Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier, not sure how the code is wrong - javascript

function goOneYear() {
//changing the value of the no rabbits entree
var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("numRabbits").value) + parseInt(document.getElementById("rateBirth").value) * birthRate - parseInt(document.getElementById("rateDeath").value) * deathRate;
if (x < 2000) {
alert("FOX HUNT");
document.getElementById("numRabbits").value = x;
//incementing year by 1
//adding this year to the list
var temp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < parseInt(document.getElementById("numRabbits").value); i++) {
temp += "*";
printTable.push(document.getElemernyById("numYears").value + " " + temp);
//making the text area the new set
if (document.getElementById("drawGraph").checked == true) {
if (temp.length > document.getElementById("rabbitTable").cols) {
document.getElementById("rabbitTable").cols = temp.length;
document.getElementById("rabbitTable").rows = printTable.length;
//setting conditions back to normal

use var i = 0 instead of int i = 0


FabricJS automatically adding new lines to textboxes causes text cursor to move backwards

I have a function that wraps textboxes in FabricJS so that they don't become too wide, (it is automatically line breaking when the the maximum width is reached). However it is causing the text cursor to get pushed behind by 1 character every time it adds a new line.
Look at this gif to fully see the problem in play a gif
I am using the following function to automatically line break the text box. To give some context, it checks if the length of a textLine exceeds the maxWidth, and if it is the case with the last word included but doesn't exceed if the last word is not included, then it adds a new line by entering \n and somewhere here it causes the problem.
function wrapCanvasText(t, canvas, maxW, maxH) {
let initialFormatted = t.text
if (typeof maxH === "undefined") {
maxH = 0;
var words = t.text.split(" ")
var formatted = '';
// clear newlines
var sansBreaks = t.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "");
// calc line height
var lineHeight = new fabric.Text(sansBreaks, {
fontFamily: t.fontFamily,
fontSize: t.fontSize
// adjust for vertical offset
var maxHAdjusted = maxH > 0 ? maxH - lineHeight : 0;
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = t.fontSize + "px " + t.fontFamily;
var currentLine = "";
var breakLineCount = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
var isNewLine = currentLine == " ";
var testOverlap = currentLine + ' ' + words[n] + ' ';
// are we over width?
var w = context.measureText(testOverlap).width;
if (w < maxW) { // if not, keep adding words
currentLine += words[n] + ' ';
formatted += words[n] += ' ';
} else {
// if this hits, we got a word that need to be hypenated
if (isNewLine) {
var wordOverlap = "";
// test word length until its over maxW
for (var i = 0; i < words[n].length; ++i) {
wordOverlap += words[n].charAt(i);
var withHypeh = wordOverlap + "-";
if (context.measureText(withHypeh).width >= maxW) {
// add hyphen when splitting a word
withHypeh = wordOverlap.substr(0, wordOverlap.length - 2) + "-";
// update current word with remainder
words[n] = words[n].substr(wordOverlap.length - 1, words[n].length);
formatted += withHypeh; // add hypenated word
n--; // restart cycle
if (words[n+1] !== '') {
formatted += '\n';
currentLine = "";
if (maxHAdjusted > 0 && (breakLineCount * lineHeight) > maxHAdjusted) {
// add ... at the end indicating text was cutoff
formatted = formatted.substr(0, formatted.length - 3) + "...\n";
