sw-precache-webpack-plugin webpack service worker default template - javascript

I'm using the sw-precache-webpack-plugin to generate a service worker for my project, I can see all my fonts, js and css files in the cache storage but not the index / html file and its not working when i go offline. I also get a 'site cannot be installed: no matching service worker detected.' when i try and add to homepage on the App manifest.
My stack is a universal React + redux app, with Express + ejs for index file. I'm not sure if its because I'm using ejs rather than a default html file, but it doesnt seem to find the file. Is there a way I can specify a template? My sw-precache-webpack-plugin webpack setting is:
new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
cacheId: 'tester',
filename: 'my-service-worker.js',
directoryIndex: '/',
Any advice would be appreciated

You are missing a specification of a caching strategy in the plugin config.
plugins: [
new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
cacheId: 'tester',
filename: 'my-service-worker.js',
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: '/',
handler: 'cacheFirst',
Documentation: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-precache#runtimecaching-arrayobject


Missing Script generated by Webpack(development) on first page load

the first time i load the login page the login.js script doesn't load , only the shared.js bundle loads (which has bootstrap js/css and toastr css), if i refresh the page everything loads without problems and after that there are no problems.
Pretty much every time i restart my local server i need refresh the login page to be able to login
my webpack config is as follows
export default {
entry: {
shared: [
login : {
import: './src/pages/login.js',
filename: 'main/login.js',
dependOn: 'shared',
chunkLoading: false,
path: fileURLToPath(new URL('public',import.meta.url)),
extensions: ['.js']
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
jQuery: "jquery"
mode: 'development'
The project has been build using Node 16.17 / Expressjs 4
It works without problems if i change the mode to production
Going to write in case i encounter the same issue again:
after adding the compression library i cannot replicate the issue
another issue that i had was that when i was returning messages from the server with the status 400, it would return a invalid string Ex:
{ok:true, description:"username invalid"
always missing the closing bracket }
this issue has also been resolved by using compression middleware

Vue 3 & Vite built application shows blank page

I have a problem trying to make a build of a new Vue3.js + Vite.js application. Once my application is finished i made the npm run build action in order to generate the final deployment files.
Problem is that when I try to see the generated page, it only shows a white page.
Opening the inspection tool I can see how the main generated javascript files are like not being found by the static index.html:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED index.7b66f7af.js:1
Ok. I found the solution searching a bit, and I see how this problem also occurred actually in Vue 2.
The only thing that you have to do for solvif is add base: './' in your vite.config.js, like this:
import {
} from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
import vuetify from '#vuetify/vite-plugin'
const path = require('path')
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
autoImport: true,
define: {
'process.env': {}
resolve: {
alias: {
'#': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
base: './',
Hope it helps you all!
I had this problem also, and found a solution:
It looks like the awnser given by #javi But it's different. I found out that the situation changes when you deploy your application.
In vite config there is a setting called 'base' filled in like: base: mode === 'production' ? '/nameExample/' : '/', this will put the output of your project on the endpoint : 'nameExample'. If you go in production this fails and shows a blank page, and you need to changes this nameExample to '/' to show the projectbuild online. But than it shows a blank page in development because it mismatches the name of the project. Hope this will help you.

How to correct "preload key requests" performance problem on lighthouse with vue-cli and vue.config.js

I use Vue-CLI to build my vue.js project.
When I use lighthouse, I see big opportunities of performance: "Preload Key requests" with these warnings:
A preload was found for ".../js/chunk-vendors.505a9ffc.js" but was not used by the browser. Check that you are using the crossorigin attribute properly.
A preload was found for ".../js/app.a1661204.js" but was not used by the browser. Check that you are using the crossorigin attribute properly.
A preload was found for ".../css/chunk-vendors.89b73702.css" but was not used by the browser. Check that you are using the crossorigin attribute properly.
A preload was found for ".../css/app.9ea691b0.css" but was not used by the browser. Check that you are using the crossorigin attribute properly.
Does anyone have a solution to fix it with Vue-CLI and vue.config.js to modify the webpack config?
And can you explain the problem?
You should be able to configure crossOriginLoading in webpack config file.
module.exports = {
output: {
crossOriginLoading: 'anonymous'
Not sure if you have a separate webpack config file or not, but if you are using default vue.config.js file, you can use configureWebpack option for the same:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
output: {
crossOriginLoading: 'anonymous'
I've used preload-webpack-plugin (https://www.npmjs.com/package/preload-webpack-plugin)
const PreloadWebpackPlugin = require('preload-webpack-plugin');
// adds <style> tag with preload
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new PreloadWebpackPlugin({
rel: 'preload',
as: 'style',
include: ['main', 'profile', 'search'], // can be 'allChunks' or 'initial' or see more on npm page
fileBlacklist: [/\.map|.js/], // here may be chunks that you don't want to have preloaded

Sapper/Svelte.js - How to specify client-side assets location?

