Display Table Values Based on Dropdown Selection - javascript

I have a dropdown list that is imported with data from a table in a database. The dropdown values consist of a value MR_ID that is concatenated with MR_Name that is located in a different table. Depending on what is selected, I want to display a table that shows the necessary information that correlates to what was selected in the dropdown list. So, for example, if I select "1 - Company A" in the dropdown list, I want the Supp_ID values (can be more than 1 value) that correlate to the "1 - Company A" value to be displayed in a table. How can I do this?
The table is only 2 columns, MR_ID (which is what is displayed in the dropdown list) and Supp_ID.
I had this working before but I had to change my queries to use CTE instead and it threw me off.
Here were my original queries on my main page and also the query that the ajax calls...
// Query on main page
// Query that is used in ajax call (test-table.php)
$sql_one = "SELECT CAST(Supp_ID AS INT) AS Supp_ID, CAST(MR_ID AS INT) AS MR_ID FROM Stage_Rebate_Index WHERE MR_ID = '$mr_id'";
Here are my new queries using CTE that I cant figure out how to get them working...
// Query on main page
$sql = "WITH cte AS (
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(CAST(Stage_Rebate_Index.MR_ID AS INT),' - ', Stage_Rebate_Master.MR_Name) AS MR_ID
, Stage_Rebate_Index.MR_ID AS sort_column
FROM Stage_Rebate_Index
LEFT JOIN Stage_Rebate_Master
ON Stage_Rebate_Master.MR_ID=Stage_Rebate_Index.MR_ID
// Query that is used in ajax call (test-table.php)
$sql_one = "WITH cte AS (
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(CAST(Stage_Rebate_Index.MR_ID AS INT),' - ', Stage_Rebate_Master.MR_Name) AS MR_ID
, Stage_Rebate_Index.MR_ID AS sort_column, CAST(Stage_Rebate_Index.Supp_ID as INT) AS Supp_ID
FROM Stage_Rebate_Index
LEFT JOIN Stage_Rebate_Master
ON Stage_Rebate_Master.MR_ID=Stage_Rebate_Index.MR_ID
MR_ID = '$mr_id'
This is my ajax along with a line of code that brings in the $_POST value...
// Reads what the user selects from the drop down list and displays table when a selection is made
function updatetable(myForm) {
function show() { document.getElementById('index-table').style.display = 'block'; }
var selIndex = myForm.selectedIndex;
var selName = $( "#mr_id option:selected" ).text();
// Ajax sends POST method to Stage_Rebate_Index table and pulls information based on drop down selection
$.ajax ({
url: "test-table.php",
method: "POST", //can be post or get, up to you
data: {
mr_id : selName
beforeSend: function () {
//Might want to delete table and put a loading screen, otherwise ignore this
success: function(data){
$("#table_div").html(data); // table_div is the div you're going to put the table into, and 'data' is the table itself.
$_POST method brought in on same script as the query that is used in ajax call...
$mr_id = $_POST['mr_id'];


Pass variable with subvariable from JQuery to Flask app

I have a Flask that uses WTForms and Jquery to take from the user "input" fields in a form and shows "select" fields to the user. Jquery is used to filter the select fields shown to the user based on what they enter in the input fields. In order to filter the select fields, I need to take what the user enters in the input fields and send it to the Flask app.
These are the form fields -
class TableName(FlaskForm):
schema = StringField('Schema', validators=[DataRequired()], id = 'schema_name')
table = StringField('Table', validators=[DataRequired()], id = 'table_name')
class QaForm(FlaskForm):
test_table_in = FormField(TableName, id = 'test_table')
prod_table_in = FormField(TableName, id = 'prod_table')
This is the JQuery -
$(function() {
var tables = {
test_table: $('test_table_in-schema_name').val() + "." + $('test_table_in-table_name').val(),
prod_table: $('prod_table_in-schema_name').val() + "." + $('prod_table_in-table_name').val()
var fields = {
test: [$('#select_test_join_key'), $('#select_test_dimensions')],
prod: [$('#select_prod_join_key'), $('#select_prod_dimensions')]
fields.test.forEach(item => updateFields(tables.test_table, item));
fields.prod.forEach(item => updateFields(tables.prod_table, item));
function updateFields(table, field) {
var send = {
table: tables.table
$.getJSON("{{url_for('_get_fields') }}", send, function(data) {
//do something
When the user enters a "test_table", the test table should get passed to _get_fields() and when the user enters a prod_table, that value should get sent to _get_fields(). Test_table and prod_table are two form fields, each consisting of two subfields, "schema" and "table" that are combined to create one field in the format "schema.table".
Function _get_fields() in Flask view to receive the table name -
def _get_fields():
table = request.args.get('table', type=str)
fields_query = f"""select column_name AS Fields from information_schema.columns WHERE
table_name = '{table}' group by 1 limit 10;"""
result = conn.fetchall()
return jsonify(result)
Potential errors:
It's the request_args.get() function in the Flask view that I believe is not referring correctly to the JQuery variables. I've tried 'test_table', 'prod_table', and others but none of these have worked so far. I'm using the "name" of the input form elements to create the table variables - I'm wondering if that may be a part of the issue as well. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Multiple Delete/Update using php- Codeigniter Ajax

