I can't call Accounts.findUserByEmail() server-side via Meteor.call - javascript

I'm just trying to verify if an Account exists with a particular email, however I learned that Accounts.findUserByEmail() only works server-side.
It would appear the repeatedly-suggested way would be to define a Meteor.method() and do all the work in there. Unfortunately I apparently have no idea what I'm doing because I'm getting an error that no one else has been getting.
Meteor.call('confirm', email);
'confirm': (email) => {
if (Accounts.findUserByEmail(email)) {
All I get is this error:
Exception while simulating the effect of invoking 'confirm' TypeError: Accounts.findUserByEmail is not a function
Am I completely misunderstanding the dynamic of Meteor.methods + Meteor.call? Is it not actually server-side??
Currently using Meteor package, accounts-password#1.3.3

Meteor simulates method calls in the front-end too by running "stubs" of your methods. The idea is to have a better user experience because the UI is updated immediately before the server has responded. However this also means that if you run server-only code in Meteor methods, you have to make sure that the code is only run on the server:
'confirm': (email) => {
if (Meteor.isServer && Accounts.findUserByEmail(email)) {
Alternatively, you can place the above method definition in a file that is only loaded on the server, like any file on the /server-directory or (recommended) in /imports to a file that is only included by server code. Then you shouldn't need to use Meteor.isServer separately.

If your client-side code includes a method definition, it is treated as a stub, which means that it is run in a special mode that provides "optimistic UI" and its effects on data are undone once the actual server method returns its response to the client.
It could be worthwhile to implement different versions of (at least some of the) methods for the client and server, and to avoid including some of them on the client altogether.
If you choose to use the same function on both the client and the server, there are Meteor.isServer, Meteor.isClient and this.isSimulation (the latter is specifically for the methods), that allow you to execute some of the blocks only on the client/server.
Note that the code in your question does not do what you expect it to, and you do not check the method argument.
For this specific use case, you should probably only implement the method on the server (simply don't import its code in your client build):
isEmailInSystem(email) {
check(email, String);
return !!Accounts.findUserByEmail(email);
You can read more about the method lifecycle in The Meteor Guide.
From the guide (gist, some details omitted):
Method simulation runs on the client - If we defined this Method in client and server code, as all Methods should be, a Method simulation is executed in the client that called it.
The client enters a special mode where it tracks all changes made to client-side collections, so that they can be rolled back later. When this step is complete, the user of your app sees their UI update instantly with the new content of the client-side database, but the server hasn’t received any data yet.
A method DDP message is sent to the server
Method runs on the server
Return value is sent to the client
Any DDP publications affected by the Method are updated
updated message sent to the client, data replaced with server result, Method callback fires
After the relevant data updates have been sent to the correct client, the server sends back the last message in the Method life cycle - the DDP updated message with the relevant Method ID. The client rolls back any changes to client side data made in the Method simulation in step 1, and replaces them with the actual changes sent from the server in step 5.
Lastly, the callback passed to Meteor.call actually fires with the return value from step 4. It’s important that the callback waits until the client is up to date, so that your Method callback can assume that the client state reflects any changes done inside the Method.


