Little mistake somewhere. Help needed - javascript

I wrote a little browser-game.
The rules are easy: you have 15 seconds to decide if you know the name written on the screen.
You have two buttons: "i know"/"give up" - depends on what you want to choose.
If you choose "give up" (or time ends) photo 1 appears. Otherwise, photo 2 will be shown.
Whole operation is looped.
Here's my question: I wanted to choose random name from array "word" every single round, so I wrote function "random_word()". I put it into "timer()", "surrender()" and "winning()" functions. But it doesn't work.
I'm just starting with programming, so I'll be grateful for possibly easiest to understand code. Thanks for all help.
Here's my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/scripts/snippet-javascript-console.min.js?v=1"></script>
<button id= "btnSurrender">give up</button>
<button id= "btnWinning">i know</button>
<p id="seconds">15</p>
<div id="photo"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var word = new Array(3);
word[0] = "Michael";
word[1] = "Simon";
word[2] = "Peter";
word[3] = "Mark";
function random_word(){
var randomWord = word[Math.floor(Math.random()*word.length)]
var btn1 = document.getElementById("btnSurrender");
var btn2 = document.getElementById("btnWinning");
var pic = document.getElementById("photo");
var secondsP = document.getElementById('seconds');
var clock = null;
btn1.addEventListener("click", surrender);
btn2.addEventListener("click", winning);
function timer () {
var start = new Date().getTime();
clock = setInterval(function() {
pic.innerHTML='<img src="" alt="">';
var seconds = Math.round(15 - (new Date().getTime() - start) / 1000);
if (seconds >= 0) {
secondsP.textContent = seconds;
} else {
if (seconds === 0) {
pic.innerHTML='<img src="mops bops.png" alt="">';
}, 1000);
function surrender(){
pic.innerHTML='<img src="mops bops.png" alt="">';
secondsP.textContent = 0;
function winning(){
pic.innerHTML='<img src="mopsik.jpg" alt="">';
secondsP.textContent = 0;
setInterval(timer, 17000)

var randomWord;
You need to arrow it at the beginning of the script, before giving a document.write

When I tested your code and set it to the "randomWord" variable at the beginning of the code, it worked; You should do the same, set the variable at the beginning of the code!


Show Date.getTime() javascript into html

I am trying to make a stopwatch using html and javascript on my website.
Here is what I tried:
<p>Time: <script>document.write(Date.getTime());</script></p>
I want it to show milliseconds since load. I'm doing it on KhanAcademy. Does anybody know how to do this?
Also, somewhat, weirdly, there are no errors
If you want to show the milliseconds since the page load you need to update it using setInterval()
<p>Time: <span id="msec"></span> </p>
var msec = 0;
msec = setInterval(function(){
msec = msec + 1;
document.getElementById("msec").innerText = msec;
You likely meant to do this
NOTE the script tags have to be AFTER the span - it needs to exist.
let d = new Date();
const span = document.getElementById("time");
const tId = setInterval(function() {
if (d.getTime() <= 0) clearInterval(tId);
span.textContent = d.getTime();
d.setTime(d.getTime() - 10)
}, 10);
<span id="time"></span>
but that is the same as doing this
let d = 1000;
const span = document.getElementById("time");
const tId = setInterval(function() {
span.textContent = d-=10
if (d <= 0) clearInterval(tId);
}, 10)
<span id="time"></span>
Using the window load event so the script can stay in the head
Herre I am counting up
window.addEventListener("load", function() { // on page load
let d = 0;
const span = document.getElementById("time");
const tId = setInterval(function() {
span.textContent = d += 10
if (d >= 1000) clearInterval(tId);
}, 10);
<span id="time"></span>
You have to set an interval to update calculate the duration since starting the website (I choose 1 ms). The script has to be written in the code after the HTML-element is declared.
var start =;
setInterval(function() {
let time =;
document.getElementById('duration').innerHTML = 'Dauer: ' + (time - start) + ' ms.';
}, 1);
<div id='duration'></div>