The console.log(response) returns the code of whole page in console when I inspect it in ajax . I have created a codeigniter project with MySQL as back end database . I have fetched content from table from database into table. Now I want to give option to user of mulitple delete. Please take it into account that I am not actually deleting value from table I am just turning status of of that row to inactive. It goes as :
If status= 0 : the row's data will be visible in table.
If status= 1:the row's data will not be visible in table.
I have given checkbox option in the table to select multiple checkbox.
Here is my javascript:
To check all the check boxes:-
<script language="JavaScript">
function selectAll(source) {
checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('sport');
for(var i in checkboxes)
checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked;
javascript to get value's from the checkboxes and send it to controller:
<script type="text/javascript">
function okay(){
var favorite = [];
$.each($("input[name='sport']:checked"), function(){
var txt=$(this).val();
for (var i = 0;i<favorite.length;i++) {
console.log('nahi gaya');
//alert("My favourite sports are: " + favorite.join(", "));
every check box is associate with particular values.
here the html button to call the fucntion:
<button onclick="okay();">Delete Selected</button>
//multiple delete supervisor
public function supervisor_muldel() {
$value_id = $this->input->post('value_id');
$selected_supervisor = array('supervisor_id' =>$value_id);
$result = $this->Entry_model->supervisor_muldel($staus,$selected_supervisor);
//delete multiple supervisor
public function supervisor_muldel($staus,$condition)
The console.log returns the code of whole page in console.I am stuck here.
You have put wrong ajax request URL.
Look at the controller name in URL.

jQuery 'change' doesn't show most up-to-date data

I have a jQuery change function that populates a dropdown list of Titles from the user selection of a Site dropdown list
$("#SiteID").on("change", function() {
var titleUrl = '#Url.Content("~/")' + "Form/GetTitles";
var ddlsource = "#SiteID";
$.getJSON(titleUrl, { SiteID: $(ddlsource).val() }, function(data) {
var items = "";
$.each(data, function(i, title) {
items +=
"<option value='" + title.value + "'>" + title.text + "</option>";
The controller returns JSON object that populates another dropdown list.
public JsonResult GetTitles(int siteId)
IEnumerable<Title> titleList;
titleList = repository.Titles
.Where(o => o.SiteID == siteId)
.OrderBy(o => o.Name);
return Json(new SelectList(titleList, "TitleID", "Name"));
The markup is:
<select id="SiteID" asp-for="SiteID" asp-items="#Model.SiteList" value="#Model.Site.SiteID" class="form-control"></select>
<select id="TitleID"></select>
The problem is that the controller method is only touched on the FIRST time a selection is made. For example,
The first time SITE 1 is selected, the controller method will return the updated list of Titles corresponding to SITE 1
If SITE 2 is selected from the dropdown, the controller will return the updated list of Titles corresponding to SITE 2
The user adds/deletes Titles in the database corresponding to SITE 1
User returns to the form and selects SITE 1 from the dropdown. The list still shows the results from step 1 above, not the updates from step 3
If I stop debugging and restart, the selection will now show the updates from step 3.
Similar behavior described in jQuery .change() only fires on the first change but I'm hoping for a better solution than to stop using jQuery id's
The JSON response is:
The issue was that the JSON result was being read from cache as #KevinB pointed out. This was fixed by adding the following line within the change function
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

How to display value stored in database on the table

This is the troublesome table created: http://jsfiddle.net/ofd3nox3/
Now, I have some issue to display the value stored in database for this table per user.
For instance, a user said she's available on Thursdays in the morning, Friday and Saturday in the afternoon. This stored in the database this way:
I can call the value via ajax on page load, but just not sure how to color the particular `'td' of the table that carries this value.
This is how the table look like, notice the value it carries on the td.
How I match the value with <td> is, I will add '-1' after Thrs for the '1' indicate morning, '2' indicates afternoon and 3 evening.
So whichever that carries Thrs-1 will be green in color.The same method goes for afternoon and Evening. These values could be in array two which stored as comma separated value in DB.
I tried the following which actually made all <td> values to Thrs-1 and applied the color red to them.
MY AJAX that fetches the table values from DB:
var id = '<?php echo $id;?>';
var data;
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: '/profile/getAvail.php?id='+id,
success: function(data){
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var morn = data[i].morning+"-1";
//$("#greeny td").text(data[i].morning+"-1").css("background-color","#ff0000");
Guys if don't get what I mean exactly, please do ask in the comment, I need to sort this asap.Thank you for your kind help !!!
//Loop all the td
$("td").each(function() {
//if found td contains 'Thrs-1', then override the value to 'test'
if($(this).text().indexOf('Thrs-1') > -1)

How to submit dynamically created hidden variables using Jquery

I have created a dynamic table. DEMO to my project.
I have placed this dynamic table in the form under a div named 'box'
<div id="box">
I am creating dynamic hidden variables table using Jquery which I need to store in DB. This is how I am creating the hash to submit to server.
criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);
criteria = Object.toJSON(criteria);
// Build the object to store the parameters for the AJAX post request
parameters = {
title : $('report_title').value,
description : $('report_description').value,
criteria : criteria
// Make the AJAX post request
new Ajax.Request( URL, {
method: 'post',
parameters: parameters,
onSuccess: function( response ) {
$('messageSpan').innerHTML = response.responseText;
I am not able to capture the dynamically created values in the criteria.
How to solve this?
In the dynamically created section, I tried adding a submit button and see if the values can be fetched. I am able to fetch and iterate all the hidden variables.
jsonObj = [];
$("input[id=rubric_cell]").each(function () {
var id = "cell_" + row + "_" + col;
item = {}
item["id"] = id;
item["selected_rubric"] = $(this).val();
console.log(jsonObj); //I am getting the required values here
How to get these values in the criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);. Am I doing some thing wrong? Please help me. thanks in advance.
DEMO to my project
You need to make sure that your hidden input fields have a name attribute set otherwise $.serialize will not process them.