// get rid of empy newline at the end
formatted = formatted.substr(0, formatted.length - 1);
return formatted;
You can try out this snippet it is an approximate version of what I have, most importantly, it does have the same cursor problem. To try out the problem, edit the text directly in the canvas after initialization.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
canvas.backgroundColor = "#F5F5F5";
var textArea = document.getElementById('addNote');
function checkForChange() {
var activeObject = canvas.getActiveObject();
let formatted1 = wrapCanvasText(activeObject, canvas, 400, 2000);
activeObject.text = formatted1;
function wrapCanvasText(t, canvas, maxW, maxH) {
let initialFormatted = t.text
if (typeof maxH === "undefined") {
maxH = 0;
var words = t.text.split(" ")
var formatted = '';
// clear newlines
var sansBreaks = t.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "");
// calc line height
var lineHeight = new fabric.Textbox(sansBreaks, {
fontFamily: t.fontFamily,
fontSize: t.fontSize
// adjust for vertical offset
var maxHAdjusted = maxH > 0 ? maxH - lineHeight : 0;
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = t.fontSize + "px " + t.fontFamily;
var currentLine = "";
var breakLineCount = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
var isNewLine = currentLine == " ";
var testOverlap = currentLine + ' ' + words[n] + ' ';
// are we over width?
var w = context.measureText(testOverlap).width;
if (w < maxW) { // if not, keep adding words
currentLine += words[n] + ' ';
formatted += words[n] += ' ';
} else {
// if this hits, we got a word that need to be hypenated
if (isNewLine) {
var wordOverlap = "";
// test word length until its over maxW
for (var i = 0; i < words[n].length; ++i) {
wordOverlap += words[n].charAt(i);
var withHypeh = wordOverlap + "-";
if (context.measureText(withHypeh).width >= maxW) {
// add hyphen when splitting a word
withHypeh = wordOverlap.substr(0, wordOverlap.length - 2) + "-";
// update current word with remainder
words[n] = words[n].substr(wordOverlap.length - 1, words[n].length);
formatted += withHypeh; // add hypenated word
n--; // restart cycle
if (words[n + 1] !== '') {
formatted += '\n';
currentLine = "";
if (maxHAdjusted > 0 && (breakLineCount * lineHeight) > maxHAdjusted) {
// add ... at the end indicating text was cutoff
formatted = formatted.substr(0, formatted.length - 3) + "...\n";
// get rid of empy newline at the end
formatted = formatted.substr(0, formatted.length - 1);
return formatted;
$("#addNote").keyup(function(e) {
var activeObject = canvas.getActiveObject();
if (activeObject && activeObject.type == 'textbox') {
activeObject.text = textArea.value
let formatted1 = wrapCanvasText(activeObject, canvas, 400, 2000);
activeObject.text = formatted1;
while (activeObject.textLines.length > 1 && canvas.getWidth() * 0.8 >= activeObject.width) {
width: activeObject.getScaledWidth() + 1
} else {
var textSample = new fabric.Textbox(textArea.value, {});
textSample.left = 0
textSample.splitByGrapheme = true
textSample.lockRotation = true
textSample.editable = true
textSample.perPixelTargetFind = false
textSample.hasControls = true
textSample.width = canvas.getWidth() * 0.8
textSample.height = canvas.getHeight() * 0.8
textSample.maxWidth = canvas.getWidth() * 0.8
textSample.maxHeight = canvas.getHeight() * 3
canvas.on('text:changed', checkForChange)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/4.5.0/fabric.min.js"></script>
<textarea id="addNote"></textarea>
<canvas id="c" width="400" height="400"></canvas>

