Removing array elements that contain a number - javascript

I have seen several answers on Stackoverflow but none have helped me. I have a huge array of nearly 100,000 words, of which I am trying to remove all words that contain a number. I am using the following to do that:
for(var i = 0; i < words.length; i++){
if (hasNumbers(words[i]) {
words.splice(i, 1);
function hasNumbers(t)
{ return /\d/.test(t); }
It seems to work, but not all the time because I am still getting words that contain numbers. What can I change to make this remove all words that contain any number at all?
(I am using p5.js with my js)

That is because when you delete a word at index i, the next word will have index i, yet you still increase i, thereby skipping a word which you never inspect.
To solve this you can go backwards through your array:
for(var i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
// etc.
Here is a shorter way to remove words with digits:
words = words.filter(a => !hasNumbers(a));
Finally, you really should call your second function hasDigits instead of hasNumbers. The words "digit" and "number" have a slightly different meaning.
Here is a snippet, using ES6 syntax, that defines the opposite function hasNoDigits and applies it to some sample data:
let words = ['abcd', 'ab0d', '4444', '-)#', '&9ยต*'];
let hasNoDigits = s => /^\D*$/.test(s);
words = words.filter(a => !hasNumbers(a));

I had started writing this and then trincot answered. His answer is correct, though with the popular and widespread usage of ES5 array functions, I feel like you could simplify this down quite a bit.
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var data = [
]; //This is supposed to be your data, I didn't have it so I made it up.
var no_nums = data.filter(function(item) {
//Tests each string against the regex, inverts the value (false becomes true, true becomes false)
return !/\d/.test(item);
var results = document.getElementById('results');
no_nums.forEach(function(item) {
results.innerHTML += item + '<br />';
//Loops through each of our new array to add the item so we can see it.
<div id="results">


Removing words from array using regex

I am creating a program that involves removing text from an array. If a letter is included in a word in the array, then that word will be removed. My first test was successful, a simple regular expression with a small array:
var regex = /z/;
var words = ["eggs", "zebras", "lampshade"];
for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
let testResult = regex.test(words[i]);
if (!testResult) {
words.splice(i, 1);
As expected, it returned [ 'zebras' ]. Because this was successful, I quickly scaled up using an npm package called "an-array-of-english-words". I ran my new script:
const masterWords = require("an-array-of-english-words");
var regex = /z/;
var words = masterWords;
for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
let testResult = regex.test(words[i]);
if (!testResult) {
words.splice(i, 1);
Every time I run it it ends up returning values that do not abide by the regular expression. For example, the code above returned ['aa', 'aahed', 'aahs', ...] as its first few values. Do I have to change my code to deal with a bigger array? Am I making a stupid mistake I didn't notice?
I think it may be due to the fact that you are splicing the array and looping it at the same time.
For ex. if the length of array is 5 and the current index is 2, after splicing the array, the item at the index 3 will be moved to the index 2, and will be skipped in the next iteration, since the next index will be 3.
So, you can create a clone of the words and change it, while iterating the original array.
#Joey , in official documentation if you see , try using it this way as a workaround . Also #Igor Moraru's answer explains why the issue might be happening.
console.log(words.filter(d => /z/.test(d)))

Trouble solving this coding puzzle using JavaScript

Instructions are as follows:
"Write a function that will find all the anagrams of a word from a list. You will be given two inputs a word and an array with words. You should return an array of all the anagrams or an empty array if there are none. For example:
anagrams('abba', ['aabb', 'abcd', 'bbaa', 'dada']) => ['aabb', 'bbaa']"
I snagged a snippet that takes the first parameter and delivers every combination of characters possible. My trouble now is figuring out how to match this array against the second parameter, and returning some results..
function allAnagrams (word,words) {
if (word.length < 2) {
return [word];
} else {
var allAnswers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
var letter = word[i];
var shorterWord = word.substr(0, i) + word.substr(i + 1, word.length - 1);
var shortwordArray = allAnagrams(shorterWord);
for (var j = 0; j < shortwordArray.length; j++) {
allAnswers.push(letter + shortwordArray[j]);
return allAnswers;
My instinct was to split the word into an array, and then have another nested for loop to match what needs to be matched. However, I seem to have run into some problems with handling the scope and keep breaking the function so I've turned to you bright minded people. If you have a moment, I would appreciate a hint of how to tackle this from here.
You basically need to see if any permutation of your first string appears in the array.
A fast way to compare if two strings are permutations of one another is to sort the two strings and compare:
function stringSort(string) {
return string.split('').sort().join('');
function isAnagram(first, second) {
// are the two sorted strings equal, if so then anagram
return stringSort(first) == stringSort(second);
Now, we can use these handy functions to help us build the final desired function:
function allAnagrams(word, words) {
return words.filter(function(element) {
return isAnagram(word, element);
Note the use of Array#filter, a very handy method for boiling an array down to a few values under some condition.
Note that I have not tested this so if there are any problems please ask.