I have a Sapper.js application that I have successfully running on AWS Lambda. Lambda is able to deliver the server-side generated HTML created by Sapper to AWS API Gateway which then serves the app to the user. I am using S3 to host the client side assets (scripts, webpack chunks, etc). The S3 bucket is on a different domain than API Gateway.
The issue I'm having is that I need to set an asset prefix for these scripts so that Sapper can find them. Currently all of my client side scripts include relative links and look like this: <script src="/client/be33a1fe9c8bbaa6fa9d/SCRIPT_NAME.js"></script> I need to have them look like this: <script src="https://AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT.com/client/be33a1fe9c8bbaa6fa9d/SCRIPT_NAME.js"></script>
Looking in the Sapper docs, I see that I can specify a base url for the client and server. However, changing this base url breaks my app and causes the Lambda rendering the pages to return 404 errors.
I know that when using, say, Next.js, I can accomplish this by modifying the next.config.js file to include the following:
module.exports = {
assetPrefix: "https://AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT.com/client",
But I don't know how to do this in Sapper. Do I need to modify the bundler (using webpack) config? Or is there some other way?
Thank you.
I think I've figured it out.
I had to change two sapper files. First I went into sapper/dist/webpack.js and modified it like so:
'use strict';
var __chunk_3 = require('./chunk3.js');
var webpack = {
dev: __chunk_3.dev,
client: {
entry: () => {
return {
main: `${__chunk_3.src}/client`
output: () => {
return {
path: `${__chunk_3.dest}/client`,
filename: '[hash]/[name].js',
chunkFilename: '[hash]/[name].[id].js',
// change this line to point to the s3 bucket client key
publicPath: "https://AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT.com/client"
server: {
entry: () => {
return {
server: `${__chunk_3.src}/server`
output: () => {
return {
path: `${__chunk_3.dest}/server`,
filename: '[name].js',
chunkFilename: '[hash]/[name].[id].js',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2'
serviceworker: {
entry: () => {
return {
'service-worker': `${__chunk_3.src}/service-worker`
output: () => {
return {
path: __chunk_3.dest,
filename: '[name].js',
chunkFilename: '[name].[id].[hash].js',
// change this line to point to the s3 bucket root
publicPath: "https://AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT.com"
module.exports = webpack;
//# sourceMappingURL=webpack.js.map
Then I had to modify sapper/runtime/server.mjs so that the main variable points to the bucket like so:
const main = `https://AWS_S3_BUCKET_ENDPOINT.com/client/${file}`;
Testing with the basic sapper webpack template, I can confirm that the scripts are loading from the s3 bucket successully. So far this all looks good. I will mess around with the sapper build command next to make it so I can pass these hacks in as command line arguments so I don't have to hardcode them every time.
Now, I'm not sure if this will hold up as the app becomes more complicated. Looking into the sapper/runtime/server.mjs file, I see that the req.baseUrl property is referenced in several different locations and I don't know if my hacks will cause any issues with this. Or anywhere else in sapper for that matter.
If anyone with more experience with the Sapper internals is reading, let me know in the comments if I screwed something up 👍

How do I update file paths in VueJs if I'm using CLI3

I'm a bit lost and need some help with VueJs. I am using Vue CLI3 and have created a new Vue project where eveything is working, no errors in the console etc. However, after running the build task, the copy in my dist folder shows as a blank page. I have learnt that this is to do with needing to update the assetsPublicPath: and remove the '/' forwards slash. To do this I have been told you have to update the config file index.js but there is no such file in my proect? I have also been told there is a config folder, but there isnt?
Therefore how do I update the following
from assetsPublicPath: '/',
to assetsPublicPath: '',
Take a look at the documentation. If you don't have the vue.config.js just create it. I would look something like this:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
// Any of the config options will come here. Everything you'll need is in the docs
publicPath: ''
Only create a vue.config.js in your project and use inside .File is automatic loaded by vue cli serve. After publish your hosting or server file will must work it.
module.exports = {
css: {
extract: true
publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "" : "",
outputDir: "dist"
