p5.js rotateX doesn't work with TriangleStrip? - javascript

I am trying to make a little animation with p5.js in Javascript.
However, I have some issues with the rotateX() function. I have the following code:
var w, h, scl, rows, cols;
function setup() {
w = 500;
h = 500;
scl = 20;
cols = w / scl;
rows = h / scl;
createCanvas(500, 500);
function draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
for(var y = 0; y < cols; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < rows; x++){
vertex(x*scl, y*scl, 0);
vertex(x*scl, (y+1)*scl, 0);
The problem is that I cannot rotate the triangle strip on the x-axis.
The thing is, if I use rotate() it works (but it's the wrong axis). If I use rotate(PI, X) or rotate(PI, Y), it doesn't work either.
So I really can't rotate the whole thing on the X-axis. How can I do this?

Questions like these are best answered by the JavaScript console. Press F12 in most browsers, or look for "developer options" in your settings menu. Any errors you get go here, and that will help you understand what's happening when things don't work.
In your case, you get an error: Uncaught not supported in p2d. Please use webgl mode
And that error tells you everything. You're using the default renderer, which only renders in 2D. Rotating around the X axis requires rendering in 3D. So to fix this error, you need to use the WEBGL renderer by passing it into the createCanvas() renderer. More info can be found in the reference.
After you fix that error you have other problems that seem to be related to this issue, but hopefully this gets you going in the right direction. Moral of the story: check the JavaScript console.


Make p5js project run faster

I made a project called "pixel paint" by javascript with p5js library, but when I run it, that project ran too slow. I don't know why and how to make it run faster. And here is my code:
let h = 40, w = 64;
let checkbox;
let scl = 10;
let painting = new Array(h);
let brush = [0, 0, 0];
for(let i = 0; i < h; i++) {
painting[i] = new Array(w);
for(let j = 0; j < w; j++) {
painting[i][j] = [255, 255, 255];
function setup() {
createCanvas(w * scl, h * scl);
checkbox = createCheckbox('Show gird line', true);
function draw() {
for(let y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(let x = 0; x < w; x++) {
rect(x * scl, y * scl, scl, scl);
if(mouseIsPressed) {
function onChange() {
if (checkbox.checked()) {
} else {
function paint() {
if(mouseX < w * scl && mouseY < h * scl) {
let x = floor(mouseX / scl);
let y = floor(mouseY / scl);
painting[y][x] = brush;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.0/p5.min.js"></script>
Is there a solution to make my project run faster?
The code you have is easy to read.
It might not be worth optimising at this stage as it would make the code potentially needlessly more complex/harder to read and change in the future.
If you want to learn about different ways you could achieve the same thing I can provide a few ideas, though, for your particular use case int terms of performance might won't make a huge difference:
Instead of using the painting as a nested [w][h] array you could use a flat [w * h] array and use a single for loop instead of a nested for loop. This would be somewhat similar to using pixels[]. (You can convert x,y to an index (index = x + (y * width)) and the other way around(x = index % width, y = floor(index / width))
You could in theory use a p5.Image, access pixels[] to draw into it and render using image() (ideally you'd get lower level access to the WebGL renderer to enable antialiasing if it's supported by the browser). The grid itself could be a texture() for a quad where you'd use vertex() to specify not only x,y geometry positions, but also u, v texture coordinates in tandem with textureWrap(REPEAT). (I posted an older repeat Processing example: the logic is the same and syntax is almost identical)
Similar to the p5.Image idea, you can cache the drawing using createGraphics(): e.g. only update the p5.Graphics instance when the mouse is dragged, otherwise render the cached drawing. Additionally you can make use of noLoop()/loop() to control when p5's canvas gets updated (e.g. loop() on mousePressed(), updated graphics on mouseMoved(), noLoop() on mouseReleased())
There are probably other methods too.
While it's good to be aware of techniques to optimise your code,
I strongly recommend not optimising until you need to; and when you do
use a profiler (DevTools has that) to focus only the bits are the slowest
and not waste time and code readability on part of code where optimisation
wouldn't really make an impact.

