I'm using the Yelp's Fusion API.
All the documentation is here and seems straight forward but still doesn't seem to work.
Here is my request for a token.
https://api.yelp.com/oauth2/token?grant_type= OAuth2&client_secret= SECRET&client_id=ID
I receive this response.
"error": {
"description": "Bad Request",
"code": "CLIENT_ERROR"
I reread the documentation and it says
"To get an access token, make a POST call to the following endpoint
using the client id and secret obtained from the former step. Then get
the access token from the response body."
I submitted this
https://api.yelp.com/oauth2/token?client_id=ID&client_secret= SECRET
I got the same error.
What am I missing?
Thank you in advance
You have three problems that are causing you to get the bad request
You have spaces in your parameter values
?grant_type= OAuth2
You are using the wrong grant_type. On the documentation page they specify that only client_credentials is supported, meaning you have to use that as the value
grant_type string The OAuth2 grant type to use.
Right now, only client_credentials is supported.
You are using the wrong request method, it has to be a POST not a GET request
These parameters should be sent in application/x-www-form-urlencoded
format in the POST call.
Note that https://api.yelp.com/oauth2/token?client_id=ID&client_secret=SECRET is still sending your parameters as GET parameters as they are in the url query string. You have to pass the parameters as POST fields, and the syntax for doing so differs on the server side script language you use.
Also your request needs to be done server side as the /oauth2/token endpoint does not send a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header meaning you cannot use an ajax request to get the data.
So if say you were using PHP server side, you could use CURL to get the token
$postData = "grant_type=client_credentials&".
$ch = curl_init();
//set the url
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.yelp.com/oauth2/token");
//tell curl we are doing a post
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
//set post fields
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
//tell curl we want the returned data
$result = curl_exec($ch);
//close connection
$data = json_decode($result);
echo "Token: ".$data->access_token;
I used POSTMAN to get the data required, you can download it here -
In order to obtain your access token the parameters should be in the request body, not the request URL.
In POSTMAN you need to provide the following as key/value pairs:
grant_type : client_credentials is supported.
client_id : The client id for you app with Yelp.
client_secret : The client secret for you app with Yelp.
To do this, you enter them in the Body. Also click the x-www-form-urlencoded radio button.
See the screenshot link below:
How to configure POSTMAN to get your Yelp Access Token
You can then play around over at RapidAPI Yelp API to test some endpoints and parameters.
I am using caspio rest api to authenticate my users in a mobile app. Upon authenticating, I was given an access token to which I included in my AJAX call under the parameter 'Authorization' : Bearer [access token].
I understand that I can renew the token with the refresh token given to me where I can use the POST call.
My question is: prior to using the POST call for a new token, must I store the access token?
Also, the Caspio website advised this format for the POST call:
Method: POST
URL: Token Endpoint
Body: grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token= [token value]
Header parameters:
Authorization: Basic [string "Client_ID:Client_Secret" encoded in Base64]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Should I also include the client ID and client secret in the parameters? Upon using Firefox's rest client, I'm getting a bad request (400) error.
Thank you for the help!
I never using caspio rest api before. The answer base on my OAuth experiences.
My question is: prior to using the POST call for a new token, must I store the access token?
YES! The OAuth 2.0 using the access token to switch the refresh token at first time.
Should I also include the client ID and client secret in the parameters? Upon using Firefox's rest client, I'm getting a bad request (400) error.
According to the api document. You should include the client ID and client secret in your request, like most OAuth 2.0 do.
The bad request (400) error you may see the rfc6749 to find further information.
In short, I have a Pharbicator setup on a domain A, but then I have to implement a service on domain B which relies on the Pharbicator.
So this is the story, I am trying to gather information using the Phabricator Conduit user.whoami API to see whether the current user is logged in. But due to various reasons I couldn't make it. I would like to know what is the correct way of doing so.
I have tried three methods but they all did not work. Here is what I tried
Method 1: Using Ajax Request
What I did is just to fire an POST Ajax request with the api token
url: '',
method: 'POST',
cache: false,
data: 'api-token='+app.PHABRICATOR_APIKEY
}).done(function(response) {
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
This method does not work (as expected) because it is a CORS request, and the Phabricator server does not have Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
Although I can add that Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, but somehow this requires modifying the Phabricator source code so I would consider this as the last solution I would do.
Method 2: Using a PHP as proxy and inside use curl to request for it. So the whole request will be like Client Browser <-> PHP Proxy Script <-> Phabricator
This method is actually able to send the request and get response. But the information is wrong as it returns only the user of the API key.
If I understand it correctly, the curl is not having my browser session, so there is no way for it to really know who I (the browser client) am in Pharbricator. So I assume then the API will just fallback to use the information of API key and thus return information not I intended.
