page through an iframe without the access denied etc...
instead of
I find this way cleaner:
var $iframe = $("#iframeID").contents();
You need to attach an event to an iframe's onload handler, and execute the js in there, so that you make sure the iframe has finished loading before accessing it.
$().ready(function () {
$("#iframeID").ready(function () { //The function below executes once the iframe has finished loading
$('some selector', frames['nameOfMyIframe'].document).doStuff();
The above will solve the 'not-yet-loaded' problem, but as regards the permissions, if you are loading a page in the iframe that is from a different domain, you won't be able to access it due to security restrictions.
You can use window.postMessage to call a function between page and his iframe (cross domain or not).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page with an iframe</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
var Page = {
variable:'This is the page.'
$(window).on('message', function(e) {
var event = e.originalEvent;
if(window.console) {
alert(event.origin + '\n' + event.data);
function iframeReady(iframe) {
if(iframe.contentWindow.postMessage) {
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('Hello ' + Page.id, '*');
<h1>Page with an iframe</h1>
<iframe src="iframe.html" onload="iframeReady(this);"></iframe>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
var Page = {
variable:'The iframe.'
$(window).on('message', function(e) {
var event = e.originalEvent;
if(window.console) {
alert(event.origin + '\n' + event.data);
$(window).on('load', function() {
if(window.parent.postMessage) {
window.parent.postMessage('Hello ' + Page.id, '*');
<p>It's the iframe.</p>
I prefer to use other variant for accessing.
From parent you can have a access to variable in child iframe.
$ is a variable too and you can receive access to its just call
For example, window.view.$('div').hide() - hide all divs in iframe with id 'view'
But, it doesn't work in FF. For better compatibility you should use
Have you tried the classic, waiting for the load to complete using jQuery's builtin ready function?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('some selector', frames['nameOfMyIframe'].document).doStuff()
} );
I create a sample code . Now you can easily understand from different domain you can't access
content of iframe .. Same domain we can access iframe content
I share you my code , Please run this code
check the console . I print image src at console. There are four iframe , two iframe coming from same domain & other two from other domain(third party) .You can see two image src( https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif
at console and also can see two permission error(
Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'
...irstChild)},contents:function(a){return m.nodeName(a,"iframe")?a.contentDocument...
) which is coming from third party iframe.
<body id="page-top" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar-fixed-top">
<p>iframe from same domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="iframe.html" name="imgbox" class="iView">
<p>iframe from same domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="iframe2.html" name="imgbox" class="iView1">
<p>iframe from different domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif" name="imgbox" class="iView2">
<p>iframe from different domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="http://d1rmo5dfr7fx8e.cloudfront.net/" name="imgbox" class="iView3">
<script type='text/javascript'>
var src = $('.iView').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
}, 2000);
var src = $('.iView1').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
}, 3000);
var src = $('.iView2').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
}, 3000);
var src = $('.iView3').contents().find("img").attr('src');
}, 3000);
If the code below doesn't work
Here is the reliable way to make it work:
function () {
This way the script will run after 300 miliseconds, so it'll get enough time for iFrame to be loaded and then the code will come into action. At times the iFrame doesn't load and script tries to execute before it. 300ms can be tweaked to anything else as per your needs.
For even more robustness:
function getIframeWindow(iframe_object) {
var doc;
if (iframe_object.contentWindow) {
return iframe_object.contentWindow;
if (iframe_object.window) {
return iframe_object.window;
if (!doc && iframe_object.contentDocument) {
doc = iframe_object.contentDocument;
if (!doc && iframe_object.document) {
doc = iframe_object.document;
if (doc && doc.defaultView) {
return doc.defaultView;
if (doc && doc.parentWindow) {
return doc.parentWindow;
return undefined;
var frame_win = getIframeWindow( frames['nameOfMyIframe'] );
if (frame_win) {
$(frame_win.contentDocument || frame_win.document).find('some selector').doStuff();
I ended up here looking for getting the content of an iframe without jquery, so for anyone else looking for that, it is just this:
This solution works same as iFrame. I have created a PHP script that can get all the contents from the other website, and most important part is you can easily apply your custom jQuery to that external content. Please refer to the following script that can get all the contents from the other website and then you can apply your cusom jQuery/JS as well. This content can be used anywhere, inside any element or any page.
<div id='myframe'>
Use below function to display final HTML inside this div
//Display Frame
echo displayFrame();
Function to display frame from another domain
function displayFrame()
$webUrl = 'http://[external-web-domain.com]/';
//Get HTML from the URL
$content = file_get_contents($webUrl);
//Add custom JS to returned HTML content
$customJS = "
/* Here I am writing a sample jQuery to hide the navigation menu
You can write your own jQuery for this content
//Hide Navigation bar
//Append Custom JS with HTML
$html = $content . $customJS;
//Return customized HTML
return $html;

How can I access the contents of an iframe with JavaScript/jQuery?

I would like to manipulate the HTML inside an iframe using jQuery.
I thought I'd be able to do this by setting the context of the jQuery function to be the document of the iframe, something like:
$(function(){ //document ready
$('some selector', frames['nameOfMyIframe'].document).doStuff()
However this doesn't seem to work. A bit of inspection shows me that the variables in frames['nameOfMyIframe'] are undefined unless I wait a while for the iframe to load. However, when the iframe loads the variables are not accessible (I get permission denied-type errors).
Does anyone know of a work-around to this?
If the <iframe> is from the same domain, the elements are easily accessible as
I think what you are doing is subject to the same origin policy. This should be the reason why you are getting permission denied type errors.
You could use .contents() method of jQuery.