Javascript: Calculating Min/Max/Average

I wrote this code in my html site, in Javascript, but is not working right. Most times it seems to ignore some entries and just randomly selects which is the min/max value. Also, when I tried to calculate average values, I got a string instead of a number, even though the variable is declared as 0 in the beginning. e.g performing 0+1+1+2+3+5 = 011235 instead of 12.
Here is the code, thanks in advance.
**EDIT: I added the student average code in the end, but it doesn't work, it doesn't show any results on the page, not even the "student" + [i] part. On the other hand, the parseInt() command worked, and made everything work as it should, thank you :)
<script language = "javascript">
function myFunction() {
var course0 = [];
var course1 = [];
var course2 = [];
var minstugrade = 100;
var maxstugrade = 0;
var minstugradetext = "";
var maxstugradetext = "";
var stuavgarr = [];
var minstuavg = 100;
var maxstuavg = 0;
var minstuavgtext = "";
var maxstuavgtext = "";
var mincougrade = 100;
var maxcougrade = 0;
var mincougradetext = "";
var maxcougradetext = "";
var mincouavg = 100;
var maxcouavg = 0;
var mincouavgtext = "";
var maxcouavgtext = "";
var couavg = 0;
//add form items to array
var x = document.getElementById("course0");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length ;i++) {
var x = document.getElementById("course1");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length ;i++) {
var x = document.getElementById("course2");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length ;i++) {
//calculate course & student min/max
for (i = 0; i < course0.length; i++) {
if (course0[i] < mincougrade) {
mincougrade = course0[i];
mincougradetext = "course0";
if (course0[i] > maxcougrade) {
maxcougrade = course0[i];
maxcougradetext = "course0";
if (course0[i] < minstugrade) {
minstugrade = course0[i];
minstugradetext = "student" + [i];
if (course0[i] > maxstugrade) {
maxstugrade = course0[i];
maxstugradetext = "student" + [i];
for (i = 0; i < course1.length; i++) {
if (course1[i] < mincougrade) {
mincougrade = course1[i];
mincougradetext = "course1";
if (course1[i] > maxcougrade) {
maxcougrade = course1[i];
maxcougradetext = "course1";
if (course1[i] < minstugrade) {
minstugrade = course1[i];
minstugradetext = "student" + [i];
if (course1[i] > maxstugrade) {
maxstugrade = course1[i];
maxstugradetext = "student" + [i];
for (i = 0; i < course2.length; i++) {
if (course2[i] < mincougrade) {
mincougrade = course2[i];
mincougradetext = "course2";
if (course2[i] > maxcougrade) {
maxcougrade = course2[i];
maxcougradetext = "course2";
if (course2[i] < minstugrade) {
minstugrade = course2[i];
minstugradetext = "student" + [i];
if (course2[i] > maxstugrade) {
maxstugrade = course2[i];
maxstugradetext = "student" + [i];
//calculate course average
for (i = 0; i < course0.length; i++) {
couavg += course0[i];
couavg = couavg / course0.length
if (couavg < mincouavg) {
mincouavg = couavg;
mincouavgtext = "course0";
if (couavg > maxcouavg) {
maxcouavg = couavg;
maxcouavgtext = "course0";
couavg = 0;
for (i = 0; i < course1.length; i++) {
couavg += course1[i];
couavg = couavg / course1.length
if (couavg < mincouavg) {
mincouavg = couavg;
mincouavgtext = "course1";
if (couavg > maxcouavg) {
maxcouavg = couavg;
maxcouavgtext = "course1";
couavg = 0;
for (i = 0; i < course2.length; i++) {
couavg += course2[i];
couavg = couavg / course2.length
if (couavg < mincouavg) {
mincouavg = couavg;
mincouavgtext = "course2";
if (couavg > maxcouavg) {
maxcouavg = couavg;
maxcouavgtext = "course2";
//calculate student average
for (i = 0; i < course0.length; i++) {
stuavgarr[i] += course0[i];
stuavgarr[i] += course1[i];
stuavgarr[i] += course2[i];
for (i=0; i < stuavgarr.length; i++) {
stuavgarr[i] = stuavgarr[i] / course0.length;
if (stuavgarr[i] < minstuavg) {
minstuavg = stuavgarr[i];
minstuavgtext = "student" + [i];
if (stuavgarr[i] > maxstuavg) {
maxstuavg = stuavgarr[i];
maxstuavgtext = "student" + [i];
document.getElementById("studmaxgrade").innerHTML = "Student that achieved the max grade is " + maxstugradetext
document.getElementById("studmingrade").innerHTML = "Student that achieved the min grade is " + minstugradetext
document.getElementById("studmaxavg").innerHTML = "Student that achieved the max average is " + maxstuavgtext
document.getElementById("studminavg").innerHTML = "Student that achieved the min average is " + minstuavgtext
document.getElementById("courmaxgrade").innerHTML = "The course in which the max grade is scored is " + maxcougradetext
document.getElementById("courmingrade").innerHTML = "The course in which the min grade is scored is " + mincougradetext
document.getElementById("courmaxavg").innerHTML = "The course in which the max average grade is scored is " + maxcouavgtext
document.getElementById("courminavg").innerHTML = "The course in which the min average grade is scored is " + mincouavgtext
The value of an input is a string, thus a + b will be interpreted as appending one string to another.
If you make sure the first parameter (a in this case) is an integer a + b will result in the two being mathematically adding the two
console.log( '0' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ); //* outputs 01234
console.log( parseInt( 0 ) + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ); //* outputs 10
Ok for a start you seem very confused about
This does not address a javascript variable at all......
This literally "gets the document element by its id".
Here is an example of how to use it...
<img id='my_new_selfie' src='me.jpg'>
alert (document.getElementById('my_new_selfie').src)
This would simply pop up an alert with the text that describes the src of the
document object who's id is 'my_new_selfie'
that is....
The reason that document.getElementById was introduced to javascript was to save developers learning the DOM (document object model) in order to access objects.
It allows you to simply give you object an id and change things about it using the id
In the above example I could use a script or button to change the image source
an example of this might be using the onclick event of another object on the page like a button...
It is not used to identify variables in a javascript