Can't get form to hide in JS

Having this problem with trying to get a form to hide in Javascript.
Here is my HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="javascript.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href=',300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="time">00:00:00</div>
<form id="myform">
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="box" placeholder="00:00:00" onkeypress="checkBox(event)">
And here is my JS:
function timer(time) {
document.getElementById("myform").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("time").style.display = "inline";
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (time == 0) {
time = 299;
} else {
var newTime = timeFormat(time);
document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = newTime;
document.title = newTime;
}, 1000);
function checkBox(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
var string = document.getElementById("box").value;
var numTest = string;
if (string.length != 0) {
var numOfColons = string.split(":").length - 1;
var hr = 0;
var min = 0;
var sec = 0;
if (numOfColons == 2) {
numTest = numTest.replace(":", "");
numTest = numTest.replace(":", "");
hr = string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":"));
string = string.replace(string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":")+1), "");
min = string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":"));
string = string.replace(string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":")+1), "");
sec = string.substring(0, string.length);
} else if (numOfColons == 1) {
numTest = numTest.replace(":", "");
min = string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":"));
string = string.replace(string.substring(0, string.indexOf(":")+1), "");
sec = string.substring(0, string.length);
} else if (numOfColons == 0) {
sec = string;
hr = parseInt(hr);
min = parseInt(min);
sec = parseInt(sec);
if(/^\d+$/.test(numTest)) {
var totalSec = hr*3600 + min*60 + sec;
if (totalSec > 0) {
function focus() {
function timeFormat(time) {
var sec = time % 60;
var totalMin = time / 60;
var min = Math.floor(totalMin % 60);
var string = "";
if (min == 0 && sec < 10) {
string = "0:0" + sec;
} else if (min == 0) {
string = "0:" + sec;
} else if (sec < 10) {
string = min + ":0" + sec;
} else {
string = min + ":" + sec;
return string;
Note that I am not using a button to trigger the form submission, I am simply using a onkeypress event to detect if the user hit the enter button (I wanted a cleaner design). Whenever the timer function is called, the text box flickers like it turns off for a second, than it comes back on in an instant. I have no idea what the problem is. I also have gotten no errors in console.
Am not sure what you are trying to achieve but from looking at your code, Hitting enter results in the page being reloaded, so I can't get to see the result.
I would however suggest you use jQuery to hide show your results, since you are already calling the script
The problem is this line of code. It turns the form off for a split second, which causes the blinking effect to occur. Simply remove this or comment it out.
document.getElementById("myform").style.display = "none";
If you want to hide the form, use jQuery's $('#myForm').hide() function. It's similar to <form id="myform" style="display:none;">
You could also try this:
<input type="text" id="timeInputBox" autocomplete="off" id="box" placeholder="00:00:00" onkeypress="checkBox(event)">
With this:
document.getElementById('timeInputBox').style.display = "none"; // JS
Or use this:
$('#timeInputBox').hide(); // jQuery
You may also want to move the jQuery <script> tag up higher in your <head> block. It needs to go before your call to your external <script src="javascript.js"></script> tag. Then you can use the $ and all of these functions from in your .js file.

Javascript show variable every 50 ms

I want to make a little 'loading...' widget for my website, using javascript.
var percent=0;
var message="Loading... "
var per="%"
function count(){
alert("Loading end.")
But it isn't running. I think I've got some mistake (or maybe totally wrong). How can I do this? I want to update the shown message every 50ms.
try with interval and clear it when progress is finished:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<div id="progress">MSG</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var percent = 0;
var message = "Loading... ";
var per = "%";
var dom = document.getElementById('progress');
var iv = setInterval(function(){
dom.innerHTML = ((percent++) + per +' '+ message);
if(percent === 100){
console.log("Loading end.");
return false;
}, 50);
instead of setTimeOut("count",50)
You want to set an interval which runs every x milliseconds, passing in an anonymous function to call the function to call
var percent=0;
var message="Loading... "
var per="%"
function count(){
alert("Loading end.")
setInterval(function() { count() },50)
} <--- you were also missing this ending brace
var percent = 0;
var message = "Loading... ";
var per = "%";
$(document).ready(function () {
function count() {
percent = percent + 1;
if (percent == 100) {
alert("Loading end.");
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
see this fiddle for more
See this jsfiddle
<span id="loading"></span>
var percent = 0;
var message = "Loading...";
var per = "%";
var element = document.getElementById('loading');
var interval = setInterval(function() {
element.innerHTML = message + percent + per;
percent += 1;
if(percent > 100) {
}, 50)
The code in your example is missing a great deal of semi-colons and the ending curly-bracket, but that's not the end-issue.
The "problem" with your call to setTimeout is that the first argument must be an actual function, not a string. If you remove the quotes around the call, it will work.
Here is a copy of your code, re-formatted:
var percent=0;
var message="Loading... ";
var per="%";
function count() {
if (percent == 100) {
alert("Loading end.");
} else {
setTimeout(count, 50);
You are doing it wrong way. You should call the setInterval method when window loads. And when loading is completed, you should stop interval by clearing it using its ID.
var countId;
window.onload = function(){
function count(){
//show your message

How would I find the difference between two button clicks in milliseconds?

I'm trying to make a program that tests your reaction time, but I don't know how to measure the time between two events, like button clicks. Here's my code so far. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.
<!DOCTPYE html>
var button = document.getElementById("reactionTester");
var start = document.getElementById("start");
function init() {
var startInterval/*in milliseconds*/ = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30) * 1000;
setTimeout(startTimer, startInterval);
function startTimer() {
/*start timer and then later use stopTimer() to stop the timer and find
the difference bettween both button clicks.*/
<form id="form">
<input type="button" id="reactionTester" onclick="stopTimer()">
<input type="button" value="start" id="start" onclick="init()">
var startTime;
function startButton() {
startTime =;
function stopButton() {
if (startTime) {
var endTime =;
var difference = endTime - startTime;
alert('Reaction time: ' + difference + ' ms');
startTime = null;
} else {
alert('Click the Start button first');
Bind your start and stop buttons to these functions.
For getting the time that has passed, you'll always need a start_time and end_time. startTimer() should set a start_time variable (or something similarly named), and stopTimer() should set an end_time variable.
stopTimer() can then subtract the two times and you've got the number of milliseconds passed.
(JavaScript stores times in milliseconds, so oldTime - newTime = milliseconds passed.)
Edit: Example JSFiddle -
var startTime, endTime;
// self-executing function
// init the background to white = "white";
// reset the color of the BG after 3 seconds.
function(){ = "red";
startTime =;
, 3000);
$("#go").on("click", function(){
stopTime =;
"Your time was " + (stopTime - startTime) + "ms."
Keep track of the time of the first click, and on the second click, display the difference between now and the first click.
var start;
$('button').click(function() {
if (undefined === start) {
start = new Date().getTime();
alert('Time difference is:' + (new Date.getTime() - start));
To measure millseconds between two button clicks, log timestamps in javascript
First Button:
document.getElementById('submit-button1').onclick = function() {
console.log(new Date().getTime()); //1388696290801
Second Button:
document.getElementById('submit-button2').onclick = function() {
console.log(new Date().getTime()); //1388696292730
You don't need a form, you just need buttons, you don't need intervals either. You also don't need jQuery.
<!DOCTPYE html>
var startTime, running;
function startStop() {
if (running) {
var timeTaken = - startTime;
running = false;
console.log("Time: " + timeTaken);
else {
running = true;
startTime =;
<button onclick="startStop();">Start/Stop</button>
Edit is probably faster.

jquery: stopwatch

I'm using the stopwatch code I found here:
(function($) {
$.fn.stopwatch = function() {
var clock = this;
var timer = 0;
// This is bit messy, but IE is a crybaby and must be coddled.
clock.html('<div class="display"><span class="hr">00</span>:<span class="min">00</span>:<span class="sec">00</span></div>');
clock.append('<input type="button" class="start" value="Start" />');
clock.append('<input type="button" class="stop" value="Stop" />');
clock.append('<input type="button" class="reset" value="Reset" />');
// We have to do some searching, so we'll do it here, so we only have to do it once.
var h = clock.find('.hr');
var m = clock.find('.min');
var s = clock.find('.sec');
var start = clock.find('.start');
var stop = clock.find('.stop');
var reset = clock.find('.reset');
start.bind('click', function() {
timer = setInterval(do_time, 1000);;
stop.bind('click', function() {
timer = 0;;
reset.bind('click', function() {
timer = 0;
function do_time() {
// parseInt() doesn't work here...
hour = parseFloat(h.text());
minute = parseFloat(m.text());
second = parseFloat(s.text());
if(second > 59) {
second = 0;
minute = minute + 1;
if(minute > 59) {
minute = 0;
hour = hour + 1;
h.html("0".substring(hour >= 10) + hour);
m.html("0".substring(minute >= 10) + minute);
s.html("0".substring(second >= 10) + second);
And I use it like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
It works fine and I can stop it using the stop button. However I would like to be able to stop it programatically using javascript. Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
I created the stop function but I cannot access the timer var defined in stopwatch(). How can I do it?
How about:
You can add a small API to the code and attach it using $.data:
var api = {
stop: function() {; // this should probably be improved, but you get the idea
$(clock).data('stopwatch', api);
Then use:
You can also add the reset and start functions to the API using the same logic. A good thing here is that you can improve the execution code on a coffee break later without changing the way external programs uses the API.