Method 3: Using the PHP library __phutil_library_init__.php provide by Phabricator
require_once '/var/www/html/phabricator/libphutil/src/__phutil_library_init__.php';
$api_parameters = array();
$client = new ConduitClient('');
$result = $client->callMethodSynchronous('user.whoami', $api_parameters);
return $result;
Again this is nothing special, just a direct copy of code from the documentation. But again it is returning only the user the API key belongs to. And I think it is just the same as what method 2 is behaving.
I am thinking if I am understand the Conduit API in a wrong way. And more importantly I would like to know how I should implement the whole architecture so that it can gather information using the current browser session. Thank you.
I have an API that I am able to authenticate against using the Postman client. Using Postman I am able to enter in my username and password into the header and receive back an access token.
I would like to accomplish the same authentication with a simple HTML page using Javascript. However, I am unsure how to craft the Javascript request and pass in my username and password as I did with Postman.
A password is normally considered private, if you include it in your javascript anyone can read it and fire requests off to the API as your user.
Additionally, the browsers same-origin policy - unless configured otherwise will stop you firing ajax requests to a domain other than the one the webpage was loaded from.
Instead you should create a proxy script in the server-side language of your choice hosted on your domain and fire your ajax requests off to this.
This script would do the relevant actions with the API keeping your credentials a secret and return the response.
Under the address bar of Postman there's a link that says "Generate Code" on previous versions it was a button with a </> symbol.
Clicking that link opens up a popup with a dropdownlist where Javascript is one option, this will generate the code to do the request.
Let me also add to the other answers that with jQuery you can do a get request with $.get(), and a post request with $.post(). But I would do what Vector suggests and generate the JavaScript with Postman.
You could do that with ajax call within a javascript file and you can aslo do with the xhttprequest .
example of ajax call:
url : url, //URL
type : 'POST', // The HTTP Method
data : array,
contentType : 'application/json',
cache : false,
success : function (data) {
error : function (err) {
In this you can also add the Headers where u can your api access token
I want to use the new vimeo api to fetch videos based on a query, but I getting a 401 Authorization Required with this message "error": "A valid user token must be passed."
I'm using this code :
var urlX = 'https://api.vimeo.com/videos?query=elvis&client_id='+VIMEO_API_KEY;
$.getJSON(urlX, function(data){
So obviously I have an authentication problem.
As client_id I'm using my "Client Identifier" from my app created in Vimeo's dashboard.
The error I keep getting mention "user token", do I have to generate one via Vimeo's dashboard or via php ?
I'm a bit lost here.
client_id through the querystring is not a valid method of making API calls against the Vimeo API.
First you must request an access token either through the oauth2 redirect worfklow: https://developer.vimeo.com/api/authentication, or by generating it on your app page.
Second you must provide that access token with your api request either through the Authorization header:
Authorization: bearer <your_token>
or the querystring
https://api.vimeo.com/videos?query=elvis&access_token=<your token>.
The authorization header is more secure, and will continue to work indefinitely. Some changes will be made soon to the querystring form which could cause problems with your application.
I am currently in the process of implementing a server-side OAuth2 flow in order to authorize my application.
The JS application will be displaying YouTube Analytics data on behalf of a registered CMS account to an end user (who own's a channel partnered with the CMS account). As a result of this, the authorization stage needs to be completely hidden from the user. I am attempting to authorize once, then use the 'permanent' authorization code to retrieve access tokens as and when they're needed.
I am able to successfully authorize, and retrieve an access code. The problem begins when i attempt to exchange the access code for a token.
The HTTP POST Request to achieve this needs to look like this...
POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: accounts.google.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I am using this code to achieve this:
var myPOSTRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
myPOSTRequest.open('POST', 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token', true);
myPOSTRequest.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
myPOSTRequest.send('code=' + myAuthCode + '&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FCMSAuth3.html&client_id=626544306690-kn5m3vu0dcgb17au6m6pmr4giluf1cle.apps.googleusercontent.com&scope=&client_secret={my_client_secret}&grant_type=authorization_code');
I can successfully get a 200 OK response to this Request however no access token is returned, and myPOSTRequest.responseText returns an empty string.
I have played with Google's OAuth Playground - and can successfully get a token using my own credentials.
Am i missing something here?
You cannot do this, because there is the same origin policy. This is a security concept of modern browsers, which prevents javascript to get responses from another origin, than your site. This is an important concept, because it gives you the ability, to protect you against CSRF. So don't use the code authorization flow, use instead the token authorization flow.
Try and build up the full URL. Then dump it in a webbrowser. If its corect you will get the json back. You have the corect format.
Other things to check:
Make sure that you are using the same redirect_uri that is set up in google apis.
How are you getting the Authcode back? If you are riping it from the title of the page i have had issues with it not returning the full authcode in the title try checking the body of the page. This doesnt happen all the time. I just ocationally.