Meteor, communication between the client and the server

This a snippet from the todo list tutorial. Variable checked is represented both on the client and the server side? How the client and the server communicate to make checked consistent?
'click .toggle-checked'() {
// Set the checked property to the opposite of its current value
Tasks.update(this._id, {
$set: { checked: ! this.checked },
'click .delete'() {
checked is an attrubite defined on a Tasks object, as defined in this app.
In Meteor, the definitive record of this object is stored on the server (in MongoDB), however there is a client side cache that is also being manipulated here, known as MiniMongo. The Meteor framework does a lot of work in the background (via the DDP protocol) to keep the server and client side objects in sync.
In this case the following is happening when a user clicks on a checkbox (firing the 'click .toggle-checked' event code) in the Tasks.update method:
First update client side MiniMongo Cache - this is known as Optimistic UI, and enables the client UI to respond fast (without waiting for the server)
Send a message to the server (Meteor Method) that the client wants to update the Tasks object, by setting the clicked variable to a new value.
Message requesting update received by server, which checks this is a valid operation, and either processes it (updating MongoDB version of the Tasks object, or refuses to process the update as appropriate.
Server will send out a DDP update of the resulting status of the Tasks object to all clients that have subscribed to a publication that includes it.
Clients that have previously subscribed will receive this DDP update, and will replace their MiniMongo version with the Server's version of the Tasks object, ensuring that all Clients are in sync with the Server.
Now in the ideal case, when the server accepts the clients changes, the new version of Tasks received (in step 5) by the initiating client will match the object it optimistically updated (in step 1).
However by implementing all these steps the Meteor framework also synchronizes other clients, and handles the case when the server rejects the update, or possibly modifies additional fields, as appropriate for the application.
Luckily though, this is all handled by the Meteor framework, and all you need to do is call Tasks.update for all this magic to happen!
Meteor likes the blur the lines between client and server. There are things you can do to abstract code -- for instance, javascript files (among all files) inside the /server directory to restrict access to it. This means that client users can't see this code.
/client obviously is the opposite. You can check a file with isClient and isServer.
Now, what does this mean to your code?
Depending on where your code is, there are different access levels. However, inside the script, there basically is no difference. checked is known on server/client inside that script because that's how Meteor runs, the blurred line between client and server makes this possible.
Meteor employs something called "database everywhere" which means it doesn't matter where the code is called, because it will run.

In Meteor.js will a stub's database writes always be completed as soon as the stub finishes?

When calling a method in Meteor that is client and server side there is the simulated stub run. I assume the stub will run synchronously on the same line as the method is called and will issue writes to the simulated minimongo database.
Now my question is: after having called a method, can I rely on the stub's db writes being available right away in the client side minimongo db? More precisely with "right away" I mean:
Will the client side db be updated (by the stub) on the next code line after the method call?
Will the client side db be updated (by the stub) if I issue a Meteor.defer on the next code line at the time the deferred function runs?
Writes to minimongo are synchronous, so the answer is "yes" assuming your method stub only contains synchronous operations. Let's take this example:
gotime: function() {
Posts.insert({text: 'hello'});
Now, somewhere else on the client:
// call the stub method (note there is no callback passed)
// the new document will be available here
post = Posts.findOne();