Rotation facing mouse not correct with p5 libraries

i am making a javascript shooter game.i want the the player to rotate towards the mouse.it is working, but the rotation was not correct.
I tried this with an image, and it works, but with the sprite itself(player1), is not.
i have asked this once before but received no answer
I am a beginner in javascript, so help would be appreciated.
I am using the p5.js libraries
Here is my code snippet:
var player1;
var gun1;
var gun2;
function preload(){
img = loadImage('rect1.png');
function setup(){
//creating sprites
player1 = createSprite(200,200,30,30)
gun = createSprite(player1.x,player1.y-20,5,30)
gun.shapeColor = "black"
player1.scale = 0.2
function draw(){
canvas = createCanvas(displayWidth-20, displayHeight-120);
gun.x = player1.x;
gun.y = player1.y-15;
// functions to move
player1.y = player1.y - 5;
player1.y = player1.y + 5;
player1.x = player1.x + 5;
player1.x = player1.x - 5;
let a = atan2(mouseY - height / 2, mouseX - width / 2);
translate(width/2, height/2);
player1.rotation = a
I think I'm using a dated version of p5.play, so there's not much in your code that works for me, but here's what I think is going on based on what you're saying.
If you want to understand what the deal is with atan2(), you first have to understand atan(). Basically, you have the ordinary trig functions sin, cos, and tan. Then you have the inverse trig functions arcsin, arccos, and arctan (abbreviated asin, acos, and atan). The arctan function is useful because you can input a slope and it will give you the angle of that slope. There's a catch, though; atan will only give values between -pi/2 and pi/2. This covers all non-vertical lines, but what if you wanted to use it for a vector or something that has direction? atan2() solves that problem. Instead of taking one input (a ratio: rise/run), it takes two inputs, a rise and a run. This prevents dividing by zero (for vertical lines) and signs of rise and run cancelling. The first input is the rise, and the second is the run. The output is the angle between the vector with those coordinates and the x-axis. So atan2() will give you some angle between -pi and pi.
Now let's look at what you have put into the atan2() function:
atan2(mouseY - height / 2, mouseX - width / 2);
So the vector you're considering is the vector from the middle of the canvas to the mouse. If this is what you want, great. If it's not, maybe consider
atan2(mouseY - player1.y, mouseX - player1.y);
which yields the "heading" (not really the heading) of the vector from the player's position to the mouse.
There are a couple of other potential problems (I can't figure out which one it is because p5.play isn't behaving, or I'm doing something else wrong):
radians/degrees: sometimes this stuff goes wrong. Try printing a and seeing if it's what you're looking for. If it's in degrees, consider saying player1.rotation = radians(a) instead. I know that p5.Vector.fromAngle() doesn't care about angleMode, maybe sprite.rotation doesn't either?
I don't know how drawSprites works, but you might consider putting it inside of the push()/pop() section. When drawing other shapes, this is how you get a rotation about the point (x, y):
let x = 100;
let y = 200;
let a = atan2(mouseY - y, mouseX - x);
translate(x, y);
square(-10, -10, 20);
The square is centered at (x,y), and is rotated about (x,y) toward the cursor. It's necessary that you do it in this order: push, translate, rotate, shape, pop. If you mix up that order, it doesn't do it right. But what you have is push, translate, pop, shape. I don't know how sprite.rotate works, so maybe it's supposed to do what you want. But here is another way to do a rotation. (If you're going to do it this way, I think you'd have to draw player1 "at (0,0)" after the translation and rotation, before pop)
I hope this helped!