Javascript Algorithm to get the excel-like column name

Basically what I want to do is create list of characters with format like excel column name.
for example :
in php you can just looping it with this code:
for($char = "A"; $char <= "Z"; $char++)
echo $char . "\n";
but when I try it in javascript :
var i3;
var text3 = "";
for(i3 = "A"; i3 <= "Z"; i3++)
text3 += i3 + ", ";
document.getElementById("pId").innerHTML = text3;
It doesn't work for me. Are there some errors in my code? Or that PHP logic doesn't work in JS? If you know how to make one please tell me, thanks.
In javacript the incrementor operator will return NaN when called on a string value.
You can use ascii code based implementation like
var i3, i4;
var text3 = "";
for (i3 = 0; i3 < 26; i3++) {
text3 += String.fromCharCode(97 + i3) + ", ";
for (i3 = 0; i3 < 26; i3++) {
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 26; i4++) {
text3 += String.fromCharCode(97 + i3) + String.fromCharCode(97 + i4) + ", ";
document.getElementById("pId").innerHTML = text3;
<span id="pId"></span>
Short is beautiful!
var nextChar = c=>c?String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0)+1):'A';
var nextCol = s=>s.replace(/([^Z]?)(Z*)$/, (_,a,z)=>nextChar(a) + z.replace(/Z/g,'A'));
nextCol(''); //A
nextCol('A'); //B
nextCol('Z'); //AA
nextCol('AA'); //AB
nextCol('XYZ'); //XZA
nextCol('ZZZZ'); //AAAAA
//output: A,B,C,...,ZZ
for(var i=0, s=''; i<702; i++){
s = nextCol(s);
//output: A,B,C,...,ZZZZ
for(var i=0, s=''; i<475254; i++){
s = nextCol(s);
I worked on a function called next, which provides the adjacent right cell.
function next(currentCell) {
let regex = /[A-Z]/g;
let numberRegex = /[0-9]/g;
let chars = currentCell.match(regex);
let nums = currentCell.match(numberRegex);
let flag = true;
let x = 1;
while (flag) {
if (chars[chars.length - x] === 'Z') {
if ((chars.length - x) === 0) {
chars[chars.length - x] = 'A';
flag = false;
} else {
chars[chars.length - x] = 'A';
} else {
chars[chars.length - x] = String.fromCharCode(chars[chars.length - x].charCodeAt(0) + 1);
flag = false;
return chars.join("") + nums.join("");
next('A1') // returns 'B1'
next('ZZ90') // returns 'AAA90'
Please try the below code to get done with javascript
var i3;
var text3 = "";
var c;
for(i3 = 65; 90 >= i3; i3++)
c = String.fromCharCode(i3);
text3 += c + ", ";
document.getElementById("pId").innerHTML = text3;

How to count the number of section tags in an article tag?

I have been trying to write code that would use an embedded for loop to calculate the number of sections inside of each article (there is more than one so I can't use getID) in a document. When the button is clicked the code works but the numbers it calculates are completely off which means something isn't counting correctly. Here is my function:
function Calculations() {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("article");
var s = 0;
var z = 0;
var x;
for (x = 0; x < a.length; x++) {
var cn = a[x].childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) {
if (cn[i].nodeType == 1) {
if (cn[i].tagName == "P"); {
alert("Article " + z + " has " + s + " section.")
s = 0
alert("There are " + a.length + " total articles.")
Thank you so much for your help!

