Is Object Destructuring in function parameters a good pattern? [duplicate] - javascript

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Multiple arguments vs. options object
(10 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've really fallen in love with object destructuring with functions.
For example:
var buyCoffee = function({sku, pounds = 1, roast:''}){
...more code
buyCoffee({sku:"cf-100" pounds: 3, roast: 'dark'});
buyCoffee({sku:"cf-101" roast: 'light'});
Flexibility similar to the args object.
Added Simplicity
Not required to put in parameters if I don't need them.
Variable names are locked all the way through.
Currying would be much harder.(From what I can tell)
Significant computational overhead vs traditional params ?
Harder to test?
I'd like to know what downsides there are to this approach? Is this a good pattern to use as I grow as a developer? Just looking for some wisdom from the trenches on this. Thoughts?

Variable names are locked all the way through.
Not at all. You can easily destructure into arbitrary variables:
function({sku:mySku, pounds:localPounds=1, roast=''}) { … // use mySku, localPounds and roast
Currying would be much harder.
There's no currying when you pass objects anyway. And currying with optional parameters is always hard.
Potential computational overhead?
Depends on what you compare it against.


What's the difference between using Array.of() compared with brackets [ ]? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Array.of vs "[ ]". When to use Array.of over "[ ]"?
(3 answers)
What’s the difference between "Array()" and "[]" while declaring a JavaScript array?
(19 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
For example,
let x = [1,2,3,5];
is equivalent to:
let x = Array.of(1,2,3,4,5);
(Unless I'm missing an important detail, which is why I'm asking the question)
You could also mix these with spread ... syntax and variables and thus other arrays. To me, it seems Array.of() has more overhead. Would Array.of() have to parse an arguments object into another array?
I know there's also new Array() as others have before questioned here, but that has a different semantic purpose, so I don't see this question as a duplicate to that.
As I see it now, Array.of() and [ ] seem redundant. The function's intent does seem more explicit on the former, but the latter's intent is simple enough to not be misunderstood.
So to summarize:
When is one preferable over the other?
Why does Array.of() exist when JavaScript survived without it for so long?
And, what're the differences of these two methods, if any? Would there be any needless overhead?

if I write code es6, what would be better? (let,const) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the use case for var in ES6?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
If I write ECMAScript 6 code, what will be better: to use only let and const or var too? I know the difference between them, but I want to know can I not use var at all? What is the best practice?
I wanted to ask about Code Style
Nice write-up by Eric Elliot on this topic: (Emphasis mine)
[...] I favor const over let in ES6. In JavaScript, const means that the identifier can’t be reassigned. (Not to be confused with immutable values. Unlike true immutable datatypes such as those produced by Immutable.js and Mori, a const object can have properties mutated.)
If I don’t need to reassign, const is my default choice over let because I want the usage to be as clear as possible in the code.
I use let when I need to reassign a variable. Because I use one variable to represent one thing, the use case for let tends to be for loops or mathematical algorithms.
I don’t use var in ES6. There is value in block scope for loops, but I can’t think of a situation where I’d prefer var over let.

Extending core functionality [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is extending native objects a bad practice?
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to make some utility functions for which the obvious place is as a method on some core objects
Math.sum = function(arr) {
var total=0;
for ( x in arr)
total+= parseFloat(arr[x]);
return total;
I know that extending core types such as Array is generally considered a bad idea (although I'm not clear on the reasons for that). Would extending the Math object be an equally bad idea?
Obviously I can collect these functions elsewhere, it just seems logical to me that they should reside on the core objects.
First of all you can rewrite the core sum method if it exist.
Other point could be the fact that other people will not now about your implementation.
Better way to wrap this object and to add your own implementation.

Javascript : Coding standards, Pascal Casing or Camel Casing? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the best-practice casing style for javascript? Why?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am creating calling a function and passing in an array of objects but i am unsure if to use camingCasing or PascalCasing. Here is my method
If you notice i am passing in DefaulText, but should it be defaultText? and also Items, should it be items? and within the Items and i am also passing in Id and Title.
Can anyone confirm the correct way of doing this?
I know that methods are camelCasing but passing in objects like above?
Thanks in advance
The very popular JavaScript convention is to use PascalCasing as you call it for constructors (classes), for example String, Number, Date and camel casing for variable names and object keys. This code convention is used for all the built-in JavaScript functionality in the modern browsers, so thats why I would recommend to use it for your own code too.
There is no one correct way.
The JavaScript API uses camelCase for functions and PascalCase for objects.
Just choose one and be consistent. JavaScript identifiers are case sensitive.

What is the difference between Something.prototype.else and Something.else [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
JavaScript: Class.method vs. Class.prototype.method
I am trying to understand object in JavaScript. Now I see a lot of different uses of object, and I can not tell them apart.
For starters, the biggest thing I want to know is what the difference is between these two
Something.prototype.else = function(){
return 6;
Something.else = function(){
return 6;
Both look different, but they are used in the same way, or am I mistaken.
If you are familiar with other programming languages you can consider the second one to be a static method.
The first one you need an instance of the object in order to use it:
var x = new Something();
The second one you do not need an instance in order to use it:
It's a good question for an interview for a JavaScript job indeed.
The difference is that Something.else overrides Something.prototype.else. That is, if you have both, Something.else will be used.
The advantage of having prototypes is that a prototype can be shared between many objects to reduce memory usage, make monkey-patching easier and implement prototype-based inheritance.
