Javascript not activating - javascript

I have a script that is made to add .fix class to a header tag with #header-wrap id once the page is scrolled a certain amount, but for some reason nothing happens on scroll.
<header id="header-wrap">
<div id="redline"></div>
<div id="velkommen"></div>
<div id="header">
<div id="indre">
<h1 id="logo">MCBERGBYS</h1>
var wrap = $("#header-wrap");
wrap.on("scroll", function(e) {
if (this.scrollTop > 143) {
} else {
I'm very new to javascipt so I bet something obvious is off. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

You need to bind your .on('scroll') event to the $(window), not to your #header-wrap element. This will check when the document is being scrolled up and down, as opposed to seeing when an individual element is being "scrolled" (like when you move up and down in a textarea).


on scroll "sticky-element" will need stick to before "footer-area" not on bottom of page

I have one "sticky-element" div, on page load which I have been set position:fixed with bottom right aligned.
Requirement : on page scroll I would like to set it stick to just before on my "footer-area".
Issue : I have handled successfully css and js part on load, but I am not able to find logic that how can i add another class to my "sticky-element" once "footer-area" will start visible on window.
<div class="container">
<div class="page-section">
<p>lots of code and other div nested in this as well</p>
<div class="sticky-element">
<div class="footer-area">
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
else {
.sticky-element { position:fixed; }
.sticky-element.some-class { position:static; }
In above one if() my logic is that I would like to use if "footer-area" is visible on window than only add class will works.
Please suggest if anyone has Simple and short(not too much complex) coding way for this.
Thanks in advance
Try something like that:
<div class="container">
<div id='wraper'>
<div class="page-section">
<p>lots of code and other div nested in this as well</p>
<div class="sticky-element">
<div class="footer-area">
$(window).scroll(function() {
var bottomOfWraper = $('#wraper').offset().top + $('#wraper').outerHeight();
var bottomOfWin = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
if( bottomOfWin > bottomOfWraper){
else {

how to hide content div after page reloading

I am using this javascript for collapsing and expanding a div in which is some information. The div has class .info.
After page reloading, you can see first that the div is visible, but within a second, when the js is loaded, it disappears.
How can i achieve that when reloading the page, also at the very first second time the div is not visible?
$( document ).ready(function() {
var $accordionIO = $('.accordion .toggle-button');
$(".accordion .toggle-button").click(function () {
var jqInner = $('.info', $(this).parent());
if (":visible"))
The html:
<!-- Start toggle script -->
<div class="accordion">
<div class="info">
<div class="toggle-button"><span class="button-switch">Information</span> </div>
Please try adding inline style attribute. See example below:
<div style="display:none;"></div>

clone() dose not bind event / plugin

I have parallax attached to same div which I clone but after I clone parallax stops working for cloned elements.
Check my example :
My Code:
Html :
<div class="container">
<section class="content">
<div class="jumbotron text-center bg-faded my-5" style="background: url('') no-repeat center;" data-paroller-factor="0.5">
<h1 class="heading-1 py-5 text-white">Hello Parallax!</h1>
$('.clone').on('click', function() {
Example :
Thanx in advance
I had a similar problem before and it can be done. It was a problem with CSS taking effect when page laods and not when you clone.
If I remembered right to fix it you need to create an object of the cloned div similar to this example:
// will be different for you!! but might set you on the right direction
var divToClone = document.getElementsByID("#cloneMe");
var clone = divToClone.cloneNode(true);
var element = clone.getElementsByTagName("h1");
Now with my var Element I can add attributes and style again like this
//Nothing to do with parallax here but look at you CSS and fill it in again like below
element.innerHTML = "Whatever you want or need";['background']= "url(/iwa/images/16x16/randomExample.png) no-repeat, fixed";['background-position']='center right';['border']='none';
Hope that helps!