Javascript - String split does not work well

I am making a script which receives a String and separate it on smaller Strings.
Ex: "This is a long sentence, and I will separate it into smaller parts. Lalala"
It will return "This is a long sentence","and I will separate it into smaller parts","Lalala"
The aim of this is to use Google translator to transform text to speech, but this feature has a limit of about 70-80 chars, so if the string is too large I need to chop it.
First I chop in sentences separated by a dot ("."), then if there are still too long sentences, I split them with the commas (",") and if there are still too long strings I separate them in unique words.
Everything works well until I try to join some words so the audio become more continuous. For some reason the strings separated by commas get joined again. I do not know why.
This is the code:
Edit: Relevant section split out and formatted
function talk(text){
var audios = document.createElement('audio');
var playlist = new Array()
if(text.length >= 75) {
playlist = text.split(".");
for (var i = 0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
if (playlist[i].length >= 75) {
auxarr = playlist[i].split(",");
for(var j=0;j<auxarr.length;j++) {
auxarr2 = auxarr[j].split(" ");
if (auxarr[j].length >= 75) {
auxarr2 = auxarr[j].split(" ");
for(var x=0; x < auxarr2.length; x++){
if(auxarr2[x].length < 50) {
aux = auxarr2[x];
while (aux.length < 50 && auxarr2[x+1]) {
aux = aux + " " + auxarr2[x+1];
Edit: Full original code
function talk(text)
var audios = document.createElement('audio');
var playlist = new Array()
if(text.length >= 75) {
playlist = text.split(".");
for (var i = 0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
if (playlist[i].length >= 75) {
auxarr = playlist[i].split(",");
for(var j=0;j<auxarr.length;j++) {
auxarr2 = auxarr[j].split(" ");
if (auxarr[j].length >= 75) {
auxarr2 = auxarr[j].split(" ");
for(var x=0; x < auxarr2.length; x++){
if(auxarr2[x].length < 50) {
aux = auxarr2[x];
while (aux.length < 50 && auxarr2[x+1]) {
aux = aux + " " + auxarr2[x+1];
auxarr_end = auxarr.slice(j+1,auxarr.length);
auxarr_begin = auxarr.slice(0,j);
document.write("<br>"+auxarr+"<br> aca");
document.write("<br>"+auxarr_end+"<br> aca1");
document.write("<br>"+auxarr_begin+"<br> aca2");
auxarr_begin = auxarr_begin.concat(auxarr2);
j = auxarr.length;
auxarr = auxarr_begin.concat(auxarr_end);
//alert("current: "+playlist[i]);
//alert("current length:"+playlist[i].length);
//alert("auxarr: "+auxarr);
playlist_end = playlist.slice(i+1,playlist.length);
playlist_begin = playlist.slice(0, i);
playlist_begin = playlist_begin.concat(auxarr);
i = playlist.length;
playlist = playlist_begin.concat(playlist_end);
//alert("new "+playlist[i]);
/*do {
textAux = text.substring(0, 74);
text = text.substring(textAux.length, text.length);
}while(text.length >= 75);*/
} else {
/*for(var a=0; a<playlist.length;a++){
audios.setAttribute('src', 'http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=es&q=' + encodeURIComponent(playlist[0]));
audios.addEventListener('ended', function(){
if (playlist[0]){
audios.setAttribute('src', 'http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=es&q=' + encodeURIComponent(playlist[0]));
}, false);
Try this, modify it to work with your constants and parameters.
var LIMIT = 20;
var res = new Array()
//strats with spliting by dot
var dotArr = "This is a long sentence. and I will separate it into smaller parts. Lalala".split(/[.]/);
for (var i = 0; i < dotArr.length; i++) {
if (dotArr[i].length > LIMIT){
//only when have to, split by comma
var comArr = dotArr[i].split(/[,]/);
for (var j = 0; j < comArr.length; j++) {
//only when have to and that a space exists, split by space
if (comArr[j].length > LIMIT && comArr[j].indexOf(" ") != -1 ){
var spaceArr = comArr[j].split(/[ ]/);
//accomulate words until we reach the limit and then push the value to res
for (var k = 0; k < spaceArr.length;){
var sMerge = spaceArr[k++];
while (k < spaceArr.length && sMerge.length + spaceArr[k].length + 1 < LIMIT){
sMerge = sMerge + " " + spaceArr[k];
//res contain all optimized sentences.