Returning duplicates in multidimensional Javascript array

I have searched high and low, not only on StackOverflow, but many other places elsewhere on the web. I've tried what seems like everything, but something is fundamentally flawed with my logic. I apologize for introducing another "Duplicates in Array" question, but I am stuck and nothing seems to be working as expected.
Anyway, I have a multi-dimensional JavaScript array, only 2 levels deep.
var array = [[Part #, Description, Qty:],
[Part #, Description, Qty:],
[Part #, Description, Qty:]]; //etc
What I need to do is create a function that searches array and returns any duplicate "Part #" lines. When they are returned, I would like to have the entire inner array returned, complete with description and qty.
The trick with this is that the Part #'s that would qualify as 'duplicate' would end differently (specifically the last 4 characters), so using String.prototype.substr makes sense (to me).
I know there are duplicates in the array in the way that I am looking for, so I know that if I had the solution, it would return those Part #'s.
Here is what I have tried so far that gets me the closest to a solution:
function findDuplicateResults(arr) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i][0].substr(0,5) === arr[++i][0].substr(0,5)) {
return console.log(result);
My thinking is that if the element in the array(with substr(0,5) is equal to the next one in line, push that to the result array. I would need the other duplicate in there too. The point of the code is to show only dupes with substr(0,5).
I have tried using Higher Order Functions such as map, forEach, reduce, and filter (filter being the one that boggles my mind as to why it doesn't do what I want), but I have only been able to return [] or the entire array that way. The logic that I use for said Higher Order Functions remains the same (which is probably the problem here).
I am expecting that my if condition is where the most of the problem is. Any pointers or solutions are greatly appreciated.
There is a mistake in your code. When you use ++i, you are changing the value of i, so it is going to skip one item in the next iteration.
Regarding the logic, you are only comparing one item to the next item, when you should really be comparing each item to all items:
function findDuplicateResults(arr) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= arr.length - 1; i++) {
for (var k = 0; k <= arr.length - 1; k++) {
if (i !== k && arr[i][0].substr(0,5) === arr[k][0].substr(0,5)) {
return result;
Although, the 'substr' could be dropped, and 'for' loop could be replaced by a higher order function:
function findDuplicateResults(arr) {
return arr.filter(function(item1){
return arr.filter(function(item2){
return item1[0] === item2[0];
}).length > 1;

Numeric sort of a stream that keeps alpha order when the number is the same

I tried a few of the regex sorts I found on SO, but I think they may not like the + symbol in the stream i'm needing to sort.
So I'm getting a data stream that looks like this (3 to 30 letters '+' 0 to 64000 number)
userString = "AAA+800|BBB+700|CCC+600|ZZZ+500|YYY+400|XXX+300|XXA+300|XXZ+300";
the output needs to be in the format:
array[0] = "XXA+300" // 300 being the lowest num and XXA being before XXX
array[7] = "AAA+800"
I wish to order it from lowest num to highest num and reversed.
Here is my inefficient code. which loops 8x8 times. (my stream maybe 200 items long)
It works, but it looks messy. Can someone help me improve it so it uses less iterations?
var array = userString.split('|');
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) { // array2 contains just the numbers
bits = array[i].split('+');
array2[i] = bits[1];
var c=0;
for(var a=0;a<len;a++) { // loop for creating array3 (the output)
for(var i=0; i<len ; i++) { // loop thru array to find matching score
bits = array[i].split('+');
if(bits[1] == array2[a]) { // found matching score
array3[c++] = bits[0]+'+'+bits[1]; // add to array3
array[i]='z+z'; // so cant rematch array position
array = array3;
Kind Regards
Please forgive the terse answer (and lack of testing), as I'm typing this on an iPhone.
var userArr = userString.split('|');
userArr.sort(function(a, b) {
var aArr = a.split('+'),
bArr = b.split('+'),
aLetters = aArr[0],
bLetters = bArr[0],
aNumbers = parseInt( aArr[1] ),
bNumbers = parseInt( bArr[1] );
if (aNumbers == bNumbers) {
return aLetters.localeCompare( bLetters );
return aNumbers - bNumbers;
// Or, for reverse order:
return -(aNumbers - bNumbers);
// or if you prefer to expand your terms:
return -aNumbers + bNumbers;
Basically we're splitting on | then doing a custom sort in which we split again on +. We convert the numbers to integers, then if they differ (e.g. 300 and 800) we compare them directly and return the result (because in that case the letters are moot). If they're the same, though (300 and 300) we compare the first parts (XXA and XXX) and return that result (assuming you want an ordinary alphabetical comparison). In this fashion the whole array is sorted.
I wasn't entirely sure what you meant by "and reversed" in your question, but hopefully this will get you started.
As you may've guessed this isn't totally optimal as we do split and parseInt on every element in every iteration, even if we already did in a previous iteration. This could be solved trivially by pre-processing the input, but with just 200 elements you probably won't see a huge performance hit.
Good luck!