The .contents() method can also be used to get the content document of an iframe, if the iframe is on the same domain as the main page.
$('#frameID').contents().find('body').html('Hey, i`ve changed content of <body>! Yay!!!');
If the iframe src is from another domain you can still do it. You need to read the external page into PHP and echo it from your domain. Like this:
$URL = "http://external.com";
$domain = file_get_contents($URL);
echo $domain;
Then something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
cleanit = setInterval ( "cleaning()", 500 );
function cleaning(){
if($('#frametest').contents().find('.selector').html() == "somthing"){
$('#selector').contents().find('.Link').html('ideate tech');
<iframe name="frametest" id="frametest" src="http://yourdomain.com/iframe_page.php" ></iframe>
The above is an example of how to edit an external page through an iframe without the access denied etc...
instead of
I find this way cleaner:
var $iframe = $("#iframeID").contents();
You need to attach an event to an iframe's onload handler, and execute the js in there, so that you make sure the iframe has finished loading before accessing it.
$().ready(function () {
$("#iframeID").ready(function () { //The function below executes once the iframe has finished loading
$('some selector', frames['nameOfMyIframe'].document).doStuff();
The above will solve the 'not-yet-loaded' problem, but as regards the permissions, if you are loading a page in the iframe that is from a different domain, you won't be able to access it due to security restrictions.
You can use window.postMessage to call a function between page and his iframe (cross domain or not).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page with an iframe</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
var Page = {
variable:'This is the page.'
$(window).on('message', function(e) {
var event = e.originalEvent;
if(window.console) {
alert(event.origin + '\n' + event.data);
function iframeReady(iframe) {
if(iframe.contentWindow.postMessage) {
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('Hello ' + Page.id, '*');
<h1>Page with an iframe</h1>
<iframe src="iframe.html" onload="iframeReady(this);"></iframe>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
var Page = {
variable:'The iframe.'
$(window).on('message', function(e) {
var event = e.originalEvent;
if(window.console) {
alert(event.origin + '\n' + event.data);
$(window).on('load', function() {
if(window.parent.postMessage) {
window.parent.postMessage('Hello ' + Page.id, '*');
<p>It's the iframe.</p>
I prefer to use other variant for accessing.
From parent you can have a access to variable in child iframe.
$ is a variable too and you can receive access to its just call
For example, window.view.$('div').hide() - hide all divs in iframe with id 'view'
But, it doesn't work in FF. For better compatibility you should use
Have you tried the classic, waiting for the load to complete using jQuery's builtin ready function?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('some selector', frames['nameOfMyIframe'].document).doStuff()
} );
I create a sample code . Now you can easily understand from different domain you can't access
content of iframe .. Same domain we can access iframe content
I share you my code , Please run this code
check the console . I print image src at console. There are four iframe , two iframe coming from same domain & other two from other domain(third party) .You can see two image src( https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif
at console and also can see two permission error(
Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'
...irstChild)},contents:function(a){return m.nodeName(a,"iframe")?a.contentDocument...
) which is coming from third party iframe.
<body id="page-top" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar-fixed-top">
<p>iframe from same domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="iframe.html" name="imgbox" class="iView">
<p>iframe from same domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="iframe2.html" name="imgbox" class="iView1">
<p>iframe from different domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif" name="imgbox" class="iView2">
<p>iframe from different domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
src="http://d1rmo5dfr7fx8e.cloudfront.net/" name="imgbox" class="iView3">
<script type='text/javascript'>
var src = $('.iView').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
}, 2000);
var src = $('.iView1').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
}, 3000);
var src = $('.iView2').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
}, 3000);
var src = $('.iView3').contents().find("img").attr('src');
}, 3000);
If the code below doesn't work
Here is the reliable way to make it work:
function () {
This way the script will run after 300 miliseconds, so it'll get enough time for iFrame to be loaded and then the code will come into action. At times the iFrame doesn't load and script tries to execute before it. 300ms can be tweaked to anything else as per your needs.
For even more robustness:
function getIframeWindow(iframe_object) {
var doc;
if (iframe_object.contentWindow) {
return iframe_object.contentWindow;
if (iframe_object.window) {
return iframe_object.window;
if (!doc && iframe_object.contentDocument) {
doc = iframe_object.contentDocument;
if (!doc && iframe_object.document) {
doc = iframe_object.document;
if (doc && doc.defaultView) {
return doc.defaultView;
if (doc && doc.parentWindow) {
return doc.parentWindow;
return undefined;
var frame_win = getIframeWindow( frames['nameOfMyIframe'] );
if (frame_win) {
$(frame_win.contentDocument || frame_win.document).find('some selector').doStuff();
I ended up here looking for getting the content of an iframe without jquery, so for anyone else looking for that, it is just this:
This solution works same as iFrame. I have created a PHP script that can get all the contents from the other website, and most important part is you can easily apply your custom jQuery to that external content. Please refer to the following script that can get all the contents from the other website and then you can apply your cusom jQuery/JS as well. This content can be used anywhere, inside any element or any page.
<div id='myframe'>
Use below function to display final HTML inside this div
//Display Frame
echo displayFrame();
Function to display frame from another domain
function displayFrame()
$webUrl = 'http://[external-web-domain.com]/';
//Get HTML from the URL
$content = file_get_contents($webUrl);
//Add custom JS to returned HTML content
$customJS = "
/* Here I am writing a sample jQuery to hide the navigation menu
You can write your own jQuery for this content
//Hide Navigation bar
//Append Custom JS with HTML
$html = $content . $customJS;
//Return customized HTML
return $html;