multiple show hide toggle with div sliding out

I am new to coding and need help with jQuery. I have 2 <div>s (one with an image, the other with a menu list, both 50% width) and I need to be able to click one of the menu options to make a new div (50% width) appear from the right while reducing the other 2 divs width to 25% each. Then clicking on the same menu option to hide the new div and revert back to the original widths. But if I click on another menu option while the new div is visible, I need it to change the content to that specific menu option content.
How can I swap the left-hand <div> out with jQuery?
Here's the HTML I'm working with:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="header">
<div id="container">
<div class="box-container">
<div class="box1">
<img src="images/Untitled-1.png" alt="logo">
<div class="box2">
<div id="nav">
<div class="box3">
<div id="ADVERTISING" class="content">ADVERTISING</div>
<div id="DESIGN" class="content">DESIGN</div>
<div id="ABOUT" class="content">ABOUT</div>
<div id="BLOG" class="content">BLOG</div>
<div id="SHOP" class="content">SHOP</div>
<div id="footer">
</div><!-- wrapper-->
Here's a working jsFiddle with the styles:
For starters, here's a method that ties the below examples of how to do this into the animation you're after:
$(function() {
$("#nav").delegate("li","click", function() {
var newDiv = $(".box3 .content").eq($(this).index()-1);
newDiv.siblings().hide().end(); // hide the others
if(":visible")) {
// if shown, fade it out, when the fade finishes, slide everything back
newDiv.fadeOut(function() {
$(".box1, .box2").animate({ width: "50%" });
} else {
// if not shown, then slide over space, then fade in
$(".box1, .box2").animate({ width: "25%" }, function() {
Given your current CSS you can do this:
$(function() {
$("#nav").delegate("li a","click", function() {
$("#" + $(this).text()).show().siblings().hide();
Here's a working example, though you can see the CSS will need a bit of work to get it going 100%. I suggest a few changes though: give your links and containers matching IDs, like this:
<li><a id="ad">ADVERTISING</a></li>
<div id="ad-container" class="content">ADVERTISING</div>
Then the JS can be:
$(function() {
$("#nav").delegate("li a","click", function() {
$("#" + + "-container").show().siblings().hide();
Here's a working example of allows you to change the text at will and not worry about the JS breaking later. Another alternative yet is to go off the index of the link in the list using .index() of the <li>, if the number of links was consistent with the <div>s in all cases, even if there's an offset because of the "hello!" link.
Here's an example of an index approach with your current HTML:
$(function() {
$("#nav").delegate("li","click", function() {
$(".box3 .content").hide().eq($(this).index()-1).show();
I think jQuery's animate function might be of use to you.
What you'd need to do is either have a hidden div positioned out of the window added to your HTML (or maybe add it dynamically using jquery on document.ready event, if you prefer) and the use the above mentioned animate function to slide it in and out and bind it to the menu item's click function.
Sample Code
var hidden = $('.hidden');
if (hidden.hasClass('visible')){
hidden.animate({"left":"-1000px"}, "slow");
} else {
hidden.animate({"left":"0px"}, "slow");
In the above code we are binding code to the click event of an element with a id "slide". Once the element is clicked the code gets initiated. We check if the .hidden has a css class called "visible". If not we animate the hidden div to slide in. and if it has a visible class then slide it out.
Working Fiddle
Here is a working JSFiddle for you
Some pointers
In the hidden div's CSS remember to specify a z-index greater than that of the current left panel.
In the hidden div's CSS remember to set position to absolute and left to around -1200px (or greater than window.width() to make it work on all screen sizes.)

jquery slider up and down

I am having problems with a jQuery slidedown and slideUp function. When clicking the button the div slides down to reveal more content - however when it slides down it goes half way down smoothly then it likes stutters - but when i click less info to take the div back up it goes up in a smooth transition. How can i make sure it slides down smoothly without no interruptions in the transition?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// $(".image-gallery ul li:gt(5)").hide(0);
$(".inner p:gt(2)").hide(0);
function () {
$('.inner p:gt(2)').slideDown(1000);
$(this).text("Less info");
function () {
$('.inner p:gt(2)').slideUp(1000);
$(this).text("More info");
HTML/.NET Coding
<div class="slideContent">
<div class="inner">
<energy:TextPod ID="TextPod1" runat="server" CssClass="client-portfolio-intro" />
<div class="clear-me"></div>
<div class="btnMoreInfo">
<a class="moreInfoLink" href="javascript:;">More Information</a>
Not sure if a solution to your problem but just for a good practice, store your selections in variables and use them instead, that way jQuery wouldn't need to find elements every time toggle function is called:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// $(".image-gallery ul li:gt(5)").hide(0);
var content = $('.inner p:gt(2)'); // storing selection
function () {
$(this).text("Less info");
function () {
$(this).text("More info");
The problem is one of performance - browsers can get bogged down when trying to animate multiple elements at a time, particularly if those elements cause the document to be 'reflowed'. Essentially, your selector $('.inner p:gt(2)') is causing all the <p> elements to be animated independently, and each one causes a document reflow at every point.
For a smooth transition, try animating a single containing element that wraps everything you want to be shown/hidden. I would use HTML something like:
<div class="slideContent">
<div class="inner">
<div class="fullInfo">
<div class="btnMoreInfo">
<a class="moreInfoLink">More Information</a>
And JS like:
$(".inner .fullInfo").hide(0);
function () {
$('.inner .fullInfo').slideDown(1000);
$(this).text("Less info");
function () {
$('.inner .fullInfo').slideUp(1000);
$(this).text("More info");
This way, the browser is only animating one element at a time - much faster!