How to clear part of the buffered image with p5.js

I am using javascript with p5.js framework. I created an offscreen graphics buffer. Now I want to clear part of that buffer (so it becomes invisible again). What is the best way to do it?
Right now I can only achieve that by direct changing of the alpha value for every pixel I need.
Here is a MCVE:
// sketch.js, requires p5.js
function setup() {
let mymap = createGraphics(100,100);
for (let i = 23; i < 37; i++) {
for (let j = 23; j < 37; j++) {
mymap.pixels[400*i+4*j+3] = 0;
Some side-notes:
1) there is a tiledmap.js library to p5.js, but I am still reading into it's source code and right now it doesn't look like they got 1 buffer for the entire tilemap.
2) there is a clear function to clear the canvas graphics, it does clear things, but it clears everything on the given buffer.
You should be able to use the set() function. More info can be found in the reference.
I would expect something like this to work:
const transparency = createGraphics(20, 20);
mymap.set(30, 30, transparency);
Unfortunately, this seems to only set a single pixel. This smells like a bug to me, so I've filed this bug on GitHub.
Like you've discovered, you can also set the pixel values directly. This might be simpler than what you currently have:
let mymap;
function setup() {
mymap = createGraphics(100,100);
mymap.fill(255, 0, 0);
for(let y = 30; y < 50; y++){
for(let x = 30; x < 50; x++){
mymap.set(x, y, color(0, 0, 0, 0));
function draw() {
background(0, 255, 0);
Note that there's a tradeoff: this code is simpler, but it's also slower.

When I run this code the following errors appear:

When I try to run the code below the following 2 errors pop up:
WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: vertexAttribPointer: index out of range
WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: enableVertexAttribArray: index out of range
What is the problem with the code and what should I do to fix it?
let cols, rows;
let h = 600;
let w = 600;
let scl = 20;
let terrain = [];
function setup() {
cols = w / scl;
rows = h / scl;
for (i = 0; i <= rows*cols-1; i++){
terrain[i] = random(-10,10);
function draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
translate(-w/2, -h/2);
for( let y = 0; y < rows; y++){
for( let x = 0; x < cols; x++){
You should get into the habit of googling your errors. Googling WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: enableVertexAttribArray: index out of range returns a ton of results, including this one: beginShape should not require call to fill() in order to render
Basically, this is telling you that you don't have a fill color, so you won't be able to see the stuff you're drawing. Change the noFill() line to something like fill(255, 0, 0) to see the stuff you're drawing.
Btw, in the future please try to narrow your problem down to a MCVE. You'll often figure out the problem yourself in the process of coming up with a small example, like in this case narrowing the problem down to the noFill() call. Good luck.

Colision detection p5.js

just trying to make a simple pong game in p5.js. I have very recently gotten into JavaScript and can't manage to figure out collision detection between the ball and the bat. I have tried a few ways of doing it but it mostly just stopped my code from running.. etc.. would love any help!
Here is my source code:
function setup() {
createCanvas(750, 750);
var x = 50;
var y = 50;
var direction = 5;
var arrow = 0;
var ball;
var bat;
function draw() {
fill ('white');
ball = ellipse (x, y, 50, 50);
x = x + direction;
if (x > width - 25){
direction = -5;
if (x < 25) {
direction = 5;
if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)){
arrow += 7;
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)){
arrow += -7;
fill ('black');
bat = rect(arrow, 600, 150, 15);
Your question is pretty broad, but basically what you want to do is imagine a "bounding rectangle" around the ball, and then use rectangle-rectangle collision to check whether the ball is colliding with a paddle. If it is, "bounce" the ball by multiplying its horizontal speed by -1.
I wrote a tutorial on collision detection available here, but the basic if statement looks like this:
if(rectOneRight > rectTwoLeft && rectOneLeft < rectTwoRight && rectOneBottom > rectTwoTop && rectOneTop < rectTwoBottom){
You also might want to read the Collision Detection with Moving Objects section of that tutorial. It's written for Processing, but everything applies to P5.js as well.
If you're having trouble getting it working, then please start over with a more basic sketch that just shows two hard-coded rectangles. Make them turn red when they're not colliding. Then work your way up from there. It's hard to answer general "how do I do this" type questions, so you'll have much better luck if you post a specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type question. Good luck.