Meteor: How to prevent client from accessing methods

All meteor methods can be called same way from client and server side.
Let's say user knows or can predict all the method names on server, then he is able to call them and use it's result however he want.
A method which performs cross domain http request and return response can be used to overload server by calling huge amounts of data Meteor.call(httpLoad, "google.com");, or a method which load data from mongo can be used to access database documents if the client know document _id Meteor.call(getUserData, "_jh9d3nd9sn3js");.
So, how to avoid this situations, may be there is a better way to store server-only functions than in Meteor.methods({...})?
Meteor methods are designed to be accessed from the client, if you don't want this, you just need to define a normal javascript function on the server. A really basic example would be:
someFunction = function(params) {
As long as it's in the server folder, the function won't be accessible from the client.
For coffeescript users, each file is technically a separate scope, so you would have to define a global variable with #, e.g.
#someFunction = (params) ->
console.log 'hello'
or if you want to scope the function to a package:
share.someFunction = (params) ->
console.log 'hello'
If you have methods that need to be accessible from the client but only for say admin users, you need to add those checks at the start of the meteor method definition:
'someMethod': function(params) {
var user = Meteor.user();
if (user && (user.isAdmin === true)) {
// Do something
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'Forbidden');
I'm not going to vouch for the security of this example - it's just that, an example - but hopefully it gives you some idea of how you would secure your methods.
EDIT: Noticed the other answers mention using a if (Meteor.isServer) { ... } conditional. Note that if you are doing this inside methods which are also accessible on the client, the user will be still be able to see your server code, even if they can't run it. This may or may not be a security problem for you - basically be careful if you're hardcoding any 3rd-party API credentials or any kind of sensitive data in methods whose code can be accessed from the client. If you don't need the method on the client, it would be better to just use normal JS functions. If you're wrapping the whole Meteor.methods call with a isServer conditional, the code will be on the server only, but can still be called from the client.
as rightly stated in other answers, your methods will always be accessible from the client (per design). yet, there is a simple workaround to check if the call originates from the client or from the server. if you do a
if ( this.connection == null )
this will return true if the method was called from server. like that you can restrict the method body execution to 'secure' calls.
I think this page explains it: http://meteortips.com/first-meteor-tutorial/methods/
I'm quoting:
"The safer approach is to move these functions to the isServer conditional, which means:
Database code will execute within the trusted environment of the server.
Users won’t be able to use these functions from inside the Console, since users don’t have direct access to the server.
Inside the isServer conditional, write the following:
// methods go here
This is the block of code we’ll use to create our methods."
and so on. I hope this helps.
With proper app design, you shouldn't care whether a request was through the web UI or via something typed in a console window.
Basically, don't put generic, abuse worthy functions in Meteor.methods, implement reasonable access controls, and rate-limit and/or log anything that could be a problem.
Any server-side function defined in Meteor.methods will have access to the current user id through this.userid. This userid is supplied by Meteor, not a client API parameter.
Since that Meteor Method server-side code knows the login status and userid, it can then do all the checking and rate limiting you want before deciding to do that thing that the user asked it to do.
How do you rate limit? I've not looked for a module for this lately. In basic Meteor you would add a Mongo collection for user actions accessible server-side only. Insert timestamped, userid specific data on every request that arrives via a Meteor method. Before fulfilling a request in the server method code, do a Mongo find for how many such actions occurred from this userid in a relevant period. This is a little work and will generates some overhead, but the alternative of rate-limiting via a server-wide underscore-style debounce leaves a function open for both abuse and denial-of-service by an attacker.

How to subscribe via DDP connections to other Meteor servers on the server side?

I'd like to synchronize Data between two Meteor apps. Therefore I have published a collection with the data in question on both apps (which obviously run the same Meteor version with the exact same packages).
When I run
var testConnection = DDP.connect('');
var newCollection = new Meteor.Collection('remoteData', testConnection);
console.log('Data list starts here:');
on any client I do get a list of all data like expected. Server side there is nothing so newCollection stays empty (also I know from debugging that the server does actually execute testConnection.subscribe('remoteData') and the other server executes everything within its corresponding publish function just like for clients).
I tried it this way as the poster here https://stackoverflow.com/a/18360441 mentioned something like this works on client and server. Looking in the docs for subscribe ( http://docs.meteor.com/#meteor_subscribe ) it says it only works on the client which would explain that nothing happens on my server but would be a bit strange as DDP.connect ( http://docs.meteor.com/#ddp_connect ) seems to be meant for client and server and supports subscribe.
So do I miss something here? And what would be the best way to get a subscribe like functionality between two servers if subscribe really does not work in this scenario?
I know I can work with custom Meteor.methods but this seems a bit like a crutch compared to how nice it would work with subscribe, so I would be very interested in any better solution...
Like user728291 pointed out the problem was that the server in this case isn't waiting for this.ready() in the publish function on the other side and therefore when newCollection.find() is called on the server newCollection still is empty (but will receive data shortly after). It seems that on the client newCollection.find() tries to wait for this.ready() of the servers publish function (also I'm absolutely not sure about this, maybe the reason it works on the client is a totally different one) and therefore on the client it isn't empty at that time.
Anyhow, you are on the safe side when you always trigger find() in the callback of subscribe which will interpret any function as onReady callback (http://docs.meteor.com/#meteor_subscribe).
So what guaranteed works on server and client is
var testConnection = DDP.connect('');
var newCollection = new Meteor.Collection('remoteData', testConnection);
testConnection.subscribe('remoteData', function() {
console.log('Data list starts here:');