alternatives for excessive for() looping in javascript

I'm currently writing a javascript widget that displays a random quote into a html element. the quotes are stored in a javascript array as well as how many times they've been displayed into the html element. A quote to be displayed cannot be the same quote as was previously displayed. Furthermore the chance for a quote to be selected is based on it's previous occurences in the html element. ( less occurrences should result in a higher chance compared to the other quotes to be selected for display.
Current solution
I've currently made it work ( with my severely lacking javascript knowledge ) by using a lot of looping through various arrays. while this currently works ( !! ) I find this solution rather expensive for what I want to achieve.
What I'm looking for
Alternative methods of removing an array element from an array, currently looping through the entire array to find the element I want removed and copy all other elements into a new array
Alternative method of calculating and selecting a element from an array based on it's occurence
Anything else you notice I should / could do different while still enforcing the stated business rules under Situation
The Code
var quoteElement = $("div#Quotes > q"),
quotes = [[" AAAAAAAAAAAA ", 1],
fadeTimer = 600,
displayNewQuote = function () {
var currentQuote = quoteElement.text();
var eligibleQuotes = new Array();
var exclusionFound = false;
for (var i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) {
var iteratedQuote = quotes[i];
if (exclusionFound === false) {
if (currentQuote == iteratedQuote[0].toString())
exclusionFound = true;
} else
eligibleQuotes.sort( function (current, next) {
return current[1] - next[1];
} );
var calculatePoint = eligibleQuotes[0][1];
var occurenceRelation = new Array();
var relationSum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < eligibleQuotes.length; i++) {
if (i == 0)
occurenceRelation[i] = 1 / ((calculatePoint / calculatePoint) + (calculatePoint / eligibleQuotes[i+1][1]));
occurenceRelation[i] = occurenceRelation[0] * (calculatePoint / eligibleQuotes[i][1]);
relationSum = relationSum + (occurenceRelation[i] * 100);
var generatedNumber = Math.floor(relationSum * Math.random());
var newQuote;
for (var i = 0; i < occurenceRelation.length; i++) {
if (occurenceRelation[i] <= generatedNumber) {
newQuote = eligibleQuotes[i][0].toString();
i = occurenceRelation.length;
for (var i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) {
var iteratedQuote = quotes[i][0].toString();
if (iteratedQuote == newQuote) {
i = quotes.length;
quoteElement.stop(true, true)
setTimeout( function () {
}, fadeTimer);
if (quotes.length > 1)
setInterval(displayNewQuote, 10000);
Alternatives considered
Always chose the array element with the lowest occurence.
Decided against this as this would / could possibly reveal a too obvious pattern in the animation
combine several for loops to reduce the workload
Decided against this as this would make the code to esoteric, I'd probably wouldn't understand the code anymore next week
jsFiddle reference
Rewrote my function with the techniques mentioned, while I fear that these techniques still loop through the entire array to find it's requirements, at least my code looks cleaner : )
References used after reading the answers here:
I suggest array functions that are mostly supported (and easily added if not):
[].splice(index, howManyToDelete); // you can alternatively add extra parameters to slot into the place of deletion
Other useful functions include forEach and map.
I agree that combining all the work into one giant loop is ugly (and not always possible), and you gain little by doing it, so readability is definitely the winner. Although you shouldn't need too many loops with these array functions.
The answer that you want:
Create an integer array that stores the number of uses of every quote. Also, a global variable Tot with the total number of quotes already used (i.e., the sum of that integer array). Find also Mean, as Tot / number of quotes.
Chose a random number between 0 and Tot - 1.
For each quote, add Mean * 2 - the number of uses(*1). When you get that that value has exceeded the random number generated, select that quote.
In case that quote is the one currently displayed, either select the next or the previous quote or just repeat the process.
The real answer:
Use a random quote, at the very maximum repeat if the quote is duplicated. The data usages are going to be lost when the user reloads/leaves the page. And, no matter how cleverly have you chosen them, most users do not care.
(*1) Check for limits, i.e. that the first or last quota will be eligible with this formula.
Alternative methods of removing an array element from an array
With ES5's Array.filter() method:
Array.prototype.without = function(v) {
return this.filter(function(x) {
return v !== x;
given an array a, a.without(v) will return a copy of a without the element v in it.
less occurrences should result in a higher chance compared to the other quotes to be selected for display
You shouldn't mess with chance - as my mathematician other-half says, "chance doesn't have a memory".
What you're suggesting is akin to the idea that numbers in the lottery that haven't come up yet must be "overdue" and therefore more likely to appear. It simply isn't true.
You can write functions that explicitly define what you're trying to do with the loop.
Your first loop is a filter.
Your second loop is a map + some side effect.
I don't know about the other loops, they're weird :P
A filter is something like:
function filter(array, condition) {
var i = 0, new_array = [];
for (; i < array.length; i += 1) {
if (condition(array[i], i)) {
return new_array;
var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
var even_numbers = filter(numbers, function (number, index) {
return number % 2 === 0;
alert(even_numbers); // [2,4,6,8]
You can't avoid the loop, but you can add more semantics to the code by making a function that explains what you're doing.
If, for some reason, you are not comfortable with splice or filter methods, there is a nice (outdated, but still working) method by John Resig:
