Passing condition to a var in javascript - javascript

I don't know how to solve this. I need something like this:
var condition;
if (a==1) //a comes from another part
condition = "arr3[cliente].año == year";
if (a==2)
condition = "arr3[cliente].año == year && arr3[cliente].sic"
//now another if
if (condition){
//rest of code
I need different conditions depending some previous values, the code inside the last if is always the same, so I don't need:
if (arr3[cliente].año == year)
// code
else if (arr3[cliente].año == year && arr3[cliente].sic)
// code
How can I do it?

Just assign the result of the expressions to the variable (currently you are assigning a string). The expression doesn't have to be inside the if statement, the result is what's important:
var condition;
if (a==1)
condition = arr3[cliente].año == year;
if (a==2)
condition = arr3[cliente].año == year && arr3[cliente].sic;
// It this point `condition` will either have the value `undefined`, `true` or `false`.
if (condition) {
// code
Of course you can simplify/reduce this to the following:
if (arr3[cliente].año == year && (a == 1 || a == 2 && arr3[cliente].sic)) {
// code
No need for repeating if statements or comparisons. This also assumes that accessing any of the properties doesn't have any side effects.

Just use the conditions you have, but not as strings. They'll either be true or false and your if(condition) check will still work fine.
var condition;
if (a == 1) //a comes from another part
condition = arr3[cliente].año == year;
if (a == 2)
condition = arr3[cliente].año == year && arr3[cliente].sic;
//now another if
if (condition) {
//rest of code

My proposition. if a==1 you will need the rest of condition and if a==2 you'll need second option condition.
if (a==1 && (arr3[cliente].año == year)){
} else if (a==2 && (arr3[cliente].año == year && arr3[cliente].sic)){
function commonFunction() {
//rest of code


How to write ternary operator logic for multiple conditions and for optional param?

trying to write logic for my validator functions that has objects we use as errorMap for the input validation , For below logic args.drugName is optional field if user provide text we just want to make sure its greater than 3 letters or in case of empty successCondition should be valid. So for the optional param in typescript how do we fix this issue ?
errorKey: ValidationErrorEnum.InvalidDrugName,
successCondition: (args: DrugPriceParam) => {
let isValid: boolean = false;
isValid = args.drugName.length >= 3 ? true : _.isEmpty(args.drugName) ? true : false;
// if (args.drugName && args.drugName.length >= 3) {
// isValid = true;
// } else if (_.isEmpty(args.drugName)) {
// isValid = true;
// }
return isValid;
error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
You could simplify the check to
return !args.drugName || args.drugName.length > 2;
// if empty
// if longer then 2 characters
Its same as you write if condition
(args.drugName && args.drugName.length >= 3) ? true : _.isEmpty(args.drugName) ? true : false;
There is new feature coming in js - optional chaining. you can use this currently using webpack plugin.
Using this we can simply write
args?.drugName?.length >= 3 ? true : _.isEmpty(args.drugName) ? true : false;
Because you're simply returning booleans, you don't actually need to use the ternary operator. You should be able to just pass the result of the comparison operations:
// if (args.drugName && args.drugName.length >= 3) {
// isValid = true;
// } else if (_.isEmpty(args.drugName)) {
// isValid = true;
// }
// Becomes:
isValid = (args.drugName && args.drugName.length >= 3) || _.isEmpty(args.drugName);
Don't forget about short-circuiting, either: If the first half of the || is found to be true, then _.isEmpty won't even be run (and similarly, if the first half of the && is found to be false, then ...length >= 3 won't even be run).

using if statement with && and || inside for loop

I have an if statement inside for loop with more than one condition. I want to match the data in database with input data in an HTML form. When the input field in the form is blank it is stored as null in the database. I have this column(itemsSortedByDate[i].FD_MIMO) in the database which can be null or can have some value. I am unable to match the blank field with null in the database. Also even if that column(itemsSortedByDate[i].FD_MIMO) has some value in the database, my for loop searches for the database which has null field just because other fields are matching. My Javascript is as below. The last condition is creating problems. ScenarioListViewModel.fdMimo()and itemsSortedByDate[i].FD_MIMO are supposed to be same whether it's null or has some value. But in the console.log they are different. Thank you for your help, much appreciated.
self.getJobIdForCapacity = function(itemsSortedByDate){
var jobIdForCapacity;
var found = false;
for (var i = 0, len = itemsSortedByDate.length; i < len; i++) {
if(itemsSortedByDate[i].DB_Name == ScenarioListViewModel.db_name()
&& itemsSortedByDate[i].Split_Mode == ScenarioListViewModel.splitMode()
&& itemsSortedByDate[i].Full_Output == ScenarioListViewModel.fullOutput()
&& (itemsSortedByDate[i].Workflow_Status == "Completed" || itemsSortedByDate[i].Workflow_Status == "Running")
&& (itemsSortedByDate[i].Disposition == "Success" || itemsSortedByDate[i].Disposition == "None")
&& (itemsSortedByDate[i].FD_MIMO == ScenarioListViewModel.fdMimo() || itemsSortedByDate[i].FD_MIMO == null)){
jobIdForCapacity = itemsSortedByDate[i].Title;
console.log("Job Id:" + jobIdForCapacity);
console.log("fdmimo from form:" +ScenarioListViewModel.fdMimo());
console.log("fdmimo from list:" +itemsSortedByDate[i].FD_MIMO);
found = true;
if (!found) {
alert("Job not found in Sharepoint Execution History List. Click Execute Model to run");
I would suggest you use === in all the conditions in if statement and it may help you solve your problem as there is difference in === vs ==.
Please refer this question for the difference.
For example:
itemsSortedByDate[i].DB_Name == ScenarioListViewModel.db_name()
will be
itemsSortedByDate[i].DB_Name === ScenarioListViewModel.db_name()
"Completed" || itemsSortedByDate[i].Workflow_Status == "Running"
will always return "Completed" does not matter itemsSortedByDate[i].Workflow_Status == "Running" is true or false. Here your can use ternary operator like
itemsSortedByDate[i].Workflow_Status == "Running"? "Running" : "Compelted"
Something of this kind. Check all conditions like this.

How to reduce "if statement" conditions? [reduce the conditions inside the if statement]

after days of hard thinking i choose to ask that question. I have if statement with multiple conditions:
//var current is array of arrays of integers
if((current[rot][0] + x)<blocks.length
&& (current[rot][1] + x)<blocks.length
&& (current[rot][2] + x)<blocks.length
&& (current[rot][3] + x)<blocks.length
&& !$(blocks[current[rot][0]+x]).hasClass("blockLand")
&& !$(blocks[current[rot][1]+x]).hasClass("blockLand")
&& !$(blocks[current[rot][2]+x]).hasClass("blockLand")
&& !$(blocks[current[rot][3]+x]).hasClass("blockLand"))
//something to happen here ONCE!
Because i want something inside to happen just once i think i cant use for loop.
So my question is: is there a possible way to reduce the conditions number? and how?
P.S.: Yes i figured out that i can use flag (true/false) inside and do my stuff outside this if, in another if - but i think that not always gonna work, because for every loop the flag will be different.
var b = true;
for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
// In two lines for being clear, but it's possible just in one
b = b && (current[rot][i] + x)<blocks.length
b = b && !$(blocks[current[rot][i]+x]).hasClass("blockLand");
// You could speed it up this way.
if(!b) break;
if (b) {
//something to happen here ONCE!
I think I understand what you are asking but let me know if there is anything else I can do.
JavaScript has a ternary (conditional operator)
This operator allows you to assign true/false values based on an internal if/else condition.
Here is some code for you to explain this...
window.onload = function() {
var one = 1;
var two = 2;
console.log(one > two ? "greater" : "not greater");
You can also use a Switch statement which you can read about here
Here is an example of a switch statement.
window.onload = function() {
var string = "testing this out";
switch (string) {
case "testing this out":
console.log('testing this out found in condition one');
case "testing":
console.log('found testing');
console.log('not found');
Let me know if I can improve this.

If Else Conditionals within Function in JavaScript

I'm having issues with conditionals. I want to return the index where pattern starts in string (or -1 if not found). The search is to be case sensitive if the 3rd parameter is true otherwise it is case insensitive.
index("abAB12","AB",true) returns 2 but index("abAB12","AB",false) returns 0
index("abAB12","BA",true) returns -1 and index("abAB12","BA",false) returns 1
Any idea how I can accomplish this?
This is my code so far
var s = "abAB12"
var p = "AB"
var cs = true
function index(string, pattern, caseSensitive) {
if (pattern) {
var found = false;
if (caseSensitive = false) {
if (string.indexOf(pattern.) >= 0) {
found = true;
return (found);
else {
return ("");
} else if (caseSensitive = true) {
if (string.toLowerCase().indexOf(pattern.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
found = true;
return (found);
} else {
return ("");
alert(index(s, p, cs));
Fiddle at
You have some mistype in your code. On the 15th line you have
return (found);
else {
This is not not valid. Change it to
return (found);
else {
There is another one.
if (caseSensitive = false) {
= used for assignment. You need to use == in if statements when comparing.
Also on the 13th line, there's an extra . after pattern. Remove it.
if (string.indexOf(pattern.) >= 0) {
Your fiddle example
You can use with a regular expression to accomplish this in one liner:
function index(input, key, caseMatters) {
return RegExp(key, caseMatters ? '' : 'i'));
Now you can:
index("abAB12","AB",true); // returns 2
index("abAB12","AB",false); // returns 0
index("abAB12","BA",true); // returns -1
index("abAB12","BA",false); // returns 1
You need to use double equals sign == in your if, else statements.
if(caseSensitive == false)
if(caseSensitive == true)
You are assigning value inside if condition instead of comparing it.
if (caseSensitive == false) {
if(caseSensitive == true)
You'd better use search :
'abAB12'.search(/AB/); // 2
'abAB12'.search(/AB/i); // 0
'abAB12'.search(/BA/); // -1
'abAB12'.search(/BA/i); // 1
The i flag means "case insensitive" ( insensible à la casse :D ).

Variable not updating its value

var canAssignMultiple="true";
var canWithdrawMultiple="true";
function onCheckUncheck()
var canAssign = $(this).attr("canAssign").toLowerCase();
var canWithdraw = $(this).attr("canWithdraw").toLowerCase();
canAssignMultiple= canAssignMultiple && canAssign;
canWithdrawMultiple= canWithdrawMultiple && canWithdraw;
if (canAssignMultiple == "false")
$("#assaignbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (canWithdrawMultiple == "false")
$("#withdrawbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#assaignbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#withdrawbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
The variable canAssignMultiple is becoming true when each() function is called the second time though its value has changed to false in the first iteration.It should retain its value evrytime the loop runs.How to do this?
boolean (false, true) values are different than strings ("false", "true")
var canAssignMultiple = true;
var canWithdrawMultiple = true;
function onCheckUncheck() {
if ($(':checkbox[name^="checkedRecords"]:checked').length > 0) {
$("input[name='checkedRecords']:checked").each(function() {
var canAssign = $(this).attr("canAssign").toLowerCase() == "true"; // make this a boolean expression
var canWithdraw = $(this).attr("canWithdraw").toLowerCase() == "true"; // make this a boolean expression
canAssignMultiple = canAssignMultiple && canAssign;
canWithdrawMultiple = canWithdrawMultiple && canWithdraw;
if (canAssignMultiple === false) $("#assaignbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled"); // use false (instead of "false")
else $("#assaignbutton").removeAttr("disabled");
if (canWithdrawMultiple === false) $("#withdrawbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled"); // use false (instead of "false")
else $("#withdrawbutton").removeAttr("disabled");
else {
$("#assaignbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#withdrawbutton").attr("disabled", "disabled");
left comments where changes were made
As others have noted, the strings "true" and "false" do not function the same as the boolean values true and false. If you try to use a string in an if statement or with a logical operator such as &&, the string is converted to a boolean; and all non-empty strings are converted to true (i.e. they are "truthy"). That means the string "false" will work the opposite of how you expect, e.g. in ("false" && x) or in if ("false") {...}.
One way to fix your code is to change this line
canAssignMultiple = canAssignMultiple && canAssign;
to convert canAssign to a boolean in an explicit and correct way:
canAssignMultiple = canAssignMultiple && (canAssign == "true");
Then the && operator will work correctly, and canAssignMultiple will hold an actual boolean value.
And (as #mdmullinax noted, but I would do it differently) once canAssignMultiple is actually a boolean, you can change your if statements to treat them as such:
if (canAssignMultiple == "false")
should become
if (!canAssignMultiple)
And similarly with the corresponding withdraw stuff.
Does your HTML look like this?
<input canAssign="false" ...>
<input canAssign="true" ...>
If so, and you can't change the HTML, I suggest changing this:
canAssign = $(this).attr("canAssign").toLowerCase()
to this (to work with booleans from then on):
canAssign = $(this).attr("canAssign") == "true"
and this:
if(canAssignMultiple == "false")
to this (since it is a real boolean now):
If you can change HTML, I suggest you do it the HTML5-compliant way. First, all of your made up attributes should be prefixed data-. You can also change camelCase to hyphen-case. JQuery, when loading your data-attributes, will then perform the conversion from string if possible:
<input data-can-assign="false" ...>
<input data-can-assign="true" ...>
then jQuery will give you the boolean you want from this call:
canAssign = $(this).data("canAssign")
Of course, the same fix should be applied to all other string pseudo-booleans (that don't quite work with the boolean operators) as well.
The reason is: "false" is not exactly false. "false" && x will evaluate to x (not to "false" as you expect). On the other hand, false && x will evaluate to false.