How to avoid too many ajax calls and cache json data on the client side

I have a calendar application and it loads all of the event data using ajax and json results. the issue is that i have different view and right now i have to re call the server when i change views.
Is there any recommendation for ways i can cache this data on the client side and check if i have loaded these events already before firing off more ajax calls.
What is the best practice for this ?
Like hvgotcodes said, an MVC framework would help; try backbone.js (http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/), for instance.
Alternatively, you might want to consider using jStorage (http://www.jstorage.info/). Every time you need to make an AJAX call, check first if it's in your storage object, then run the AJAX call if it isn't. On the other end, whenever you finish an AJAX call, store the results in the storage object. Make sure you have some kind of index (a CalendarEvent id) to reference when looking it up in the data store. Might want to add some kind of "expire time" to the data in your storage, too ... a timestamp after the AJAX call, and re-request up front if it's out of date.
It's called MVC.
You need to construct a data model for you application, write some sort of Record objects, and then you can determine their status. So your application would have some sort of CalendarEvent model, and when you load data from the server, you would instantiate instances.
So when changing views, you would first check to see if you had the model object for that view, and if you did, you wouldn't need to load it from the server (unless you want to check for changes).
Your scheme doesn't need to be that complicated. If you load events by Id, you can do something like
window.App = {};
window.App.Models = {};
when you load a record you could put
window.App.Models[id] = InstanceOfYourRecord
and that way its pretty fast to look for records. Or just use a framework (like Sproutcore) that has a robust data layer.
I had similar issues on a recent project.
Conceptually, I have the "real" data model (DM) kept on the server, persisted to a database.
To make life sane, the client keeps its own local data model. Outside of the client DM, all the client code thinks it's pulling results locally.
When reading data (GET) from the client DM it:
checks the cache for existing results
invokes appropriate AJAX queries when cached data is not available, then caches the results.
When changing data (POST) via the client DM it:
invalidates the cache as appropriate
invokes appropriate AJAX queries
emits custom jQuery event indicating client DM changed
Note that this client DM also:
centralizes AJAX error handling
tracks AJAX calls still in-flight. (Lets us warn users when leaving pages with unsaved changes).
allows a drop-in, dummy replacement for unit testing, where all the calls hit local data and are completely synchronous.
Implementation notes:
I coded this as a JavaScript class called DataModel. As the design becomes more complex, it makes sense to further break-down the responsibilities in to separate objects.
jQuery's custom events let you easily implement the observer pattern. Client components update themselves from the client DM whenever it indicates data has changed.
JSON in your remote API helps simplify the code. My client DM stores the JSON results directly in its cache.
The client dm function arguments include call-backs so everything can naturally be passed along via AJAX when needed: function listAll( contactId, cb ) { ... }
My project only allowed single user logins. If outside parties can change the server datamodel, some sort of has-data-changed probe should be fired regularly to ensure the client cache is still valid.
For my app, multiple client components would request the same data when receiving a client DM changed event. This resulted in multiple AJAX calls with the same info. I fixed this problem with a getJsonOnce() helper, which manages a queue of client component call-backs awaiting the same result.
Example function in my implementation:
function( contactId, cb ) {
// pull from cache
if ( contactId in this.notesCache ) {
cb( this.notesCache[contactId] );
// init queue if needed
this.listAllQueue[contactId] = this.listAllQueue[contactId] || [];
// pull from server
var self = this;
{'req': 'listAll', 'contact': contactId},
function(resp) { self.notesCache[contactId] = resp; },
The getJsonOnce() helper makes sure that if multiple client components request the exact same (uncached) data, that we only send out a single AJAX request and inform everyone once it comes in.
The notesCache is just a simple javascript object:
this.notesCache = {};
